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here we are we've made it 24 hours of fishing our goal is to catch every species of fish in texas before the clock runs out you guys have been asking for a part two of this video the last one we filmed was up in maine it was truly incredible it was uh quite a grueling challenge but we figured let's put ourselves through it again we're down here in texas it's gonna get hot today clock starts now we've started our day at a river where we could potentially knock off maybe three to four different species if we're lucky three realistically probably on a catch one but we're gonna try it out we've got the boat plenty of rods caleb behind the camera filming and you guys of course to join us on this journey so without further ado let's get this 24-hour multi-species challenge underway a lot of passengers oh got something what is this got something i've got something here what do we have small oh what is this no it's a guadalupe no this is a little hybrid i believe the only reason why i'm saying it's a hybrid is because if you look at its gill plate right there you've got like those little stripes like a small mouth has but it's got the uh the overall color of a spot it's more green you've also got these little stripes too this is a weird one because i i know there's spots and smaller than largemouth here i'm sure that they cross breeding i've heard them crossbreeding here in texas i don't know we have one species but i'm not going to say outright that this is just a spotted bass you guys have to know in the comment section below but i'm gonna keep the spot uh category open because i think this is a hybrid which is pretty wild such a pretty fish though oh see bud that was cool i don't know what that was it's very rare that i catch like a bass species and i don't know how to id you guys have to drop a comment i wish i had an epf here shamefully fishing because you know exactly what kind of fish that is it's cool nice start to the morning you know looks can be deceiving we just walked that creek for about an hour only yielded one fish it looked amazing had everything right current water felt nice we had the perfect life for top water some swim bit action nothing but we did get one fish we are now on the boat the species that we're after in this spot actually just a bit of context here the spot we just fished is below the spot that we're at now this is the lake all the water that's in that creek or that river is coming from where we're going to be fishing at the moment stripers white bass largemouth if we're really lucky maybe a small mouth we're gonna give this about an hour hour and a half and then jump over another spot anyway enough talking we're wasting time let's go frank and fish there we go yes sir got him that's the one we want that's that's the species we want baby come here come here come here come here come here come here i got you i got you i got you i got you i got you let's go baby we got it done oh geez i'm gonna try not to get hooked this early on in the challenge those little ones the ones you got to worry about they're so freaking feisty wow it is insane to think that we were like a thousand miles up north filming this challenge a couple months ago and we were catching stripers and now we're back down south here in my home state in texas we're still catching stripers these guys are strictly fresh water here although they have been known to reproduce in this lake so that's pretty cool not a giant one but we'll take it that's species number two that's a nice little stripey boy thank you bud you just made yourself famous cake then she's gone all right that's two species down quick time check for you guys it is 9 10 a.m we've been at it for a little over two hours so we need to really pick up the speed we need to figure out a system to put ourselves on a body of water we can knock out like two to three or maybe four species all at once i think this is a good like to do we're not gonna spend too much time here because we do have greener pastures to go to but i think if we head up shallow and check out some of these docks we can maybe get a bluegill and then potentially of course a largemouth let's move up shaolin see if we get some green fish let's go he's got it he's swimming off with it there we go there we go feels decent feels decent i reckon this is our green bass come here come here buddy oh yeah that's a good one good largemouth fast this thing is fast come here bud let's go baby we did it two species in this spot we're not done yet nice fat healthy lm busy on the mondo worm pretty much ever actually matter of fact everything we've caught fish on today googan baits saucy swimmer on the a-rig 10-inch mono worm red bug and the blooper this morning if you guys want to check out the lures that we're using throughout this 24-hour challenge they'll be linked down below be sure to use my code john b save 10 off on your order but anyway buddy fell for it that's awesome really solid largemouth i was hoping we get a good largemouth the last challenge we did we caught some really tiny fish and that's just not exciting but this is a good healthy high two pounder thank you bud back down you go bubby that did not take long at all i could always count on the green bass to bite mommy soaked me soaked you guys too oh that's three down let's keep eating [Music] do you know the um like the walmart two-inch or like like a two-foot rod or they call it dock demon yeah yeah they named it