25 Chess Tips If You're Under 1400

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okay that's pretty good it's pretty good you got a nice target that's a good long term both of those are good long-term weaknesses some isolated pawns so that's a good trade this is okay um i like to if i can i like to let my opponent trade into me because then i'm going to get my rook onto the file for free basically whereas in this case white ended up getting the rook onto the open file for free now you can still fight back later but it just kind of takes you a little bit more time so as a general rule i try not to trade like that and allow my opponent to trade into me unless there's a very specific reason you know why you need to trade for some tactic or something otherwise i think i would probably just develop right away here move your bishop somewhere and just leave that because you know if white takes you you're happy to take back with your rook this is pretty good uh i think so doubled rooks are like very strong if you can get them so i would be if i'm playing this i'm gonna like try to do that now i can't because the bishop is here so i'm going to think of ways to get rid of that bishop f6 comes to mind immediately but of course it's pinned so we can't do that so i think what i would probably play is something like h6 because that's going to force the bishop away and then allow me to double up and now i have some threats on this bishop and rook right because i'm i'm threatening to play c6 now with my double rooks creating an attack on the rook here so that's what i would be thinking through i think that being said rookie 8's not a bad move because it's also an open file but there's just something really good about the doubled rooks on the same file you get a lot of tactical threats a lot of times when you do you do that right b1 um yeah rook b1 is okay i will just tell you usually i i pause when i'm gonna be moving a rook to defend a pawn like that only because usually there are better uses for your rooks like than sitting behind a pawn so like in this position i'm gonna probably play knight a4 and try to go knight b6 because this is a nice hole there's no pawns right they can attack my knight and once i get my knight on b6 i'm shutting down the queen i'm shutting down the rook and my knight's like a monster it's like attacking all these squares it's like attacking things and the only way black can really deal with that is if they want to give up their rook or maybe go here and trade for it but then i'm going to get this past pawn protected by my bishop and that's going to be that's going to be awesome right so so yeah i mean this is a really great idea for white this is a fantastic idea whenever you see a hole like this you want to be thinking can i get my knight there right so like i'm also thinking about this and this the problem is those holes are a little bit more difficult to to get a knight to because the way the pawns are controlling the squares right if you you could get a knight here maybe h3 knight h2 but that's you know going to take a lot of time this one's very simple two moves and you're done completely shuts down this file so that's what i'm looking at um not that r1 is bad but you know just keep those things in mind so so here's what i'm thinking by doing this trade right here you kind of help out black's bishop right like now black's bishop has some life some things to do some places to go it has some hopes and dreams that weren't there before so i think if i'm playing this game i'm gonna just leave that and i'm gonna make sure that black can't play this unless i'm getting a free pawn out of the deal so i'm going to play like rookie e1 and actually let's see when did you play rook yeah it's hard to know that this is going to happen at this moment in the game that would be sort of like proactive kind of planning ahead if black tries to break out rookie e1 but even here a move later i think it would be fine just go back something has changed and now this is where you want your rook because it stops e5 right what's black gonna do give you a free pawn probably not and if they don't what's this bishop going to do nothing absolutely nothing and you've got pressure on this pawn so next move i'm going to bring this rook up i don't know what black's going to do i'm going to bring this rook up i'm going to bring this rig over here right and look at this black's all tied up in knots everybody is just defending this is the kind of position that you want and then you can just slowly improve your position and you can take your time because what's black going to do like black has like no moves so all you have to do is like bring your king up now you can start pushing these pawns maybe you can reposition your king over here if you want you can even like run on this side but you can do whatever you want because black's just totally jammed up right so that's what i recommend this way that bishop okay either the bishop was going to move somewhere or now you traded it which this knight is still really strong i don't know that i would have traded it for the for that bishop although the bishop like i said is going to come out here so best thing to do would have not been to let it out let's talk about this because this is something that a lot of people like to do and you have to understand the risks associated with this so a lot of the time you're going to castle king side