Hidden Gems of Shinjuku You Don't Want to Miss

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the rare salmon katsa egg sandwich one time they had a unagi egg sandwich you can do some train watching oh look Pokémon the travel Goods have been brought up to the fifth floor now these wooden puzzles here look at this Mir around this video is sponsored by Boku more on them later hey guys welcome back on this video I am going to be taking you guys around Shinjuku this is part one of a very long long Shinjuku to tour our tour today begins at Shinjuku station West Gate and I thought this would be a great point of reference if you turn left uh you go the other way so today I would like to start on this side I like you guys to turn right after you leave the gate once again Shinjuku station Westgate since I live near Shinjuku Shinjuku is kind of like my backyard and so I know Shinjuku like the back of my hands I'm going to be pointing out some hidden gems and some of my favorite places in Shinjuku so first of all I would like to leave the station just follow the signs here we're going to go into Lum EST Shinjuku the basement one level and by the way Shinjuku does have sort of like an underground city and it connects many parts of Shinjuku if you're interested in that let me know in the comments and I will make a video of that for you so this is the exit that you are looking for yeah so it's like this uh see all these shops over here uh this exit is Shinjuku East Square let me point that out let me show you the sign Shinjuku East Square basically that's where we started like straight over there and it's just straight down this way want to turn right just keep walking straight okay so let's go out this station and turn right take the stairways on the right side which will lead you up to street level so far so good okay let's go okay here we are on street level so just to confirm where we are if you turn left you will find the Lush store this is Lush right here and the station will be on your right side here that's Shinjuku station okay and then we're going to walk this way but anyway that's the Lush store we just came up from that exit right there the train station here I'm going to walk right across this little tiny park over there right over here guys right here so this area right here a lot of people don't know it exists but you know it's right between the station and all the shops on this side but it's a little area where you can sit for completely free you don't have to buy a coffee or anything and you can just sit here and relax there's uh some chairs around the circular area and there are benches all around it's not a particularly big area because not many people know about it but it's good to know good to know that that place exist okay let's continue so on this video I'm basically going to be focusing on the south side of Shinjuku station and then we're going to end up at Shinjuku Gan Park in part two we'll continue uh touring the other areas of Shinjuku Shinjuku is a pretty big area okay we going to keep walking down this way I'm going to walk down this street here I don't know if there's a name Shinjuku lamp Ring Road I think that is the name of this road here okay and there are some new things here on this street here like on my right side there is a new building like an entertainment complex basically if you like games like crane games and gacha P machines you'll find it there at me Tokyo Inu that yellow building there this is actually kind of new it just opened up after the pandemic yeah and it's it's nice and clean it's not super crowded or anything so it's nice and then we're pretty much at the South exit there is a Gap store here in this building called Flags and I like it because there's like a gap Cafe in there and the the lattes there are kind of cute get some latte art okay so welcome to Shinjuku South exit so we're going to be focusing on this side today if you go up that is the entrance to Shinjuku station we're going to go this way though so we're just going to go under here there is a Shinjuku tourist information center right here where you can pick up brochures you can ask questions and shin is one of the most I guess noisy areas in Tokyo so just be warned but it's a great area I I I love it it's my backyard like I said across the street this is a Shinjuku sanagi which is built under the freeway here and there are lot of eateries in here you can get some um um boba tea here and then inside it's kind of like a food court but not really food court SL restaurant and you can get some alcoholic drinks some desserts you can get some Chinese food yeah and you got a lot of uh seedings outside and inside okay but we're not going to eat anything on this video except to get some tea later on okay this building right here is Newman yeah it says new Oman or it could be pronounced new woman I'm kidding it's actually pronounced Newman I don't know why I don't know why and then takashimaya and H is over there we're going to check that out later going cross over to this side again just make sure I look at both sides and we going to check this out later on the way back okay but for now we're going to go up here so I can show you my second favorite spot in Shinjuku actually this could be my favorite spot in Shinjuku number one favorite spot okay so we're back at the ground floor obviously it's all connected I mean you could have taken the escalator on the other side over there that's a Shinjuku Station South exit and you know cross using the crosswalk over there so it's all connected don't worry but we want to be on this [Music] side so you know what if you don't mind I'm going to walk one block down this way because I want to show my favorite pizza restaurant in Shinjuku this pizza place was introduced to me by namiko of uh just one cookbook yeah a long time ago when it first open it's like my favorite place for pizza at least in this part of town it's 800° Pizzeria I like it I like eating out here when the weather is nice inside is nice too but really good pizza yeah it's right here very convenient it's right inside the station building okay we're going to turn left over