Want to be 1000 in chess?

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ladies and gentlemen chess is hard and we often times want to feel that we are actually getting better at this game and one of the most important milestones that i would say is 1000 elo in this video i am going to take you through what i consider to be the five most important comprehensive steps to achieving that milestone now if you're watching this as a 1500 yeah don't follow i mean you know what i mean you're not gonna lose 500 points from watching this video hopefully this helps you as well and i will make a five steps to rating goals beyond this one so the way this video is going to work is first i'm going to introduce these concepts in long form on the screen like this then i'm gonna put a shortened form we will analyze games of my subscribers and make little check-ins with all of these points and then there are going to be two master games at the end the two of my subs played rated 8 900 that were nearly perfect so first things first openings do you understand them do you have an opening course or if you don't do you at least take the center with one or two pawns do you develop toward the middle do you not make multiple moves in the opening and uh can you punish garbage queen attacks right uh do you capture stuff when it when it's there are you blind to that stuff right second point trading don't auto capture pieces all trades have value bishop for night what it does to the color complex right removing a defender captures sequences and counting on a certain square that we're going to get into that today as well board vision think of the pieces as if they have eyes what they can see what they can't see okay how the board changes every time one piece moves for both you and your opponent upon moves what is open now another piece moves one is open now those are the first three and the the last two really the last one i should say uh number five is in my opinion the most important time management is a little bit different depends on what mode you play but you're gonna try to stay up some sort of percent on the clock uh this can help especially late game when you are pressuring an opponent that's beating you right uh you don't want to fall behind too far on the clock but you also don't want to play too fast if you're booting up a 10 minute game why do you have nine minutes on move 15 calm down and we're gonna get into all that today the last thing the checklist i talk about this in a lot of videos before you make any move the first thing you need to look at is checks captures attacks for you before you start thinking about anything else and before you make your move you need to think about that for your opponent do they have any checks do they have any captures do they have any attacks uh and this is kind of long form but now we are going to get into the short form version so we're gonna go up the rating ladder we're beginning with about five hundreds uh this is a game between uh 528 479 usernames are all shortened uh white begins with b3 and g3 and um yeah i mean this one is sort of self-explanatory right uh the checklist the opening we are not taking the center black actually is taking the center but immediately violates that right knight g4 uh moving a piece two times for absolutely no reason making kind of uh surface level night entry uh entry-style moves so we we we really don't want to play like this uh but again i mean we're here for a reason we're here to learn uh white now plays e3 right and the reason why you really need to follow basic principles in chess uh is because you want to minimize chaos that's that's one thing i'm going to say throughout this video you you have to minimize chaos notice that white takes the queen uh sorry takes the night with the queen black plays d6 creating a threat this one move concept is what people love to do they love to do stuff like this but then they don't ask themselves where's the queen gonna go the queen's gonna go in and take the g7 pawn right and then the h7 pawn so it's move seven and white is up five points of material that shouldn't happen right now black should you know get uh get the rest of the pieces developed but black makes another pawn move right white makes a night move that's actually not a bad move at all white makes black makes another pawn move not developing the knight of the bishop but creating a threat on the night uh a lot of low rated players have center blindness they tend to not take things in the middle they just drive their knight out to the side and suddenly you think the piece is trapped it's not right it can actually go back to a3 and it's protected but here white proceeds to lose it right this is a counting exercise this is a bad exchange people who are watching this at a high level are going to look at this and go this is such a ridiculous game why would you include this this is typical 5-600 stuff right so okay suddenly black has won some material back and plays the move queen f6 that's a great move the knight is hanging this is hanging as well however if you use the checklist here with white you're gonna realize that check first this check protects the knight right it protects the knight and after you play it you can then protect your rook by either moving it or blocking an attack right just because something's under attack doesn't mean you have to necessarily move it you can block it with a pawn so this is why you have to just you just have to use the checklist just use it it doesn't always come in handy but in this case the move queen e4 check it's the most forcing move you have it protects your knight now you have no problems but instead of that we have rugby one and queen takes knight so you see right now we see the rook is hanging so we're gonna move the rook black