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excuse me was biting this time of year guys y'all know no that is what we were fishing today I am somewhere that uh I didn't expect to be we're actually at lojo's house property right now and I'm gonna fish his pond one thing though he's still sleeping I woke up early got a pond right behind me my flight leaves in about an hour and a half or so why not throw a line in the water see what we can catch and one cool thing about lojo's Pond he's never fished it in the morning so you know what I'm gonna see if I can catch the first ever topwater Bass at lojo's pond because I don't think he's ever done it this is lojo's Workshop right here let's go ahead and hop in here grab some gear and right off the bat you can see buddy is pumping some serious iron my goodness that is impressive there's this Workshop right here you know what before we even do that I mean just as an Ode to lojo I think we gotta jump up here and uh get the blood moving a little bit hello hello getting the blood pumping a little bit in the morning that plus a little caffeine feels good man hmm while we're in here when I show you a little bit about what lojo has in his Workshop so here is his boat now if we walk over here this is the good stuff I think it's got his wall of googan this is work desk got a little bit going on right here and finally we've got his hard baits and his terminal right there got a couple rods laying around and oh we might need to bust this bad boy out today honestly I think there's enough talk let's head down to lojo's Quan and see what kind of Secrets he's got in there we're down at his pond it's not very big as you can see but it's not really small either I'd say it's a really nice sized Pond beautiful morning little wind got the cloud cover tight on my favorite top water bait of all time the googan Squad Hummer I'm actually opting for a natural bluegill pattern right here you see this this guy's caught quite a few fish for me and if you're a lojo fan you've probably recognized those guys over there not sure what he's gonna do with those boats but uh for now they're parked right over there so my idea for fishing his pond is every time I complete one Loop which probably won't take long maybe 15-20 minutes I am going to switch baits we're gonna start with the Buzz bait hopefully we get through six or eight baits by the time I have to go I just saw something jump over there all right we gotta get started no time to waste let's see where those Pond has to offer through here no snakes no snakes all right let's see if I get on this platform right here oh oh snap wait is that connected to something uh wait oh shoot oh no oh no wait a second I don't know if this platform's connected to anything that might not be a good idea oh if we're still if we're stranded we're stranded I figured it would be tethered First cast in lojo's bond we're in a baby water temps about 75 degrees or so Clarity is uh stained I mean I can see a little bit in the water you got about a foot of visibility we're just going to cover the edges and hopefully oh something's jumping over there what is that what what is that a beaver oh that's a jug that's a jug what is a gut Joe got something hold on a second that thing is moving that thing is ripping guys that is a catfish jug that we forgot about oh my gosh that thing is freaking ripping over there all right we're gonna have to get that jug I don't know how we're gonna get that jug it's literally in the middle of the pond but we're gonna have to get that jug somehow man that's probably a big ass catfish on that are the drugs right near the bank look at that jug that jug is ripping guys holy Vegeta I don't know how I'm gonna hook it but I gotta hook it oh come on we're right on okay ah damn I don't know how I'm gonna hook this thing I think we gotta hooked online come on right here all right move stop moving about the base too weedless we need a treble hook bait all right let's go and rip one out real quick I don't think there's any bait that snags more stuff got a clutch we're gonna do this quick before that catfish runs back out to the middle come on come on come on Mission moving back out it's not going to stay long around there High clutch oh there's ah an actual fish just jumped right here too okay I don't know what the heck that was we're gonna actually make a cast of that real quick no shebang oh what the heck there's something moving right there there's another fish right here I don't think and that's not whatever's on The Jug I don't know what that was let's go ahead and go for The Jug now now that I have treble hooks it should not take long I got it first cast First cast dude is Big this thing's freaking big oh my it's stuck to a freaking log no wonder it's a catfish on a log holy vegeto whoa a different way why is there a basketball oh my God all right let's get down here dude what the heck I see something else crazy over here guys I'm this is absolutely why I don't know what is what he's got going on here but this is freaking nuts all right so first up let's land this fish right here oh yeah come here kitty whoa whoa whoa ah right here guys Cash number one out of lojo's pond beautiful Channel cat like that doggo Let It Go nice healthy fish good to see now that is not the target species for today but any fish is a good fish now check this out guys I just saw this not the basketball but I was as I was bending down look what I saw right here this is a gigantic crawfish crawl and this is gonna give us a hint as to what lojo's