25 Things You Didn't Know About Dogs

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all animals in the animal kingdom are special and unique in their own ways however everyone knows man's best friend is ultimately the dog with their incredibly intelligent characteristics and their humorous antics it's impossible to not love the furry canines dogs are so much more than just a companion in fact there are a considerable amount of things that make dogs unique within the animal kingdom I'm Mike with lists 25 and check out these 25 things you don't know about dogs and share your favorite fact from lists with dog lovers everywhere 25 even if dogs have been domesticated for approximately thirty three thousand years their primal instincts remained active to this day some of these instincts include howling at the moon pack dependency and even territory marking 24 research shows that dogs are the only animals in the animal kingdom that can read the emotions on your face much like humans in other words dogs can tell at a glance if we're happy angry or sad just by looking at our faces 23 it's a very common misconception that dogs are completely colorblind and can only see in black and white the truth is however that a dog can't see colors just not as many as we are able to 22 dogs have a higher body temperature than humans the average body temperature of a dog is 102 103 degrees Fahrenheit while the average for humans is 98.6 this is why fleas are attracted to your dog instead of you you're not hot enough 21 cancer isn't just a life-threatening reality for humans dogs can need cancer as well fifty percent of dogs over the age of 10 develop some type of cancer from lymphoma to skin cancer and many things in between at some point in their lives my dog Jack passed away cancer - cancer of the liver will get back into the fun 20 a recent study conducted at the Schiller hua hospital in Germany concluded that dogs have the incredible ability to recognize the scent of certain organic compounds in the human body which are linked to the presence of lung cancer this scientific breakthrough proves that canine companions may be instrumental in early detection of an otherwise traditionally hard to detect disease nineteen a number of studies have indicated that dogs faced health risks when exposed to toxins in secondhand smoke which include respiratory problems allergies and even nasal and lung cancer dogs can experience the exact same symptoms that human does when exposed to secondhand smoke so just be sure to keep any smoke away from your dog 18 limping from a dog can be due to a series of things such as a thorn stuck in the paw to arthritis however in some occasions limping can also be a sign of bone cancer so take any sign of limping seriously and visit your vet as soon as possible 17 it turns out that a chemical and chocolate called theobromine is toxic and can fatally affect your dog if it ingests between 100 and 150 milligrams per kilogram of body weight we're able to eat chocolate because we're able to easily metabolize theobromine while a dog system digests it much slower allowing it to reach high levels of toxicity chocolate isn't the only thing your dog shouldn't eat make sure you check out our 25 harmful foods your puppy shouldn't need to find out more 16 larger dogs have more of them to love but unfortunately we get less time to love them smaller dogs typically live longer lives than larger counterparts an analysis of veterinary records showed that dogs who are under 20 pounds lived approximately 11 years while dogs who weighed over 90 pounds live for only about eight one theory behind why this occurs is because larger dogs age more quickly because they grow at a faster pace 15 anyone who owns a dog or has seen a dog movie or a train knows how much dogs hate thunderstorms but why is this many believe that it's because they're just afraid of the sound of thunder or the strike of lightning the actual reason dogs hate thunderstorms is because they experience high levels of static electricity during bad storms the static electricity causes their fur to have an uncomfortable tingling effect that causes them to whimper and hide around the house in places lowest to the ground the best way to decrease the amount of static cling is to rub a dryer sheet on their fur 14 just like us dogs can get cold and hot the most important method that dogs used to beat the heat is panting this is why you may see a dog panting heavily after going on a run another way that dogs cool themselves down is by doing something called vasodilation what this does is brings the hot blood right up to the surface of the skin which allows it to have time to cool down before it returns to the heart and it repeats the cycle once again the final way a dog can cool themselves down is by simply sweating through their paws similar to how we sweat all over our bodies 13 dogs can be identified by their nose prints because like human fingerprints a dog's nose print is unique to that dog 12 dogs have a superhero-like sense of smell a dog's nose contains up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their nose while humans have approximately 6 million that means that dogs can smell up to 50 times better than us this is why police dogs are so critical in helping assist policemen in finding a legal contraband 11 dogs are pack animals and view their human owner as the leader when walking a group of dogs together the way they walk and their overall movements can determine their position in their social hierarchy studies show that dogs who lead the group during the walk tended to be more obedient and attentive to training dogs who lead are also typically older and more aggressive than the dogs who follow 10 in the United States around 1 million dogs are our primary beneficiaries of their owners will this isn't hard to believe since dogs are one of the most loyal companions you can acquire and many owners consider them to be a genuine member of their family the largest inheritance recorded to have ever been left to a dog was a lucky little German shepherd named Gunther the third his owner left him an astounding amount of 80 million dollars that is a lot of dog treats 9 a frightened dog will put its tail between his legs because it cuts off the scent gland in its anal region which carries personal sense that identify the individual dogs it's almost as if the dog is hiding his ID card eight studies show that dogs can indeed express jealousy dogs have the same hormone oxytocin which has been shown to be involved in both expressions of love and jealousy in experiments involving humans 7 150 to 250 words seems like way too many for any dog to remember and respond to but studies show that their cognitive skills can be that sharp in fact their cognitive skills and development could be easily compared to that if a two-year-old smarter breeds can absorb up to as many as 250 words while the average Mont can understand approximately 156 the Greyhound is the fastest dog in the world reaching breathtaking speeds of 245 miles an hour to put that into perspective the fastest human runner in the world Usain Bolt can run up to speeds of 28 miles an hour that means that the Greyhound can run nearly twice as fast as the fastest human on earth five you ever wonder why your pup chases his tail there's actually good reason to that seemingly pointless habit the circular motion flattens tall grass in the wild and turns into a cozy bed for them however if you're not outside for a little pup may be chasing his tail because of mere fascination in discovering a new body part 4 while all dog breeds are individually special the Greyhound is particularly unique as it's the only dog named in the Bible in some translations of Proverbs 3031 scholars translate the verse to read the greyhound the male goat also and the king against whom there is no rising up three dogs like humans can get hiccups from eating or drinking too fast due to swallowing a large volume of air feelings of anxiety fear stress and even excitement can also trigger hiccups for dogs some experts believe that the hiccups can actually relieve the gases that build up in a dog's stomach benefiting them in the long run - regardless of how it appears your dog does not feel guilt according to Bernard college researcher Alexandre Horowitz the guilty look your dog gives you has more to do with your perception than their intention one research shows that by petting a dog you help lower your blood pressure petting a dog is so calming and peaceful that it actually releases more of your relaxation hormones not only is there an increase in your relaxation hormones but there's also a decrease in your stress hormones not to mention that all dogs love being petted so it benefits them as well so what's your favorite dog breed great let us know in the comments below or tweet your an throw us at least 25 or to me personally and Michael D Estrin and if you like this video check out the ones in this playlist here let's also have some love for kitty cats okay they'll get their own list why the hell not
Channel: Alpha Paw
Views: 47,097
Rating: 4.9253654 out of 5
Keywords: List25, list 25, top 10, top 25, amazing facts about dogs, dog facts, dog facts and information, dogs, facts about dogs, incredible facts about dogs, things you didn't know about dogs, Mike, pups, puppers, doggos, puppies, puppy, dog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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