I Spent $10 and Got This in Nepal🇳🇵

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look at that fingernail you know you can't  threaten me you played in the World Cup oh   yes oh really wow God guys slow it down please  Namaste guys welcome back to Kathmandu today I'm   going to be exploring the city and seeing how much  we can get for 10 US Dollars obviously South Asia   is known to be great value for money and everyday  items so we're going to be seeing I've got 1 300   Nepalese rupees which is ten dollars and we're  going to be going around the city trying lots   of different things and uh seeing what we can  find first up I saw a fruit spot a fruit juice   spot over here um I am staying in the Tamil area  which is like the most touristy expensive area   in Nepal so probably gonna have to get out of  here at some point but we'll start here and   see what we can get I believe the shop was here  ah it's closed Good Start Good Start Harry all   right well in that case we'll um we'll try  something different uh unique hair saloon good good I can get a head massage yeah how much 500. oh you can do uh discount that's expensive   no no no no I have I only have 1 300 to  spend in the whole day so maybe um 300. yeah so actually I am in the local area so we're  paying a little bit extra but that's fine okay mirror now what's your name my name is I cannot pronounce the first bit so I just call  you Kumar Kumar the legend oh okay we're moving up   thank you don't know about it this is  a local shop we've got a man getting   a haircut right next to us Namaste bye  you're getting a haircut shape okay nice   you're looking fresh already bro okay here we go  we're wetting the hair 300 is two dollars that is   I'm pretty sure that's more expensive than those  of us would pay but we're in the Tamil area so   what's this oil yeah okay you're from uh  Kathmandu yeah you are from Kathmandu nice it's nice I can get used to this it's  a nice way to start the video off   fresh little haircut a haircut  head massage putting pressure in   areas that I never knew existed  right in the back of my skull camera oh that's painful so my brain is hitting the sides of  my skull oh my God it's like pulling my hair out very good very good you busy you start what time you start today  early seven seven thirteen seven thirty two one   till when 7 30 till evening then yeah whoa that's  long very long you were owner or yeah you're the   owner oh nice okay there we go okay oh whoa oh  yeah wow using modern techniques now look at this   I've used this at home it kind of feels  crazy if you haven't used one of these   before then you're you're missing out you're not  living life because this is incredible feeling   and he's just doing his job for him he could  just do this for 20 minutes but water show   very good ramro y yeah sundara how many customers  do you get a day yeah 10 10 people today already it's 20 already at 12 12 o'clock  wow so it's noon it's 12 o'clock and   had 20 people you're a busy guy working very hard maybe I should give a little tip but  I won't include that in the challenge   oh he's getting the eyelash the eyebrows wow look at that look at that fingernail   and they must be done on purpose Bice up  what's the the fingernail why why is it so long very long so that would be really annoying maybe he's  like having a competition with his friends [Music] that's what happens when  the barber doesn't like you yeah you're getting a haircut you're getting  a haircut yeah you you having a haircut   or no no no no no no sorry oh  okay how much are you paying okay you are quite nice I'm from England they're giving me the tourist  price but it's okay I don't mind   are you from Kathmandu bakara  yeah I'm going there tomorrow [Music]   bar and restaurants our club nightclub tomorrow okay we're doing the shoulders now   very good this is not extra 300 yeah  this is not extra money or this is extra this is more like it this is my kind of massage  in the knots from the back it's very good very very good oh good punching me Chinese burn very good very talented man very good Barber Kumar the best barber in in Kathmandu you're in for a treat so I come to your  restaurant okay I get free free dinner I'm   joking I'm joking no no I'm joking I'm joking but  free Roxy I pay for dinner but I get free rugby   yeah yeah and Kuma gets free Roxy as well yeah  you like Roxy yeah it's 300 for the head massage thank you bro thank you learn about nice to meet  you see you in fakara okay oh it's suddenly got   very sunny I also gave him a little bit of a tip  uh which I won't include in the challenge because   um I didn't need to give it that good sorry no I don't speak I speak territory or  Nepalese okay you