plays the move bishop f5 that's actually a fantastic move attacking the queen queen h6 knight d7 and now black plays a couple of absolutely wonderful moves to develop some pieces takes another pawn and um okay we have we have another situation here right white sees that through i mean maybe white doesn't see that the rook is hanging normally you just react to this by playing rook b2 but then if you look for checks in comes queen d1 which looks terrifying and this and you simply lose everything so this is a moment you can use the checklist again your rook is hanging but what's worth more than a rook the king but right now we can't check the king the queen is worth more and you can actually prevent queen to d1 by playing bishop to e2 and this is how you use the checklist now the last time you have in a game right you're not going to be that efficient you're not you're not going to find bishop e2 also your 500 you're not going to find bishop e2 but this stuff is all there that is really all i'm compelling you to do in this video queen f4 is not a good exchange right trading pieces not not all trades are the same uh in this case i would just take this and then take this so that's not that that's not a good trade right counting so takes takes and then there's another capture this game was quite chaotic uh right here there was two pieces blundered in one move and and at this level it's all about these one movers and it there you go right and now again look at what white does white gets tunnel vision white just played the queen there so white but that it's a no right the bishop is just free it's just a free bishop so this this is the the kind of stuff that's gonna and now i think white finally sees it and uh does a nice job here of getting the rook to the back rank uh black of course doesn't need to move the king black can play knight f8 uh but moves the king and white does a nice job here just takes as much stuff as possible um a great defense by the way look at this seeing how the pieces coordinate good defense and ends up you know black trades off their only remaining piece which is silly and black resigns but don't resign you have no excuse to resign here play this game out i mean i'm not sure white will checkmate you right so don't resign so this game right we could have been better in the opening the opening needs to be improved white needs to play much more in the middle of the board black actually did play in the middle of the board but black violated a very important principle not to just wander off with pieces and immediately got punished so instead of that what black should have done here is played bishop c5 and then played pawn to d5 two pawns in the center if you can knight bishop castle then play the game of chess okay and obviously all the other stuff uh fits in as well uh second game i have for you uh this is a game by a 579 and a 637 this one the opening by white is actually superb white is playing a vienna now this is not exactly a vienna gambit you really only play the gambit when there is a knight on f6 so actually white doesn't fully understand their opening but good enough to kind of scare the opponent right and play this move knight f3 black is not playing in the middle g5 is not a bad move according to stockfish in fact if you plug this position into the computer i wouldn't be shocked if this is the top engine move uh it's it's not but only if white attacks with h4 so basically if white plays how white played in the game then it's actually completely fine because black can play g4 but you know white has to play h4 to to to refute the idea white doesn't do that now knight f6 d3 you'll notice how white did everything that i wanted them to do last game black has not right also in this case white actually misses a free pawn that actually that is a pawn you are allowed to take you are allowed to break the principles because in the last game the knight went out to g4 on move two attacking and taking nothing right the difference here is that this is taking something free and then taking this two and that's exactly what white does so white moves the knight back and now look at this position by white two pawns in the middle two bishops two knights up a pawn beautiful i mean this is everything that we want to do now let's see what happens queen f6 what does that do hits our bishop this is a free pawn but we have to be a little bit careful here i like knight d5 attacking the queen and defending but we're gonna slowly scroll through the game this should be seven looking at the checklist so far great play by white maybe e5 maybe knight d5 right attacking this um there's a moment right here where if white uses the checklist uh white would have won material uh for example i think h3 right the checklist just attacks the knight and knight actually can't move anywhere so checks captures attacks at all times all right we're scanning checks captures attacks i don't dislike that move we lost the pawn but you know knight goes into e7 bishop to d5 again this is one of these moments where like if you're 600 and you're playing like this like bishop d5 is not the best move but white has made no blunders yet it's move 20 almost so i love this and you'll notice black's position is very scattered how does white plan on winning this game you have to launch an attack so at some point you gotta go over here and beat up this king all right i like h3 i like removing this right so now this bishop has no protection i would get my queen in here maybe all right knight h2 is an amazing move as well look at this backward night move hitting the bishop getting the king out of danger knight g4 beautiful play and suddenly things go completely completely wrong here the 579 kicks in white plays knight f6 check and that's just a clean backwards bishop move blunder