First Impressions of Kathmandu, Nepal!

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I am in Nepal for the first time I'm so excited  to be here I've heard incredible things all my   friends say Nepal is an incredible country so  we're in Kathmandu we're heading to durba square   and we're gonna go and find a DACA toppy hat  hopefully in this video and we're also going   to try some uh local Cuisine maybe some Momos  maybe some chow mein I don't know maybe some   something else we'll find out and also speak  to some locals do what we usually do so I'm   walking into the city center now and it's a  beautiful day the locals seem very friendly   they've always got a smile on their face  and they're yeah I'm just super excited   to show you guys around so let's get on with  the video I'm gonna walk in to the city now   and show you around it looks like they're  doing construction on this place I mean   they're definitely doing construction here  that's for sure but I I can't seem to find a   entrance to this maybe it looks new um maybe  we can ask someone because I have no clue I   looked on Google Maps and it seems to be open  so let's find out excuse me hello one question sorry Namaste is uh this open no no  it's nervous no but oh oh okay okay   it's beautiful yeah I know you you know me  yeah before you go Philippines Pakistan oh   yeah yeah nice to meet you how are you I'm  good thank you so much what's your name nice to meet you uh square is this way yeah yeah  okay it's a good place to go for for filming   it's a good place to go for exploring in in  Kathmandu Square okay thank you and your name   okay nice to meet you guys have a good day I love  your video thank you so much oh yeah iPhone 6 70   award yeah yeah yeah for a hundred dollars hundred  dollars yeah I know I see seven days before it's   it's about it was a bad battery though I need  to I want to buy another phone here oh where   is good to buy a phone here yeah I'm sorry  I don't know okay I will find out I will I   will investigate okay have a good day nice to meet  you guys thank you so much for supporting see you   oh the one guy I I take out well  actually I could see them looking   at me when I could see people looking at  me I'm like ah I'm gonna Target you guys   anyway it's closed unfortunate but I'm assuming  it will be open at some point and then uh   you guys can come there I won't be here but  I'll be coming back to Nepal though you are   he's literally balancing his shoe cleaning shop  over a ditch let's investigate oh sorry namaste   how are you good yeah you speak you  speak English I like your this is oh it's very nice where do I get one you  want to yeah oh yeah no I I want to buy   where do I buy this way yeah yeah this way  and he's got the the nipple very nice very   nice dress he's the gentleman of Nepal this is  his shop yeah yeah oh you're getting your shoes   repaired oh okay okay very nice very nice it's  my first day in Nepal first day I'm from England   UK yeah yeah yeah first time oh  yeah it's very good only you just   me and I came with my my dad me and my  dad my father yep okay England England yesterday you speak Hindi yeah oh you're from India yeah  India but you have you have the Nepali flag okay okay that is one sec which one  nice to meet you nice to meet you   have a good day I'm going to  the bar Square that's good okay okay oh yeah you think Nepal better yeah  yeah oh oh yeah okay nice to meet you   bro same to you nice to meet you okay  okay have a good day bye-bye bye um everyone's so friendly here we have  just found the Momos of dreams okay   um yeah let's have some is this chicken very nice Raj nice to meet you you're from Kathmandu  yes okay I will come in I'm from England in   England England yeah yeah your name Harry  Harry like Harry Potter you know Harry   Potter yes I am Harry Potter okay let's have a  look we can sit down okay yeah thank you beef like uh what's what's animal yak or buffalo  buffalo oh yeah they don't eat beef here sorry   my mistake my mistake can I get both mix  no no this is different yeah it's chicken   only yeah can I get one ticket can I get both  chicken and buffalo yes both two you want two   uh mix mix okay only one plate yes yes Donnie  about die never laugh nothing in there namaste long chicken this one Buffalo ah you can see it's  different shape chicken is the this Pearl shape   and the Buffalo is the round shape oh so spongy  yes okay thank you so much okay so this is all   you just sell Momos or you sell other things  oh here's the here's the menu oh pizza oh wow   oh nice nice very good ah we got some uh  this is chicken chow mein chicken chow mein   yes it's good okay I won't disturb him he was  listening to music okay oh thank you so much   