after me yeah because you know why i go demon mode on these docks i just i just want to make it clear to you caleb in the audience that uh i really don't play games like the bass are cool like whatever if you're like into that but i'm more of a panfish contosour we're gonna see if we can dibble dabble in some of these little shade lines and and under these docks in the marina see if we can hook a couple yachts you know just something slight ready this is it oh god that was instant dude that was instant that was instant oh my god look at the size of the scale that was instant dude there we have it species number four and it isn't even oh it is it's 1002. species number four this is kind of a strange one i don't think you can find this type of bluegill up north i've never seen them until i came down here texas but this uh this type of bluegill is called a copper nose and they get their name because that little tiny like greenish copper coloration they have right above their head they get pretty big too like these are the uh these are the much larger bluegill that you'll find down here in texas that and also shell crackers which are also known as red ear that is a beautiful fish dock fishing this time of year in the heat is just it's a go it's 100 a go because they're looking for shade they're looking for that cool water that's exactly why we just caught this dude hell yeah back there you go thanks for playing bud did you see how fast you swim bluegill are so much fun i've always said growing up as a kid if bluegill got to be like 10 pounds everybody would fish for them pound for pound they are the hardest fighting little fish out there and uh you know when you downsize and use ultralight gear like we are today they become very fun we're about to split we're waiting on these guys to get their pontoon on the trailer and uh i went to go get the truck and figured i'd walk the bank just to see what's swimming down there sure enough we found some gizzard shed now we need them for some other species that we're gonna chase after when the sun goes down and the bigs come out so i'm gonna try my best to throw a sorry ass cast net at these uh at these jimmies and just secure the bag for bait for later tonight that was the ass okay hey kaleb would you like to try another cast in that a little bit maybe oh my god so many dude oh my god so many oh dude i think that's enough bait for the day oh what an animal nice job bro that's what's up the meatball that bait that caleb just gathered for us is gonna be some of the best bait that you could possibly get gizzard chad is like top number one put it there thank you bud of course that's gonna come in clutch well i suck at cast netting thankfully we've got some reinforcement though caleb's not only wicked behind the lens but he's wicked behind the cast net [Music] time check 11 59. we are closing in on spot number two i feel like we're sitting pretty at the moment we've got four different fish species a lot of bass to this next zone not gonna fish it too hard i fished here in the past done pretty good but you know season's changed and things mix up if if this looks good we'll stick around if we can take off two fish here that would be mega mega check it out new goog boots testing these babies out today we're gonna be dropping these august 30th mark your calendars these are seriously some of the most comfortable deck boots i've ever worn and they come in this sexy bandito bass camo so the fish don't see it coming these boots that we made don't rub your heel they don't grab on your ankles they're just super nice or comfortable you can even use them as house slippers you might piss off your wife or fiance but listen it's all good boys they're really nice anyway i'm uh might be a little too might be a little too hot for them right now but i want to break them in get some white bass and some hybrid slime on them but i figured show you guys these puppies i love wearing boots you guys have seen me wear boots in a lot of my videos these are now boots that we can say we've created designed and made for all of you beautiful folks at home but like i said august 30th check googansquad.com and use my code john b anyway shut up john let's go fish literally as we pulled up to the ramp i turn my head to the right and there is white bass busting everywhere like a football-sized field of fish erupted on the surface white bass and hybrids don't care that it's hot i don't care that it's hot let's go check them out see if we can take off another species for our list let's get it let's go check this dock for crappie then head out here yes yes let's go it's not the primary one we're after but this right here is a texas spot past i was about to leave i was telling caleb like this is not how i usually expect this what for whatever reason this year the fish with stripes have been very difficult for me but luckily you can always rely on a dinky little spot every stop that we take throughout this journey i want to at least take one fish off our list and for whatever reason i can't get the freaking white bass which is usually really easy and i can't get the hybrids to charge up so i figured i'd go over these docks and try something different and sure enough a little spot thanks buddy this might be a fish we've already caught this challenge i don't know he just looks a lot different than that first fish that we caught during this challenge this still might be number four but for now we'll call it number five see you buddy all right