bass are eating look at that red color right there I think we might have to change baits and uh imitate something that looks uh kind of like this foreign that is a beautiful largemouth bass look at that oh I gotta get a couple things wrong with him but hey it's still a pretty fish perfectly hooked aggressive we stuck with the Buzz bait and got rewarded oh gotta love the Hummer guys if you're not throwing this early morning you're freaking crazy yes sir what do you guys think pretty impressive huh first ever bass out of your dad's pond top water bastard is I'm sure he's got plenty of best yeah check it out check out the check it out huh pretty pretty legit pretty legit let him go so this side of the pond is actually a little clearer a little more visibility got a little bit of structure in there so we started on the opposite side over here just made it to this end and uh we got rewarded with a nice chunky largie and by the way guys googinsquad.com use code one rod to get 10 off we've got the biggest sale of the year coming up fishing Black Friday five dollar hats up to 50 off baits crazy deals on everything on Terminal on storage rods everything look at the details Down Below in the video description do not miss this sale load up the fishing gear for the spring season and catch some big fish for me I'd appreciate that now with all that being said we are gonna get back out here because we still have a lot of fish to fry that's the cast Money cast right off the point there's another one I told you there's a Money cast they're smashing oh yeah the lojo is gonna be so freaking hyped to see his fish nail in top water like this I don't even know how many bass he's got in here but this is number two this one's a little smaller but this one's even healthier look at that hook pops right out pale fish in the dingy water nothing too unexpected there let's see if there's any hints as to what he's feeding on grip your teeth feel pretty sharp maybe this one's not feeding on crawfish oh there you guys go there's fish number two Mojo's pond let's keep it going there's nothing I mean I mean there is nothing that gets your blood pumping in the morning like top water bites and caffeine if you add those two together it's like crack not that I've done that by the way I I literally don't do any drugs but I imagine it would feel something like this oh by the lay down got absolutely pummeled oh if we make that cast again that fish might come back damn I got a little too excited took a fraction of a second too early oh frick oh that just came up right when I was pulling out of the water you're kidding me dude come on now they are freaking destroying this buzzbait yeah we oh yo whoa bro all right I know this bait looks very realistic but it's only supposed to full fish Hey listen do not bite this bait lojo would not be happy if I caught his dog my gosh hold on a second here let me show you guys something interesting I got him that time see what we got here yep yes sir another clue as to what hello Joe's bass are eating there are a ton of these minnows along the bank look at these guys comment below I don't know exactly what they are they kind of look pregnant because they're so freaking fat but uh that looks like a perfect little Forge size for little just bass and in addition to that one there's actually a dead bluegill right here and this is a perfect snack size for any of his fish right here so we've now completed one loop around the pond I'm actually gonna stay right here but we're gonna have to switch baits and uh try something else out I'm gonna give them a little break from the top water we're gonna use something similar to the buzzbait but goes just under the surface we are now going to try fishing the half ounce bumper gold blades perfect for these cloudy conditions double Colorado blade these fish will feel it in the stained water got the orange reddish color which will actually looks quite similar to the Crawfish and is very visible so I think this will be a perfect bait give them a slightly different look and uh I don't think it'll be long until we get a bite on this bait oh shoot fudge that was a big fish fudge you're freaking kidding me dude I thought that was the log damn it oh he's not that big but he came back for it oh oh get a dog damn it that was freaking nuts dude I horsed him too much the idea structure right there that fish was hanging directly on that freaking structure I ran the I ran the bumper right on top of it I thought I got snagged but it's actually the fish and that fish actually came back to hit it a second time so the fish in lojo's pond I would say are Ultra aggressive they're hitting the bumper they're hitting the Buzz bait oh there's another oh the big that's a good one that's a good one solid fish oh I can't lose this one get in the boat look at this look how this fish was freaking hooked guys just swiped at it gave him a nose piercing with the bumper that is absolutely crazy that I was actually able to hook this fish literally through his left side nostril that oh man this fish actually has a really big tail I feel like this fish could be significantly bigger oh wow another beautiful fish go nice dive you guys know Hummer is my favorite top order bait and this is by far my favorite spinner bait that we make the Zinger is fire but the bumper when you got stained water these fish can feel this bait from a mile away I have time to fish one final bait I've caught a lot of fish got a lot of bites I still want to go for a big fish and there's no bait that gives me more confidence