Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial for Beginners - Dark Forest Path

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I'm going to show you step by step how to achieve this render select film blank name the project then hit create start by creating a new level file new level basic then create click on the ground then press delete on your keyboard don't forget to save this level that we just created by doing contrl plus s on your keyboard I'll name it Forest remember this is the name of the level not the name of the project click on selection mode and change it to landscape the set settings are all good by default so just click create get closer to the ground make the brush size smaller and start making the [Music] ground you can also change the tool strength [Music] here you should also use the erase tool to adjust your ground just like the paintbrush you can change the size and strength of [Music] it [Music] [Music] looks good back to selection mode and as always to remove this red error message you just click on play and then Escape let's download some assets from bridge you could search for Forest ground this one will do if you don't see a download button you might need to login the sign and button should be around here all right click on the export button Now search for wild grass there you go this could be extremely useful now go find some more [Music] plants pick the plants you want then go back to the seam this player start thing appears every time we create a new level but as always delete it if you're not making a game all these things are quite annoying to have in the view just press G on your keyboard to turn on game mode it hides those not deactivate just hide them for you [Music] okay now select the ground and scroll down a little to apply the ground material we downloaded oof no the texture repeats itself way too much that's quite easy to fix so you're just going to double click on the material then turn on tiling and put a lower number so it repeats itself a lot less [Music] Point 2 looks good okay that's indeed way better now do contrl plus L on your keyboard keep holding those keys and move around your cursor to move the sun don't worry about it too much for now we'll get back at this later select exponential height fog in the outliner you'll see fog density here try some numbers see what happens open epic games launcher and go to the Marketplace search for Mega scans tree there are a few options we'll pick this [Music] one select add to project and then find your project back to Unreal do Control Plus spacebar to open the content drawer and you'll see this new folder black Alder first you'll see a foliage folder from there you can't drag trees in the scene because it's for foliage only I'll show you soon what's Foliage for now go to Geometry then simple wind those are the trees that you can use [Music] directly so just drag and drop some trees there if you see something like this loading you don't have to keep holding the click on your mouse just wait it's still not ready you can see the progress here now it's done we can import another tree and if the fog is annoying you can hide it by clicking on that eye icon next to it oh wow the last two are way too small I'll delete those and these too now you can quickly place them around the forest path okay let's add a camera click on perspective and select the camera I turned off the fog to place the trees but now I can add it back and maybe try some different values and again contrl plus L to change the sun position with the fog still selected scroll down a little and go find volumetric fog when you turn this on it makes some awesome changes to the [Music] scene you could make something really beautiful with those sun rays but not today because we're creating a dark Forest I'm changing the fog again to see if I can find something better okay select the directional light and try changing the intensity and if you double click on the white rectangle you can change the color to something more [Music] blue click on the fog and you can change its color here too something a little more yellow could fit this well okay now let's try changing the fall off a little and the density and the directional light intensity okay let's try getting a good [Music] lighting good enough for now if you're still in the camera view get out [Music] now click selection mode and select foliage here you'll see all the foliage assets you downloaded from bridge like the wild grass [Music] click on the first one then while holding shift click on the last one to select them all then click the check box and it will check all of them this brush will paint the ground using the foliage assets that are checked we see too much flowers and other plants in this I want only the [Music] grass just do contrl plus Z on your keyboard to undo that go uncheck everything that is not grass now we got a brush that will only paint grass paint density is simply the amount of grass assets that will appear in the brush [Music] area you could just paint like that select all the grass [Music] assets and this here is the density of each individual grass asset the maximum for the brush is one but you can get a much higher density if you put this number [Music] higher if you have a pretty powerful computer or you're just completely crazy you can make the brush size Giant and just cover the whole Zone with one click and boom grass on the whole ground looking decent already but we still have a lot to do now unselect all these grass assets and go select all the other plants we [Music] downloaded [Music] okay cool now unselect those plants we're going to add some trees Control Plus space bar to open the content drawer then go in the black Alder folder then in the foliage folder then in the simple wind folder and these are all foliage assets that work just like the grass so select all those you want then drag and drop in that foliage place that's quite small but we can reach it right there and look the trees are there woohoo select them all and check [Music] it you should be very careful about the density you put the trees at these are quite hard to handle for the computer especially if you're doing this on a potato [Music] this density is quite horrible all the trees appeared at the same place have you ever wondered why you've never seen an elephant hiding in a tree it's because they're really good at [Music] it yeah so I'm putting the density lower to make something that looks good as a [Music] forest [Music] if even 0.1 is too much you can change the density right there just make sure all the trees are selected in the foliage [Music] section okay now that's good maybe a little too much but we can always adjust later my computer is going to hate me for this but let's paint some trees I'll go back in the camera and manually place the first trees we added at the beginning for that I'll need to go back to selection [Music] mode [Music] this is a little laggy because I put way too much grass in [Music] trees maybe going to unlit will help it doesn't because the camera view is still rendering full quality oh wow so laggy [Music] I can just unpin the camera and it should fix the issue awesome that's so much better [Music] now go back in the camera and we will place some [Music] trees how about going back to lit and see what we got looking great but I'm just a little problem this is supposed to be a forest path not a tree wall let's do some change to that but first in unlit mode out of the camera and let's just fix this [Music] part I'm going to foliage then making sure all the trees and only the trees are selected then going to the erase [Music] tool if even one of density isn't enough just put it to zero and it will erase everything you [Music] want way better I don't know why I put so many trees at the beginning that's so much [Music] better still a little laggy but that's okay now I think I put too much grass I mean the density is too strong select all the grass foliage here and I'll put my erase density to 0.5 don't forget to select all the grass foliage and to make sure it's only the grass that's selected now I'm just making a big brush and erasing the whole thing with my 0.5 [Music] density back to the paint brush I can now continue the forest path adding some more grass in the [Music] way I unselected the grass and selected all the tree foliages again so I erased some of those for my path okay back to lit and that's what we got you can leave foliage mode back to [Music] selection I'm now manually adding some of the 3D plants we downloaded at the beginning from bridge they are in the mega scans folder in the 3D plants folder just like the trees you can't directly drag and drop those that are in [Music] foliage now I'm making some adjustments to the sun position [Music] the directional light now and some change to the [Music] fog [Music] then I select the Skylight and make its intensity a little higher to make the whole scene brighter open the epic games launcher and go to the Marketplace search for twin motion winter and this free pack has some free poost humans that you can use in your [Music] project now we got the POS human pack right there in this folder you can open that and then you get all the characters in this [Music] folder look at the folder list on the left right there you can open this folder and quickly browse through all the characters you have we got quite a good collection in this if you can't find any characters you like for your shot it's fine I will show you how to create a custom metahuman in a future tutorial of this series this one looks perfect to me she looks like she's walking and looking [Music] around so let's just Place her make sure she's touching the ground and place the camera [Music] I think I'll change something with the camera the focal length would probably be better at 22 go to the Cinematic viewport then back in the [Music] camera just so we can access the [Music] grid [Music] and we're done with unreal a little color grading can completely change the vibe of a scene I won't show it in this series because it's about Unreal Engine but I highly recommend you learn about color grading another environment completed find all the other tutorials of this series in this playlist see you soon
Channel: Starting with Unreal
Views: 9,779
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Id: z4nANvXr5TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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