i'm gonna try a couple more cats in here so we get a little black or white crappie then it's time to dip head to a pond and do some bank fishing that's the burden of this challenge especially doing in the middle of the texas heat this is going to be difficult and you know 24 hours of fishing trying to catch 10 species and up is already a challenge and then you add this just the swamp ass the gooch sweat is real out here what in the actual this is not a great way to leave spot number two we were loading the boat on the ramp and then i felt a crack in my prop what the dude you've got to be kidding me some lovely human being left their anchor smack dab smack dab in the middle of the ramp and i sucked it up with my prop i mean it's bent right here i just caught myself nice bent right there oh yeah i got it it got wrecked we got swerved by hybrids couldn't catch a freaking white bass which is usually the easiest fish to catch in texas and uh i guess i'm coming home with an anchor thanks thank you thank you whoever left this for me i appreciate it you know i didn't need an anchor but i have one now wow like dude look at all this rope you guys are probably thinking oh well maybe you shouldn't have been trimmed down so so much when you were power loading like no dude this rope was just dangling i had no idea i couldn't even see it under the water we've made it spot number three quick time check we've burned a lot of time through driving and wasting uh some valuable moments at that last spot but it is 4 45 13 hours left roughly in this challenge and we have i believe four confirmed species five unconfirmed the goal for the whole challenge of course is to get over 10. we're almost halfway there here we can catch white crappie black crappie magnolia crappie which is a like a weird black crappie with a stripe down its head uh we could also catch a bluegill which somehow we still haven't done we caught the copper knows but not an actual bluegill and the big kicker is we can't catch a carp here i know you guys probably don't love when we catch a car but they're so much fun they pull hard and it's on our list today so currently we're doing a bit of chumming i uh stole some of my fiance achilles libby's whole kernel corn she's been on a big lotte kick making that spicy corn and uh i just snagged it said you know what we got bigger fish to fry got to catch some some carp so i'm doing a bit of chumming right now generally when you do this you want to do it like the night before or a couple hours before you get on the water but we're strapped for time we got to make this happen now something's playing with my my corn so i might have this one oh yeah yep that rod just got twerked that rod just got torqued now this right rod just got torqued i just watched that line go super tight oh you still got it there we go oh this is not a carp what do we have here i stand corrected the corn just caught something else do we have here let's get a little bit bigger now what the heck is this whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is this oh it just got big what do we have dude what is this it's decent what is this i have no idea what i have right now oh it's a carp it's a car let's go it's a little carb it's a little carb oh he's screaming too let's go baby i'm gonna grab the nut oh my gosh yes this is perfect i don't even recall when this small he's tiny tiny nothing a little corn can't do on a carpi bottle body of water let's go baby you know a little canned corn solves all of life's problems our problem today was keeping that momentum going that we established in the morning with the bass and striper but take a look at this we got ourselves a nice little common carp i was hoping to go a little bit bigger i know there's big ones in here but they're kind of cool and they're this tiny there's got like no blemishes on them and everything let me get the line off of them this is also cool too because we did not have a chance to catch any carp on our last 24-hour fishing challenge there's not too many carp up in maine there's a couple down south but in texas they're everywhere like literally every pond creek lake and stream you can probably find these guys and although to most they're considered trash fish one thing you cannot deny is that they pull hard these guys absolutely moo even the little dudes so sick all right back down our little cart buddy goes so sick kicked and he's gone species number five done and dusted let's move out to some brush piles let's see if we can crack a few crappie and maybe maybe just maybe a little bluegill got one got one we're on we're on we're on yappi let's go baby let's go oh it's a magnolia how sick is that technically it's a black crappie but it's also considered to be a magnolia they're called magnolias because the difference that sets them apart from regular black crappie is that crazy black line above their head we got ourselves a yappy thank you little dude oh my gosh that felt so good this is way more productive than the last spot i was just telling myself and i might have been speaking a lot to you viewers at home samus we should not have spent so long at the last spot that was just such a waste of time all we got was a spot of bass and for all i know we could have already caught a spot of bass and i just don't know how to id fish good news though we're still in this brush pile usually black crappie won't just hang with black crappie there should be some white crappie down there too so i'm gonna get down