24 Hours on Nothing but 1 Tree

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I'm going to be spending the next 24 hours surviving on One Tree and that tree just so happens to be in the void now typically in a scenario like this you chop down your tree and then set up a cobble oh way where the is the lava in water so basically in this challenge you have no water or lava meaning no cobblestone generator however there is a way to obtain both water and lava despite being trapped in this Wasteland so I decided to make it my goal to get a cobblestone generator before the 24 hours where let's first start with the water in order to get water I need to make a mob farm a bunch of zombies get iron make cauldrons and then wait for rain that is going to take a little bit though so let's just start with basic resource Gathering and expanding make a little bit of a platform so we can maybe get some bones and bone meal but now comes the long wait of sitting here waiting for these trees to grow because I I can't progress unless these trees grow man I can't do anything until these trees start growing new trees aren't growing growing no growing I've already gone insanus in six minutes oh three oh my gosh finally perfect okay wait this is actually good that actually took like an entire 15 minutes to get one tree oh something already bro wait what they're just over there hi no string yikes one from that tree I could expand this bonding platform outwards to hopefully get some skeletons for bone meal once it turned Knight until then though it was back to waiting for more trees [Music] oh my gosh maybe we need to sing to the trees more all right I think the new Strat is we sing to the trees Apple this is a great day this is a splint oh my gosh this is the best day ever beckon tree those would be the only trees for the day as it soon turns night and I had to wait for skeletons to spawn and hopefully burn once it turned day one skeleton hopefully the bones don't fall into the void because that would be really unfortunate wait yes go over there no bad stop bones but blow me on our possession we can now obtain a consistent food source through seeds except they don't exactly grow too well without water so that wasn't really worth the main thing I needed now was more wood to set up a mob farm and threw some AFK I was able to get a little bit more and also start on one of the most stressful tasks come over here right you place the trapdoor here you place a trapdoor there you stand on this trap door it's very sketchy right click this one you hold shift you right click again and boom you break this guy and just like that you've done it and my trapdoor's gone I'm sure you're probably wondering why exactly do I need to go downwards well there are two reasons one of which is that Phantoms will not spawn if you're below sea level secondly if I hit a hundred thousand subscribers by the end of February I will stream my life for 100 hours straight so if you like my content and want to watch me so far Please Subscribe but the main reason is that mob spawning at the very bottom of the world is substantially faster than if you were at the top this means the rate at which I can Farm iron will be far greater if I'm at y negative 60. so my main task now is begin bridging to the bottom of the world it's hardcore mode I'm going over the void holding shifts going downwards without a water bucket like who does this this is so dumb I didn't have the resources to go too far past Phantom range so I decided it would be a good idea to upgrade my spawn platform instead foreign [Music] what is this it's just a tree farm bro oh my gosh PVP PVP PVP final boss has appeared are we gonna win I don't know this is a really tough fight with the island now expanded I could finally gather more wood and with that new wood I could begin bridging downwards once again [Music] if this my nerves are like so high there goes the ax let's go back with the ax now broken I decided to go back up and get a new one to then continue going downwards in this video I died in Skyblock what happened next stalk the world I broke down into tears in front of millions of people made it down to why six dang we have gone pretty far down oh my gosh and upon running out of wood at around the halfway point it was time to farm more wood oh my look we're gonna be feasting tonight holy so many trees bro foreign downwards here you might lose a lot of wood in the process but I mean it's kind of whatever it has to be done to make sure mobs can't spawn on these now then we have to do next go down lower we did it we got down all of a sudden faster lower in the world now that we have gotten down the only logical thing to do next was to finally begin building the mob guard foreign [Music] hi guys I didn't realize this was a slime chunk oops [Music] let me explain how exactly this Farm Works basically this Farm utilizes mob's Pathfinder mechanic for whatever reason mobs liked the pathfind the full block so the entire Farm is built out of only slabs and stairs whilst the shoot has a big brick of full blocks attached to it this causes the mobs to pathfind to the drop shoot making it so water isn't needed though I kind of messed it up because Enderman aren't supposed to spawn so with the start of hour 5 I decided to fix the mob farm and test it out a little bit but I got no iron drop some zombies because it's a 0.8 like what is that right that's so dumb with that new knowledge I decided it would be a good idea to make a second portion of the mob farm this however would take even more wood please this is how we're gonna do this you guys are gonna grow and if you don't grow I'm going to burn all of you down right all of you will be piles of Ash okay your families Your Pet Rat none of them will ever see you again okay so that approach didn't work maybe I'll try being nice to them you're looking really nice today look at the look at the nice green complementing your brown little Twigs you're looking wonderful today you're looking beautiful please please grow for me I really want to see what you look like all big and I guess that worked for some reason I feel like that was illegal but hey at least a treat after a questionable wood Gathering session it was time to build the second half of the mob grinder [Music] with the mob farm finally being complete it was time to set in and grind for iron oh iron let's go I didn't notice oh wait we got another iron what's another iron go stop jumping three iron bro what Who's Gonna Leave 306 zombies wait that's crazy iron that's the last one it's raining as well