learned where sir uh just like   learning talking to people logos you want a tour  guide tour guide tour guide you are no what are   you oh sorry you're from Kathmandu nice I'm from  England yeah I'm in England I'm just exploring   just uh going around uh trying the best things to  do in Kathmandu I'm looking for some fresh juice   no it's okay don't worry I'll  find myself oh fresh juice   thank you okay oh it's Burger Shop might have  to come back for that it's good it's good I love it it's it's sundara okay so if I say that people understand this camera are you a tour guide are you selling anything  uh not I'm not selling anything I'm uh yes you can you can come and have a fresh juice with  me I'll get you a fresh juice but I'm okay for for   double square I've been I've gone and I've got the  ticket okay that's the wrong way of saying it but   so uh come with me for a fresh juice this area is expensive oh yeah take me to  the local spot local area Namco La llama everyone has very unique names here  it's not like India where they're   just like actually rupesh  is not Indian but sorry um oh I wanted some hashish I am  I'm not like that boy don't worry something not good yeah yeah very tangent  for yourself yeah excuse me okay no problem   be better be careful hashish is bad with me  okay don't worry I am you're a good person   you're a good person to me and you and uh not  to like this person no okay I understand um I got you brother usually if you have to explain that you're not   a bad person then uh probably means  you're the bad person but hey namaste I'm looking for some fresh juice it's okay  I will uh I will I will find it thank you anyway brother if you see what because I have a lot of people of course but it's  all about if you're if you're a good person then   you will be a good person if you try to scam me  then you will be a bad person so it's it's up to   you whether you're a good person or a bad person  my friend I don't think any well as far as I'm   aware we're not uh making people who are good  look bad okay good for good bad for bad exactly   you don't need to tell me that I'm not a negative  person okay okay good so I mean you will get along   I admit like uh like you many YouTubers yes  you make what man is YouTube for people like   oh yeah it's okay brother I appreciate your help  but I I will walk on my own now thank you yeah sorry fresh juice oh yeah okay that's good  all right here we go the fresh juice seller   let's have a look Namaste bye kid sir you do fresh juice we've got  apples we've got oranges we've got watermelon how much yeah mixed juice 150 that's one dollar okay   um you want one you want fresh juice  which one do you want mixed or one fruit oh yeah oh sugar cane how much Katy boyo 100 for  the sugarcane okay let's do the sugar cane wow machine it pushes up the sugar-free juice over here the water basically   sugar but healthy sugar and this is 100  for this yeah okay that's pretty good oh there we go you guys first you having  one no no are you sure you're not having   one okay oh you should it's delicious okay  here we go that was very quick and uh I've   had sugar cane juice so many times but  not in Nepal so this is my first one   and it's actually like a very nice one  there's no street food uh sugarcane juice foreign I'm joking that was obviously delicious as you  can see you want one bite yeah okay thank you boss Tony worldwide oh you have the red Red Bull red blue is  that official or fake red blue oh my God thank you so much nice to meet you have a good day  okay that was a quick little Juice Spot [Music]   did you see they've laid it out very very  nice it's just like a little shop here in   the middle of Tamil namaste good sir okay  now we gotta get rid of the tour guide   so I'm just getting bad vibes he hasn't done  anything wrong at all just uh would prefer   to be on my own Namaste um outside Market yes why  not too how much Kati Kati boyo huh yeah yeah you   speak in Nepali a little bit a little bit okay  so I get the Nepalese price yeah okay okay bye how much English like 100 not fine 100 500  yes I walk I walk 100. he's following me 100 no maybe 300 okay that's Hindi but oh he's following me okay you know me yes I know you oh happy yeah yeah very  happy nice to meet you God bless you thank you so   so 100 I don't need for 200. no it's okay I'm on a  budget I only have one thousand for the whole day okay 100 150. 200 that's okay namaste he's desperate for me to sit  down yeah 150. no I'm okay 150.   