I Wish I Never Found My Mom's Darkest Secret, Sorry Mom I Had No Idea

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hi everyone I'm Karen have you ever felt like someone you trusted was hiding a secret from you that would flip your life upside down well imagine that that person was your own mom a week ago that's exactly what happened to me it was truly one of the hardest saddest days of my life you see what I discovered was not just something horrible it was something that made me feel like my whole life has been one big lie everything started the day I was searching for tools in our garage that could help me with my chemistry project suddenly a heavy box fell on my toes I screamed in pain but when I look down I noticed that the box had broken into pieces typical is I removed the old dusty things from the box I realized what I was seeing was much more valuable than I thought the box was full of interesting stuff there were old pictures of my mom from the time when she was a university student and then there was a picture of her carrying a child standing next to a man I didn't recognize the man or the child I mean I had no brothers or sisters and the man wasn't familiar to me another interesting thing I found was an old voice recording machine which had written on it dear Karen and Michael which made me even more surprised and curious I hid the recorder my clothes and sneaked into the house on my way to my room I had so many questions running through my head who was the child in the pictures what's on the voice recorder who was Michael all of a sudden I felt like I was in a thriller movie playing the role of the heroine spy who wanted to break the code in order to solve the puzzle the puzzle which I had stumbled upon in the form of those pictures and the voice recorder I got to my room and tried to play the voice recorder I kept pressing buttons but nothing was happening finally I press the right button and my mom's voice started talking my heart began to race the more I listen the more I felt that my mother was like a stranger to me living a life that I'd had absolutely no clue about she had this whole other secret life and I couldn't stop myself from feeling angry and upset to me my mom was a very ordinary girl who'd studied in a prestigious university but then things had gotten tough when in her last year she was diagnosed with liver cancer which forced her to drop out her life as she known it was over and she lost all her hair due to the chemotherapy unfortunately the treatment didn't help her and as a last resort she had to undergo a serious operation luckily the operation was a success and she defeated cancer as her life began to normalize she met my father and they got married and then I popped into the world my mum always feared that the cancer might return one day and so she'd recorded her will for me on that voice recorder I have no idea why she'd keep this a secret though it just seemed selfish of her I always thought of her as such a brave woman but after finding the recording I was shocked I understood that she probably didn't want to talk about these parts of her life with me because it would make her sad but she should never have kept such a big secret from me that I had a brother yes that's right a brother who had a different dad from me the name on the voice recorder next to mine was none other than my brothers who up until that day I didn't even know existed imagine how frustrating it was for me to find out like this I was seriously furious at her and then in the voice recording she goes on to say dear Karen I love you and your brother so much I wish both of you could be together but unfortunately that is just too difficult I have hidden his existence from you to protect you both but I do not want to die and bury the secret with me can you believe that I was in a state of shock my heart was beating so loud it was the only thing I could hear finding out I had a brother that I hadn't known about before was just insane all those exciting feelings I felt earlier of being in a thriller film were suddenly flipped on their head and I felt like I was stuck in a sad gloomy film that would never have a happy ending after several hours of inner conflict I decided to go confront my mom with her secret I wanted her to confess I began to think about the best way to approach it finally dinner time came and it was time for me to take action and implement all the scenarios I had been cooking up in my mind i sat down at the table with my mom and dad I looked at my dad with pitiful eyes as he did not know that my mom his deceptive wife had cheated on him I looked at my mom's face which suddenly looked like a mass hiding her true evil face the moment had come to confront her and rip that mask off I banged my fist on the table my parents looked at me and surprised I started shouting so loudly that for a moment I thought that all the glasses on the table would shatter how could you be so selfish I screamed how have you been able to lie to us all these years I know your secret and I will tell everyone I know I have a brother a brother named Mike go as soon as I said my brother's name tears replaced my anger and I couldn't take it anymore all the questions that I'd planned to ask drifted away in a low and trembling voice with my eyes filled with tears I said where is he now how old is he the only thing I could think of was my brother and his whereabouts but my mom just kept her head down looking at her plate silently her eyes filled with sorrow she did not answer any of my questions my dad got up and put his hand on my shoulder to calm me down and comfort me but I pushed him away as I ran to my room I told my mom that she owed me an explanation about everything that had happened I closed the door to my room and waited to hear my father screaming at her but it didn't happen instead I heard them both leave the house a few minutes later I heard the sound of footsteps approaching my room my mom opened the door turn on the light and sat next to me in her hand she had some old pictures this same pictures that I found in the garage my father was standing