black thinks that they have to move the king when they're in check because that's what for some reason low rated players do uh knight back to g4 and actually here this is mate why you always look for checks queen hitting the king protected by the knight that's made in one move it's just me what does white do instead queen before the complete opposite direction white attacks the bishop and the rook that can easily be stopped with either bishop back to c5 or bishop back to g7 but let's see what black does bishop c5 okay now white sees the queen hanging but plays check thinking they're winning the queen of their opponent they are not because if you do the math this is trading right this is the trading element of the five steps if you do the math here queen takes rook knight takes queen the ship takes queen you have lost that trade right so you can't do that your queen's just straight up hanging so rook f6 king back to g7 thankfully white avoids it and now black's queen is under attack and now black loses the queen and uh white still has to be a little bit careful and i don't exactly know if white converted this effortlessly seems like they they're getting there oh my gosh they gave away their knights but okay i mean yeah let's not march our king all the way forward against the queen but not a bad game right not a bad game white actually controlled it very well then went totally haywire opening was fantastic trading was fine but we have to understand counting so counting when your queen is hanging you have to be very careful going to counter attack a queen because you have to count exactly what's going to happen uh the checklist was followed for the most part uh except for the critical moment where white didn't see made in one so every move you have to scan it right have to have to scan it okay uh let's jump down to game number six uh this is game number six actually this is the game i wanted to show you this is how you deal now we're this is a big discussion of openings here queen f6 how do you deal with stupid stuff like this and very aggressive play all right we castle white here does something absolutely brilliant white does not just develop naturally but instead tries to put two pawns in the center of the board this is excellent this is fantastic because two pawns in the middle are supported by knights bishops queen and white just gets an unbelievably strong position e5 immediately challenging that stupidly positioned queen uh the queen moves over to e6 you can even and and look at this look at this move knight g5 knight g5 attacking the queen you say levy you told me not to play that move a couple of games ago it's a totally different story this attacks a queen defended by the bishop and opening up another attack board vision board vision right board vision when the knight moved the bishop hits the knight that's board vision so now we have elements of one two and three not necessarily trades but in terms of taking two pawns in the center beautiful pawn lever right c3 d4 and refuting this idiotic play by black bishop g4 i mean no disrespect i'm just saying like the the guy the person is probably smart but i'm just saying you can't play like this right this is how you punish it now unfortunately here white gets too excited all right and now white messes up their board vision um and plays knight takes f7 what they should have done is they should have just played bishop h5 as they are protected and they're going to bulldoze f7 what they thought they were doing is winning a queen they forgot that when the queen moves off of that square the pawn can replace it and here white just goes absolutely nuts so white tries to um counter-attack the queen again which just very calmly loses another pawn now white attacks again and very calmly loses a bishop so white has gone from beautiful play plus five to minus four in the span of like three moves you're playing hope chess right you are hoping that your opponent takes with the queen and now you pin them to their king if black plays bishop takes pawn here the game is over because black simply well maybe not but black will play for example uh even castles the king is is weak but where's your attack like okay you can attack the bishop but i'm actually the one attacking you hello this is why you always have to look for checks always look for checks for the opponent right you've given this to black now black is completely winning always look for checks for the opponent as well um you're not the only one playing on the board and uh well what happens black loses a queen and now white is completely winning so white played wrong in this game but still got rewarded for it and now this is the most dangerous kind of game to play it's when you get rewarded for bad moves right because you're like i don't have to change anything what is levy telling me i mean i i obviously know more about chess than he does and now i really like what white does here brings in the bishop brings in the queen uh and uh every move is check like every move here to the best of their ability is check notice what white does here um is yet another hope chess move so white plays bishop f6 and the idea is if king takes bishop queen check and black falls for it so white plays a lot of very trappy chess which is one playing style but long term this is just not gonna work um long term what white has the capability to get this kind of a position in the first 10 moves beautiful understanding of the opening and how to refute stupid play right um like silly queen night moves whatever but then gets way too excited and just i mean what is this like just totally flaming out but rewarded for it right black can avoid moves like this by using the checklist does white have any checks yes but does white have any ways to attack my queen yes yes does