there at the corner Shinjuku Station South exit the skyscraper area of Shinu is kind of hidden behind these buildings this is a Shinjuku Expressway bus terminal called Busta this is where you can take longdistance buses take take you to like Kyoto and Osaka even further than that okay so some of my favorite places to eat here I don't eat here all the time it's just when I want something different from Japanese food so on the first floor you will find eggs uh if you are from La you know eggs right so I'm a I'm a huge fan of eglet and the cool thing is that here they have Japan only items like this one here the rare salmon kataa egg sandwich one time they had a unagi egg sandwich I I didn't try that and then in the same building they have a bakery on the right and on the second floor there's Luke's Lobster so three eateries here of course two of them are American food but you know I I like this outdoor seating right here it's really Pleasant so I like that I like that place and then right here in this building I'm sure a lot of you don't know what this is here but it's a an antenna shop for Miyazaki prefecture and they offer things from Miyazaki so you might want to check that out and then you have a Starbucks here it's one of my favorite Starbucks because there are lots of outdoor seating let me quickly show you so there's some outdoor seating right here in front and my favorite seats are kind of like in the back over there you see along the shop it goes all the way to the back okay and then we're going to check out my favorite place in Shinjuku if you've been watching my videos you you probably already know about this place and by the way there's a nice food Hall here it's a it's a kind of like a fancy food Hall it's not a food cart or anything it's more like a food Hall with restaurants and there is saam mura restaurant if you want to try this place out though you you should come early or come off peak hours because it's always crowded and they're famous for their breaths they have a nice Bakery right in there and then right now we are on the new South exit of Shinjuku station this is the new South exit so like if you're already in the station this is the exit you just look for the signs pointing to Shinjuku station New South Gate and you'll exit right through here right through here and on the left you'll find a small denan deuca store here these are the signs going up to the bus area this is the schedule the time for all the buses look at all the different destinations okay and if you just go straight out of the new South exit you arrive at my favorite spot in Shinjuku by the way this is satoshi's favorite spot as well but it's this really nice place it's an open space with a lot of seating it's quite nice let's check it out very quickly in front you will see takash department store takash Time Square which includes hands formerly known as toku hands so a nice day it's really nice to sit over here see lots of seating here some of my favorite seats are the private ones that you can find on this side hello little doggy kind of like tucked away here amongst these bushes on these kind of private benches here yeah so when I'm alone and I need a break I kind of sit over here and the reason why Satoshi likes this place so much look you can do some train watching yeah he likes to he likes to stand here and like tell me like oh that's the something Train That's the yam line that's the something trained okay so we're going to we're going to walk over to that side okay now here's a Hidden Gem that many people don't know but as you can see it's a pretty popular area here a lot of the seats are taken up so if you want more privacy there's another level up there that most people don't don't go to I think they're too lazy so I'll take you guys up there real quickly there are escalators if you go down there I'll just take the stairs since they're right in front of me as there are more people up here than I thought I guess the Secret's out but anyway as you can see it is less crowded up here and not as many seating options here but it's still very nice and quiet well relatively quiet I guess and you get a better view of the trains from here you also get a view of the seating area right below this area and up here it's mostly benches so you don't have those Booth seatings like down down below but it's still nice isn't it this is bus this is the bus terminal right here look you see some people getting off the bus right now they've arrived from somewhere I'll show you the buses very quickly yeah the these are some of the longdistance buses right here and there's another Tokyo tourist information center right here and it's never crowded so maybe this is the one you want to come to for information okay so the Starbucks that I pointed out is on my left side now we're going to walk down this street here also want to let you know that there's doing they're doing a lot of construction in Shinjuku right now so it's kind of confusing depending on which side of Shinjuku station you get off because the station is going through this massive construction right now that's an Italian restaurant it's actually pretty good if you're interested in Italian food if you're having some cravings for Italian food lot of planes flying overhead right now see way at the end of this little pathway is my favorite Shake Shack in Tokyo I shouldn't say favorite but I like to come to this one because it's never crowded it's with the and it's kind of hidden away from people oh another another favorite dim sun Place Tim hoan and this is uh this is a a one Mission Star One mission star um uh dim some place from Hong Kong and I like to come to this one because it's also never as crowded as the one in Ginza and then this is Shake Shack you see the sign for Shake Shack look for this sign to get to the restaurant you do have to walk down here a little bit you see it's kind of Hidden Away you still can't see it but it's there don't worry wow really so many planes it's like they're coming one after another okay and this is Shake Shack look at all the outdoor seating that's empty they're sitting on the inside as well so don't worry