25 Most DANGEROUS Kids Toys Ever Made

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one would assume that when making a product for children the safety and well-being of said children is of paramount concern disturbingly that's not always the case I'm not sure if people are stupid or ill intentioned but some toys that have actually made the shelves just make you wonder what the professional qualifications for toy inventor and manufacturer are I'm Mike with ruse 25 and here to amuse and horrify you are 25 most dangerous kids toys ever made 25 CSI fingerprint examination kit and CSI investigation forensics lab kit these toys were released in 2007 they unfortunately contain the form of asbestos as part of the fingerprint kit I had two questions one how did that pass quality control and to who are these scores of children watching enough CSI a show for adults that they want a murder investigation toy a class action settlement was reached in 2009 24 Aqua Dots these were really cool concept little beads that you could arrange in whatever shape and then stick together permanently with just water they were also obviously not a toy for 18-month old children and had warnings on the package to indicate such however in 2007 some parents let their 18-month old son play with them he ate them which is where the real problem comes in the glue contained a substance that when eaten turned into GHB also known as the date-rape drug the little boy fell into a coma and when he woke up had brain damage while obviously parents should always supervise and follow age recommendations on toys a toy should never contain a substance like that ever 23 the Gilbert u-238 Atomic Energy Lab this toy was released in 1950 by the same man who invented erector sets and a few other toys on this list atomic energy was all the rage in the 50s what with the u.s. winning the secondary war and all that jazz but this toy perhaps took the excitement too far it included actual live uranium or three different kinds in fact but don't worry it also at a Geiger counter in case your child started to glow in the dark 22 the snacktime Cabbage Patch doll this doll would eat your hair and fingers literally the munching toy had mechanical jaws that chewed and a one-way roller that was activated not by a switch but by sticking one of the plastic snacks in its mouth the doll couldn't differentiate between snacks and toddler fingers so you can imagine how that went 21 trampolines ah trampolines how fun are they they're also still widely popular and pretty dangerous yeah even if you have the net around them in fact if you have one it's considered enough of a risk that you have to inform your homeowners insurance the American Academy of Pediatrics also advises against having them 20 rollerblade Barbie this Barbie was without question one of the coolest toys of them in 90's her rollerblades sparked when she moved unfortunately this spark wasn't any sort of light-up device but rather actual Flint sparks you know similar to the inside of your standard bic lighter that they gave to children to play with so when barbie wanted to rollerblade in one of her long princess dresses bad things happen 19 the original creepy-crawlers oven this oven wherein you melted plastic and bake your own bug shaped toys and metal molds got even hotter than an easy-bake oven 350 degrees not only did the unit get hot but it made hot melted plastic which was also toxic but it was the 60s so maybe that was just a bonus feature 18 the austin magic pistol this toy pistol fired ping-pong balls at your friends seems harmless right well it fired them with something called magic crystals a terrible name on its own which were actually made from calcium carbide in case middle school chemistry was a really long time ago calcium carbide and water make a highly flammable gas that resulted in a small explosion that would fire said ping-pong balls over 70 feet just imagine how that went also imagine how cool it looked to shoot fiery ping-pong balls 17 the Gilbert glassblowing set this set was another toy brought to us by the 1950s and it was exactly what it sounded like a glassblowing set for children for reference aside from the dangers of glass when it's cool and solid in order for glass to become malleable it has to be about 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit most of us know several adults who shouldn't even have a toy like that just pay your 20 bucks go to the local red fair and watch the glassblowing guy from a safe distance 16 sky dancers for those not in the know sky dancers were little fairy dolls with wing arms you'd sit your dancer in the base pull the string and her arm / wing things would flare out and she would twirl through the sky a hard piece of plastic with no control whatsoever over where she goes there were injuries scratched corneas temporary blindness mild concussions facial lacerations and more they were really fun also they were recalled 15 mini hammocks these were really popular in the early 90s but they weren't always a good idea on one model specifically the Hang 10 model from easy sails children suffered head and brain damage after becoming entangled in them and basically hanging themselves the design of this specific hammock made Escape difficult if not impossible in 1996 three million mini hammocks from 10 different toy companies were recalled 14 moon shoes these shoes were really cool and also really dangerous pretty much anyone who's ever met a child or walked anywhere would look at these and say gee someone might break an ankle unfortunately the manufacturers didn't realize that until multiple reports came in of injured children 13 Sky Rangers radio-controlled airplane this toy airplane blew up as in literally in 2007 the company that made them had over 50 reports of them just spontaneously combusting and injuring children