right and that's kind of where your king's going to be safe you develop the rest of your pieces you castle king side the game goes on when you play g4 you have to realize that okay if i'm going to castle kingside now what does that mean well it means my king is going to be more exposed so you either have to be okay with that or you have to plan on castling the other way or maybe not castling at all so i'm not saying this is bad you should never do it i'm just saying make sure you understand when you play a move like g4 it's a very committal move because pawns never go backwards you can never be like you know what i'm just going to move it back and and you know castle over here later no no that's it right are some weaknesses here particularly on these squares right that are going to be there the rest of the game now it's not all bad news like i said you gain some space you push black away you get rid of the the pin uh that was here right so you can move your knight so it's totally fine i do that sometimes too just keep in mind like that's a risk you know you have to basically plan for that also i really like to do it if i know that my opponent's king is already there because then you can like get some pawns going and attack the king right now you don't really know what black skin they might castle this way they might not castle all right but anyway it's not bad i just wanted to mention that all right i don't like this move i don't know what you were thinking um but here's the thing notice this e4 square right it's one of the central squares and black's eyeing it right and so when you go here you completely give up control of that square so black has all sorts of options now and i don't i don't yeah i don't really like that idea i think you need to finish developing so this bishop's got to come out whether you're going to go to d3 or g2 or b5 you got to develop that bishop and then you gotta move your queen probably up so that you can have options to castle right and a lot of times in the london you you temporarily give up control of e4 but at some point you do want to try to play e4 and break in the center and so bishop d3 queen e2 maybe getting ready to do that at some point makes a lot of sense but yeah this not a big fan of that move all right so yeah see the problem is you're trying to attack over here which is good that's where the king is but your king's not really safe and there's some undefended pieces right so usually when you see strong players attacking and pushing pawns it's only after they've sort of fixed all the other problems right they've gotten their pieces developed they don't really have any major weaknesses or things undefended once you fix that that's when you go for the attacks right so you just want to get your ordering correct there here we go wow wow g5 okay um for those of you who are under 1400 what's the what's the big big drawback for black for playing this move light squares are weak exactly right here it's it's this diagonal and then these light squares exactly right specifically this diagonal this is by the way this is the fool's mate right when white plays f3 and g4 and gets mated in two moves it's just like this because you open up that diagonal to the queen so you don't even have to save your bishop here you could play a move like e4 let black take it and you're still going to be in a winning position after queen h5 that's how good this is you can even give up a piece and i can tell you here we'll just check it we'll turn it on stockfish here i guarantee you stockfish is going to say white's better in that position so let's just see if i play the move e4 oh that's the best move that's what sock fish's best move is so ignore this because once you get this it's over for black it's over right um i mean yeah queen takes c5 check what does it say the best move is here let's see back to h5 so you take the pawn probably just bringing out a piece yeah just castling and white's totally winning even though you lost the bishop doesn't even matter because black's king so correct so you know next time this happens you'll know keep an eye out for that and you want to be looking at moves like e3 and e4 why because you want to get your queen over there so you can get your queen there and by the way if you can ever put your opponent's king in check and they can't easily block it and they have to move their king and it's pretty early in the game like 99 times out of 100 you should do it because as soon as you make them move their king like that they lose castling rights probably puts their king on an awkward square and it's just gonna be really good for you now if this pawn was back here on g7 it's different because then they can just block right and now you can go there with your queen but they're just going to block you and you kind of waste a move the fact that there's no easy way to stop that check is why i want to go there okay so it's very different than if they have an easy way to block it all right so of course developing pieces is great you can't go wrong there you know um i'm just letting you know that that was really the weakness in black's position that's how you take advantage of it okay yeah be careful castling when there's like advanced pawns in front of your king just because when you get to the higher levels if you do that they're going to be pushing these pawns and attacking your king and you're going to have to deal with that