25 Insane Facts That Will Shake Your Reality

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information overload it's the defining challenge of our time we are bombarded with endless Snippets of knowledge often lacking context or proof but today I'm cutting through the Clutter I'm sharing 25 undeniable facts that aren't just random tidbits but facts that will make you question everything you thought you knew I'm Mike with list 25 and here are 25 insane facts that will shake your reality 25 most mammals are only granted 1 billion heartbeats in a lifetime a tiny shrew heart races at 1,000 beats per minute while blue whales Lumber along with about two per minute that is and yet despite these extremes most mammals have a surprising commonality a lifetime limit of about 1 billion heartbeats but there are a few outliers like the naked mole rat which has an incredible three billion heartbeats give or take a few during its lifetime if we can unlock the secrets behind their extended lifespans we might discover new ways to add a few extra beats to our own hearts 24 bomb disposal experts heartbeats actually slow down when they're working since I'm on the study of heartbeats a Harvard study has revealed that even under imaginable pressure seasoned bomb techs maintain remarkably steady heart rates years of training and experience seem to inoculate them against the fear that would paralyze most of us amazingly the most decorated experts the true Veterans of the field experience a noticeable drop in heart rate when facing danger they enter a zen-like state of focus Focus their confidence and self-belief overriding the body's natural fight ORF flight response 23 Americans drink more than 1 billion glasses of tap water a day Americans guzzle down over a billion glasses of tap water every day that's enough that if you line those glasses of water up and to end they would stretch over 156,000 mil more than halfway to the Moon every day and no that's not per person because yikes and it's no wonder we're so thirsty considering our bodies are literally built on a foundation of water it makes up roughly 60% of our bodies and that's not even the most surprising part did you know that our bones are about 31% water or that even our blood is 90% water it's involved in nearly every bodily function from lubricating our joints to protecting our organs so cheers oh yeah 1 billion in one or whatever the number was 22 Benjamin Franklin was one of the pioneers of catherization believe it or not Ben Franklin Founding Father of the United States was also a Pioneer in the field of catheters yes those medical devices we often associate with hospitals and discomfort back in Franklin's time catheters were a far cry from the flexible tubes we know today they were rigid often made of metal and inserting them was a painful or ordeal witnessing his brother's daily struggle with a metal catheter for kidney stones Franklin devised a revolutionary solution a flexible silver catheter that could bend the body's shape his invention featuring small holes for improved drainage brought much needed relief to his brother and countless others 21 the largest living organism in the world move over blue whales and elephants the title of largest living organism belongs to a humble mushroom that's right the honey fungus a common sight in many Gardens holds this impressive record in the maler National Forest of Oregon a single specimen of this unassuming fungus sprawls across a mindboggling 2,200 Acres that is the size of 1,667 football fields this massive organism estimated to be thousands of years old spends most of its life underground as a sprawling network of root like Melia only occasionally revealing its presence above ground with clusters of golden colored mushrooms 20 the Real Number of the Beast for centuries the number 666 has been synonymous with evil it's a number that's so feared it's even missing from the European Parliament but here's a surprising fact that hasn't quite reached mainstream awareness uh 666 is not the number of the Beast after all in 2005 a groundbreaking discovery in the Sands of Egypt unveiled a 1700 year- old fragment of the Bible's Book of Revelation this ancient text revealed a startling secret the true Number of the Beast is actually 616 uh-oh for Marvel fans out there the discovery sent shock waves through religious and historical circles challenging centuries of tradition and reigniting interest in the power and symbolism hidden within numbers I guess it's time for a rewatch of the number 23 I actually liked that movie I know people gave Jim Carrey crap for it but I liked it she'll watch it again it's been a while 19 you have at least 11 senses not five we all know the five basic senses right sight hearing touch taste and smell but did you know that scientists now recognize at least 11 distinct senses beyond the usual five there's equilibrioception your sense of balance proprioception your awareness of your body's position in space interoception your perception of internal bodily Sensations like hunger and thirst noio setion your sense of pain thermoception your ability to sense temperature and chronoception your perception of time these lesser known senses might shed light on why some people are more sensitive to certain stimuli than others potentially leading to new insights into disorders such as sensory processing disorder and chronic pain 18 the terrorist who turned himself in have you ever been desperate for Quick Cash most people would sell something or go to a payday loan place don't do that by the way but Muhammad Ashan wasn't like most people in 2012 12 this low-ranking Taliban Commander was itching for some US dollars so he did the unthinkable he surrendered at a military checkpoint and demanded the reward money for his own capture now even by War torn Afghanistan standards it wasn't much just 100 bucks despite the numerous reasons for lying low Ashan figured the risk was worth a few greenbacks but he never saw that money instead he was arrested by the Afghan military and handed over to the US for his trouble 17 Stonehenge was completed in stages Stonehenge is