in the hall leaning against the wall waiting for her to talk to me and in a faint but firm voice she said to me I will explain everything she then went on to tell me that when she was at university she'd been in love with a guy named Adam who she'd met at a lecture and very quickly she began to feel like he was the man of her dreams that she'd be with forever he was polite and handsome and pretty soon she felt pregnant they started planning their life together but things didn't quite turn out like they'd expected after giving birth to Michael my mom got diagnosed with liver cancer which changed everything her health was a disaster and so she had to drop out of university everything started falling apart Adam wasn't very responsible and cared more about having fun with his friends than looking after her in the hospital my mom decided to separate from and raise Michael on her own she would fight this illness by herself no matter what but then she got even more sick and as she lay on her deathbed she realized that Michael deserved more and she let Adam have custody of him light took another turn and she survived the cancer she'd been given another chance it took her three long years after the separation to fully recover but by then Adam already had another woman in his life they were married and raising Michael as their son just like a normal child as per my mother's desires after getting discharged from the hospital she tried communicating with Adam and met him for coffee Adam had mixed feelings upon seeing my mom he was happy as well as surprised my mom asked him about Michael and said that she would like to see him Adam became very worked up on hearing this and forbade her to see Michael as he was worried that after so long how could they tell him that he has a different mother how could they explain to him everything that had happened he was still very young and would not understand the situation Adam was afraid that Michael would start hating both of them my mom for abandoning him and Adam for hiding the truth from him for so long finally after thinking deeply about it all they made the decision that after Michael turned 18 Adam will tell him everything that had happened and that his mom was still alive maybe then he'd not be so angry because he'd be older and understand it better as my mom told me all this she held my hand and looked into my eyes with affection and continued my dear daughter situations arise in life that we can't always be prepared for the world is a place of uncertainty and we need to be able to adapt easily if we want to enjoy our time here even though life took my son from me she gave me your loving father and she gave me you her eyes were filled with tears of sorrow and joy at the same time I could feel her pain and relate to the emotion she had been through and I felt so stupid for having shouted at her I can't believe I accused her of being selfish when in fact she was the exact opposite she had sacrificed so much I hugged her tightly and I cried I was sad for her and for my brother well my mom and I looked at the pictures I turned to her and said mom I want to meet him she didn't reply so I thought maybe she hadn't heard me and I repeated the question suddenly she said no in a sharp tone and left the room I didn't understand hadn't I been through enough today and yet she still wanted to keep us separate it was hopeless I put my head in my hands am I dad came over to me and explained why my mom had behaved like this he started telling me how my mom had tried to communicate with Michael when he reached the age of 18 but it hadn't gone well Michael had shouted at her and said that she was selfish and irresponsible and that he'd never forgive her and his dad for keeping such a big secret from him he continued telling me that from time to time my mom was worried about the moment I'd find out because she was worried I'd react the same and she couldn't bear to lose me in the same way she'd lost Michael I felt so bad I had reacted in the same way but I still had a chance to make it up to her my mom was an amazing woman despite hiding the secret from us she did it to protect us I went downstairs to hug her and reassure her that I'd never leave her side I wish this was where the problems ended but it wasn't I needed to find a way to fix this pain that my mom was feeling I decided I'd find my brother myself I started looking for his Facebook page and I found more than one person with the same name as him but it was obvious which one he was he looked exactly like my mom I gathered all my courage and sent him a message hi I'm Karen and I'm your sister there's a lot that I want to talk to you about maybe we can meet face-to-face after an hour of persuasion he agreed to meet me in a coffee shop at first we just sat in silence it was surreal to know that this guy that looked so much like my mom was my brother I told him everything from the moment I found the voice recording until the confrontation with our mom I didn't expect him to listen to the end especially as I was crying so much but what happened next surprised me after I finished crying he told me that when my mother tried to contact him he hadn't been in the right frame of mind to let her explain everything he just felt angry but now after hearing everything from me he agreed to meet her and forgive her in the end it all worked out my brother has good heart just like my mom and just as my mom never gave up on fighting cancer I guess she never really gave up on us either today after all this time I feel like the happiest girl on earth I have a healthy mom a dad and now a brother too did you like my story please share your thoughts with me in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe to this channel and like this
Channel: My Story Animated
Views: 932,878
Rating: 4.6999588 out of 5
Keywords: problems, my story animated, stories, animation, short film, alone, storybooth, storybook, story booth, story animated, animated story, truth, world, amazing
Id: kiAk0sTE3Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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