24 Hours Later, Do I regret buying the Xbox Series S over the X?

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well how are you feeling you got john riggs here with the xbox series s you know it was interesting when i actually got this package on the box it said um here is your xbox series scarlett and i was like i didn't know the s for scarlet and i'm not sure what scarlett stands for i thought it was like some just code word like dolphin for gamecube you know something like that but this is the box um i would just hold up the console but it's plugged in right now downloading a bunch of games as it has been doing for the last 24 hours and i've been playing it for the last about 24 hours or so i received it yesterday in the mail um got it about um 11 o'clock pacific time and because i'm not as familiar with xbox stuff it took me a lot longer to set up than i anticipated like probably an hour or two just getting everything set up you know i wanted to make sure i had like an avatar i wanted to make sure i had um like a gamer tag i won't say username gamertag i guess for xbox um that way i can invite others to join me on xbox in fact with all the setup and all the game downloads and all the optimization and stuff like that too i didn't actually literally play anything on my xbox series s until about oh it was about seven o'clock at night because i was too busy just setting stuff up and just letting it chill and be good and get the stuff i need and get a bunch of games all at once because i wanted to check this thing out and um and i'm glad i did now here we are 24 hours later and do i regret getting the series s over the series x well i think if i got the series x it would have been the same because i didn't really get anything that was like a launch title or anything either now later on down the line maybe who knows and again i did have an x in my cart for a moment um until i went to go check out then it was already sold out but i was able to get an s and i was like you know what i can just get this get game pass and actually a big thank you to jeff gorill he um he provided me a he had an extra game pass pass i suppose six months uh to use with game pass he actually gifted this to me about two months ago he's like hey i had this laying around i'm not gonna use it here it's for you um and i knew i was getting one of these so i waited until literally yesterday to type in all that information so now i have game pass and this plus game pass is all i need because game pass has like a hundred titles and so many of them yes i understand they're on other platforms too but i love the indie games and stuff like that i get a ton of them for the playstation 4 especially for the switch and all those games that maybe let's be honest i didn't necessarily want to pay for i'd be able to go back and play them now and we'll continue to do so again for the next six months or beyond that because i also set up my information um for me to just keep it going and that part to me took longer than i wanted it to because as part of that setup process everyone else was doing the same thing too so i think like this the lines were jammed i couldn't get in there trying to connect things through social media um setting up like my paypal for instance where i kept on giving me errors and i had to like do it on a computer then on my phone try to do it on the system itself you know it it was it was a bit of a process it's not like the old days where you could just you know take the super nintendo out of the thing plug one part into the tv the other part of the wall pop the game in power on you're playing your game in like three seconds this one took a bit longer than all that and it's also because i'm not as familiar again with the xbox interface as i am like the switch or the playstation i was able to play some pretty cool games though i'm looking forward to playing more game pass games if you have any suggestions i'd love to hear about them one of the first ones i fired up was this game called knights and bikes from double fine and i love double fine and again i was just kind of sampling games a little bit so i'll play a little bit more in depth here in the next uh you know few days or so but i like games that look like this they're just fun and i'm looking forward to playing more of this which looks like kind of a fun adventure style you know just for fun game i played a game called carto which again another game admittedly i hadn't even heard of and i like where this is going because you have to build your land you have to build your map along the way you find your little pieces of the map and you can attach them to the uh island that you're on and it generates immediately gato robo a game i've heard a ton about from devolver and um again this is the first time i actually literally ever played this i understand it's on other platforms too um but i just never got around to it and of course it's one of those games as soon as i started playing it i'm like oh my god how come i haven't been playing this this whole time i mean definitely metroid inspired but you play as a cat in a robot suit and you can actually jump out of your robot suit and you know climb around and stuff is needed this game i thought looked really interesting a plague tale innocence so far it's a little stealthy um you are protecting your little brother your little brother has some kind of disease but it's also maybe the answer to something you know the bad guys are trying to get to them and you're trying to protect them so far i'm sure there's more action later on but i'm cool with games like this i think they're kind of fun lily and i were having a lot of fun playing forza horizon 4. yeah i mean never mind the missions we were just driving around it just looks cool to drive around you know i'll actually play some missions later on too but um and i mean it just looks fun new super lucky's tale was also available on game pass this is a game oddly enough i have this on my nintendo switch and i still have yet to play it on my nintendo switch cause i grabbed it along with some other games and just literally never got around to it and of course when i started playing this through game pass why haven't i played this sooner it's such a great action platformer that 3d action platformer style it's admittedly one of the best ones we've had probably in the last few years and again with over a hundred other games you see i'm used to playstation plus that gives you like two games a month download them or claim them and then they're gone the next month it'll be something else this is the way to go because this is like they're going to stay up there for a long long long time and you get them and you're good man the other thing i noticed is i already almost maxed out my storage space by downloading games i understand i can get the ssd or the sdd whatever that is the extra uh the extra storage drive and that's fine but i also don't mind just grabbing the games i need and then deleting them i can always download email if i want to play them again i just i just wanted to play a couple of games like one of the games i did check out was that marvel vs capcom i played a couple rounds and i deleted it even the new battle toads i just wanted to see it for myself so i checked out battletoads played a level of it okay good enough deleted it you know forza i know takes up a lot of memory space and we'll have our fun with it and then later on maybe i'll delete it make up some rooms for all these other great indie games because again most of the games i want to play are these indie titles that are usually a gig two gigs you know not not big compared to like the gears games or the halo games which are also available on game pass you know what's the funny thing too is these games that i'm playing i could have played on my xbox one i didn't need this i don't need this i could have played on my xbox one with game pass i liked the fact that i could jump back into it like when i was capturing the footage for these games today um i hopped into it and like okay we're gonna resume your game right now and it's i mean i didn't even save it or anything it just jumped right back into it like i was like right there already it's like oh my god that's and it was quick too that was a new experience for me so 24 hours later do i regret getting this and the answer is i don't think so um i'm glad i got this one actually you know what's funny i'm glad i got this one over the x because i don't think i'm gonna get a whole lot of physical games i mean i can't get any physical games for this obviously but most of the xbox exclusives um you know i'm not i'm not a huge disc collector anyway i understand that it's nice to pick them up much later on like when they're used or cheap or something like that but i mean in full disclosure you know i might get a review code every once in a while and i can actually take advantage of it with my xbox series s now i'll also have to find out as you saw with the game footage that my elgato game capture hd worked with the xbox series s i didn't even think about that until i bought it i was like maybe it'll work i'll try and it didn't the first time because i was using an old hdmi cord but when i swapped it out for a newer hdmi cord worked just fine and i love the controller on this thing too absolutely wonderful controller i'm still not used to the button layout like when it says press a i'm always hitting b uh when it says you know press x i'm always getting y or something like that so i'm i'm still getting used to that part of it too but i think the controller feels great i love it so i saved 200 bucks by getting the s over the x and i don't regret that decision at all for me personally for me personally again i'm just going to use this for game pass just to have that option most of my gaming i'm sure will be on the playstation 5 as i was always you know a playstation gamer and there was always the nintendo switch as well i'm sure there's some great game pass games that i'm missing out on so let me know what they are in the comments below and i'll see you very soon
Channel: JohnRiggs
Views: 280,532
Rating: 4.7609138 out of 5
Keywords: John Riggs, John Riggs YouTube, Video Games, Riggs, retro gaming, xbox series s, xbox series x, gamepass, xbox game pass
Id: WRVHf5uziVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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