PROCREATE Tips: 24 Tips You Need to Know!

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hello everybody and welcome to art indesign my name is target and in this video we're going to be doing 24 tips for procreate on ipad let's check it out [Music] i want this video to be relevant to as many of you as possible so i tried my best to include as many tips that range from beginners to advanced so there should be something here for everybody starting off with the first tip how to create an outline now creating an outline in procreate is not exactly a straightforward process but let me show you how you can do this using the selection tool starting off we're going to duplicate the active layer this icon that you see right here then we're going to select the bottom layer we're going to create the outlines around this icon we're going to hue saturation brightness then choose the color of the outline we're going to make it white so put brightness all the way to the max and then we're going to go into the gaussian blur and then we're going to do we're going to increase the causing blur but you notice nothing's happening that's because there is an alpha lock on this layer you can't do gaussian blur with alpha lock so we have to remove that and then we do custom blur and increase it just a little bit now you may be thinking well this isn't an outline this is gaussian blur well the next step is where we create the outline and that's by doing this we choose automatic selection and then we select the outside of the shape and you see it's creating this sort of outline around the shape which is really really nice we can adjust it by just swiping the pen like so to the left or right then we tap on invert and there we go we now have a selection of the outline that we want very simple we create then a new layer and then fill in the layer and voila we now have an outline around the shape that we need so that's how you create an outline around the shape in procreate have you ever found yourself walking around the house or wherever and you see an artwork and you think that's a really cool color palette i would like to capture that and use that in an artwork well if you have procreate pocket you can simply open any artwork create a new canvas or open any artwork and go into the color menu tap on new palette and choose new from camera and then just point your phone at the artwork whatever section of the artwork that contains the color palette like right about there and there you go now you have the color palette captured and then you might want to send it over to your ipad and it's super super simple you just swipe to the left on the color palette tap on share find your ipad in the airdrop menu right there and there you go import it directly into the ipad just scroll down to the color palette and there you see it the color palette captured [Music] tip number three creating adjustment layers in procreate now you might be thinking wait target there isn't a support for adjustment layers in procreate well not exactly but we can approximate it for this one we're going to create a saturation adjustment layer so we pick any desaturated color we drop that onto the layer then we apply a saturation blending mode on that layer and now what happens is basically this layer acts as an adjustment layer for all of the layers below it so we can adjust the saturation of all of the layers below it by sliding the opacity slider right there so pretty freaking awesome we can now have control over the saturation in a non-destructive way now we can also play around with a few other things let's say we drop in a red color like so and then we adjust the blending mode to hue and you can see it just adds a little taste of red to the entire image at least the entire layers below this one and you can use this as a clipping mask on top of another layer or figure out some clever ways of using it if you already use this method i would love to hear from you in the comments down below if you made it this far into the video and you're not a subscriber of the channel yet well i want to present an invitation for you to click that subscribe button and maybe click on that bell icon but let's move on now to the next tip which is choosing a nice quality brush now procreate already comes with a bunch of very very nicely crafted brushes and i highly recommend that you play around with these before you buy any external brushes because they are really really good but if you are in the market to buy new brushes then i want to suggest to you my newest brush pack called iceland now this brush pack was designed to give you unparalleled versatility to generate different textures by varying the pressure of your brush in simple terms these brushes change depending on if you press lightly or firmly now i've spent months working on these brushes and they are my most ambitious brush project to date they're all based on icelandic nature photographs that i've taken over the years and include things like lava rocks mountain moss glacial rivers and so much more and i'm super excited to be presenting this for the first time to you and i think you're gonna love it because this is a dynamic texture pack what that means is that you can paint over any texture any surface and it applies one texture and then if you press a little bit harder down it seamlessly transitions over to another texture so whenever you start to see that there are repeating patterns occurring you just press a little bit harder down and then you create this dynamic flow between the textures it's really really amazing to try out and i really want you to try it out so for the first week after i launched this brush pack which is today i'm gonna have a 50 discount so you can use the code on the screen right now to get a 50 off i really hope you enjoy using it as much as i did creating it tip number five is about accurately resizing your brushes you know that when you're zoomed in like so and you want to get that exact percentage of a brush size it can be quite frustrating and often you end up with the wrong percentage the solution is very simple when you tap on the slider right there just move your hand to the right while holding down and that gives you fine control it's as simple as that the closer you are to the slider the more it moves and if you move further away it moves less [Music] you want to get that alignment exactly right to a pixel well very simple with something selected you