whereas maybe in this game you play queen e2 and you castle this way right because it looks much safer over here than in front of all these pawns but anyway okay so you went here uh what about this square right this is a an amazing outpost and remember when your opponent moves pawns forward they create weaknesses and by pushing this pawn to here this square immediately jumps out in my mind as oh i i got to take advantage of that right because why is that let's say black played a different move like rook over here or well maybe that's not the bit let's say they played rook here if i play knight here now black's gonna play b6 and guess what i gotta move and i just wasted a move can't do anything right because there's a pawn that can control that square so as soon as i see b5 i'm like okay there's no more pawns and that's important right because knights are three points the only piece that i'm really scared of with my knight is a pawn because that's the only piece that's lower than my than my knight right if a knight attacks my knight it's just a trade if a queen attacks my knight i don't care it's a queen right if a rook attacks my i don't care it's the pawns that are gonna chase my knight around so that's why c5 now becomes a really nice square for our knight okay so knight to c5 would have been a great move and notice too like look at the effectiveness of the knight boom boom boom boom you're attacking two weak pawns already you're taking away some squares in black's camp you're blocking off this file so that the queen can't come through as opposed to back here the the only things that you're attacking are already well defended right and you can't really go anywhere else and and you're not blocking the queen the queen can now infiltrate if it wants so you just see how like one small move can make a huge difference so um yeah this is a tough position this is a tough position because your night is trapped you want to defend it i get that the problem is this is a very very weakening move on your king side very very weakening so the the big takeaway is going back here try not to put your knights on the edge of the board a knight on the rim is grim or dim depending on which version you've heard so probably you need to move here or you need to move back here and then maybe relocate it over here to this outpost that's what this knife should be doing h4 unless you have a place to go next probably don't want to go to the side right and you don't have a place to go those are taken away by the pawns so these this is where you want to go okay and and then you would avoid the situation right now you kind of have a problem here okay uh this is fine because you're taking a pawn but remember if you are ahead a lot of material and and a rook is a lot like anything above five points is a lot probably the easiest way to win the game is to trade because the as you simplify this down like let's just say you can trade off all these let's say this rook is going to be just go have a party and just eat all the ponds and black's not going to be able to really stop you the more pieces that are on the board the more black can try to do things so in this case i'm just going to trade and yeah the game becomes really easy if you do that bishop d2 yeah bishop d2 is okay um i i like to play moves like queen b3 a lot of times in these positions queen b3 is a very tricky move it creates a lot of threats so you've got a threat on the b7 pawn you've got a throat on the bishop you've got a thread on d5 it's lined up with the king it also just you know defends your knight if you need that gets it out of the way so that your rooks can be connected and so i think i would probably play queen b3 here um that's just me bishop nothing wrong with bishop v2 it's just a little bit passive you know kind of defensive move um and i like to be a little bit more aggressive when i can that's more of a personal style than this is the best move in the position all right um but it does make difficult on your opponents now i have to be really careful um that something you know a tactic doesn't open up at some point right so yeah so this is a tough position this is a tough position because now you got you got to really decide is it better to defend and then try to bring my king around somehow or is it better to push this and allow black here's the thing that i would be thinking about one one lone pawn a lot of times in a rook ending like this it's going to be difficult to make progress because what's going to happen is at some point you're going to push it and you're going to push it's going to get like let's say here black's going to put the rook behind it right so let's actually just for example let's see what happened in the game for one second okay this is what happened in the game so perfect black's gonna put the rook behind it and what are you gonna do now how are you gonna make progress it's not that easy right unless your king is close over here or there's more pieces on the board but in just a rook and pawn end game like this it's very difficult for you to make progress okay black on the other hand has two pawns that are connected very easy to push two pawns because they they just help each other right like you go here and this guy helps him or the other way he helps him and they just keep helping each other much much easier and so i i don't think if it's me in this position i don't think i'm going to let black do