one of the most iconic and mysterious landmarks in the world but did you know that it wasn't built in one go this massive Monument was actually a project that spanned Centuries with multiple Generations leaving their mark on its design it all started about 5,000 years ago with a simple ditch and Bank dug out using the most basic Tools in fact the Stone Circle we know today didn't show up for a few hundred years around 2500 BC C and even then the work wasn't done the site kept evolving and changing right up until about, 1600 BCE 16 our ghostly experiences might be nothing more than infrasound hallucinations have you ever seen a ghost how about a fleeting Shadow or a sudden unexplained cold sensation now tell me how familiar are you with infrasound this low frequency sound wave in audible to humans can trigger anxiety chills and even hallucinations back in 1998 researcher Vic Tandy investigated haunted locations and found most of them had very high levels of infrasound he suggested that these sound waves produced by everything from wind to Machinery could be the real culprit behind our ghostly encounters while it doesn't debunk every ghost story it offers a compelling scientific explanation for some of the Unexplained phenoma 15 the castrate for centuries young boys were castrated before puberty to preserve their High singing voices these castrate singers were a fixture in church choirs across Europe the barbaric practice continued far longer than most people realize well into the 20th century the last known castrado alesandro moresi died as recently as 1924 leaving behind a haunting gramophone recording as a horrific reminder of one of musical history's darkest chapters [Music] 14 the CIA used Britney Spear's music to torture political prisoners you've probably heard about the cia's harsh interrogation techniques like water boarding and sleep deprivation but they also employed a surprising weapon music and not just any music mind you but a carefully curated playlist designed to inflict psychological torment Britney Spears Metallica And even Sesame Street were blasted at detainees sometimes for days on end for prisoners this auditory assault was deeply traumatizing exploiting their religious sensitivities and cultural norms it proved to be just as effective as the more well-known techniques proving that the human psyche can be as vulnerable as the body 13 federal regulations and bed bugs did you know that the laws protecting you from bed bugs are SU surprisingly flimsy many countries have zero regulations and even in the US only 21 states have any laws on the books shockingly there are no federal regulations whatsoever so that creepy crawly feeling you get in a hotel room it might not just be paranoia it could be the realization that whether or not you get bitten is pretty much left up to the hotel's good intentions and their fears of bad online reviews 12 parents do have a favorite kid are you convinced your sibling was your parents favorite child growing up well you probably right studies show that an astonishing 74% of moms and 70% of dads admit to having a preferred child and it's usually the youngest While most parents strive to treat their children equally and sometimes one child does require more attention due to their activities or special needs it's important to be aware of the potential consequences of favoritism it's not just about hurt feelings it can seriously damage a child's self self esteem and even contribute to a sense of entitlement so parents spread the love your kids will thank you later I was kind of an only child I say kind of because technically I do have half siblings uh from my birth family but I did not grow up with them I didn't even know about their existence till I was 18 I was adopted check out that list where I find out my uh my Heritage 11 and since we're on the subject of parenting it's a harsh truth but 18% of parents meet the clinical definition of bad parenting it goes beyond the obvious abuse and neglect and can include a wide range of behaviors that can harm a child's development whether you're too strict or not strict enough can also be detrimental kids need clear boundaries and consistent discipline but also space to explore and make mistakes overbearing parents and those who are completely hands off can both contribute to a child's negative self-perception emotional struggles and even rebellious Behavior it's a balancing act folks and unfortunately a lot of parents miss the Mark 10 early human speech sounded like beatboxing thanks to popular media most of us have been under the impression that our earliest ancestors spoken Grunts and monosyllables but the reality might have been much cooler research on orangutans has revealed that these primates like humans can produce two distinct vocal sounds simultaneously similar to a beatboxer layering sounds this suggests that our early ancestors might have communicated in a similar rhythmic complexity hinting at a surprising musicality in early human speech I can't be box for the life of me I'm not even going to [Music] Bo I told you I can't can you beat box let me know in the comments below bonus points for sending proof nine approximately 6,000 guns are stolen in America every year in America where gun ownership is a cont ious issue one worrying statistic is often overlooked approximately 600,000 guns are stolen every year that is roughly one gun disappearing every minute these stolen Firearms usually end up in the hands of criminals fueling The NeverEnding gun violence epidemic as more and more Americans arm themselves the pool of potential gun theft victims grows creating a vicious cycle now I'm not want to get involved in these discussions but it's a fact that the right to bear arms comes with a responsibility to know secure those arms and it's a responsibility that sadly many gun owners fail to uphold eight guns have nothing on dogs if you thought gun theft was a problem brace yourself for my next fact more than 2 million dogs are stolen in the US every year rare breeds and highly prized puppies are often sold to Shady dealers unethical research facilities or unsuspecting