I will walk it's not far I walk don't worry oh  there we go there we go the walk away trick works   it's okay it's okay not at 150 yes okay it's okay can you delete my picture  please why no I don't like it you knew   I was filming don't walk with me then don't  walk with me if you don't want to be released   you I was filming I wouldn't I won't I will I  will blare you out I see I will blow your face he's also I see you cannot you don't you can't threaten  me you knew I was filming when you came   over all right you haven't done  anything wrong so why are you why   are you worried you've done nothing  wrong don't stop anything all right   that is that is this you're not scaring  me nothing you're trying this game hahaha I told you guys the guy was just bad  vibes he did nothing wrong but he was   just a lot more but this guy is a  good guy he is the best guy yeah that's good pronunciation your English  is 100 yeah very good English yes so we're going to asan Market  whoa we've got a bit of traffic   ignore them I'm from Nepal I'm from England oh God bless you you are you are a Buddhist yes  you're a legend that's where you are oh yeah this   is your bike I like your bike why not I love it  when the foreigners say why not oh look stupid how old are you boss you're 46 yeah oh wow no no you're  a young guy you're very young good exercise how old are you I'm  25. oh yeah do I look 25. I'm young still not married you're  married yes you have Sun oh nice   my understanding awesome wow it's so like bumpy namaste you've been busy huh you've  been busy today no no customers see this guy is a good guy although he did try  and charge me 500 for a five minute ride but   but you know he just wants to have a little bit  of cash you know you can't blame him where is   the other guy he was he was nasty although he did  nothing wrong but he was just like scheming he was   scheming the whole time and then and then he just  randomly asked me to delete the whole video which   is like obviously completely ruins the flow of the  the video the story I can't just magically appear   in a bike and uh even though he did nothing wrong  but the fact that he just didn't want to be on   camera even though he knew I was filming because  he from the start he pointed out the camera   just like uh really annoys  me but uh I will blow him out Are you a vlogger I played football uh you're a footballer yeah   oh yeah yeah you like it really  Ronaldo or Messi yeah Mexico yeah oh yeah okay you play for Nepal yeah oh  wow you're a professional yeah oh awesome   I didn't know the professional  Nepal players saw also I mean   taxi drivers but wow that's pretty  awesome so you are you Striker okay okay it's very I can't hear him in  the back it's very hard to hear it   all I've heard is that he's a professional  soccer player football player sorry uh   for Nepal and I I think [Music] are you  playing you play in English yeah yeah yeah building Mexico you play in Mexico this guy he's played in Mexico he's playing  England wow you played in England yeah   he must be good we need to play a game Sorry I'm  sorry in your country yeah then my country is I have no clue what he's saying especially  as I can't hear him Assad Market yeah it's about to die okay don't know about Legends  we're here sorry how do you know in this place   uh actually you actually no it's okay oh  you're trying to give me a tour what's this wow very good very clever [Music] very good so  you play football in England and Mexico Mexico you crying yeah I'm crying yeah because  why you're injured yes oh you're injured   for myself here oh really yeah so did  you play yeah yeah in the World Cup he played in the World Cup yes oh really wow amazing yeah how was the World Cup good  yeah before I been there before it's a   1995 and now also I watching now on this also  oh you're watching yeah you weren't playing yes   you have changed bicep change by nothing but  no money you're a taxi driver with no change   he has changed ah your friend has changed  bye I know you have changed don't be cheeky I know you have changed no yeah  you do okay so it's free then I'm not leaving until I get my  change okay this is for temple   office September calling his Temple office  oh he's giving me the tour now yeah this is [Music] no it's okay brother I'm on a budget tight budget  I don't have much money okay can I have change 50. we agree this is 200 yes and we said 150.   