that um i think i'm probably going to have to play either rook a4 to defend that or maybe rook here to at least get one pawn right something like this because i don't i don't want to give my opponent two connected pawns one pawn i can very easily deal with it and i'll be fine coupons that's a different story [Music] so you go there yeah see what's happening so what you have to remember what you have to remember is if in a game like this where there's multiple pawns on one side of the board if somebody's king ends up stuck on on one side and the other person's king is closer to the pawns whoever's king is closer is going to win every time they're just going to take all the pawns and you're not going to be able to do anything kings are very good at like hunting down pawns by the way right the way they move they just control all the squares so you can just take all the bonds that are around so you know right here right here actually you need to really be thinking okay if i do this trade can i come back over right and if not you don't you don't want to do that you got you got to come up with something else you got to come up with another plan so um yeah that's it's a tough way to lose because it should have been a draw but as soon as you make this trade everything changes right and now it's all it's it's black she's going to eat up all your pawns yep and there's just nothing to do at this point so i'm just looking stockfish says there's some some crazy idea here i don't know what it is so i want to just see what's the idea here a takes before c takes before what what's what is this oh queen the fort shack nice little tactic i didn't even see that at first glance i just noticed that stockfish was going crazy so that's wow yeah that's a good example of like you want to be kind of like always scanning the board right like okay here's a king here's an open diagonal here's an undefended piece right like if you scan the board and there's like here's the question for you scan the board what's the undefended pieces that white has well that's defended that's defended everything's defended except that rook so now i'm like okay huh i wonder if i can attack the rook and if you know maybe you can kind of put all this together and open diagonal on the king an undefended rook my queen has access to this right and then oh a couple of simple captures and guess what all of a sudden you just won yourself a rook so that's like how you know stronger players find these advanced tactics they just sort of break it down piece by piece right and then you say oh take take check there's a rook it's not that easy i mean i missed it myself right but i didn't like spend a lot of time analyzing but um basically like as soon as you see this move it's like okay now the diagonal's open can i do something about that hmm and maybe you maybe you find that idea right takes this takes this queen d4 black wins attacking some weak stuff okay it's a risky move but i guess it's okay i say it's risky because you can't move your knight now and so if if white can attack it again like queen f2 what are you going to do i don't i guess you can try to defend with your rook maybe risky move and also like let's just take this for example let's say you can play here i don't even know if this works what i'm concerned about is that after this trade happens you're still stuck in this pin and you still can't move and notice how you can't move your queen either because now you lose the peace well it's white's turn but let's just say here you can't do this or you lose this piece so you know putting yourself into a pin like that you got to be really careful you just got to be really careful generally speaking a lot of the times if you do that your opponent's going to have some kind of a tactic available so just keep that in the back of your mind in this case they just traded for you which is very nice very nice of your opponent to do that but okay g4 it's a committal move you know i don't know that i would play this personally if i'm castled here i think it's a little bit too much especially because because black hasn't castled yet they can very easily play h5 and open up my king now yes you can force a queen trade the next move and so maybe that's sorry maybe that's what you were thinking which is okay um but yeah i personally i don't really really like that actually i think you can just win a pawn now that i'm looking at it trade the queens and just take on here i think makes more sense i don't think you need to play g4 and open up your king like that looks good developing great okay so this is a good this is a good learning opportunity so the bishop's obviously under attack right you have to do something about that you can do what you played in the game b3 right defend it you can go bishop to b3 or you can do something like queen e2 or maybe queen d3 probably queen e2 let's just say so you got three options one two and three uh which one is the best let's ask chad let's ask the chat which which one is the best bishop b3 b3 or queen e2 and what's the idea why would we defend this bishop one way or the other three three moves free pawn yeah peter you're right there there's a pawn over there but let let's just pretend that that wasn't there because you're right there is a free point that's another move but let's just say we're worried about the bishop we're trying to defend the bishop personally i like the move queenie two why do