white of any attacks rookie one just think about that stuff okay i compel you uh what ends up happening uh the king gets swarmed and uh gets mated promptly in the center of the board so you know again when you have a massive lead of material and a weak king just attack the king black never got to move a bishop in a rook in this game because of white's very good opening play in control of the position we continue to move up the rating ladder okay uh this game i think my subscribers with the black pieces so we're gonna look at this from black's perspective in this game the opening is actually much better so both sides are playing directly in the center uh white blocks however their bishop which is bad uh white also put a knight in front of their c pawn in a queen's pawn opening which only makes sense if you're gonna play london the jobaba london is like the only exception to this putting the knight in front of the c pawn d-pawns love c-pawns they're friends and then the e-pawn usually defends the middle that is something you learn as you get better okay uh we have some trades i mean both sides playing quite solidly although if you look for checks in this position um queen v5 actually wins a pawn so be a little bit careful that doesn't happen all right so this is great i mean look at this this is now we're going up the rating ladder toward a thousand right here white plays a great move i love what white's move here is um after castling now opening the center with a pawn trade right that's a fair trade um takes takes and now takes takes trading you see black took this which i like because otherwise e5 comes in that you have to take but do you really have to take the knight i don't know i just want you to keep that in mind you don't always have to take everything because now you castle and you've removed the defender of your king and here comes knight g5 uh-oh uh-oh g6 so now right queen h4 always an idea queen h4 threatens mate and forces black to weaken their pawn the king again you're forcing black to move the pawns in front of their king this is not good but here white does something disastrous white plays the move d5 completely wrong side of the board you need to be focusing here and if you want to attack somebody you don't open the center that means more of their pieces can get into the game and watch takes takes both players completely missed the checklist here bishop takes h2 check is one of the most famous tactics in chess discovery on the queen hanging queen discovered attack you win it both sides miss it instead of that black attacks the queen instead of just winning it in one move which is just unbelievably common all right and uh queen takes b7 knight f5 and um yeah i mean the queen goes back to f3 so now white is just a pawn up knight h4 you have to not play these one move moves knight h4 invites the queen directly to the h-file from where it attacks your knight and then the h7 pawn it's mate it's simply mate the reason you played the knight in the queen here like five moves ago was to mate black instant replay this threatened mate you finally got there and you take the knight instead you see what i mean do you see what i mean your opportunities to win these games are there always look for checks first and you have to not play these one move attacking moves all right what what i just do let's go back i accidentally went back to the other game um the thing about doing stuff like this guys is that you attack pieces and you force them to better positions you cannot do that all right so we've got to do we've got to be better than this okay queen h3 and and just queen g2 so now black is lost i mean black is up and uh black black is down at night all right so what do you do when you're down material i mean don't trade that much try to do your best not to exchange that many pieces yeah it's just pretty good fighting back nice look at this great move by white threats right not worth as much as the night here now you have to move the night and just like last game too excited too excited i mean what are you sacrificing sometimes just go back just keep your knight why sacrifice do you have an immediate win watch what happens in this game rook f7 okay bishop f8 queen g6 and uh rook g7 what hold on when you played the move bishop to f8 if you had looked around and went are there any checks you would have never in a million years played the move bishop f8 you would have been going oh my gosh there's a check i should play something like king2h7 why should you not play queen f5 because if you look at the checklist and go are there any checks no are there any oh oh there is a capture oh my goodness and that is how you avoid mistakes and that's a check by the way which you wouldn't have seen until you went to capture right so bishop f8 you blunder this now you think this but what that's just no that's not a fair trade and here white just does something catastrophic plays rook d7 i mean just too excited but do you know why white made this blunder because at this point black had about seven minutes and white had so this is where time management comes in black played much faster and therefore worse right so black for example several moves ago probably played this move in about two seconds and lost the game because of it and didn't lose the game because of it the pace at which black played this game was very fast which made white play very fast too and now white is losing hangs a rook in one move total blind spot now great job here by black not getting distracted moving the rook and uh solidifying um at this point really it's kind of chaos and again the whole point is to minimize chaos when you are down uh to your last major piece like a queen versus queen and bishop don't trade the queen just don't trade it like white needs the queen on the board