for catching a big fish and a jig I've selected the little juicy jig half an ounce with a crack and crawl trailer there actually appears to be a lot of structure in lojo's pond I think I'm assuming he just threw a bunch of wood in there because I mean I see a fallen tree right there it's all stump right over that away and I felt I mean I can see some dark stumps in the water right there so what we're gonna do we gotta stain water I'm assuming the fish are going to be tight to that structure just gonna Drag The Jig right over top of it don't have to worry about it snagging because that weed guard and we'll see if we can end this video with a big fish I lose your pond that'd be awesome so when I'm fishing a jig I want to get it in the nastiest places that I can find I want to put in places where no other bait can go that's why for me The Jig often catches the biggest fish because I'm literally throwing in places that no other fisherman is willing to put their bait so right now you can see me I'm weaving it in and out of each of these limbs right here and with this weed guard there's pretty much no way that I get snag like I'm realized I'm right there above the water boop I'm just gonna pop it bam comes right out that is the power of this stiff weed guard right there you won't get snagged on any type of structure really but when you get bit you definitely got to lay into them pretty hard in order to bend that weed guard down and expose the hook point oh that's a nice piece of structure right here oh no fudge dude freaking kidding me dude oh that was a big fish I just stuck a jig into one of lojo's bigger fish and it's just gonna live with the jig in his mouth uh lojo sorry about that man oh my gosh let me explain what just happened I've been fishing that jig for 10 minutes right out there about 20 feet off the point there's some gnarly structure it doesn't even feel like it's made of wood it feels like it could be like metal or some something something sharp I felt my jig it gets a little bit stuck on it I popped it off and as soon as I popped it off that structure I just got slammed and that fish was Heavy it was digging deep into the structure set the hook it must have been against something sharp it snapped like that oh buddy just made it down here we gotta break bad news guys yo what's good morning buddy I've got some I've got some good news and some bad news what do you want to hear first it's a guess bad news is you gut hook the only five pounder that I had the good news is there's plenty catfish that's not completely off that is somewhat possibly accurate really hard oh God okay so what about the catfish when I walked up here one of the jugs that was left out here was was just going crazy so I snagged it got a nice you know two pound catfish oh nice okay and honestly you know that see that one right there I think that one has something on it maybe I just saw that one starting to move that one might have something on it yeah I have to keep an eye on it if it starts pointing like Against the Wind that's kind of a dead giveaway unless it's snagged because then it'll do that gotcha okay now the fishing I text you I I pop some on top water do you throw a lot of top water in here by the way not a lot at all we talked a little bit yesterday off camera me and you I mean it's really never been hit hard with top water first thing in the morning like first light so I knew you'd have some luck yeah on top water so what Buzz Bay yeah the the Hummer it crushed it got a lot of bites yeah then I caught them on the bumper see like you see it moving you see it moving that might maybe maybe okay so maybe okay because the other one was literally straight up like an arrow and just going crazy that was a dead giveaway this one is kind of kind of just chilling but it does appear to be moving a little bit if there's been a catfish on there for a while he probably is tired and he's just kind of he might just be sitting there so they don't always move I've learned that over the years like a jug doesn't always have to be like yeah crazy yeah it is going and check jugs before that were just sitting even like up on the bank just sitting there yeah and it had fish on them got it fair enough I always mean they don't always have to be going crazy to have fishing on them all right so in in regards to fishing I caught like five bass oh one to two decent size nothing huge on the bumper and the Hummer so what I just did I switched to I wanted to catch a big fish yeah so I switched to a jig and you see that point right there maybe like 10 maybe 20 15 feet off it towards us is there some type of really gnarly structure yes what what is there it was really gnarly I'm gonna show you this okay you might not be able to see it but it's I I don't know what it is I think it's a tree yeah we've been talking about pulling it out of the pond since I bought this oh do you get like a lot of snags or something off it all ends really we've probably lost I'm not even exaggerating like a hundred different oh my gosh you know since we've fished here now now we know it's here so we don't fish here that much but I couldn't really see it there's there's a giant like almost like a telephone pole like kind of going from here to that point okay so yeah you kind of have to pick which side you are I should have told you that no no I mean I fished I was I've been fishing this Pond and when I had the bumper I was specifically dragging along like you know pulling it near the bottom of the field I mean there's like random wooden structure all