i like queenie two because not only am i defending i'm doing something else that i probably was going to do anyway right i'm not going to leave my queen sitting on d1 forever i'm going to want to get into the game queen e2 i'm creating a nice battery that i can use to go and attack my opponent's king i'm also giving myself the option if i'd like to castle queenside i can which is nice because it immediately puts my rook on a half open file that's pretty good i'm adding some support to my e-pawn i'm adding some support to my f2 pawn which by the way is attacked and i deal with the threat so i accomplished like what did i say one thing getting ready to castle two three four it's like five things with one move as opposed to one thing with one move you did one thing you defended your bishop that's good but do you want to do one thing or do you want to do five things also b3 creates some weaknesses that that you're never going to be able to recover from in this game right these squares are permanently weak for the rest of the game because your pawn is no longer supporting that knight b3 is great because because first of all you're noticing the big threat so that's a good a good you know step but when you want to take it to the next level you want to start pairing that with okay i'd like to defend my bishop i'd also like to do some other stuff let's do it at the same time and by the way like this is something that i think a lot of players don't think about but when you give yourself the option to castle both directions number one it's it's difficult for your opponent to like know where your king is gonna be which is which is really nice right because they can't sort of set up an attack right if i'm gonna just castle right away my opponent if they want can start throwing their pawns at me or maneuvering their pieces and attacked me when i'm kind of like waiting and i'm like okay i might go this way i might go this way they don't know but also as the game goes on you can use your own judgment and be like okay i think it makes the most sense for me to castle this way because i want my rook here and my king's going to be safe or i think it makes the most sense to castle over here because i'm going to i'm going to get ready to push these pawns forward so giving yourself more options is always a good idea trading off that extra pawn that's fine e5 so hmm here's here's why i don't like e5 when i see e5 i get a little bit scared because there's a rook lined up with my queen so that's why i don't want to play e5 i don't want to let that happen to my queen right so i'm gonna again probably play queen e2 to get that out of the line of the rook or maybe um i mean it almost looks like you could start attacking at this point because you're developed you're castled so now you could maybe start thinking about weaknesses in your opponent's position so maybe knight d5 knight b5 to attack here bishop takes f7 almost works but remember our knight is now undefended right because we move this pawn up so we can see why that was important to leave it there because now we have an undefended piece we have to kind of watch out for so a lot of moves that you might consider i just don't like this one just because where my queen is at right you got to be careful with that ah and yep see there you go right we lost the queen so g3 you went there okay wait what if you just is this just maiden two checkmate yeah it's it is main two you take this and then it's over so this is like a something you would find in a tactics puzzle book right if you do lots of mate and twos there there's actually some books that are specifically mate and twos or they have they have categories like mate and one sections making two main three making four i can't remember the name of the book there's a there's like a famous one i have to look it up but specifically checkmates in one two three are really good to practice because some of the like let's just say chess.com puzzles they're not always mates sometimes it's you know you have a random fork and win a piece or you just defend something or whatever it could be anything it's good to practice the checkmates for these situations and you'll probably see this right so just just work on those if you can um because yeah this is a nice this is a nice one right white has to take you back and it doesn't matter you just have checkmate next move yeah i've had games like this too it's like amazing and somehow the king just ends up like escaping to the other side of the board and you're like how did that happen i can see that's probably what's happening here yep yep and then you have no pieces left and it's like how did that happen yeah that's tough you did a good job attacking uh one thing i'll say if you're going to play openings like like you did and you're going to attack tactics especially the checkmate ones are going to help you more than anything because you're going to get lots of positions like this as long as you play like you did which was great uh just work on those tactics get a get one of those books mate in twos it's full of mate and twos and just work on them the one that i recommend a lot this is super old but it's a thousand and one brilliant ways to checkmate this one doesn't tell you how many moves it is like some of the other ones do but they're all checkmates and it breaks them into categories so like see if i can show you so chapter one is queen sacrifices and so you