damn these these bicycle taxi drivers are  cheeky monkeys no guys 50ps no I don't can   you tell him to give me 50 back no I don't have  it back buddy yeah you do yes you do you myself I finished I just walk we agreed 150. yeah we agreed we agreed I I agreed  with you you said 150 and you said yes I thought like this how are you good  good bad problem can you uh we agreed   150 and now he's not he's saying  he has no change I gave him 200. okay it's on camera so um don't worry about it don't worry  don't worry don't worry it's okay uh just walking around thank you no no I finished here I said Market that's what  I said I want to finish yeah yeah okay thank you it's okay don't worry about that you you  go play in the World Cup you're going to   keep training for the World Cup oh my  camera's so bad no it's good it's good thank you good luck in the World Cup God bless you I mean actually no you've happened  to me so all right I'm gonna explore oh yeah yeah   nice to meet you bro nice to meet  you thank you have a good day   see you I've shook his hand  with the left I'm so bad at that wow I've been recording for 24 minutes  that's pretty impressive that was an   intense few minutes anyway I don't know what  to even say about the last 20 minutes I'll   let you guys decide for yourself who was  in the wrong who was in the right well I   know I was necessarily in the wrong but  anyway we've spent 600 we've got 700 left   we're doing well um I'm hungry so I'd like to eat  something I'd also like to maybe get a bus that   will show you an interesting side of Kathmandu  and of course we're in our sand market sorry   so we should probably buy some  products but we're on a budget also it's very you know I feel like this  road should definitely be pedestrian only   but it's not it's uh bikes just whizzing  past so you've got to be very careful   but uh yeah it's a really cool Mark and it's just  like a lot cheaper than Tamil so this is where the   locals come there's more Huts here maybe we  can get a hat that's more in our budget here   there's so many hats we've got kids hats we've got  American style hats and then flat hats over here what do we want do they have any girl cats or Spider-Man  hat that'll be cheap Namaste bye how are   you good grandma I'm looking for uh  yeah North Face you have the North   Face North Face like this North Face [Music] oh just two colors no more okay let's um 6.75 675 it's expensive you're famous you're famous in  the chips you can give me give me the Buy price   650 I don't have enough I was  thinking more like 200. 200 yeah yeah you cannot do it this one 475 yeah oh no they're still they're  still too expensive you can do um this one 300. but I am from Nepal fixed price  nothing's a fixed price here   1075 1075 I'll take it I'll take five okay  unfortunately it's out of my budget but   um maybe I'll come back another day okay don't you  bud nice to meet you wow very friendly people in   our sun market it's my favorite Market I love it  here apart from getting here avoid any psycho taxi   in kamandu they're just they're nice they're  funny but they're uh wow they they keep your   money they take your money and they keep it all  right we're back at the Lassie man I had to come   back I'm sorry I have to he's he's a loyal I'm  a loyal customer these guys always having beef   or can I buy from him today no I have to buy  from you it's so odd there their shops arriving where is your friends [Music] oh  he's home okay here we go we got   the special one he always gives me  extra nuts and almonds so that's why   I come it's holiday ah holiday okay this  is your mother okay Namaste okay sir how   are you okay sir good good good which is  the best Lassie that's the best Lassie ah this is about your shop this is the best seat  yeah why is it the best oh really yes yeah I smell good Lassie oh very good very talented  okay well we've already paid so we have to go thank you foreign thank you very much  this is the best last year this shop   they're ignoring me okay let's give  it a go I've come here three times now incredible how many how many do you sell in one day [Music] don't know thousand two thousand  no no no 500. I guess I guess [Music]   so good this one's better I think so  oh yeah thank you free refill whoa okay we're gonna finish it off foreign how much is the burger cheeseburger  crispy Burger Wing Burger can I get the cheeseburger yeah but we don't  serve any Patties on cheese you'll only get it   dry cheese sliced cheese slices but you won't   get any better no Patty no batteries  oh okay I want I want the party yeah okay sure sure okay so which is the which  is the which one would you recommend   ous spiced chicken burger okay let's get the   let's get the chicken burger please uh no no  spicy yeah normal can I film you making sure I mean I just looked and it's very busy in  here so we must be good how's the food it   was good very shy this is the chicken nice  so no no beef no beef we've done something   what about Buffalo yeah oh could I sorry could  I have Buffalo sorry sorry it's a messy around   Buffalo would be amazing right now and that's uh yes sorry 160. okay can I can I come in  and film is it possible yes thank you thank you very much should we  go