here folks white needs to give checks try to win as many pawns as possible because the truth is that black only has one pawn remaining but a lot of people they trade completely unnecessarily so again refer to the the five steps right and now great play by black here to get the king all the way in end games with low time are sort of chaotic um the easiest way to win this position is uh to understand which pawn you have to push here by black so you have to understand like both these pawns are trying to come down right so if you take one of them which of black's pawns should go tough question the one that will deliver a check the one that will deliver a check so a5 h5 a4 h6 a3 h7 a2 h8 a1 and it's a check and even worse it's an x-ray that didn't happen in the game and instead they both got queens but white traded the queens by mistake they gave a check which was cross-checked and now the white the black pawn the final black pawn promoted so this was an insane game i mean completely insane game uh and obviously we're following major elements here uh of the checklist uh the last game that i was going to show you was a battle between uh 900s and this should this game is is really hopefully going to convince you that that you can get to this level um so this game was just a clean pawn blunder on move too which white defended why didn't even b you know why i think white wanted to play the london and in trying to play the london they what so now this happens now the knight's on e5 okay black plays bishop d6 i like this by white look at this i told you d and c pawns are best friends so the pawns go together here we have takes takes black here plays a horrible trade this trade is good why because number one white can no longer castle number two this is a weakness and you can immediately go after it the trade that black plays in this game is terrible this is a terrible trade why oops i apologize why is this such a bad trade look at your pawns look for checks queen h5 wins on the spot you not only gave yourself doubled isolated e pawns you gave yourself three massive pawn weaknesses and this all elements of the checklist have been violated terrible trade bad board vision and not looking at the checklist and the opening is bad but okay that aside you know um so right this is just not good at all but both players here end up okay we finally chill out for a second and we get to a position that's more or less equal knight c4 queen e7 good trade here by white incoming this is a great trade why horrible pawns for black now so black now has doubled c pawns and isolated isolated apon so knight e5 queen c2 right great trades uh rook a4 is a whatever move i don't dislike the move bishop d2 uh why don't i dislike it because this bishop is terrible because a long time ago when you played e3 you blocked in this bishop so this bishop is worse than the other one so trade it i don't like knight d2 i would have played queen d2 but all right c5 um you know normal stuff no free pawn i mean it's free right rookie eight now knight e5 and now just another free pawn i mean i don't know what black is doing here right no free pawn okay but now we have something right there's a threat here the threat is to take the knight the fact that the knight is protected is a complete illusion so what does white play hangs the knight in one move what does black play attacks the rook which just got there and gives it up in one move white doesn't take it the knight is now hanging once again in the middle queen d5 attacks the rook instead of taking the knight rook h4 hangs the knight in the middle of the board again finally rook c7 white's like oh well i can't take the rogue so i might as well take the pawn rook g5 e4 all right and now queen takes e4 hangs the queen in one move in this position if you play check takes takes and you look for check rook c8 is a mate oops rook see it is a mate this is how you avoid these kind of mistakes you you realize your back rank is weak right this is how you avoid these kind of mistakes the checklist always has to be used in this case after the move e4 black just completely forgot about the rook and uh white okay gives away a rook but queen and rook will beat two rooks most of the time and uh okay yep black made another blunder so just gave away a queen for a pawn and a rook for a pawn all right 14 to two not a very good transaction um so black has bad board vision i mean that's just that's really all it is black has bad board vision um doesn't uh doesn't visualize the eyes of the pieces very well at all i told you that at uh so we looked at the we looked at the games that could be fixed right and all these little elements now we are going to look at two basically perfect games um this is a game my subscribers with the white pieces uh look at what black is doing kind of playing in the center kind of not look at what white is doing i mean two pawns night night bishop great stuff once you're castled it's go time all right once you're canceled your king is out of the middle you go to the middle of the board this trade i don't dislike i don't dislike it at all especially because this kicks the bishop out this is just a solid move what is a5 you see you see black is just not playing in the middle not developing not castling not playing in the middle so white attacks the bishop and secures a nice trade why is this a good trade because after bishop takes queen takes the queen is better you've removed black's only active piece the rook is hanging and the queen can go this way that trade only helped one person black plays this so white could take the bishop but chooses just to develop now here white maybe plays the only bad move of the game it's not even a blunder it's a3 white basically just didn't want anything to go to b4 and wants to play b4 and black