there as fast as i can right now i'm using a little tiny googan crappie dart it's our awesome dart that you guys love to throw for bass but we've downsized it for some smaller species whether it be trout crappie bluegill maybe small bass and i've got the uh the googan jig head on there with that juicy crappie stinger hook i thought so good see if we get another on oh nice one what is this one let's go baby no freaking way is this a white crappie yes it is it's a freaking white crappie that's insane two drops two different species let's go oh this is looking awesome what does this put us at this puts us at seven seven different species one cool thing about texas you can catch black and white crappie here some of you who may have not crappie fished too much before may not be able to tell at first glance what's a white cropping what's a black crappie but generally speaking white crappie will have very faint lateral or sorry perpendicular lines across the lateral line and uh black crappie will have more blocks and dots but this is a prime example of a white texas crappie not a very big one but we'll take it i'm going to take a few more drops see if i can just get a regular black crappie with no black stripe and i think we're probably going to head on out of here move to some greener pastures so sick man black robbie going back down to his brush pile see you later bud that was sweet oh we'll take it we'll take it a couple more drops even get that reggie black crappie and then we out this we out this fish we are in southern part of dallas fishing the trinity river let's just say that this right here is going to test my true multi-species fishing capabilities we got dudes in the back playing jams we got some guys cast netting for some shadley's we are after the famous the notorious texas fish the most sought after river monster that being the alligator guard and then of course any other guard that wants to bite which i believe is long nose spotted and maybe short nose i don't know if there's short nose in here and then of course we could potentially catch a buffalo carp we could catch a couple different types of catfish and then also i almost forgot drum get the opportunity to catch a drum so i'm bringing up some big rods right now that honestly are probably a little under gun for these giant alligator guard i mean these things get up like 200 pounds i'm not saying we're going to catch them today but they are literally in here so i'm going to bring uh two heavy duty set or three heavy duty setups two lightweight setups gonna see if i can get that buffalo carp and then maybe a drum freshwater drum it is 7 15. we are switching up gears a little bit of bottom fishing for some texas river monsters well i'm not confident my ability to catch a big gar or catfish for that matter just because i don't do this that much what makes me confident is the fact that caleb this morning got on top of a school of gizzard shad which is literally some of the best bait you can get a lot of guys will use carpets for these fish oh i just saw a big one roll there's definitely gar here in the area the other thing too about guards that's nice is like if you're in an area you're not sure if they're here one way to tell if if this is a gar hole this is a place where a gar live is just look at the surface they'll come is he hooked up what's that that's a carp mommy's got a carp over there buddy in the back's catching fish i think we're in the right area but one way to tell whether or not there's garden areas is just look at the surface they come up to grab air kind of like tarpon do or sturgeon do that was a nice one they'll kind of tell on themselves basically as to whether or not they're in the area and you can tell what's a big guard with a small one anyway let's get some lines wet before it gets too dark and see if we can crank one 24-hour challenge we're halfway through this also too apparently we've got rain on the horizon so as if this day isn't uh weird enough going in wishes luck oh okay here we go ready that bobber just came up there's a fish on it 100 percent of fish on that oh yeah yep yep yep let him eat it 100 fish flowers came up i think i need to take that weight off and get screwing with them bottom yeah yep i was screaming screaming screaming screaming screaming screaming he's screaming he's screaming he's screaming he's screaming with it this might be a good one this fish was absolutely screaming with it oh my god big head shake big head shake i don't know if you just dropped it or what screaming with it oh big ball right there what was that all about you dropped it or what is he going back upstream with it he's coming at me he dropped it that thing was humming dude that was a tail [Music] oh yeah it's a fish she's screaming with it too holy hell she is screaming with it look at that line go i'm letting her eat it could be a good one i'm about to lock her down oh she just she spit it no she's still on did you just drop it in the way no way no way nothing was humming no no no no no no no no no you must you still have it i know you still have it yep there it goes there we go big one big one big one big one oh it just came off no oh that was a giant that was a giant that was a giant i sure let him eat it longer that was a giant that was a big one bro that was a big fish oh no oh my god i almost fell that was a big fish look how much line he took look at that that thing screamed with it oh my god bro that was a big freaking fish look how much line that