but I like sitting out here it's so peaceful not many people come out here and they usually have some kind of Japan Jaan only special we'll see what they have right now and I heard that the the taste of Shake Shack in Japan and New York is the same okay doesn't look like they have anything special at the moment but they do have a PTO Bell buroker oh they do they have a uji MAA Shake right now so right across from Shake Shack there used to be a gigantic Eddie Bower store here but now it's empty yeah bad location though but then Eddie Bower really wasn't selling in Japan so not surprised this stour here is called FR Fran and they sell interior things Furniture another airplane wow can't believe it one of Lawrence's favorite stores okay we're going to cross over to the other side yeah using this bridge here so that's uh Timo on the the Dimson place right there so you don't get lost are walking over to Time Square takashima Time Square and in front of us you see Hands formerly known as toky hands one of my favorite stores so fun and uh on the right side you will find nitori which is like a Japanese Ika and also Tak Maya bookstore so so welcome to takashimaya and Hans so basically the Hans store is on this side of the building except for the very top floors and in takashimaya is a rest of this humongus building trains on this side that's the narut express going to narut airport quickly go right here and I'll quickly show you nitori and Kino Kunia bookstore by the way thank God the weather has really cooled down from my last video it's incredible how quickly the weather changes so here are the signs going to kinia books and N once again the Ika of Japan or Ikea of Japan depending on how you like to pronounce it here in Japan they pronounce it so I don't know how they pronounce it in Sweden I think that's where it's from right that is the something something line okay so this is the entrance to n and it's a pretty big store uh there are how many floors here I think there are like five floors let me just double check okay so we are on the second floor oops this side second floor but it's starts on the the first floor and it goes all the way to the fifth floor check out these plates they're very reasonbly priced very very light as well nice design I like this one the Lotus root design what do you guys think as you can see some Autumn things here okay let's go downstairs all right we are on the first floor this is what it looks like it's Christmas time already wow okay time to do some Christmas shopping oh this is kind of nice I like this going to go up all the way to the Top This is the fifth floor and then the sixth floor is where you can find the kukia bookstore for all English books so there are some nice Japanese cookbooks here if you are looking for Japanese cookbooks come here this okay if you want to know more about Japanese tea this is a book to get okay this is a book I recommend I actually have this at home you can learn all about Japanese food here is beautifully Illustrated highly recommend this book all right now you can actually leave this store and go directly into takashimaya by taking these escalators right here yeah this leads right to the next building I hope it's not too confusing so far all right guys so we have just left Kino Kunia bookstore and we're crossing this bridge that's called connecting to two buildings you have a view of uh the drains below of course kind of like dirty Dusty Windows one do one thing I do have to point out though is right inside this bridge area it becomes stifling hot during the summer months there's no air conditioning in here but it's but it's a short Bridge so you know just walk quickly over before you can heat stroke okay we've arrived on we've arrived at the takashima building and hands and the first thing you're going to encounter is the hands store so the hand store is from the second floor to the eighth floor right now we are on the fifth floor welcome to hands this is what you can find here so on the fifth floor are the games and party goods travel Goods pet supplies sixth flooor FL is DIY stuff seven floor is kitchen appliances uh eighth floor check out kinds yeah they're the ones that bought out this company stationaries health and beauty products and the second floor is event place um bags travel Goods stuff like [Music] that they've like renovated they like switch things around well look Pokémon the travel Goods have been brought up to the fifth floor now where you can find like conversion adapters like say if you forget to bring it like toothpaste toothbrush things like that you'll find like like these pillows Nick pillows and you have suitcases over there this is one of my favorite floors you can find all sorts of like cute stuff and games and puzzles these are puzzles right here here oh so many things to check out and you have these Nano blocks so I'm interested in doing one but I don't think I have the patience for this this is Osaka Castle are all tiny little nanolock puzzles here these wooden puzzles here look at this Mir go around they come sold like this like this okay we're going to go back to street level because this video is getting really really long I'm going to take you guys to the park okay we have come down to the first floor of takashima department store I'm going to exit this gigantic shopping place because I am getting dehydrated so right across from Maya you will find Newman Newman here I'm going to walk in here because actually let's go this way let's go this way I'm going to get something to drink here I'm going to get something to drink here believe it or not we kind of walked around in a circle maybe you'll you'll figure that out in a little bit let's go inside here okay [Music] cuz in front of me that's Akia Tokyo one of my favorite places for looking for some unique uh food stuff from all over Japan it's like a din Dua of Japan and then I'm going to get myself some matcha from this store right here called the matcha Tokyo located right over here one of my favorite places for Macha I just bought my tea came out just came out from Newman as you can see we kind of went around in a circle we're going