just what is black doing you know why black is doing this because black played too passively in the opening that's really all that happened maybe black played my maybe black was studying my e6 b6 course right sometimes you study my courses but it doesn't work out because you're not playing it right there's a way that they get played the pieces have to go to certain squares i don't know i mean i'm just saying right uh i have no clue who the player playing with black is uh but white just very methodically takes as much look at this look at this amazing play here c5 d5 d6 and now black with the king in the middle of the board opens the board and white absolutely smashes the board open pawn takes d6 pawn takes e6 look at this move bishop f5 hitting this weak pawn hitting this bishop by the way checklist checklist checklist checklist checklist use the checklist that's just a free bishop right checklist first also bishop g6's check checklist first but i'm not even concerned because queen six and black resigns i mean this is this is how you're gonna get to a thousand white made a couple inaccuracies no blunders methodical game of chess to completely break apart black's position and gotta win and the last game that i would like to show you of this entire video um is this one i hear my subscriber has the black pieces this is a game between high 900 rated players this one has probably the most proper opening that we've seen this is the scotch okay takes takes knight f6 um white takes and plays knight c3 okay so black here develops a bishop fantastic stuff uh white plays bishop c4 and here i would just castle by by with black but okay i don't dislike this castles and white here begins attacking without castling right so so we we've seen this before um the idea is to take the knight and ruin the structure so black defends look at this understanding how the pieces operate look at that great defense here by black great move here by white actually castling long and attacking the bishop here what you got to do is chill out for a second and play the move bishop e5 instead of that black plays this which looks really good it looks really fantastic because you're pinning this but there's a sequence this is a high level trade sequence right we talked about trades let's do some counting queen takes bishop knight takes queen bishop takes queen and then this okay so white got a bishop and a queen black got a bishop and a queen but at the end it's white's move so real quick takes takes takes takes it's white's move you have to think it's white's move what is white gonna move don't just end your calculation white is gonna take the bishop you lose this trade oh [Music] no white didn't take the bishop white didn't follow the checklist right so white in this position was afraid of this i guess but rook takes bit is just a free bishop so white plays f3 now if black follows the checklist here okay black will give a check move the bishop out of danger and then fork this is the way black is going to win material by checking first then winning the material black does this instead and now if you do the math rook takes bishop knight takes rook and you just go attack it using the checklist again checks captures attacks attacks attacks the night is trapped so you actually get two pieces for a rook which is better but neither player here uses the checklist instead moves the rook gives up this and now the bishop survives so now black is winning and the speed at which black converted this game look at this bishop bishop equal danger all right and then the position becomes two rooks versus knight and rook um what you do here is you need to connect your rooks avoid back rank problems and if you get rook versus knight you win immediately rook is so much faster than the knight so good job look at this activating some pawns a little bit defensive i don't hate it but you know not always necessary threatening mate great threat knight goes back and beautiful this is the most active positioning of a rook in an end game and now you just gobble gob and terrible right i mean you wanted the rook off the board so now black just removes the pawns and is to make a queen that's a little bit even unnecessary to sacrifice the rook for the night but you just have the pawns you just have the pawns and the pawns there hold together and the second that the white king gobbles one you promote and uh white resigned so black played one inaccurate little sequence but otherwise played a fantastic game like if you play like this you will get to 1000 absolutely no problems so this is kind of the last two games i wanted to end on good control in the center good openings evaluating and understanding how your pieces interact with one another sometimes with mistakes you're not gonna be perfect okay um understanding time management which is obviously like depending on what you play that's for you to decide if you play three minute five minute ten minute 15 30 you don't want to be down more than a certain percent okay on time the checklist you have to apply the checklist throughout the game at some point it will become passive nature like you will just it will just be constantly there but every time you're moving or wanting to make a move and thinking for your opponent you have to think for their checklist as well i hope this was helpful i wanted to keep this about a 30 minute video to be compelling and interesting i hope you enjoyed let me know your feedback in the comments below and if you want another one like this for a higher rating uh yeah thanks for your support i'll see you the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,108,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: mjZKRoNuAvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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