3 Rules That Will Change YOUR Chess Forever! [Expert SECRETS & TIPS]

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if you ever wanted to join the gank of Chess Killers you are welcome to do so today I'm going to be sharing with you the three key ideas that I use as well as my students to dominate against any average player and to join the elite chess players so let's go ahead and get started let's make a couple moves so that we have something to think about and then we'll discuss exactly how to find proper moves in any position of course it's not just about the position we are talking about but just so that you know those three Universal rules applicable for any trust position for any chess game alright so let's start with this let's say we're going in the Queen's Gambit one of the classical chess openings in for example let's start right here so imagine that it is you are playing game and it is your turn how do you play here is why just think about this for a second and then we'll compare different options as well as how you can pick the best one so what can I do here well there are a lot of different options here really why I can develop one of their Bishops for example this one can go to F4 to G5 the light Square Bishop can be developed after G3 followed by Bishop G2 or maybe E3 so that the bishop can be active along this diagonal perhaps you can take this Pawn on C5 and maybe we can come up with a couple other options but like At first at least we have these moves candidates so which one is the best how do you think well let me first address one of the really common problems and is actually the rule number one this is an old rule that I studied many years ago but many players still aren't aware of it and it states to take is a mistake so on this position to check the database and the second most common move in this position is Pawn take C5 which is a big gigantic Mammoth error that you gotta just remember this rule wants to take his mistake and never follow this error anymore in your games what's the problem here whenever there is some sort of a tension when pieces or pawns attack each other usually in order to make your life simpler it is worth tempting to release the tension get rid of it so that it is easier for you to calculate further moves but the problem here is that very often in the vast majority of the cases as you release the tension you actually help your opponent such as in this case if you trade on C5 what you actually do is you help your opponent to bring his Bishop out on a more active square and you do that with your own move so black doesn't even have to spend any extra time for this developing proof because you held black to achieve that outcome and nothing else really changes in the position besides black gothair Bishop more active and that is usually the case by the way the opposite is also true think about this imagine black captures here on D4 what's gonna happen well you will relocate your knight to more active Central Square which is going to be nice for you so the same rule to take is a mistake applies both for white and for black and for any kind of position I mean just one quick disclaimer so to say okay if you can capture something and get a particular benefit then go ahead and do it what I mean by a particular benefit if you can win material or if you can capture something and then there's a force in line and you Checkmate the opponent's Keen sure go ahead and do this but if it's just an exchange then don't trade for the sack of exchange that's usually wrong so C5 is actually kind of wrong okay and the second rule which helps you to find proper moves States please don't just move around attack challenge your opponent create problems for your opponent that's what really separates stronger players from the rest so an average Joe while thinking about this position or any other chest position thinks about it that way alright it is an opening and gotta develop pieces how do I do that maybe I'm bringing this bishop out somewhere or maybe I want to play E3 and bring this bishop out somewhere so that's how an average Joe thinks about it if you compare that to a strong chess player a strong player has a particular different mindset here's how a strong player thinks about it how do I attack so that's the first question how do I put problems to my opponent how do I challenge him and then you see that it totally changes your focus and with that in mind although white has a number of developing moves and they all are decent you know the move Bishop G5 should be the best because here he actually creates some problems for black right we threaten potentially to take here and if black recaptures that's going to weaken this Pawn on D5 and will be able to pick it up on the next move so we are already creating a specific threat that black have to address somehow and that's why this move is superior to any other just just a move okay because here we not only activate a bishop but we also attack and that is the second rule okay let's take it back so that just already goes to show you how you can easily find proper moves by following just these two ideas so first is to take his mistake and second to attack to challenge your opponent instead of just moving around but let's actually make this exchange because anyway that's what people love doing often they haven't watched this video so they don't know that it's wrong and after Bishop takes C5 Let Me Now flip the board and now let's think about this from black side so here's another very common situation after you're pouring girls hero Bishop G5 add creates this pain how would you play here if you're playing Black that's not a question just think about this for a few seconds it's your turn your bone girls Bishop G5 what is your reaction here Bishop G5 quite obviously creates the same thread to this Pawn on D5 where it wants to probably take this Knight on F6 and after that pick up this Pawn on D5 with either a knight or a queen and for that reason most players in this position automatically defend they