25 DUMB Reasons People Have Called 911

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although nine-one-one is meant to be for emergencies dumb 9-1-1 calls happen quite often today you're going to hear about some of the finest 911 calls ever recorded to be honest this list might make you feel a little bit better about yourself I'm Michael Lewis 25 and these are 25 dumb reasons people have called 911 25 in 2012 rather McLennan of Connecticut called 911 after a deli messed up his order the extremely patient dispatcher told him that if he doesn't like the sandwich he should just leave the shop 24 Wayne Alain Owen saw fire in her bathroom she called 9-1-1 the fire department showed up to discover that the frames were just sunlight reflecting off of the shower curtain 23 Rother wasn't the only one having trouble with his sandwich Reginald Peterson of Jacksonville Florida called police when subway employees left off his sauce he then called that to complain that officers weren't responding fast enough if that's not an emergency I don't know what is 22 in 2008 John McCain's younger brother called 9-1-1 to complain about traffic the dispatcher told him he couldn't call for non-emergency reasons to which joe responded q and hung up the dispatcher called that and reached the voicemail of Joe McCain that stated sorry I cannot take your call right now I'm busy with a family political project his brother was running for president the dispatcher left a message telling him that what he did is prosecutable so joe did what any lovable politician would do he called 9-1-1 back to complain about the message 21 in 2011 a British man in Canterbury dialed 999 the British emergency number to report a massive light source above his house the dispatcher told him that she would look into it but the man called that two minutes later saying you won't believe this it's the moon 20 in 2005 a recording surfaced online of a dispatcher of fielding a call from an irate California soldier whose Burger King burger wasn't being done her way this batcher can be heard telling her ma'am we're not going to go down there and enforce your Western bacon cheeseburger 19 when the nail tech didn't do her nails right Cynthia Coulson of Florida called the police she then called again to ask when the police were going to show up then when the police did show up she called yet again to complain that nothing was being done well that's not entirely correct something was done Cynthia got taken to jail 18 when a McDonald's employee forgot to including orange juice with Raven Altman's order Rabin called the police after being informed that he was abusing the system and refusing to calm down he was arrested and had to spend the night in Oregon jail 17 local Cleveland school board member and room is Zach was living in his parents basement when he refused to clean his room he was 28 years old his dad called the police and a tearful Andrew later ended up promising to pick up his toys or stuff the call ended with his dad apologizing the dispatcher saying that he didn't want to ruin his son's political career apparently nobody told Papa means act that ruining a political career is no longer possible thanks Don 16 in 2006 Michigan police officer Edward Sanchez pocketed some weed during a bust that evening he made weed brownies with his wife and ended up calling 911 to tell the operator that he was dead he's no longer a police officer 15 in 2006 after a couple of police officers knocked on Oregon resident Lorna Doone ashes door to inform her that her music was too loud Lorna called 911 to get the name of one of the officers why because she thought he was cute and that's how Lorna ended up spending the night in jail 14 after a long night of drinking Wisconsin resident Mary stray called 911 to report a dangerous driver after the dispatcher asked whether she was behind the driver she replied no I am the driver we look good for her actually good for her 13 when ten-year-old gain Davis's mom told him to go to bed he threatened to call 911 one when mom tried to call his bluff he went forward with it although Dan wasn't arrested he did get tucked in by a police officer 12 in 2010 a Canadian man made repeated calls nine-one-one asking them to bring the Jets from Atlanta back to Winnipeg after being warned several times he was told that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were going to come and take him to jail his response can they bring some smokes 11 in 2013 some crook bought dialed 9-1-1 in Oklahoma right after robbing house apparently they were overheard discussing their loot 10 a woman in Kalispell Montana told the 9-1-1 operator my house has a heartbeat after she called the complain about our neighbors loud music I'm still not sure if she was speaking metaphorically or not 9 in 2010 Florida resident Charles Dennison called 9-1-1 they complained that his mom and taking his beer it turns out that he was quite intoxicated when making the phone calls luckily for Charles he had plenty of time to sober up in jail 8 a man from Lincoln Nebraska called 911 to report that some of his favorite hookah pipes had been stolen when police arrived however they were more interested in the special plants he was growing around the house oregano 7 in 2013 a four year old boy became an internet sensation when a recording of his 911 call apparently had called for help with his math homework the patient operator proceeded to help him with problems like 16-8 which is a in case you were wondering I was 6 when Tennessee resident he or Rama's boyfriend failed to make up his mind regarding marriage he resorted to calling 9-1-1 told two dispatcher that he wouldn't make an honest woman of her apparently she was a repeat 911 caller because she eventually ended up getting in trouble for abusing the system 5 in 2013 dispatchers in Fresno California got bought dialed from two men who had broken into a car and stolen prescription drugs for instead of calling Apple to help fix his iPhone Michael Allen skopic of Illinois decided to call the police and not just once repeatedly the cops did eventually show up but not to take the throne they took Michael to jail three Texas resident Elsa Benson called 911 2009 because her husband wouldn't eat his dinner apparently she had a record of calling 911 for non-emergencies to a burglar in Shelby County Ohio accidentally but down 9-1-1 while breaking into a home he then proceeded to hide in the closet but when the police arrived his phone's low battery alarm gave him away one in 2009 a woman from Kissimmee Florida called 9-1-1 and when she locked herself in her car if you're wondering how on earth that's even possible then you can empathize with the dispatcher after sun silenced the dispatcher after are you able to pull the lock up on the door you should still be able to pull the lock up even if it's electrical the woman who apparently did not think of this proceeded to sheepishly thank the dispatcher so when have you ever called 911 appropriately let us know in the comments below also don't do that don't don't call 911 one listen to emergency told you because I had a dream my mom died how old are you was this last week no okay I said okay weeks we go no okay enjoying our list be sure to click that subscribe button in the bottom right we don't miss out on new ones every Monday to Friday share them with your friends and help us consistently conciliate curiosity and if you want even more lists check out these three videos here or just head to our website at least 25 calm you
Channel: Alpha Paw
Views: 171,015
Rating: 4.8962774 out of 5
Keywords: List25, dumb 911 calls, 911 calls, stupid 911 calls, 911, annoying 911 calls, illegal 911 calls, emergency, dumbest, funny 911 calls, dumbest 911 calls, dumb reasons people called 911, funniest 911 calls, disturbing 911 calls, dumbest 999 calls, dispatcher, 999
Id: BZAjoG7gwjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2017
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