give it to me give it to me give it to me make a call shoot it quickly this is it we have a cauldron in just one hour I had managed to get all the iron I needed for a cauldron and managed to place it during a rainstorm however I got no water from the rain so I decided it might be a good idea to grind out a second cauldron foreign like any iron at this is ridiculous it's been 30 minutes since the last piece of iron oh there's iron oh my God you just have to complain a little bit I would like and ironing it yeah it's that give it enough to make our second cauldron there it is we can now make ourselves a bucket it may have taken two hours to get an extra collagen a bucket but at least I now have that oh well we wait for the water to fill up we now had to attend to the bigger issue getting lava there are two ways to get Loft one is from Trading with a Wandering Trader and the second is through villager Awards after completing a raid since while doing traders to Lava for 16 emeralds and it's heavily RNG based it wouldn't be worth my time to go down that route this meant I had to somehow get villagers the process for getting villagers is long and tedious so let's just start with the first material we need to get gold I'm sure you're probably wondering Subs how are you supposed to get gold without Nether caves which I have to say oh you poor sweet innocent child the answer is always master I mean consistently having pigs get struck by lightning in order for them to convert to Zombie Pigmen like and then I mean peacefully put them down the good thing is I had already obtained cancer killing zombies so breeding pigs wouldn't be a problem more difficult thing to do would be actually getting the pig you see I need to somehow get a grass block without silk cut and that's when I realized Enderman could get grass blocks so all I needed to do was kidnap one this is really sketch boating across a thing and platform over the void I need you to pick up the grass block for me good sir oh wait never mind it worked wait where'd it go oh it's over there I thought I just like disintegrated bro all right boom we have grass now after obtaining grass it began to rain so I decided to see if I'd get water all right cauldrons listen up listen I'll listen up I hate you I hate you and I hate your little friend here okay now there's gonna be some changes here either you guys are gonna get filled up with some water or I'm gonna throw you off into the abyss I'm talking to myself I'm schizophrenic oh my God what am I doing oh my gosh oh my gosh wait they listened oh we got our first water apologize I love you it worked water wait no way answer that's our second one wait we just need one more because the collagen's buzzing with water I decided to make them a shrine as any normal human would after that slight distraction it was time to start working on passive mobs get our glowstone bring down some materials I'm gonna do a little bit of bridging here I think foreign area for animal swans now I'm not 100 sure on how passive mob spawning works okay I think that just gonna be 24 blocks away I'm gonna AFK here and hopefully Wallside AFK something will spawn in wait what's that there's no pay rate wait what oh oh my gosh you have a pet oh you can't jump with him on your shoulder no no fly on pull off pull up what are you doing I'm gonna lay back that was a little bit scary I'll call you wait look he looks good he looks with me his little head moves with mine what if we call him like uh if we just call him copy that's an awful name but I think I think he loves it you want to be called copy little guy yes I do yes I do look he loves it pigs it has a child no he's got a family wait does that mean I'm gonna have to interbreed the family because I'm gonna have to breed it with the baby oh hell no oh my gosh this is so epic isn't it isn't it I pick copy copy look at me when I'm talking to Poppy look at me when I'm talking the whole copy I didn't mean it I didn't mean it no where are you going I'm sorry come back my only friend I'm sorry man I'm sorry after obtaining pigs I set up some temporary pins to store them and along with some cows he ended up getting then it started to rain and then The Cauldron Gods claimed my cows oh my gosh my cows what the hell I just got those cows hopefully their sacrifice will lead me to water I then decided to move the pigs into a bigger pen so I could start Mass breeding them with it now being the halfway point of this Challenge and after breeding pigs I decided to preemptively build a drowned Farm you see we need a drown Farm in order to get copper which is used to craft lightning rods these will help guarantee that our pigs will get struck by lightning but because progression is currently being halted by the need of water holding this now is the best usage of my time basically how this is gonna work is zombies of course aggro from a slightly different distance than most moms do which means all we have to do is walk a little bit closer once a bunch of mobs spawn and then bait them over if I grow let me run back and over here the zombies will just run straight into the Trap and honestly you might not even need to use that but just in case we do this will be how it works so they see me they run over they fall into here now obviously you need to add a roof to that but as of right now breeding pigs needs to be my top priority so we're gonna go run all the way back we're gonna go and breed up some pigs y'all need to get buried in whoever that guy was I just punched my bad that that was a misinput this is what has to become of my time breed pigs wait for rain halogens don't fill chop down some trees poppy dies in a tree wait what bro there's no I wasn't paying attention I was just growing trees he's dead bro poppy just died you were the greatest friend a guy could ask for stay alone sailor oh well time to get copies off brand brother I'm gonna call you paste paste don't ask what happened to copy okay he's okay I swear coffee's okay I just lost my one and only friend and as much as I tried not to care they've been with me for the past four hours so for much of hour 14 I just sat at the cauldron's AFK waiting for rain which of course not give me water he realized after wasting 30 minutes that I only had 10 hours left to get this cobblestone generator so I decided to stop moping and begin bridging out to a Pillager Outpost how exactly do I know where it is well for one I have a mod that shows a structures bounding boxes which is basically the range at which monsters can spawn within a structure and for two there's