get practice you know sacrificing your queen to get checkmate and then you've got uh let's see what's the other sections i think there's one like checkmate without the queen so you see mating patterns where there's no queen involved and that's that's helpful because you want your mind to be able to recognize other combinations of pieces carrying the king chapter four i don't know what that one's all about um let's see what's this one discovered check and double check it's chapter five so you get practice with checkmates that come about from a discover track and a double check and so something like this i don't know maybe you already have that maybe you're already working on it but that's what i would recommend bishop d3 usually is is unadvisable because you're making this bishop stuck how are you going to get this bishop out you can't move your deep on you can't move this bishop out yes you can fee and keto it but that's pretty weird and usually that's not the best way it's nice to have the option to play d4 so bishop v3 is a weird move queen g5 you definitely are immediately attacking the weakness so i got to give it to you for that now you have to be careful because yeah exactly like this it becomes a question of is it worth it like is it worth is the pawn worth the trouble that you're gonna go through to get it i personally would say no i don't like playing positions like this where i have to spend a bunch of time to go get one pawn and then at the end of it all my opponent's gonna have like three pieces that are just attacking me right so for example rook g1 yep and look at this position white has this and this and this and this ready to go and i'm just like i got my pawn you know it's something i got one pawn cool so i don't like to do that right and so if it's me going way back here i'm gonna be like yeah i don't think i'm gonna do that just because of that reason i know what's gonna happen i know i know how it's gonna end right so keep that in mind now there are different situations okay where maybe i already have like all my pieces out and i see an opportunity to go for a pawn okay then yeah i'll go for it i'm already developed and i feel comfortable with my position but right now i mean this is move two right we're in the development phase so i don't agree with with that uh decision for that reason ruby one i i want to see this bishop getting developed i'm seeing a lot of other moves and we haven't finished development yet and maybe that's because you didn't know where to put it so you can go to e3 and if they take you you can actually just take with the pawn and even before you move your rook is probably a better time to do that so like back here you can go bishop e3 and the point is yes you get some double pawns but now you have a half open f file okay which you can use you can move this knight and do something here and you get this on e3 which it can be weak at times but it's also sort of helping you in the center right like nike the knight can't go there and now you can play d4 whenever you want and you know if black takes you're gonna just take it back so this is actually a nice way to go and of course if black like tries to attack it right away you can just defend it with your queen something like this and you know you'll be fine so this is just especially if you play this opening right the italian game like this you're gonna see this move a lot and so just remember bishop e3 is totally fine to play and just capture with your pawn put your queen up and you know try to use this to your advantage right you've got some things lined up and uh black has to be careful right so so right right around here you know let's see soccer says minus four minus five minus four point five you're totally winning you're totally winning your bishops are awesome uh sorry your bishops are awesome wow can't draw diagonals your bishops are awesome you're up some material your rooks are doing great white's pieces are awkward but you do want to ask yourself the question how could i lose this game like i'm winning i'm doing well how could i possibly lose well as soon as you start seeing like a clump of pieces over by your king you should start getting this like danger sense like something needs to go off in your head like okay let's be a little bit careful here my queen's way over here my bishops are kind of not around my king my rooks are kind of not around my king and now there are three pieces that's a lot now the queen maybe in one move is also going to be involved so i'm like starting to get a little bit concerned i want to make sure i'm looking for tactics i'm looking for what what happens if any of these pieces move towards my king right and so maybe you consider these moves right because there's a rook here and so i think it's just a simple move like king f8 would be fine just getting out of that pin see that pin on the pawn uh that's a big deal okay and so keep keep that in mind because that's really what happened you were totally focused on being aggressive which is not bad but you know eventually you gotta at least look at what's going on with your own king and that's what happened white was able to take advantage of that and yeah [Music]
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 673,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 32sec (2072 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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