to go upstairs back out here we're going to go this way though take a shortcut we have arrived to my favorite place my favorite Chill Spot here we are all right I need to take a break with my organic not MAA OB in the color I just had to get whole galat instead I actually had matcha this morning I I also had like three cups of green tea so I think I had enough caffeine a whole good thing about it is that it's low in caffeine so cheers oh oh my goodness they make every Cup by hand so you can see them whisking up the tea in front of you so this is the perfect time to talk about our friends over at Boku Boku is a subscription service they deliver premium authentic Japanese Stacks straight from Japan to your doorstep every month they have a theme this month it is all about the Japanese tea ceremony so you'll be getting 15 different snacks from nine different prefectures to complement your special tea and the tea that they have this month is a special collaboration with the team maker HOA latte some of my favorites were the okosi which has over a thousand years of History it's mat of flavored one of my favorite snacks the sweet caramel rice crackers I've never had anything like it this was delicious and the matcha waffle from Kyoto this one I could eat like every day it's so good satoshi's favorites were the Sesame row cake the star- shaped rice crackers and the Almond biscuit chocolates we've been working with book4 years now and the reason why is because we really really think they are the best in the industry so make sure to get your own book suit today just click on the link in the description use our code to get $15 off your first purchase and if you've never tried hoi chalati before well now's your chance all right guys so that's where up at the matcha TI I actually came back down to street level and I would like to take you guys to Shinjuku National Garden which is this way so we just walked this way and there are actually more shops on that side of the street but it's less crowded here so I'm going to stay on this side and I'll show you guys what's on the other side ah you know what we'll just go to the other side there are more shops more interesting that way strange I've actually never taken this little tunnel yeah strange okay here we are we're on the other side the park is literally like two blocks from here so this is a very humongous uh Furniture stop furniture shop I can't believe I said Furniture stop it's a furniture shop SL electronic store because IDC Uka is a famous uh furniture shop and they've uh decided to collaborate with yamad Deni which is an electronic store so it's a lot more interesting although you don't get that many customers it's not a very popular shop and this is sukia one of the many gudon shops there are three major gudon shops suia Mata and Yoshinoya I know many foreigners like suia the best right next to suia there is this udon shop I heard that's pretty good haven't been here yet they have some very interesting offerings here like look at look at this it's a it's a white minti cheese cream udon does that sound good to you I don't know I'm iffy on that this is a sushi shop that my mother likes it's really better than sushido for example and they do have a bilingual English tablet that you can order from but it's called misaki it's really like the best cheap uh conveyor Bel sushi in Japan in our opinion right across the street is Shinjuku Ika store like a mini Ika store so they don't have their full range of products here just you know some useful things and there's a nice little cafe where you can get some meatballs and sandwiches and ice cream hello Ika I'm not going to be going in today we're want to go to the park so just stick to this road here and walk straight down we're almost at the park M department store it's o i o i pronounced marui do you guys know why because o or circle is Maru in Japanese that's why it's Maru marui anyway I digress let's continue the park is literally right over there you see all the the little Forest Area over there that's Shinjuku Park oh and by the way there's a movie theater here called Vault 9 not my favorite Cinema complex but it'll do and there's a gigantic stationary slart store here sik Idol the entrance is on the other side of this building okay we're crossing the street by the way totally recommend this store here it's closed today but they have some nice green tea here as well and also ice cream some Artis on ice ice cream got the cafe space here I also buy candles from here here they have candles home miss interior Goods lighting Etc like this right here this series right here I love these candles okay so we're just going to cross over here to the park wait a minute oh no oh no I think the park is closed today wait today is Tuesday Parks closed at on Monday days they they are closed on Mondays why are they closed to today's Tuesday ah okay right I completely forgot actually yesterday Monday it was a public holiday so usually if the public holiday falls on Monday they close the next day yeah it is closed today oh my gosh I completely forgot no wonder it's so empty there's no one around the gate okay so sorry about that I completely forgot all right so this is going to be part of part two of our Shinjuku walk I profusely apologize I completely forgot what's wrong with me anyway all right guys I'm going to end the video here I really hope you enjoyed this walk part two is coming right after this one so I hope you look forward to that if you uh if you if you you don't want to miss that video I hope you found this video informative as well as entertaining I will see you guys on my next video and once again don't forget to check out bxu link is in the description [Music] [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Shinichi's World
Views: 91,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shinichi, tabieats, shinichis world, shinjuku, tokyo, tokyo japan, tokyo vlog, best places tokyo, tokyo 2023, shinjuku vlog, shinjuku japan, hidden gems japan, shopping in tokyo, matcha
Id: GXXGE6g_foM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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