thing took i don't know how i didn't stick it man look how much line that thing took holy hell bro that was a giant gator guard capable of that up man 9 21. this is uh this has been weird because it's like we found the fish we're getting them to bite but i can't seem to hook them i had a fish probably pull like 80 90 yards of line out and i still couldn't smoke them i've had just about every rod set up peel drag go off but they've just got such weird mouse and they're kind of finicky the way they eat the bait they'll sometimes grab it drop it grab it drop it and a lot of times too i don't even know when i'm getting a bite because they'll eat it then run up river get me tangled around a bunch of brush down there and then ultimately i just break off so i had to retie like 50 times today lost a giant i mean i i had a big one you guys saw on the big camera like it was a big fish um but it's not looking too good i'm probably gonna give it a few more minutes just see if we can maybe squeeze something out i don't know i knew this was gonna be a hail mary but we came so close it's like i don't want to leave it's just kind of a heartbreaker honestly it is about to get soupy oh this one's gone this one's gone this one's this one's humming this one's humming this one's humming this one's humming this one is humming this one is humming this one is humming might be light at the end of the tunnel here boys still on still on let's go baby keep taking that keep taking that bait still going i feel like i should hit him sooner rather than later i don't want him to go too far there's some nasty sticks over there tighten that drag down and smoke him wait for him to run with it dropped it felt the tension and dropped it what the it is about to just dump on us right now up right on cue okay i think it's time we're dipping out of here we failed the alligator gar mission i'm so upset about that had him freaking hooked in the first quarter and lost him in the second third and fourth quarter just sucked we've got severe thunderstorms headed our way right now the radar just switched it went from like a 50 chance like now at 90 chance um i don't know maybe this is maybe this is happening for a reason this sucks so we're gonna have to wait this nasty weather out last time from the 24 hour challenge too we had disgusting weather it's like we're cursed we're absolutely cursed all right let's get out of here bro oh my gosh what more could you ask for i don't know how about a flat tire this is madness we're at denny's though this is where uh all things really come together we're gonna wait for the storm to pass or we're gonna try to fish next it's getting absolutely dumped on right now so 24 hour denny's to heal our pains i'm gonna get a fat ass omelet eat up a little bit waste probably about 30 minutes in here get back on the road grab some caffeine fuel up and head to spot number four i think we're still at it not giving up took a bit of a breather there waiting for the storm to pass caleb and i uh took a nice little snooze in a kroger parking lot what a wonderful place to sleep i think we got maybe like an hour of rest i say we i slept for about an hour caleb didn't sleep at all but we're ripping ready to go it is 3 a.m right now we still have about like three hours left in this challenge and we've headed up north to see if we can get some more of those nocturnal fish that includes carp gar catfish i've never fished here before so i'm not going to hold my breath but we've got a meteorite of rods a couple smaller ones too maybe for some drum or small carp and then some bigger ones for catfish we also happen to pick up some some bait at kroger some raw shrimp so we're going down to the spillway right now and see if we can make something happen we need to wipe the slate clean get back in action and hope that we can end this 24 hour challenge on a bang because it is uh well it has been a grind all right this is our spread right now trying to be as diverse as we possibly can we got three different types of baits we've got a rod set for catfish that's got a circle hook and a piece of cut gizzard shad on it the middle rod is very simple it's just a bread with a circle hook we're using that to catch the buffalo carp and then the left setup is for drum and or smaller catfish just trying to be a little diverse here as we are running out of time can't just throw the same thing as much as i would love to just go for the buffalo because they're thick over here it makes more sense to vary rod which one oh yeah yeah rod rod drive rod rod fish on fish on baby fish on fish on i don't know what it is it feels good wow wow what do we have here fish is on that's on the kroger shrimp baby we're hooked up let's go i needed to hear that drag peel today oh i think it might be a catfish i have no idea what this is um step back with me am i gonna grab the net oh yeah oh yeah let's go baby i definitely don't need the nut for this fish but i don't want to risk losing any fish today come here come here pal let's go come on get in the nuts get the nuts come on let's go baby keep fishing never stop this 24 hour challenge has been grueling i believe what we have here is a little channel catfish these guys are so much freaking fun to catch they're widespread throughout texas and uh they put up a hell of a fight that was uh i was so funny i've got like primo gizzard shad on that rod just next to it but this little catfish he wanted the kroger raw frozen shrimp just goes to show that you