How to Charge Your iPhone the RIGHT Way - MAXIMIZE Battery Life !

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hey what's going on everyone this is our reviews back with another video and today we're talking about the right way to charge your iphone now when it comes to iphone battery and charging there are a lot of myths so in this video we're going to talk all about those and of course see which is the right way to charge an iphone now first of all a very simple tip don't use fake cables always use the cables that come with your iphone or of course that you purchase from the app store cables and chargers as well now of course you might use other brands but make sure that they are certified don't use cheap cables because they might damage the battery of your iphone and even if you're using an original cable that came with your iphone and your iphone is getting hot while charging make sure that you always check the cables and chargers and see for any damage that they might have if you see a damaged cable make sure that you replace that because that might damage your battery as well so always again make sure you use a certified or of course your original iphone cable now of course when it comes to charging you can also charge without a cable of course wirelessly now when it comes to wireless chargers you have to know that they will heat up your iphone more and of course they will charge slower now one thing that you need to know is that don't use cases while wirelessly charging now if you get an original case from apple the magsafe case or something like that of course you can use that but if you use like bulk cases that you know will heat up your iphone make sure you remove them before you use wireless charging on your iphone of course we always want to charge our iphones faster now one way you can do that is using the brick that comes with your ipad so if you have an ipad and you have this kind of brick you can use that to charge your iphone it will charge faster and won't do any damage at all at the battery of your iphone now this has been also confirmed by apple so if you just want to charge your iphone faster and you happen to have one of these bricks that will come with an ipad or you purchase one then feel free to use it it won't do any damage at all to your iphone's battery now one thing that is kind of like a myth is that you should not charge your iphone overnight now that is perfectly safe your iphone won't like overcharge or something like that if you're charging your iphone you leave it when you go to bed feel free to do that that's absolutely okay you cannot overcharge your iphone so it's basically perfectly safe to do that because your iphone's battery when it's charged ios will stop the charging process and that way it won't do any damage to the battery at all and when it comes to this of course optimized battery charging is the way to go i suggest everyone uses optimized battery charging now with time ios will learn your pattern and how you use your iphone and of course if you leave your iphone overnight charging battery will charge basically up to 80 percent a few minutes before you get up it knows your pattern when you get up usually it will charge it to 100 now when you go to your settings and you go here to battery you will have here battery health here is optimized battery charging make sure you leave it on all the time on the long run for the lifespan of the battery of your iphone this will be a very very good thing this is an amazing feature i know a lot of people turn this off because they maybe are afraid that their iphone won't be charged at 100 or something like that but just give it a few days and your iphone will learn your pattern and make sure that you always use that if you want to have a healthy battery on your iphone now according to apple the battery is at its best between 40 and 80 that's the percentage where you should keep the battery of your iphone so ios will do this automatically it charges your iphone up to 80 percent with of course optimized battery charging turned on and once it knows that you will have to use it it will charge it up to 100 now if you use let's say your iphone you charge it always overnight when you charge it during the day let's say it's at fifty percent you plug it into charge optimize battery charging when will only charge it up to eighty percent because it knows that will be enough for that day and then when you plug it overnight it will charge to 100 so this is an amazing feature so make sure you always use that if you want to have a much better battery life on the long run and keep the maximum capacity as high as you can as i said the best practice and this has been confirmed by apple is to keep the battery percentage between 40 and 80 now of course you won't be able to do this all the time but what you can do now with ios 14 is set up your iphone so that you basically keep your iphone at those ranges of battery percentage now one thing you can do is when it comes to 50 start using low power mode and you don't even have to bother about it with ios 14 you can go to shortcuts here go to automations create personal automation and scroll all the way down go to battery level and you can choose here the percentage so in this case we're using 50 so equals 50 and you can go ahead and choose here to turn low power mode on so let's just low set low power mode tap on on right there tap next just disable this and you're good to go now what this will do is set low power mode low power mode on automatically every time the battery percentage drops to 50 that way of course you will keep your battery for longer at that percentage range which is really good for the long run of the battery life and of course this has always been confirmed by apple now another thing you can do is when charging your iphone of course you want to charge it faster now using low power mode while charging your iphone should make your iphone charge faster because of course in the in the meantime it will use less battery now what you can do here is just go ahead and create another automation so you don't have to bother about it so you go to shortcuts right here go to automations tap right there create personal automation and go to charger and you can see here charger connected go ahead tap next add action and again just search for low power mode now once you have created this basically it will automatically turn on low power mode don't forget to disable this it will turn on low power mode every time you're plugging your device to charge that way it will help your device charge faster and last but not least we're talking about charging the iphone with your cable of course but that through a laptop or a computer anything you want now this has been confirmed by apple according to them you have to make sure that your i your laptop or your computer is plugged in and powered while you're charging your iphone using your computer now i've tried it this way and i've tried it with the eye with the macbook here on sleep or basically not powered but again it charges as normal but according to apple you shouldn't do that because if the device is connected to a computer that is turned off in some cases it might just drop the battery percentage of your iphone so always make sure that you have your laptop or computer turned on or plugged in before starting to charge your iphone using a computer so that's basically it for this video guys these are some of the best practices when it comes to charging the battery of your iphone thank you guys for watching don't forget to subscribe for more videos and i will see you on the next one
Channel: iReviews
Views: 1,219,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iphone battery, iphone battery life, iphone, battery, iphone battery tips, iphone 12 battery, iphone battery health, iphone 12 pro battery, iphone 12 battery life, iphone 12 battery test, iphone battery replacement, iphone battery test, iphone 12 pro battery life, iphone 11 battery life, iphone battery comparison, iphone 7, iphone battery drain fix, iphone 11 battery test, battery life, iphone 12 vs iphone 11 battery test, battery test, iphone se battery, battery health
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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