25 Bizarre Ancient X Files, so Odd they Guarantee to Make your Hair Stand on End
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Channel: DTTV Studios
Views: 657,645
Rating: 4.7365785 out of 5
Id: qfC_eY_jrKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 31sec (2071 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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Just to speculate...,maybe they went realm traveling or relocated to the inner earth Or maybe they was the food for an advanced species which ate every last trace... lol
one really, REALLY has to wonder what kind of parties and adventures these people were up to thousands of years ago. I mean, what kind of mindset do you have to have to build these things, how much time do you had to have learn these skills, was there no farm work to do, other things, countries to conquer or to defend, animals do fight off?
Just THINKG how it would have been impossible under normal circumanstances -normal as we think it is/was- or how advanced and peaceful these societies must have been, like ours today. This is getting scary if you think about what might had made that possible. Like, they did not have automation to make crafting and farm work any easier and faster...