25 Old Wives Tales that Are Actually True

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have you found any of those old wives tales your grandmother used to tell you to be true obviously most old wives tales are just that tales money spiders don't bring money eating yarn won't cause you to have twins and itchy palms can hardly make you rich on the other hand there some old wives tales that are surprisingly true I'm Michael this 25 to find out what old wives tales are not that far off the mark check out these 25 old wives tales that are actually true but before we get started please don't forget to Like share comment and subscribe also click that notification bell and really help us out 25 an apple a day keeps the doctor away according to a scientific study carried out by the University of Western Australia eating just 100 grams or three and a half ounces of Apple each day can significantly improve your life expectancy Apple skin in particular has high levels of plant compound flavonoids that help prevent cell damage reduce cancer risk and help people maintain a healthy weight 24 eating bananas gets you a boy okay so it's not guaranteed but it does increase your chances bananas are known to have a high dosage of potassium which is the key to conceiving a baby boy it was found that women on the banana diet had a 56 percent chance of having a boy compared to just 45 percent of those on other diets 23 the full moon makes for some weird behavior yes this can be true several studies have proved that the instances of crimes emergency-room emissions surgical mistakes and other unusual events is higher on nights under full moon than on other nights 22 carrots help your vision carrots are rich in beta-carotene a red colored pigment which helps produce vitamin A a key ingredient in a healthy functioning eye vitamin A is particularly useful for maintaining eye health avoiding cataracts and slightly improving night vision no need to go overboard though too much vitamin A could produce negative side effects so eat a few carrots not a few pounds of carrots even though that one was definitely made for the old the British for the German people sure no it is but like you can still help it's not gonna improve it to that bat factor 21 the sharper the blast the sooner tis past this old weather adage is usually true when a storm builds rapidly it's stronger and faster than when a storm builds gradually a strong thunderstorm has an average speed of about 50 kilometres an hour 30 miles per hour meaning it'll only last for a short period of time a gentle rain shower though can travel at a fraction of that speed and can last for days 20 chicken soup here's a cold scientists believe that a bowl of chicken soup may actually reduce inflammation of the lungs it's thought that chicken soup slows down the activity of white blood cells that can cause the inflammation nineteen newspapers are great glass cleaner newspapers are made of dense fibers that contain no solid scratching materials compared to paper towels newspaper fibers are more rigid and will not separate and cause lint moreover most newspapers now use smear free soy based ink that makes the newspapers an even better glass cleaner eighteen long labor is the sign of a baby boy there are many old wives tales about pregnancy and one of them says that a long and painful labor is the sign of a baby boy this claim was confirmed by a study carried out by the national maternity hospital in Dublin which proved that boys are more trouble than girls from the start causing more complications during childbirth they produce longer Labour's that are more likely to end in a caesarean section I came out feet first 17 heartburn in pregnancy indicates a hairy baby this odd adage has been around for ages it was actually proved to be true after researchers at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore conducted a study in 2007 to put the claim to rest however to their great surprise they ended up confirming it 16 fish is brain food researchers at the rush Medical Center in Chicago have proved that eating fish is indeed good for the brain a significantly lower occurrence of Alzheimer's disease was observed in those who ate fish regularly mercury content in some fish might have negative effects on our health but the benefits of including fish in our diet easily outweigh the risks fifteen chocolate helps to relieve premenstrual cramps dark chocolate is known to contain nutrients and antioxidants such as an and amide which are believed to have a calming effect keeping anxiety and moods and balance therefore eating chocolate before menstruation can really help I should know I've eaten a lot of chocolate in my life and I've never had premenstrual cramps 14 red sky at night sailor's delight red sky and morning sailor's morning when we see a red sky at night it means that the Setting Sun is sending its light through a high concentration of dust particles which usually indicates high pressure and stable air coming in from the West usually followed by good weather a red sunrise can mean that a high pressure system good weather has already passed thus indicating that a storm system low pressure may be coming thirteen happy wife happy life a recent study published