while in use so they recalled them 12 bird of paradise slingshot not only was the bird of paradise slingshot one of the first toys to be recommended for banishment by the Consumer Product Safety Commission it was the first that was redone due to injury risk not due to dangerous substances it was literally a slingshot with some razor-sharp missiles included eleven magnetics magnetics is a toy set that lets you build things out of little magnetic balls and small plastic pieces with magnets at the end the magnets held the pieces together sounds awesome right well some children who are not of the appropriate age to play with the toys choked or required surgery to remove the magnets that attracted each other once inside the child so now none of us can have them the same fate met buckyballs look don't try to swallow things and don't let babies play with toys they could possibly swallow please 10 slip-and-slide the original slip-and-slide was made for children not adults children that didn't however stop adults and teenagers from using them because they're awesome so in 1993 after eight adult sized people had become paralyzed or had severe injury due to the abrupt stop at the end of a slip'n slide the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a warning because duh nine metal playgrounds these clay places were basically a burn injury and tetanus booster shot waiting to happen also split lips concussions etc thankfully plastic has replaced most of the metal parts and the metal pieces use now are usually coated to prevent rust still make sure you're not sending your child or yourself up for a butt burn by touching the slide and swings before playing on them on hot days 8 Gilbert's caster kids Gilbert's caster kits were brought to you by the same people who brought you the Gilbert glassblowing kit from earlier these fun toy sets were very popular in the 1930s they let children cast their own toy soldiers out of molten lead 7 the Bell Buckle derringer by Mattel this toy was released in 1959 these were different times times when it was okay to fire a tiny plastic bullet encased in brass that would go up to 15 feet in any random direction that you loaded with a small exploding cap to make the bang noise from your crotch many an eyeball were harmed if you think this is the greatest idea ever though you can still get them on eBay for around 50 bucks 6 model Dockyard the mid-1800s believed children to be more sturdy than we do now nor expendable maybe that's why people had a dozen children either way they thought it was perfectly fine to give children a toy locomotive that actually moved being a time before Duracell was in every home the Stevens company modeled Dockyard locomotives got around this by using an actual steam engine which required either kerosene or alcohol that the child then had to light to heat the water to make the steam to make the train go much like the actual trains of the era the model Dockyard drift fuel out of the back so water mixed with kerosene and unlike real locomotives it didn't have tracks so it just peed a flammable liquid throughout the house did I mention it was made of metal and on fire inside five power might working power tools these tools were released in the 1960s and they were just like dads no really they were actual metal power tools just child-sized on the one hand this is a terrible idea on the other hand if your child is really coordinated you could have them build you a deck huh for super blast balls super blast balls were two balls you could smash together in your hands that created a loud noise and sparks basically you were setting off caps that small explosives that make toy guns go bang in your hands who wouldn't want to give that to small children yeah three toys-r-us 1988 writing set in 1988 Toys R Us had to recall writing set made for children it was shaped like a happy Yellow Submarine and contained drawers for various writing and craft supplies as well as a small razor blade nope I'm not making that up a razor blade - aqua leisure baby boat let me start this one out by saying that reportedly no babies died however aqua leisure was aware that there are two thousand two inflatable baby boats did significantly increase the risk of that happening the leg strap of the seat the part that the baby sits in that connects to the actual floating portion tore quite easily and frequently one javelin darts the 1950s were a simpler time paint contained lead cars contain no strange for children and toys didn't have much safety testing if any the concept of lawn darts or javelin darts or Jay darts is pretty straightforward you get a target you throw darts at it the darts were sharp and weighted so when thrown they would stick in the ground those are also qualities you want a weapon you throw at someone by the way which is probably how a little girl was killed by one in 1987 the game has been banned and revised in a slightly different version in the US several times currently soft tipped versions of lawn darts are available so what were some of your favorite toys you had as a kid that you probably shouldn't have had let us know in the comments below enjoying our lists be sure to click that subscribe button 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Channel: Alpha Paw
Views: 195,082
Rating: 4.8800302 out of 5
Keywords: List25, dangerous toys, dangerous kids' toys, kids toys, toys, bad toys, harmful toys, deadly kids' toys, deadly toys, most dangerous, recalled toys, worst toys ever, moon shoes, dangerous kids toys, lawn darts, children toys, most dangerous kids toys, most dangerous children's toys, worst toys of all time, most dangerous toys, cabbage patch snacktime kids, list 25, 25 Most DANGEROUS Kids Toys Ever Made
Id: uhMVix3FjN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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