25 Unusual Facts to Spice Up Your Next Discussion

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did you know there's an animal out there with a disappearing anus no way Jose well get ready for a whole lot of wayy moments because today I'm serving up a smores Board of unusual facts that'll have you saying what from plants that eat rats to poker games with odds crazier than a conspiracy theory we have got it all so grab a snack because you're going to want to sit down for this and join me for another journey into the bizarre I'm Mike with LZ 25 and here are 25 unusual facts to spice up your next discussion 25 ants take micro breaks even ants need to take a break every now and then and while they don't exactly take naps like us humans research shows that they do have a very unique resting pattern Studies by James and cartel in 1983 found that ants take short cyclical micro breaks during the day these quick rests last about 8 minutes in a 12-h hour period and are observed by the entire Nest as a group which means that every colony of ants in the world likes to take a synchron power naap every few hours 24 the one temperature or Celsius and Fahrenheit agree depending on where you are in the world you might be using Fahrenheit or deg celi when talking about the weather now before we start arguing about which measurement makes the most sense let me ask you this did you know there's a temperature where they perfectly agree believe it or not there is at a freezing -40° both Celsius and fenit read the same yeah yep -40 celi is also -40 F not that it matters much because at that temperature let's be honest it's freaking cold no matter how you measure it 23 McDonald's serves spaghetti in the Philippines forget about A quar pounder with cheese in the Philippines McDonald's serves up a surprising comfort food spaghetti no I'm not kidding mix spaghetti a Philipino Twist on the classic Italian Dish is a permanent fixture on McDonald's menus across the country you may or may not remember but MC spaghetti used to be a nationwide sensation here in the US too unfortunately stat side it eventually fell victim to menu changes and we now have to make do with our Burgers nuggets and fries I International McDonald's has get all the cool stuff meanwhile we here in the US get the boring stuff and I don't get it McDonald's started here I want the cool stuff too 22 lonely mouth syndrome we've all been there mindlessly going for the snacks even when our stomachs are full but did you know there is a specific term for this in Japanese culture Kushi saishi literally translates to lonely mouth or a longing to have something in the mouth and perfectly describes the phenomenon of subconscious eating where we snack because of boredom stress habit or simply because our mouths are looking for a bit of stimulation 21 the Statue of Liberty is forgotten job we all know Lady Liberty as a symbol of Freedom hope and opportunity but did you know she want once had another equally impressive role for 16 years between 1886 and 1902 the Statue of Liberty served as a functioning lighthous her iconic torch a Beacon of Hope for the countless immigrants was also intended to guide ships safely into New York Harbor unfortunately technology limitations at the time proved to be a challenge despite the initial excitement the lighthouse Effectiveness was restricted by its cost and limited range and as a result lady Liberty's role as a lighthouse ultimately came to an end # bringback the lighthouse that sounds cool 20 a freef fall fun fact have you ever wondered how long it would take to fall to the Center of the Earth assuming of course we could drill a hole that far which is currently impossible well the Brilliant Minds of science have done some calculations and come up with a surprising number 38 minutes 11 seconds that might seem crazy considering Earth's true diameter of plus orus 7,918 mil at 12742 km but scientists factored in Earth's gravity and how it changes as you get closer to the core interestingly earlier calculations based on uniform Earth density led to a longer estimate of 42 minutes and now you know and knowing is half the battle and the other half is violence 19 from here to there and then some in 2021 a cypriate bride Maria perasa stole the show when she showed up at her wedding with the longest wedding veil ever recorded to give you an idea of the effort expanded it took 30 volunteers and 6 hours to get the bride dressed and to the altar the veil itself flowed an incredible 6,962 point6 M or 22843 ft behind her the impressive feet even caught the attention of Guinness World Records who shared a video of it on their Instagram which I'm sure we're showing right now as I speak 18 America's favorite pie is not American at all there is no doubt that apple pie is the most well-known and quintessential symbols of Americana but here's a surprising fact apple pie as we know and love it doesn't come from the good old USFA its Origins actually lie across the pond in England where it developed under the influence of culinary Traditions from France the Netherlands and even the Ottoman Empire in fact apple trees themselves couldn't even be found in America until European settlers brought them along extra fun fact I don't like apple pie so all those people call me non non American ha it's not even American I don't I don't like it I don't want hot mushy Apple I'm sorry it's texture thing for me 17 the crown jewels most famous diamonds two of the world's biggest cut diamonds can be found residing inside the British crown jewels and I'm talking Giants here the cullin in one