to ketchup a little spice   we've got the vegetables salads what's this one this is better than McDonald's better than KFC oh that's a bold claim and  then we got the passy on there oh yeah perfect   wow that was so easily made thank you very  much okay I'll uh sit down and eat it bye let's sit down there's the Busy Burger the spicy  chicken burger and the chicken burger I think   Buffalo is definitely gonna be better than chicken  all right we have a feast in my hands this looks   delicious it's also gonna spill everywhere  so let's just go for it oh it's spilling oh yeah that's as good as any bad guy  I've had rhyme roll [Music] very good it's   um the Buffalo is like the best bit very tender  lots of sauce in there so it's like very sweet this is like a nine out of ten burger and it's  like 1.50 I think something like that it's really   good value for money this is the closest thing in  a ball has the street food because Street Foods is   actually street food stalls is actually illegal  now you can't have them on the street I think so that was delicious rum roll very good  the best burger in Nepal but also the   only one I've had I followed thank you so  much like And subscribe thank you so much   okay nice to meet you so that came to 160  I believe for the burger that's literally   like a dollar for a big burger that's insane and  then that comes to a total of we basically have   440 rupees left so not a lot left but I'm  gonna make that count trust me on that one   next up we're gonna do something interesting  I'm gonna see whether we can get on a bus   we're in Durban Square we're walking up to  Durban Square so I'm sure we'll uh we'll   find some interesting people here I thought I'd  go for a walk and we've walked all the way to   Kathmandu fun park I don't know how  much century is so I hope it's under   400 but we're gonna go on some rides  here we go the Kathmandu Fun Park   see if we can get in Namaste okay  good good Namaste oh this way okay tickets oh oh I can't read that Namaste good  good good how much is entry for the Foreigner oh perfect I thought it was gonna be  expensive okay is that 50 it's 10. it's not enough I am poor how much is it for  nepales how much is it if you're from Nepal free   butter don't know about what's the best ride okay welcome is the best ride interesting  here we go Namaste good sir good good   um from England oh England where are you from  Kathmandu yes are you a gaka sorry yes oh wow okay thank you sir nice to meet you  which is which is the best the best   ride I want I want to go on the  best one this is a big swing yeah three thousand yeah maybe okay next one okay  you have to come once again because our zipline   zipline wow wow opening ceremony thank you sir  Hello friends how are you Namaste good good sir   so this is the first time in here first time wow  it's good over there oh wow it's it's rum roll   okay you can play you can boating over there  you can swing like that which is the best one   yeah everything is best okay if you have a first  time so everything is okay you can try this one   already it's scary yeah we're scary oh wow okay  okay thank you sir wow what an entrance I want   to stay here all day you know what I'm gonna live  here I've just hit 10 000 steps as well so that's   what happens when you uh on ten dollars you're  just walking around everywhere oh it's almost the   only thing here is there's so many things I want  to buy but I can't because I've run out of money   actually I haven't I haven't I've got 350 I've  actually I'm gonna stay by Namaste die I am   I've forgotten how much money I have left okay   here we go the ferris wheel the scary Ferris wheel  let's have a go this says like And subscribe Harry   jagad is the best person on in the world everyone  like or else he will kill you all right here we go hello sir Namaste die namaste okay sir  good um could I get one ticket is it safe   it's it's a hundred okay perfect that's  in my budget is it safe very safe okay oh nice is that right yeah  don't know what thank you oh wow is it safe are you coming with me yeah okay we've got weed spraying they  need to get the gardener in here we go huh I'm very scared joking oh  wow look at this construction here wow   Namaste can I play with it I want to oh what are you  doing here I remember [Music]   this contraption it looks about  a thousand years old oh my God this is so old can I jump on now the safety precautions is absolutely terrible it's about to break any minute now you coming on with me [Music] no no oh  no this one okay Donovan oh here we go oh [Music] faster oh my God I'm dizzy tell my parents I love them tell uh  my fans that the the boys Luke Mac and   Ally can have access to my YouTube  