you use this one also which one's this this  one's what's that yes yes what's it spicy yes okay it's good yeah okay can I can  I sit with you yeah okay here we go okay nice to meet you you are from kamandu Nepal nice I am from India I'm from England  nice to meet you nice to meet you too how's   the how's the chicken chow mein is this chow  mein yes um no chicken you're a vegetarian   yeah oh nice nice okay let's give it a go  I'm so excited for this this is the Buffalo um [Music]   oh my God spicy oh my God that's spicy oh  my God it's this sauce sauce is so spicy   but it's okay I've been talking like I can  deal with the spices oh is this a ketchup   yeah oh nice maybe we got a bit of ketchup to  to sweeten the uh taste of it oh there we go   ketchup is my baby so what are you doing you're  just uh walking today or chilling walking nice oh that's so good you mix it with  the the spice and the ketchup   it's a perfect mix okay let's try the chicken it's my first day in Nepal today first day oh  yeah it's good very good oh loving it loving it   everyone's very friendly oh okay this is going to be so spicy I  have a second drowned it in this sauce chicken's my favorite YouTube channel YouTube yeah yeah yeah you want my  YouTube yeah or I'll give you my card here we go   you'll be in the video there we go nice to meet  you you are Hindu yeah oh nice nice and you got   the the band Yes this is for Hindu yeah oh nice  nice I'm learning guys I'm learning more see I   don't get taught much about the Hindu version when  I was in school so now I've got to find out myself   you go to the Hindu festival  today yes it's busy oh nice mix actually I'm gonna get a chicken yes okay it's a very famous Festival  about the difference between new people   have you been to India yes have you been to  India no okay you want to go yeah one day nice you've been uh to other places in  Nepal like Pokhara you've been to   kokara no no one just just come and  do yeah oh really oh wow it's unusual   but I guess maybe that's normal yeah  you guys can tell me what is your job your English is very good hello hello Namaste Namaste bye so cute we're getting through them especially  like two bites and I'm done so apparently   this is water in here but there's no  cops so I think I've done this before   Lebanon you're supposed to drink it like  this yes can you can you show me yeah   yeah I saw them doing on this  table but I'm gonna do it wrong ah okay I'm gonna get this wrong can you  film me okay you're gonna get it all over me let me go again yes there we go I hope it's fresh   namaste Namaste Namaste oh wow Namaste I like your  your hats very nice okay we're finishing up hello all done in about five minutes that was a world  record I'm gonna be the world record Momos eater what's this oh spicy this is chutney yeah and this  one soup yeah okay it all seems very spicy to me   apart from the ketchup I will take your meal  no no no no no it's fine I insist he doesn't   want me to pay for his meal is see how she plays  them so what's under here water steam you steam   the moments I could eat all of these I pay for  me and my friend two people your party home   did I say that did I say that right or wrong I said it wrong also I didn't get the price  before so we don't know how much this is this is the the best Momos I've ever had   best moments 250 okay Tony bought by two dollars  for two people okay thank you so much the best   Momos I had very good oh yeah oh yeah what's  the name of the shop Michael Michael Momo yeah   is the name of this yes Michael Momo okay the  best the best Momos in all of Kathmandu yes or   maybe Nepal okay thank you nice to meet  you bro have a good day okay see you bye that was uh such a great shout to go there I  just spotted out of nowhere even though we're not   really in the main touristy area although it looks  like we are now actually I just turned the street   and uh it's just suddenly shops think markets  everywhere so that's not what we're here for today   hello I'm looking for a darker toppy oh yeah this one in okay don't even die  we've got to be careful not getting run over I have to say the the way the Nepalese people  dress is incredible they have some real style   Namaste die um I'm looking for a darker topi okay oh here bye oh wow look at this look at  this oh wow it's for a baby yes which is any of these  actually these are all really nice uh just yeah one like this maybe okay it fits  it would fit well I will be in Napoleon I want   people to think I'm from Nepal ah it's okay  okay maybe I need to get a bit more tanned but   I have two whites but uh I wear it yeah like this oh yeah if you don't one I will hold it oh thank you  very much is that right is that good yeah yeah   yeah