in the Journal of marriage and family found that men who are unhappily married may still be happy with their lives as long as their wives are satisfied with their marriages in other words a wife's happiness in the marriage has the power to overtake a husband's marital unhappiness to make his overall life quite pleasant twelve old people can predict whether old people sometimes say it's gonna rain because they feel it in their bones this claim can actually be true stormy weather is preceded by a drop in air pressure which causes pain in joints of those who suffer from arthritis whether hammers what if you don't have arthritis damn it 11 honey relieves a scratchy throat just a few teaspoons of honey put into hot tea or lemon water really helps soothe a sore throat however as honey doesn't have antibacterial effects you can't expect the sweet stuff to cure the infection you oh it sucks so how how's your fly situation because you catch more flies of honey instead of vinegar but I mean if you mix both are they just confused who knows Thank You 10 a wooden spoon prevents a pot from boiling over there are actually two reasons why this trick works first the spoon destabilizes the bubbles when they come into contact with its water repelling surface which makes the boiling water retreat second the bubbles created from boiling water are filled with steam if the bubble touches something below a hundred degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Fahrenheit the steam will condense and break the surface of the bubble 9 walnuts remove furniture scratches as bizarre as this old wives tale might sound walnuts are really great for making your scratch furniture look new the oils texture and color of the walnut allowed to fill in the scratch leaving the piece good as new eight hot baths may cut male fertility a three-year scientific study proved this claimed sperm counts in five of eleven men with fertility problems soared by a staggering 491 percent after they stopped having baths or using the hot tub for a few months heat from laptops and tight underwear can have the same detrimental effect on sperm count seven gain a child lose a tooth a popular old wives tale holds that for every baby a woman has she's bound to lose a tooth supposedly because the pregnancy interferes with calcium absorption and increases hormones that affect oral health while the adage might be a bit overstated a strong link between pregnancy and dental problems have really been found six actions speak louder than words this phrase might sound like a well-worn cliche but the truth is that many people aren't able to communicate well by speaking so they do it through their actions it's also estimated that about 80 percent some sources even say 90 of our communication is nonverbal five early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise several scientific studies have proved that morning people are generally healthier happier more persistent cooperative agreeable conscientious and proactive we sure are they procrastinate less and are better at dealing with negativity and stress I get up at 6 a.m. every morning you not me for she is causes bad dreams cheese like other dairy products contain tryptophan which serves as a precursor for the sleep inducing hormone serotonin however study participants who consume dairy products including cheese before bed were more likely to report unsavory dreams 3 count your blessings the effect of a grateful outlook on psychological and physical well-being was examined and it was discovered that being grateful for what you have is a great way to increase your happiness so your grandma was right count your blessings to clothes make the man this old adage seems to be still spot on numerous experiments have confirmed that the way people perceive other people greatly depends on what clothes the observed subjects wear a man dressed in a business suit for example gives the impression of authority and is much more attractive to women than a man who just wears jeans and a t-shirt haha about where our jeans jokes on them I'm super attractive you're wearing jeans and a t-shirt you ugly ugly man today you're ugly ugly yeah look how ugly hey I could probably key this out don't like fix it dull ok one onion relieves pain from a bee sting in fact not only a bee sting but also a wasp a bumblebee and some other insect stings rubbing a piece of onion on the sting can help reduce swelling as the vegetables enzymes break down the toxins from the stay so what's an old wives tale you swear by let us know in the comments below or tweet your answer love setlist 25 my old wives tale is be nice to people Jesus Christ enjoying our lists be sure to click that subscribe button on the bottom right and the notification Bell so you don't miss out on new ones every 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Channel: list25
Views: 292,404
Rating: 4.8757062 out of 5
Keywords: List25, list 25, top 10, top 25, an apple a day, Mike, old wives tales about pregnancy, old wives' tales, old wives' tales that are true, true old wives' tales, stories, susperstition, rumors, wives tales, tales, wife
Id: xb4z3q5jtCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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