buyers who have no idea that their new furry friend was stolen but the worst fade awaits the those dogs forced into the cruel world of illegal dog fighting While most stolen dogs are never recovered thousands are rescued each year thanks to the efforts of law enforcement and Animal Welfare organizations they work tirelessly to dismantle dog fighting rings and provide the traumatized animals with the Care and Rehabilitation they need to live happy healthy lives you are very sleepy I'm sorry I woke you up from the nap for this bit I think Frenchies are among the most stolen right at least right now I'm sorry Kira this is Kira hello okay you want to go back to sleep you are exhaust I'm so yep you're falling asleep I'm sorry go to sleep she is running to bed seven the stars in the galaxy versus trees on Earth there are over 3 trillion trees on earth that is 375 trees for every single person on the planet it's a mindboggling number and it's even more astounding when you realize there are more trees on Earth and stars in our entire galaxy our Milky Way boasts at least 100 billion stars meaning you'd have to multiply that number by 30 to match the number of trees on our little blue planet six in 1987 the IRS lost 7 million American children in 1987 the IRS decided that parents had to list their kids social security numbers on tax returns I mean it makes sense right well what happened was that 7 million dependents then suddenly vanished from tax tax filings that year the reason before the rule change parents could claim non-existent children as dependents to receive larger tax refunds the IRS couldn't verify the existence of these children allowing widespread tax fraud the new rule effectively closed this loophole revealing the extent of the deception so while the 1980s might be remembered for its questionable fashion choices it's also the decade in which the IRS lost track of an entire generation of children five we are studying space sex all right not me personally but sex in space might be more science fiction than reality for now in the weightless environment of space blood flow naturally shifts towards the head and chest making rousel a bit more uh complicated in essence you can forget about raising a flag pole you're more likely to experience a Taffy pole situation okay but NASA isn't leaving this to chance as we set our sites on longer space missions and even colonization they're actively researching the effects of microgravity on everything from arousal to contraception pregnancy and childbirth we'll have to wait and see what NASA's research reveals before we can truly blast off into a new era of space procreation I mean space exploration um h four the condition known as dhalia dhalia is the big name for the rare condition where a male is born with two penises yes it is a real condition we've only had 100 documented cases in the last 400 years and while the diagnosis is easy I mean it's really hard to miss an extra appendage the condition usually involves surgical removal of the extra penis but what about living with dallia the mysterious triple D A man from the US West Coast Claims to have two fully functional penises and a very active sex life while his claims are unverified they do shed light on the possibility of a normal life with this rare condition three airplane engines have explosive charges did you know that your airplane engine comes equipped with its own explosive of charges yeah you heard that right these little guys called squibs are actually designed to fight engine fires when activated they unleash a powerful fire oret tnic chemical that can hopefully extinguish any Flames before they wreak havoc in fact most planes even have two squibs per engine just in case the first one doesn't do the trick two your favorite peanut butter can contain rodent feces yes your favorite jar of peanut butter can contain a whole lot more than peanuts the FDA actually allows a certain of rodent filth that's right rodent poop and hair the near creamy or crunchy we don't judge snack well it might sound disgusting the FDA sets these limits to balance food safety with the reality that it's impossible to completely eliminate contaminants in food production but hey at least you know what you're getting right crunchy or crunchy or creamy let me know in the comments below creamy one the Korean War hasn't ended yet are you under the impression that the Korean war ended in 1953 I'm sorry to break it to you but it didn't while a ceasefire was agreed upon a formal peace treaty was never signed this technically means that North and South Korea are still at War yeah you heard that right it's a frozen conflict with US troops still stationed in South Korea as a deterrent while an allout war is unlikely tensions remain high and any minor incident could reignite the conflict the Korean War may be out of the headlines but it's far from over so which fact hit you the hardest let me know in the comments Bel below and don't forget to like share comment subscribe hit that notification Bell and check out our social medias including my personal ones links in that description below and if you enjoyed this video you need to check out 25 unbelievably hardto believe facts so click right here if you like this video you like facts so you like this one the more like facts that'll break your brain go for it apologies ahead of time but what are you waiting for go it's right right here click
Channel: List 25
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Keywords: list25, list 25, mike with list25, lists, science, facts, learning, education, edutainment, mike, estrin, mike estrin, 25 facts, top 25 facts, true facts, amazing facts, top 25, space facts, interesting facts, fun facts, 25 facts about lions, animal facts, human body facts, facts about cats, cat facts, facts about space, cool facts, weird facts, human body fun facts, crazy facts, crazy human body facts, decades facts, planet facts, facts about planes
Id: MIRhxfZbg_I
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Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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