it's okay oh yeah I love it little bit do I  look Napoli yeah because it's like this uh okay   you got it you got it oh sorry sorry don't worry  we can put this down actually okay you got it   oh is it too small how are you talking no problem  ah there we go perfect my new Napoli name is not   Harry it's harinda what's his uh hold on let me  I've forgotten how much how much it's price yeah   yeah it's 400 400. so let me just check the price  three dollars yeah that's pretty good okay fine I   won't do any negotiating because it's a great deal  what's your name Timber Namco uh nice to meet you   this is your shop yeah okay is this made in uh  Kathmandu uh yeah okay nice it's very nice it's   very nice you like yeah my grandmother oh wow  nice to meet you she's saying I look Nepalese okay ho ho okay let's get it I will I'll keep  it on actually could you actually fix it again   the issue is I just can't take this off because  I'm gonna ruin it yeah okay perfect perfect so this is like um just to do with Nepal  it's not for it's not tied to Hindu or   it's just for Nepal it's only Nepal  only Nepal no because because Indian   Indian people also Hindu but they  are not wearing like okay so even   if you're Buddhist you could still wear  this yeah yeah it's not a no no problem all of our people are waiting it's no problems  oh I love I love the waistcoats as well   you have a waistcoat yeah can I try it uh product  is not Nepali it's a Indian we are made here I'll   just try anyway it's okay I think I'll look  a bit stupid but oh here we go here we go butter oh there we go I'm just like The Nepalese it's   it's hard no I want to get this now yeah  it's wearing salt it's very nice butter now we look like Nepali how much is  it very bright I know I know I need   to I need to have darker darker face  but maybe one day yeah if I get in the   sun we can uh how much for this one  ah it's for in our country is 2500. for your majority of about these two together  yeah you can give me the the buy discount   it's only for you if I will uh some Nepali people  are coming here yeah they are doing to bargaining   so I will give it to you the 3500 price so I  will bargain to 2500 I will give them yeah only   I will give I will 25 for you twenty five hundred  eighteen dollars for this lovely piece and the top   I mean I was only planning on getting the top  but you're pulling my leg here so let's do it   okay fine let's do it let's do it before  I change my mind it's good it's good it's   good quality as well I can tell it's not  like made in China or anything like that   2500 yeah yeah thank you very much [Music] oh  you're two kinds oh perfect I look like I I saw   a man out there he was from India he had the exact  same so I've just copied I've copied him okay more Nepal butter yeah I know you are so beautiful oh yeah wow I'm so happy  with this although I'm my my necklace is   hanging out okay perfect okay we're all  good yeah okay nice to meet you thank you   so much have a good day bye-bye nice to  meet you okay hello hi a monopol butter laughs now if we weren't getting strange  looks before we're definitely gonna get   strange looks now but I'm now blending in  with the locals and camouflaged we've arrived   it's nice because it's like pedestrian here  so there's no loud noises we've arrived the   James Bond of Nepal has arrived and I have a  license to eat Momos I've already done it but   this is a double square so this is where it's  going to be like the most touristy things to do   um but I just thought I'd check it out we've  got a bubble tea over here pashmina house   I'm all uh I'm all blinged up  and I'm ready to uh explore hello someone's booty it's interesting I'm gonna just keep the camera  facing this way for a little bit so you guys can   look around and see this is the beautiful UNESCO  heritage site I believe uh UNESCO world heritage   which they have seven of which is the most in  any city in the world but anyway going back to   the I just wanted to show you guys the different  you know faces of the people here so diverse and   that's one of the most interesting things about  Nepal is the diversity of the people and like   the you know some of them look Indian some of them  even look Chinese we've got like Tibetans here and   uh it's really something quite unique and I really  like it we've got everyone's uh taking photos oh   my God this is busy very cool very cool it's a  beautiful day oh is there an entrance thing hello and then looks like they're  doing some construction over here we're getting a lot of stairs  but this is something I'm I've   got very used to having to spend  months in South Asia oh Market we'll mark it on our hands hello  this is a beautiful view over here   and Namaste