play them of Bishop to E6 according to the database that's the most played move in this position now what's wrong with this move well it kind of ties together with the previous rule we discussed okay that you don't want to just move around you want to attack you want to create problems for your opponent right and for this particular case the rule states that offense is the best defense so even when you're upon a taxi you get a still think in the very same fashion how do I attack right so instead of thinking okay my opponent attack me how do I defend this Pawn you ask yourself another question how do I attack how do I pressure my opponent and with that in mind the first move that you gotta think about is the move Pawn to D4 because that's an attacking move you go forward until almost half of the board and you attack something you force the Knight to move so in positions like that and as well as in any other position I want you to really think that way how do I go forward how to attack how do I challenge my opponent so D4 is actually a lot stronger than just playing a defensive move Bishop to E6 and again this applies to any other position just as well by playing D4 we attack the knife force it to go where I cannot keep making attack moves they have to defend okay so through D4 here the boss played move for white is Knight to E4 and let me ask you for the last time to think about this position for a few seconds and to tell me which move you or we would play here if you are playing Black okay just black to play your opponent has just played 94 obviously white is attacking here attacking here and you gotta deal with that somehow so how do you play well I hope that after studying the previous two rules you will not consider them of Bishop e sound so that's the last thing you want to do just plain defensive move playing back again is the last thing you want to do do not do that okay so instead you ask yourself the very same question how to attack fans is the best defense so 94k here attack me how do I counter attack and there are a couple options for example you can go Bishop B4 and track the king if you want to get out of the of this pin you may also consider you know Queen A5 that also checks the cane so there are already a couple more aggressive options for example Bishop B4 looks pretty cool because that not only removes this Bishop from the attack but also counter-attacks why it's king cure the most played move by white is Knight to D2 and at this point let me also address the other the third rule okay let me share the final secret of strong players in fact the final two moves of white were big blunders they actually overlooked a strong tactical option of black and I'm not sure if you could find it or not but regardless of that I hope that you got this idea so here's the idea whenever pieces start attacking each other such as in this case you gotta take some time to calculate because you gotta know when to calculate you cannot take time to calculate an app remove because then you'll run out of time especially if you're playing Blitz right but at some points when pieces start attacking each other when there is a real tension you gotta take a little time to calculate here's what I mean here white attacks the Bell should one attacks these not on F6 why it puts pressure onto this Pawn on D4 while just put in a lot of pressure right simultaneously you can counter attack the key and you can pick up this Knight there are many pieces attacking each other and positions like that the value of the move is actually going very up right because the consequences of a wrong move are instantaneous you can just blunder a piece right or you can ruin your position completely and lose and for that reason it makes sense to take a little time to think about this and to consider different options especially the force and moves which are checks and captures because if you can capture something maybe you'll just win material and win the game right so for that reason in this position it's time for black to stop playing automatically mechanically you know and uh kind of start a little bit of thinking and think a little bit slower and taking time to calculate again what you want to calculate are force in this for example Bishop B4 check or an I take C4 capture so those are the moves that you can calculate maybe also Queen A5 because it's also check okay and in this position actually Knight takes E4 is a beautiful little combo because although we are sacrificing Our Queen on d8 after that we have this nice follow-up Bishop to be four checked to the king and it turns out that the only way for white to cover the Kings by playing Knight to D2 after that we take take this Knight track to the king what has to give up their Queen now and after Knight takes D2 at the end of the day we are a piece up for example if we continue The Lion King takes King takes and we've got two minor pieces versus one thus black achieved a winning end game by the way if you want to know how to deal with this annoying ping recently I recorded a new video about this where I'm sharing with you several powerful techniques how to punch back instead of just defending and if you also enjoy the today's trading session I've got this free master class that goes more in depth into this subject and that will hopefully help you to level up your chest quickly thank you very much for watching have a great rest of the day
Channel: Remote Chess Academy
Views: 486,346
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Keywords: chess tips for beginners, chess tips for intermediate players, chess tips to improve your game, chess improvement, chess important tips, chess important rules, chess improvement tips, chess improvement techniques, chess improvement for beginners, best chess tips, best chess strategy, best chess strategies to win, important chess principles, important chess rules, important chess tips, pro chess tips
Id: mFlYDz3IKJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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