also known as the great star of Africa weighs an astonishing 53.2 carats and takes Center Stage in the scepter with the cross not to be outdone the cinin 2 or the second star of Africa weighs 37.4 carats and holds the prime position front and center on the Imperial State Crown these Jewels are one of a kind and truly Fit For A King 16 the academy juvenile award did you know the glitzy world of the Oscars once gave out Awards to kids the academy juvenile award or the juvenile Oscar as it was nicknamed recognized outstanding performances by by Young stars under 18 unlike the regular categories this special award was an honor bestowed by the academy at their discretion the award eventually faded away in the 1960s as the Oscar shifted its focus towards recognizing Excellence across all acting categories with age being less of a factor and talented young actors like Patty Duke and Tatum O'Neal would go on to win competitive Oscars without a dedicated juvenile category 15 interesting odds if you're a poker Enthusiast you know a royal FL is the ultimate hand but how often do you actually see one dealt well the odds are about as rare as finding a fourleaf clover there are only four ways to form a royal flesh you know one per suit and with a standard 52 card deck you're looking at a minuscule probability of 0.54% roughly one in 649,000 in simpler terms the odds are stacked against you but hey that just makes getting one all that sweeter right 14 the wine major have you ever thought about ditching your Tex books and majoring in wine well Cornell University offers a fancy Bachelor of Science degree in viticulture and anology basically it teaches students all about the science and business behind growing these delicious grapes and turning them into amazing wines while Cornell's program is perfect for cool climates like New York they don't discriminate against warmer grapes and do cover wine making techniques from all around the world so whether you want to own a Vineyard in Napa or become a wine whz in Cape Town the world is your oyster they're great the world is your grape that makes more don't make oyster wine that sounds awful and I like oysters 13 moonflower magic I think night Gardens are truly spectacular I don't know if you've ever looked into this but there are tons of amazing flowers that wait until the sun sets to show off from the serious Cactus which comes alive for a single night to the evening Primrose that fills the air with its sweet perfume but among these nighttime Superstars there's one that really steals the show the moonflower these Vining plants climb and sprawl while their large white trumpet-shaped flowers unfold under the soft glow of the moon apart from being truly beautiful they fill the night air with a gentle lemon scent which makes it easy to see when the moonflower is considered the most beautiful of the bunch also Singapore has a night Zoo so that's cool you can see animals you normally wouldn't see so if you're in Singapore check out the NSU I've been there it's beautiful but you know what else is unusual the fact that you haven't liked shared subscribed or commented yet it really helps the channel so we can keep bringing you these amazing videos also don't forget to check out our socials 12 comforting trunks just like human babies little elephant calves come into the world with a powerful sucking reflex this helps them find their mom's milk right away but what happens when they're not hungry well baby elephants again just like human babies with pacifiers will often suck on their trunks for Comfort it's a soothing self-calming technique that these little guys have mastered it's also thought to help them learn how to control their trunks which are incredibly complex and crucial for everything they do from eating to grabbing mud for a dust bath 11 cryptic pregnancies do you remember the show I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant it aired on Discovery Fit and health in TLC around 2009 and featured stories of women who went through surpr ing pregnancies it might sound unbelievable but cryptic pregnancies where women miss the signs until much later are more common than you think and the question everyone asks is how well there are a few reasons light bleeding can be mistaken for periods even later in pregnancy some women have lower hormone levels leading to less nausea a smaller baby bump might be easy to overlook even fatigue can be written off as everyday stress according to BBC Science Focus a staging one in five 500 pregnancies go unnoticed until at least halfway through and a mind-blowing one in 2,500 women don't realize they're pregnant until they're giving birth 10 45 days in counting can you imagine going 45 days without a bowel movement that's exactly what happened to a 20-year-old woman in India in 2013 doctors were shocked to find a football-sized blockage in a rectum that could only be removed with surgery while the cause of this extreme constipation remains a mystery other cases have been linked to spinal cord damage or rare medical conditions that affect the nerves controlling the gut these types of conditions can make it impossible to have a normal valve movement and usually leave people relying on enemas or laxatives nine the fish that queue I mean if fish can do it why can't we a new study has revealed that neon tetra fish actually form orderly cues when they have to escape through tight spaces their surprising Behavior helps them to avoid collisions and keeps the evacuation running smoothly the researchers hope to use these fishy insights to develop smoother traffic flow for