die oh look at this oh yeah uh sorry I'm from pakara but yeah I just been not  in the sun I'm pale we are very handsome   man oh thank you thank you Donnie bad  died I'm very older from here oh yeah   this Market yeah this is Hindu items oh  this is the Gurkha knife oh my god oh this   is like the shape yeah why does it have the  shape yeah the shape is like this it's like oh my god oh it's already making Cuts why is it  this shape why why is it not straight I don't   think he knows why how much for this one which  one this one yeah for you yeah why for me yeah oh that's not that's not bad yeah I  I don't think I'll buy it because I   I cannot take in my my suitcase it's  too dangerous where are you from and I   could put it here though because country I  will look like the Nepali James Bond which   country I'm from England no no it's okay  I'm just looking no no because this is I   cannot take this in my big one oh my God  yeah there's no place it's not possible okay oh here we go little baby ones yeah no baby  this is for you yeah I still don't think this is   Possible Oh I like it though medicine came using  knife oh yeah oh it's a little bit be careful   very interesting maybe I get something like this  this is I cannot take this oh Namaste you're very   scary are you first time in Nepal uh yes uh my  YouTube name is Harry jagad okay I like your hats nice to meet you nice to meet you you  scared me with the Hound oh here we go   very nice sound very nice where are you  from Kathmandu yeah I'm from Kathmandu I   am from Newark nice you're no worry yeah  oh nice nice very nice it's my shop here   so uh you you set up every morning yeah every  day every day you set this all up yeah it takes   a long time to set up yeah what time you come here  and what time did you finish seven seven to seven   yes oh my God you're working hard okay now we have  to buy something be rude not to let's have a look it's very beautiful it's Ganesh yeah see  I'm learning guys this is Ganesh yeah this   is Tara Tara Tara yeah how many gods are  there there's one God this is from God um okay interesting Harry the Harry Potter no no Harry jagades  j-a-g double G yeah Ard I give you my card   there you go brother oh thank you sir thank you  yeah okay yeah what is your car yeah this is all   uh this is double square goes all the way around  here yeah double square you know world heritage building oh yeah I'm using no worry time yeah so this is your   people yeah yeah they made  this yeah it's beautiful so I need to visit all four that's me [Music]   thank you thank you okay subscribe thank  you do what he says okay nice to meet you   bro okay the legend if you want to buy  if you have jams no problem okay thank   you so much nice to meet you have a good  day nice to meet you have a good day bye okay let's have a little bit of explore and I'll  tell you a little bit more about the history of   this place because you know I am usually coming  to these historical spots and just like walking   around but I do want to talk a little bit about  the history because it's you know it's it's so   it's so important and incredible that it deserves  to be talked about look at this [Music] wow some   really interesting pieces here unfortunately I  just don't have enough uh with making a tick tock   I don't have enough space in my luggage so as  we're doing a little circle around the whole   of this Square I'll just talk to you a little bit  about the history so it was a nawari people that   enters the kamandu valley around 2000 years ago  and it became a monarchy and then roughly in the   1950s it was overtaken and it became a democratic  uh State and then obviously became more political   and oh my god look how many pictures there are  this is insane I'm getting very distracted here   it's a bad time to give you a history lesson  well hello yeah how are you Namaste good good   good and then obviously in recent years Nepal was  absolutely devastated by the earthquake which I'm   assuming um the scaffolding is because they're  still you know it's it was in 2015 it's now 2023   and they're still repairing things and repurposing  things because the disruption was so bad   here we go oh my God that's incredible so I  think what's happened is uh they like make a   sound so the pigeons move and it just creates  this amazing movement of the birds together   and this like it's a Saturday so it is very very  busy but I was not expecting it to be this busy   I wonder why uh people are here getting blessings  maybe oh there's getting food over there it looks   like they're getting food for free let's see  if we can uh find out more about this place oh no it's nice it's very similarious it's hard for me to pronounce I'm just gonna call  you um James