this website called chunk base that literally just shows where everything is if you put the seat in problem is I had the bridge 3000 blocks to get to it wait we can see it there it is we're very close to it now it's just right here okay so basically how this platform here works is the pillars will spawn in here and all I have to do is open up those trap doors there and they can't get to me I can stand at a safe place like way back there and snipe them and boom there's one we just wait for a good one to spawn after making it back to base it started to rain which once again did not fill my cauldron I began to get nervous I had less than 10 hours left and if I didn't get water soon this challenge would be impossible distract myself I decided to work on another project a witch Farm which Farm isn't exactly needed for the cobblestone generator however having an unlimited source of redstone and glowstone would be nice for future Farm projects so after an hour of chopping down trees for wood it was time to get bridging 27 20. wait rain okay now we're just gonna sit here in AFK and hopefully hopefully now that it's raining we actually get it Boston Stops Here Waiting For Rain now's probably a good time to mention the closest witch Farm was 5 000 blocks out like why is everything so far away from me and why did the dang rain not throw my cauldron again I'm to bridge again there it is that's what we're looking for oh my gosh we've been bridging for so long bro literally that entire hour was getting over here but we made it finally we're going into hour 18 here I think we don't get it here within the next hour or two I it's looking kind of doomed so yeah it was now hour 18 and we still don't have any water hopefully while it's building the witch farm and afking it for a little we'll be able to get the water within the next hour also this switch Farm utilizes the same path finding mechanics as the other Farm which is pretty cool and boom just like that it's done our 19 trips along and it actually rained but I got no water yet again no longer raining there is no way I didn't get it again bro what I'm literally stuck AFK here until we get rain there's nothing else I can do until we get water then came hour 20 where it literally did not rain at all and I began losing my mind okay uh I think I've actually like officially lost my mind yep bro I've been waiting for an hour and a half for rain where's the rain bro it doesn't exist oh my gosh then came hour 21 and I began to realize that maybe getting a cobblestone generator was impossible maybe my RNG was so bad that we wouldn't even get the water that's when I remembered something really important I just remembered I put my clothes in the washer like eight hours ago um whoops okay no that's when something unexpected happened oh my gosh there's no way oh my gosh finally bro this is taking so long I can't believe you're telling you got it that took so long to get it was like literally 10 or 11 rainstorms it finally happened I had gotten the water I needed towards the tail end of hour 21. that's when I realized how little time I had left do I only have two hours left I don't think it's possible we need Thunder there's no way we have multiple villagers too it's doomed so after realizing how stacked the odds were against me I decided to change goals to getting a villager at the very least okay my main goal is to get a villager then so if that it was time to finally Farm up some copper oh my God now of course the idea is to get the zombies it seems to be working foreign the copper farm would only work at night so I decided it would be a good idea to now add a roof to maximize copper production and maximize it did popper what is that there's multiple three Copper from one wait might as well do another one to get multiple rods wait what hey you're not a zombie the bat saved them hey no no no no no no no no I hope you guys are understanding of the fact that I mean like one copper Ingot this one oh you guys are really understanding with two lightning rods on my possession I decided to set them up shortly after it began raining so I made a killing platform in hopes of Thunder however the rain showed me and I got none so it's time to focus on the other part of getting villagers witches and zombie villagers let me explain why we need a witch as I build a spawning platform I obviously have no access to the nether so I can't get weakness potions however witches have a chance of throwing weakness potions for you meaning I can make a witch throw weakness potion at a zombie in order for me to cure it so would you look at that the spawning platform is done and we've already got a zombie villager [Music] stop throwing potions get in the boat oh my God it threw a harming at my bird bro what the hell the hell did they do to you Pace with the witch now in our possession I decided to isolate her so she could have hit me or Pace with any more potions and that's when hour 24 be gone this was the final hour I had everything I needed but to go all I needed was a singular thunderstorm I would have a villager so I made a spot to fish and waited as the time passed by and it began to rain there was only five minutes left and it was too late you know kind of funny that it's raining honestly because we didn't accomplish we sought out to do you know wanted to get villagers wanted to get a cobblestone generator and the very thing that is now occurring is what held me back had I had that cauldron to filled an hour two hours earlier you would have been fine the fact that we still accomplished so many things you know just because we didn't accomplish our main goal that doesn't mean that everything else is worthless you know we still accomplished a great amount of things we got water we got mob Farms we got pigs we got carrots we got glowstone oh that's epic I'm happy with what we did there it is and with that our 24 hours are officially over but maybe not have gotten a cobblestone generator but I still had accomplished so much throughout this challenge this whole experience taught me something just because you didn't accomplish what you sought out to do that doesn't discredit all of the steps you took in an attempt to get there this was a totally different style of content that I'm not used to uploading so if you enjoyed the video drop a like and check out these videos here maybe I'll make a part two
Channel: ItzSubz
Views: 1,103,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Id: 1_BXDIhA_Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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