just tap anywhere outside the bounding box and it'll move one pixel in that direction so now you can get your designs exactly pixel perfect did you know that you can resize your brush while you're drawing this can be very very useful if you don't have an apple pencil or any stylus and you can take advantage of this in order to sort of simulate pressure sensitivity and try to get some control over the size of your brush hacking the symmetry tool that's located right here edit drawing guide and here we see it symmetry and we're going to tap on options and choose quadrant but you can choose whatever vertical horizontal radial just make sure that you turn on assisted drawing i usually have assisted drawing bound to the action button so to show you how to do that just go to gesture controls and find assisted drawing and then tap on the action button right there so now whenever i tap on this button you see assisted drawing is turned on now here's where it gets interesting if you draw something and then hold the pencil down you'll activate the quick shape the quick shape interacts with the symmetry tool and that means we can create things like this and once you're happy with the overall shape you can tap on edit shape right there and then you can make some minor tweaks or major tweaks to the shape and make it look exactly like you want drawing guides in procreate are extremely useful there are whole bunch of them available you have 2d grid isometric grid and perspective but regardless of which drawing guide you choose it sort of limits your movement if you want to draw something that is not exactly within the drawing guide itself well what do you do well one option is to simply turn off the drawing guide you can bind it to the action button for example or you can draw and hold and activate the quick shape because the quick shape ignores the drawing guides so that's super useful if you need to draw something that is not within the bounce of the drawing guide then you can very simply do so by drawing something and then holding down to activate the quick shape now this one's pretty straightforward it's about using the liquifying tool on multiple layers at the same time now i don't know how they do it but procreate has made it so that you can liquify multiple layers at once works so smoothly so seamlessly i mean see how quickly this works absolutely incredible so there we go all of the layers have now been liquefied we can merge them all together if we want do whatever [Music] choosing the right brush can sometimes be a chore and especially if you need to choose the same brush for different tools for example the eraser tool you don't want to have to scroll through the list again to find the same brush that you have selected right here for example the rocky brush the solution simply tap and hold on the new tool that you want to select and it'll transfer that brush over to that tool very very simple way to do this and very quick so if you have for example the lava rocks in the eraser you tap and hold on the brush it'll select lava rocks over there so now you can paint with that press simple the pencil pressure curve now this tip often goes understated and it has to do with how much you have to press down in order for procreate to register how hard you're pressing down and if you tap on edit pressure curve you see this straight line over here and this is the default setting and if you move it a little bit like so it's going to make it so that you have to press a little bit harder down for procreate to register your presses now this can cause fatigue for some users but some people simply have a firmer grip but if you don't if you have a lighter grip and you are experiencing some fatigue then you can do something like this and this will make it so that you have to press really softly down and it'll register the strokes you barely have to touch the screen just very very very light strokes if you are concerned about how much your apple pencil is wearing down the nip of it then this should definitely help with that [Music] if you're a longtime prograde user then you probably know the importance of gestures but not everybody knows that you can configure many of these gestures to do what you want now i'm not going to go through everything that you can do with the gestures here but if you need more information you want to learn about all of the gestures available then you can follow the link in the description named gesture controls and here's some of the things you can do with it you can configure what gesture you use to activate for example the eyedropper and how long it takes to activate it you can also configure the quick menu and make it activate however you want or a lesser known feature is the layer select i'll talk about that in the next tip but for now i'll bind it to activate when i hold down the action button and touch the canvas with the apple pencil [Music] now very quickly about the layer select this is a feature that allows you to point at a layer and pick it that's pretty much the extent of it and in the last tip i bound it to the action button plus the apple pencil which allows me to pick a layer simply by pointing at it using the apple pencil now you can bind a whole bunch of things to the action button and here for demonstration purposes i bound the action button to the quick menu so whenever i tap on the action button right here i open up the quick menu perfect segue to the quick menu let's talk about the quick menu itself now every part of the quick menu is customizable from the six radio buttons that you see on the screen right there to the shortcut that you use to invoke it and here i've bound it to touch so whenever i touch with my finger anywhere on the screen it'll activate the quick menu and that's super useful but it can be sometimes a little bit in the way but it's best with a flick with a flick of a finger you can access a brush for example do you see that i switched to a different brush another brush that is the beautiful thing about the quick menu and using it with touch another beautiful thing is that you don't need to be limited to just these six buttons you can add more sets of quick menus so here for example i can activate the color panel by swiping to the top right we can also bind this one by tapping and holding to new layer for example so whenever i swipe up like so i create a new layer so i can just seamlessly be working in something and then swipe up new