[Japan] Tokyo has my HEART πŸ’• | Tsukiji Market 🍣, Yoyogi Park, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Meiji Shrine β›©

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[Music] so right after we landed in Japan we decided to have a go at trying the famous suji Han restaurant and we were there about 40 minutes before opening time and thought we were going to make the first sitting but um they can only see 12 and we were number 13 and 14 could you believe it so we had to wait about another it wasn't that bad another 20 to 30 minutes until the first people were done eating then finally we had our chance and we made it and let me tell you the weight was so worth it this was a so so so delicious 1,000 out of 10 I ordered exra this [Music] [Music] one [Music] and when we left the restaurant this was the actual line okay I'm not complaining anymore I'm happy cuz this is definitely going to be much longer [Music] currently at the big store going to look at the cameras and oh my gosh it's so so huge this place is massive we're going to have some dinner now we found this place called marui Sushi first place we've seen there's no line what there are two people ahead of us that's not too bad dinner [Music] time we're going to get the the set with like 11 pieces of sushi with handmade omelette miso soup egg custard and then we're also going to order the um grilled brown meat which is cat meat that looks super [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] round my favorite D thing ever ever ever ever ever [Music] a dinner was so good the the quality of the sushi was actually similar to the Masa dinner that we had in Frankfurt which is basically a star restaurant and the and the fish was just so freaking fresh it's unbelievable and the sea urchin oh my God so God so God it's the best D thing I've ever eaten in my life wait is the street glittering yeah [Music] wow oh I think this is the um the yeah the [Music] theater we're at sud Ki Market ooh [Music] Mai [Music] eat [Music] can you try the after visiting sui Market we walked over to bungan coffee and stood in line for about 30 [Music] minutes I read that the matcha latte with espresso is amazing so I had to try [Music] that I got matcha with espr May Macha is good the black one is actually oh yeah and by the way it's kind of frown upon to walk while you're eating or drinking so you kind of have to like stay in a spot while you eat or drink um so yeah after we were done with our coffee break we took the um Metro over to Shibuya and our plan is to walk all the way to Shinjuku and then have dinner there basically spend the entire day just wandering Andy around cuz there's just so much to see wherever we go wow so many people [Music] [Music] man so much stuff here it's [Music] crazy we are in Harajuku area [Music] now see [Music] ready Spider-Man After experiencing Shibuya we walked ourselves over to Harajuku and ended up walking to the Magi Shrine which is just a couple of minutes away from Harajuku area and we are currently walking through the yoyogi park which is basically like this large Forest that leads all the way up to the shrine um it's actually quite amazing that they have such a huge Park in the city I mean it's super beautiful here look at this this park is like over 160 acres of land it's massive and while we were making our way to the Magi Shrine we came across this little tiny Bonsai exhibition it was so cute they had Centum and Bonsai I've never seen that in my life before and then we were just on time for the most beautiful sunset when we arrived at The Shrine oh my goodness look at this there was quite a lot of people but like not too too many people but it was still pretty manageable very [Music] nice [Music] T thank you for visiting us today [Music] even with [Music] coffee oh my God look at this building here this one yeah oh yeah this one yeah what tiny man very tiny man one like a miniature of this one yeah [Music] yes you are the one who won but otherwise you wouldn't have checked prices don't lie to me my love don't lie are we going the right direction this s [Music] but oh so [Music] bright are you drag my La no not not bad world famous oniri I think they keep it very well like very well refurbished new morning and we are back in sui Market again because we didn't manage to try everything that we wanted to this really real yeah yeah or is this plastic no I think and we also wanted to get these dried scallops that we saw yesterday it looked so delicious it's perfect when you actually make um some steamed vegetables or some rice porridge coni it's so delicious when you make it with that then we stopped by to try some coffee and some toast and I just love Japanese milk bread it's so fluffy and so nice it's Asian Bakery very different compared to um Western Bakery W look at that Ginger oh my [Music] God are think pickled stuff right we are going to try the C cfish rice and I wanted to give it a try because I've heard many good things about it did um and yeah it was really really delicious it had Wasabi it kind of tasted a little bit Wasabi e and um salty and yeah it's just like a really great combination it came with Pickles too even all the flavors out and today we are going to check out the Seno G Temple [Music] like tin [Music] tast [Music] wow you [Music] want is we just had Machi this one was so good the Machi is like melting in your mouth it was so tasty and now we're heading to kabashi which is where they have all the kitchen stuff and knives and Chopsticks and so on so we found this store that's sold clear soy sauce this is so cool it was actually so interesting to see how they made the soy sauce transparent and there was this testing table where you can try all of the different soy sauces um well not just soy sauce they had a bunch of other sauces like Yuzu sauce Wasabi oil um and all sorts of different combinations and this guy was explaining to us how to mix the different sauces to create your own unique sauce to eat for salads or steak or different stuff it's like really really awesome sauce we're in this soy sauce store and it has like clear soy sauce I'm going to get the ponzo and this one can eat with tofu this is a clear soy sauce super super cool and after that we went to this this store that sold knives and look at it they're so beautiful and then I saw this one knife with Co fishes on there and she told me that this is for sashimi so pretty and we Al got a free gift after that we were pretty hungry and wanted to find something to eat but this place that we wanted to go to had a huge line in front of it so then we found a Kura Sushi just around the corner in a shopping mall and decided to go there instead that was also a line but they had a number system the line moved pretty fast so and yeah I mean the sushi here isn't on par to what we ate at suii Market definitely not but still good snack to eat while we were so hungry and basically how it works is you just hold onto the plate and pull don't remove the cover or try to open it like there's a little tiny opening where the plate is kind of sticking out U you just hold on to that ending pole um and yeah there's a conveyor belt but then you can also um order some extra special Sushi and I ordered some Nat Sushi cuzz I know I just found a new Found Love for Nat it's just so good I never liked it before but I don't know I guess my taste but changed cuz I really really like it now and after you're done eating you basically put the dishes or like the plates into this opening on the table and it calculates how much you ate um and then you can just pay at the counter while checking out it's like a pretty efficient system anyways that is all the next video is going to be us going to hone hit the Subscribe button to come along this Japan trip we're going to explore Nara hakone Kyoto Osaka Kobe and I will see you next Wednesday bye
Channel: Love, Sam
Views: 80,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japanese, japan airlines, japan earthquake, japan, japan travel tips, japan travel guide, japan travel vlog, japan travel, japan vlog, tokyo japan vlog, tokyo, travel, food, tokyolife, Japanesefood, Japan adventure, Japanese culture, a day in the life of, love sam, Japan vlog, Japan travel, Japan guide, tsukiji market, tsujihan, marui sushi, sushi, travel japan, dango
Id: -r3Z9vdN1Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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