both human drivers and self-driving cars zipper it's a zipper when you're merging zipper people just one one one just keep the traffic flow going God good eight the only sport ever played on the moon have you ever wondered what's the most out of this world sport no it's not pro wrestling in fact look no further than golf in 1971 during during the Apollo 14 Mission astronaut Alan Shepard became the first and so far only person to play a game on the moon using a makeshift Club Shephard took a mighty swing and whiffed but his second attempt connected sending the ball flying for what he described as Miles and Miles my picture perfect golf swing there I don't I'm don't want to hit the equipment seven the longest tennis match ever played now since I'm on the subject of sports have you ever wondered how long a tennis match could possibly last believe it or not the recordbreaker is an epic Marathon that stretched for a mind-blowing 11 hours 5 minutes the legendary showdown between John Isner and Nicholas mahut happened way back in 2010 at Wimbledon and get this it was just the first round a imagine the stamina needed the back and forth battle lasted over 3 days with Isner eventually remerging Victorious six the meteor nobody saw coming what would you say if I told you the Earth was hit by a meteor that was 10 times more powerful than atomic bomb and no one noticed on December 18th 2018 a school bus-sized meteor exploded over the Bearing Sea a remote stretch of Ocean between Russia and Alaska and yet despite its power the impact went unheard by most thanks to its isolated location luckily military satellites spotted the blast and infrasound detectors picked up on the lowf frequency Rumble which helped scientists to unravel the mystery five can't sleep try onions I know it doesn't sound not all that appealing but onions are surprisingly rich in El tryptophan an amino acid that converts to melatonin a hormone that can help you regulate your sleep plus onions can help reduce stress levels another barrier to Slumber so while the thought might make your eyes water onions could be the key to unlocking wonderfully restful nights four nicotine and insects here's a surprising fact for you nicotine The Addictive ingredient that can be found in cigarettes is actually incredibly toxic to Insects it acts like a super fast bug killer and can take down the insects exposed to it in less than an hour that's why some people trust in tobacco based insecticides although it's important to note that these can be risky and there are safer Alternatives three the Philippines has a plant that eats rats the Philippines is home to a giant carnivorous monster the lenus atenor named after sir David atenor these incredible traps reaching up to a foot wide lure in insects and small animals with their sweet irresistible nectar but the fun ends there its slippery edges and digestive juices guarantee a gruesome fate for any unfortunate victims these monstrous plants aren't picky eaters and their favorite meal is you guessed it rats two an evolutionary Oddity have you ever heard of a creature with a disappearing well exit strategy meet neem opsis Lei the Wy com jelly or some call it the sea Walnut unlike its fellow comb jellies nsis has a rather unique diges system most animals have a mouth a digestive tract and well you know an exit jellyish even use the same opening for both food and waste but the sea Walnut operates differently it seems to have a temporary anus that simply vanishes after it expels waste scientists believe this might be an evolutionary abnormality placing the seene Walnut somewhere between the animals with permanent anuses and those with just one opening one The Telltale tootes and since I'm on the subject of exit strategies uh let me talk about toting passing gas 6 to 15 times a day is normal but more than that might be considered uh excessive certain foods are notorious culprits beans Dairy for lactose intolerant and even some fruits and veggies laxatives can also be gassy accomplishes if you're constantly clearing the air it might be a sign of something more try to limit gassy foods and consider increasing your fiber intake but remember for unusual flatulence abdominal pain or changes in bowel habits see your doctor they can rule out any underlying conditions and help you clear the air so speak so what's your favorite unusual fact let me know in the comments and if you enjoyed today's list well you'll love the list we did a while back on 25 insane facts that'll shake your reality I mean did you know that most mammals only get around 1 billion heartbeats in a lifetime or that the largest living organism on Earth is a gigantic honey fungus that covers 2,200 Acres well if you'd like to know no more simply click on this link right here and I'll check you next time that's not what anyone says I'll see you next time ah just click it please
Channel: List 25
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Keywords: list25, list 25, mike with list25, lists, science, facts, art, arts, school, learning, education, entertainment, listicles, fun, funny, humor, edutainment, mike, estrin, mike estrin, 25 facts, top 25 facts, true facts, interesting facts, fun facts, cool facts, unknown facts, weird facts, animal facts, amazing facts, facts about animals, space facts, 25 facts about animals, top 25, surprising facts, random facts, strange facts, decades facts, usa facts, mind-blowing facts
Id: h_QAHrAsvp8
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Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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