channel when I die it's safe oh ah oh my God oh my God this is  so oh this is not safe this   is not safe this is so so good not safe oh my God this is oh my God I could hear it squeaking look  at this they need to get this checked out oh my God I don't like this I would not  recommend this to anyone because it's   going so fast now it's going so fast  oh my God guys slow it down please stop stop going so fast oh my God oh my  God it's going faster not slower I don't like this this is  stupidly fast this is not safe sorry for my swearing this is  terrible I'm getting dizzy now   oh my God I thought this was going to be a little  kids one this is gonna this is gonna scare Kids   for Life if I came on this when I was a baby I  would honestly Never Gonna roller coaster again but the views of Kathmandu are nice  oh my God okay I'm done now they're   just talking oh my God this is so so bad I  want to get off okay Finish finish finish I'm getting really dizzy now oh  God it's so I don't like this it is so hard so you need to look at  the distance to stop the dizziness so long I paid for this oh okay that stops I mean I'm at the top but I  don't mind being here thank you bro welcome   that was the most dangerous thing I've ever done  in my life so thank you very much I survived thank   you bro has anyone ever died no okay maybe I'll  either be the first one okay thank you bro have   a good day thank you bro because you are the  best Rider in all of the land you can have this China's finest you have one okay we'll hook you up with the uh how do I do it oh yeah that's it there yeah okay try once okay all right pull this okay [Music] all right we're going we're going I have to use the new theme park owner   we're gonna go faster we're gonna break the speed  barrier ready tell me when we'll do there we go that doesn't sound good as you can see they've got  21st century uh electronics there it's very modern   up to date very well thank you are you allowed to  let me do this I cannot believe that in England   you get fired straight away okay I'm gonna get  down now okay because ironically there are people   on there at the moment okay I'm in charge bye sub  uh 500 500 rupees 500 Rupees to go on I'm joking   okay I've traveled all the way to big kruti Bazaar  to see if we can find some better deals because   I was in the tourist area this is definitely not  the tourist area this this is the local area it's   like undercover these roofs here like a little  makeshift markets let's see what we can find oh yes this is where you find the deals  wow look at this China's finest Namaste bye we've got everything wow look at this Namaste  bye good loss of little items from China all   from China this is like a huge market and it's  all built under these bamboo structures so I'm   not sure if it's earthquake proof namaste all the  watch man these are yours watches oh very nice little Bikram Bikram they cram the legend what  can we find here oh you got the Apple watch   you have Rolex no Rolex which is  the best best one this one this one   yokati boyo two thousand two thousand oh I  only have 400. this one would be item oh wow   look at this it's fake China Ola China of course  this this shop just reminds me of Chinese Goods   this one also China also China how much for  this one this one oh 700. I only my my budget   is uh 400. that's all I have 500 . I only have  400 left you're gonna have to give me 400 boss   400. okay nice to meet you you're from Kathmandu you're from Canada can I can I try it on can you  put it on take the plastic off this is your wife oh wow so the wife and the husband just work together  you can help me put it on Oh wait we're gonna   have two watches on for now I'm gonna have to put  it on my other wrist in a bit okay oh yeah it's   the wrong way around can we put it in the right  room time [ __ ] I'll set the time another time   timer oh there we go okay perfect  don't know about bye don't about to die so we've used the last 400 and that was   yeah 2.50 for a nice Chinese watch  take it there we go oh sundara   sundara 400 there we go don't know about why thank  you nice to meet you okay all right guys that was   a pretty epic day going all around I've been over  like 10 000 steps so very good fun-filled day for   only ten dollars thank you very much for watching  and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 329,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nepal, kathmandu, pokhara, himalayas, nepal travel vlog, nepal vlog, food in nepal, weird food in nepal, nepali
Id: 3ZB5FhvNlww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 47sec (3227 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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