Bond oh James won yeah I'm from Nepal oh yeah yeah so you are the people are praying  they're praying enough yeah yeah okay   nice praying to God oh praying to God  okay have a great day okay have a good   holiday same to you nice to meet you  wow it's so kind and like friendly oh yeah I'll give you my name I'll give  you my name what's going on what's the   noise that is praying praying with  god oh wow all right what's my name okay okay they are praying to God in uh inside towards okay okay very good it's very very Sundar  yeah yeah very beautiful okay I love   the the flowers so it's so  beautiful so beautiful okay very very good yeah yeah I love it  it's my first day here oh Thursday   your English is very good yeah okay nice to  meet you guys I am playing I am playing uh thank you nice to meet you bro have a good  day have a safe journey thank you so much   what a legend what a legend turbo square is  a world heritage UNESCO Heritage sites and   um obviously was devastated by  the earthquake was completely   destroyed I believe and it's one of four  different squares within the kamandu area [Music]   wow this is a party this is a festival I guess  so they're just uh enjoying themselves as they   should I have to say this is again I keep making  these incredible uh purchases this is going to be   one of the best purchases I've made because  none of the tourist guides are coming up to   me and hassling me they they say hello they say  namaste and then they leave me alone they don't   say anything at all so uh this is a little tip  for anyone that wants to not be bothered by the   tour guys just get yourself one of these  what's this happy birthday whose birthday he is here videos oh he's in he is here no no  this is uh the people in the pool like BTS yeah   yeah oh really yeah yeah yeah so so everyone's  having a try for for his birthday yes oh nice   nice can I can I have chai yeah you can okay  happy birthday to j-hope let's have a look hello   Namaste hello Namaste how are you I'm  here for I'm here for the birthday   party whose birthday is it oh well we even got  birthday cake oh thank you did I get some chai ice cream everyone's very confused thank  you very much we have some birthday cake   well happy birthday to uh BTS they seem to uh  not really understand my uh order but we'll   try some of the birthday cake anyway I  guess that means we have to order now [Music] we have many varieties in cold drinks like if  you want to try like smoothie creamy drinks   we have about one six and for that and  if you want to try like no I I want to   try like really icy uh iced tea or we have  category for that also what's your favorite   what's the most popular the most popular  most popular item our most popular item   is iced tea okay let's get a blueberry iced  tea yes please do you want to add tap workout   like it's oh yeah Boba yes please yes please  regular one or the popping one uh Europeans so everyone is here for the birthday party yeah   like the creamer and just when is  when is he arriving is it this one is he coming today no they won't actually  celebrating so everyone loves BTS here oh   you're just here for the free cake I'm  not sure if to buy boba oh okay okay thank you so much okay we've got to do a bit of  uh navigation through the crowds how much sorry   thank you three all three sorry that's I only have  a thousand yeah thank you so much you are here   for the birthday party it's it's it's my birthday  party here next week yeah they're doing the same   thing everyone come to my birthday party okay here  we go if you're uh oh this is my order thank you perfect perfect oh thank you so much perfect there we go can I give you this thank  you all right there we go we got it   we want to say thank you to our man  wherever he is successful tea iced   tea we'll find out how good it is this  is huge I didn't even want it I just   went for the birthday party but uh Happy  Birthday to the guy from BTS I'm a huge fan whoa that's the sweetest thing  I've ever had in my life oh my God   I must be like 10 grams of sugar  in there hello namaste butter and ji laughing at me don't laugh at me I am  from Nepal that concludes the trip to   durbar square very interesting place  it'd be more interesting for me to   come maybe on a day where it's quieter  so I can really see what's around but   but yeah thank you for watching and I'll  see you in the next video [Music] again [Music]
Channel: Harry Jaggard
Views: 191,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nepal, kathmandu, pokhara, himalayas, nepal travel vlog, nepal vlog, food in nepal, nepali, weird food in nepal
Id: EgtW63TESEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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