don't really need fancy stuff to be catching fish this time of year especially if you're doing a little bit of night catfishing i don't believe this is a blue channel i'm pretty sure it's just a regular channel catfish sweet fish though not a bad little creature so freaking cool man so freaking cool to think that we were sleeping in a parking lot an hour ago and now we're catching fish only one's here too there's fish literally teeming in the spots that was one hell of a fight wow well that fish right there is number eight for us this thing absolutely mangled me nothing like some spillway kitties to get you going bright and breezy in the morning it's crazy to think it's it's morning now we've literally been at this for almost 24 hours and we're not done yet we still have that buffalo carb if we can get one more maybe a drum or a blue channel or a bullhead i don't know i think it could happen we just need to rebate some lines and uh keep cranking baby let's go baby got him got him that was sick i watched that fish eat it that was so dirty that is that is the buffalo carp that we're after oh these guys fight so hard though i gotta be careful these guys fight so hard and i've got light line that was so cool i literally just flipped at that thing like a bass oh that's actually a pretty good one man that's not it's not like too too small for an ultralight rod that feels good okay i just can't mess this up we got an hour and 20 minutes left and we've got our ninth species hooked up right now this is insane this is insane oh boy oh boy buddy definitely one of the bigger ones we've seen these dudes get up to like 70 pounds they get huge and uh despite and despite what most people think these fish are actually native to texas unlike the common carp let's even get them in the net let's go baby let's freaking go look at that's actually a big one bro what a wild looking fish the the face their body morphology they are strange i've never really seen too many of these growing up in illinois but when i came down to texas i noticed that there's a plentiful amount of these guys up shallow out deep and they get absolutely huge this guy's about to snap oh gosh come on buddy i'm gonna get one little i'm gonna get one last look at him and send it back in the water that was so much fun dude that was so much freaking fun i'm so glad we're ending this challenge on a strong note and not giving up and for the release that thing put up a hell of a fight wow back down she goes oh wow yeah yeah that is a fish only a mother could love honestly personally i love them because they fight hard but i wish you guys could smell my hands oh very stinky very freaking stinky all right this is it we got one more fish to catch there we go that's probably a little catfish what do we have here no it's a drum let's go baby let's freaking go we did it what time is it what freaking time is it i cannot believe that just happened i cannot believe that just happened we have 58 minutes to go before our 24 hour timer runs out and this is our 10th species of the freaking day this right here is a freshwater drum they're such cool fish they'll eat lures live bait cut bait honestly they'll eat just about everything when they get big they're a lot of fun to catch but this is hands down easily one of the smallest ones i've ever caught the other cool thing about these drum is they're heavy night feeders and that's one of the reasons why you see a bit of reflectiveness behind their eyeballs they use that to uh presumably i think might be talking to my ass but they use that to uh scurry around and forage in the deeps looking for you know shrimp that's so cool man bye bye little drum you are the last and final puzzle piece of this 24 hour challenge look at him he's so cute i want to take him home with me he's like whoa that was quite the ride first i had a shrimp next thing you know what i'm i'm looking at some idiot we did it 24-hour challenge complete we got 50 minutes left we completed our goal so that's it it's finished i think going forward in the future i think we set a goal opposed to just aimlessly trying to catch as many speeches we possibly can when it comes to north texas fishing there's not a whole lot of diversity so to catch 10 species within 24 hours literally one day in my opinion is a huge feat you know i think the only thing that would have made today better is if we caught that alligator guard but can't focus on what we missed out on we have to cherish on how amazing this little sun was it was so much fun to film this 24 hour challenge in maine it was fun to film in texas we caught some different fish this time around we also revisited some species as well which is just so neat that you can catch the same fish up in maine as the ones down here back home in texas but uh i think we're piecing out signing out i'm gonna go home get some sleep like that's the one thing i'm thinking about right now is sleep but i appreciate you guys all watching today drop a comment let us know which state or maybe country we should film the next 24-hour multi-species fishing challenge in we appreciate the view so much guys thank you for watching and we'll catch you on the next one as always folks keep fishing never stop
Channel: Jon B.
Views: 475,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, survial, camping, outdoors, cooking, fish, bass, lures, travel, traveling
Id: UZtnlEKjj40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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