layer swipe up new layer and let's say i want to bind the downwards to merge down so you can swipe up to create a new layer swipe down to merge the layer so very very sort of non-destructive way of working a quick shapes can be super useful just draw a shape and hold the pencil down and it will snap into a shape like so if the shape that you're creating is unequal keep holding it and place a second finger on the canvas doing this turns a rectangle into a square an oval into a circle or an uneven triangle into an equilateral now this also works with magnetic rotate so to rotate your shape in precise increments just hold your second finger down on the canvas while dragging your shape and this will allow you to rotate the shape in 15 degree increments tip number 17 involves coloring within the lines so let's use this layer right here as the reference image what we're basically trying to do is filling in these areas with color and drawing it like this it'll take a huge amount of time and we don't want to do that but we could drag and drop like so it's quick but the problem is we're ruining the line work layer itself and we don't want to do that so the solution is to make this line work layer the reference layer and if we create a new layer on top of that then we can drag and drop colors onto an empty layer and it'll use these lines as the reference so this can be really really helpful and speed up the process you know you can very quickly fill in a huge amount of area just by dragging dropping colors like so [Music] the next couple of tips are what i would say quick tips let's start off with clearing a layer in order to clear a layer just use three fingers swipe across the screen or scrub it back and forth just like so that clears out the layer number 19 copy paste so whenever you have a selection or a layer selected and you swipe down with three fingers you get the copy paste menu and here you can copy paste duplicate cut you know all of the necessary actions that you need to take with regards to duplicating or copying something very very handy now if you've used procreate for any amount of time you probably know about this action right here to pick a color you know just point at the screen and you pick the color that is underneath your finger very intuitive action but it takes a little bit of a time to actually start working so we can fix that and we can make it instant so if we go into the eyedropper tool right here and we do the action button plus apple pencil turn that on now whenever i tap on the action button and then press down with the apple pencil it instantly picks up the color that the apple pencil is pointing at so you can use the action button in combination with the stylus in order to pick up the color directly and instantly this can be very very helpful and speed up the color picking process if you are rapidly switching between colors this could be super helpful for that sort of workflow now again if you use procreate for any amount of time you probably know about this action right here the ability to adjust the opacity of a layer making it more or less transparent but there's an easier way if you tap with two fingers on the layer you can access that same action just much quicker just tap on it and the menu goes away and you can adjust it [Music] there's another very similar command that you can use with two fingers and it involves selecting the contents of a layer so if you have anything you know drawn on a layer and you want to select that that has been drawn on the layer very simple way to do that is simply tap and hold on the layer with two fingers and that selects the content of the layer and there you can either feather that selection you can copy paste you can invert it and draw on everything that is not that selection you can fill in the colors you can save this selection you can do all sorts of things with that content selected just make selecting content that much easier now when you're finishing an artwork it can be really really helpful to merge all of the layers that you have into a single layer now obviously if you have a lot of layers this can be a very tricky process and also sometimes when you're merging layers like this together when you're pinching them together the planting mode goes a little bit wrong and the colors don't get blended correctly now the solution to that is simply using this copy canvas action right here and this essentially takes a screenshot of the artwork in the highest resolution possible and then you can just paste it in wherever you want so you now have a flat image and you can work on that however you like you can go into the adjustments you can liquify it you can glitch it bloom it adjust the curves do whatever now the last tip of the day is quickly zooming in and out of an image so let's say you're working on a very nice little detail on this image and you've got a very small brush and you're doing very small little strokes and you're curious about what this looks like in the grand scheme of things how it looks like in the overall image and there's a very simple shortcut that you can use in order to quickly go out and it's this sort of action it's just pinching out and then letting go and it zooms all the way and if you do the reverse you pinch back in so you can very quickly punch in and punch out and that's how you do that now i want to thank you all very much for watching if you liked the video please click that like button if you really liked it and you want to see more from this channel then i highly recommend clicking the subscribe button and all the stuff that i mentioned in the video is going to be in the description on that i want to thank you all very much for watching i'll see you in the next one take care and have a wonderful day bye
Channel: Art and Design
Views: 21,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: procreate tips, procreate top tips, procreate tips and tricks 2021, procreate tricks, tips for procreate, tips procreate, procreate tips and tricks, procreate tip, art and design, procreate tutorial, ipad pro, digital art, procreate ipad pro, procreate for beginners, procreate art, procreate how to, procreate tutorials, procreate 2021, procreate, procreate drawing tutorial, procreate brushes, procreate tutorial for beginners, Procreate, how to use procreate, Ipad procreate
Id: zgYx6eiWxQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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