around and I like that I mean I'm not afraid of that so I'm not throwing treble hook baits because I'd probably get snagged I threw the jig specifically looking for structure maybe 10 minutes into fishing it right over there I felt a real gnarly piece and I I took my jig pulled it right over it and as it was falling down heavy fish took it crushed Crush heavy fish took it and dug down deep I set the hook and the line snapped that might have been a big bastard yeah it might have been a big basket the bad news is it's got a half ounce little juicy jig in his mouth if you catch it I'm gonna call you yeah call me I'll call you immediately so it was a half ounce yeah little yeah brown one yeah I mean yeah I'm not sure that's probably the only fish with a hook in his mouth I've never thrown a jig oh you've never thrown a jig okay maybe we have but not not really you know what I mean yeah never because I was trying to catch a fish maybe for a challenge so that's my bad on that bro okay well I'm Gonna Keep fishing really 15 20 minutes and then we probably gotta head to the airport yeah we do you want to throw in line and you can enjoy your uh your morning coffee or whatever you got there I might just watch you man okay I might just enjoy it and just watch somebody with some fresh fishing Spirit out here sounds good sounds good huh let's get back in there what do you got here bud I just found a little froggy over here so try feeding your bass yeah see the shallow part I saw a bass feeding on minnows throw it just throw it off a little bit exactly see what happens I see him oh he's swimming so good yeah he has good action oh man he might get smashed there is very likely a bass writer oh dude look at that action holy boy he is zooming yeah big brim could pop them honestly yeah you're right about that there's big shell cracker in here I'm on that lay down again oh he's look he's going he's going for the land oh he might make it yeah I think he's gonna be safe hey if they make it they make it yeah it is oh there's one oh he got it he got it on the jig he got it he's got it it doesn't feel huge but he's on it oh do you let go oh you let go let go it must have been a small Bass oh he's tapping it again bro it must be a small he's on it dude it must be small but I'm gonna let you do it we got him we go bro on a half ounce jig I knew this fish was small well this is literally the opposite of the one we broke off ah did you say punt oh dude he ate the Frog a bastard's coming over here and ate the Frog yeah he just smashed it the Frog came over here oh ripped little guy he's gone he's gone oh go ahead and let the bass go there he goes so lojo is actually getting me a paddle for that kayak right there because we're gonna check the jugs that one at 12 o'clock you guys probably can't see it it's been moving there might be a fish on it well I mean I really just focus on the oh what why is it so heavy it's probably full of water oh shoot yeah well we should have flipped it over for some reason it was just sitting just sit Oh shoot what about that one oh bro what the where did that water come from I don't know if I'm gonna dump it right here holy it really is pretty heavy man Why didn't it come out yeah it might have been uh maybe a mud clog a rock Pebble to paddle board let's just do this this guy right here good yeah yeah it looks nice and it's Heyday this thing was like a like a multi hundred dollar paddle really I'ma head out here I think it's the most wanted dicks that they had a couple years ago all right let's get out here guys check out the stability of the I've actually only been on one once which was a couple days ago and it worked out pretty dang well yeah yeah not bad at all and yeah I'm actually dry I'm actually dude this thing is way on top of the water and it feels pretty stable what kind of rig is this oh my gosh it I don't know I don't know if I'm getting this one out I mean I could at least cut off cut off the Rope but I don't have my uh snippers with me yeah I feel confident let me get let me get balanced all right here we go throwing some metal here oh oh shoot oh when I say the least venomous that we have in Florida is copper that's the least venomous that's like the most venomous in Maryland she's actually a snake ball you got bit by one he said they he said he was a uh he was a professor you reached the floor I mean at Florida State University there and uh he said he's in the hospital he said he heard the nurse come in he said the doctor how they meet the door and talk for the coming around yeah and they said well how's he doing and say well they ain't doing that baby let's hold off for another for 24 hours give me the anti-eventicals he ain't got no insurance oh I could hear him talking out there let's hold off another 24 hours you ain't got no insurance yeah I mean that anti-venom they're running about 20 000 right 15 20 000. he takes about 20. the last suddenly told me it was 21 000. wow it varies bro we might have to start we might have to start a snake milking business make some anti-venoms milky
Channel: 1Rod1ReelFishing
Views: 157,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing, bass, fish, tips, how to, how-to, tutorial, #fishing, #bassfishing, 1rod1reelfishing, adventure, shore, bank, crazy, insane, epic, water, catch, catching, outdoors, kayak, kayaking, googansquad, googan, summer
Id: Umf_IE2-NeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 42sec (1602 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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