The MOST DANGEROUS River I've Ever Fished!!! (LOADED with FISH)

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hey bro any luck today maybe yeah no oh I'll let you do your thing man I was gonna fish the canal but uh it's looking a little dried up I think we're gonna pass on that so guys we are on the Potomac River and every single time I come out here it's like a new place I'm in a different section of the river that I've never been to before so let's walk over here and uh see what's up all right this is what we're dealing with right here today we have a dam which would be cool to fish underneath it actually then across we have the Potomac River you know what let's somehow try to get down there and uh fish along the dam first and after that we'll see where today takes us all right Lu ah it's looking grassy back here oh yeah oh yeah whoa what oh that wasn't too bad ah yeah we'll do this all right whoa ah beautiful we've got the flowing river right here we can go across later today and see what's up right now let's try fishing directly under that little Dam right there and see what we can catch let's select our starting bait for today and you know what I'm definitely thinking Square boat crank bait I know there's quite a bit of Shad let's just go with a Shad colored Banger you know what this guy looks pretty good keep it nice and simple start with this right here all right we're in business boys look before we head over there why don't we try to carefully make our way across what are those things that poop what is that mushrooms I don't know no falling today please just let's just launch a couple cast right here it's a little shallow shallow Rocky water's clear so if there is going to be a fish I would definitely expect it to be behind a rock in an Eddy somewhere where they won't have to expend a lot of energy somewhere like right about there pull the bait across the rocks any bites all right that would have been the spot okay it's very shallow so it's not a bad thing because the fish are less likely to be here that just means that they're probably more likely to be somewhere where it's deeper like under those Falls but we're just gonna go ahead and launch one or two more casts while we're ready here you never know what might happen it's very shallow here it looks like about one foot or less for most of it so I should be able to cross later but for now let's try to make it uh that away here we go baby this could be the juice right here it's a bit fast today we're gonna have to be extremely careful that we don't bust our nuts over here all right low center of gravity walk nice and slow try to look where you are stepping this is definitely a little bit treacherous but the trickier it is to fish the more likely you can find a Hidden Gem could very well be worth it oh geez Louise this is some fast car boys I'll tell you guys what the average angler ain't going through this we go fish whatever's over there we could find an absolute hidden oh getting deep again deep hidden Jam if I can make it that's a big hit oh oh people oh my god oh people that was the channel that was a channel I think we made it okay we're in it we're definitely in it boys and that right there is why you never underestimate the creek and or river one second I'm walking through one foot of water like this section Tekken I'm going through a raging Whirlpool my GoPro goes under I go under no not my head fortunately but literally I did not see that coming at all I mean who would have expected this whole place looks like to be one foot deep then right there that got deep as heck very dangerous but the good news is we now have this whole area to explore I'm shaking right now got my adrenaline pumping let's catch some fish something be over here oh oh so we've got Chase I just got Chase First cast under the ball oh thumb I got hit again come on come on all right something's here guys something's living under here this could get real juicy in just a second oh there we go number one way on baby are we on oh yeah look at that oh he's hot he's trying to dig into the rock guy smart dude this guy is freaking tough too that is the power of a river Somali right here my friend get in the boat yes sir I'm out feels good man just switch my bait and this my friend is exactly what we look for in a place like this beautiful healthy River Smallmouth going to get them unhooked I'll show you guys what bait I'm using in a second let's get this nose piercing out of you buddy let's go check you out nice and plump just about what you'd expect for a average sized River Smallmouth fish number one of the day the move is uh paying off so far let's let you go right over here so I can watch you swim off there she goes so here's the deal the water is actually a lot clearer than I was expecting especially around the moving water it's it's very very clear so did not get any bites in the Banger fish it for about 20 minutes then I decided it's time to pull out the 2.8 inch Saucy swimmer nice natural color pattern 1 8 ounce jig head very realistic minnow head I'm just fishing this what I'm doing cast it right under the falls jigging it and after I drink it a couple times slowly slim it back so I don't get snagged in any rocks that was fish number one we've got quite a bit of water to cover here I've Got a Feeling there's some big fish under these Falls and I'm gonna catch them right off the bat Third cast in oh he got off dang it come on dude oh he pants me too how's it possible dude he bit my tail and got hooked that's a little bit unusual oh let's go ahead and put this in here we don't want litter never litter guys I'm gonna plant another saucy I'm telling you guys if you can find those hard to reach places and do it safely without getting hurt it could be very worth it to find fish that potentially no one has ever fished for because you know a boat has never been up here a kayak has never been up here A Bank angler can only access this spot if they're as crazy as me and who knows I don't think there's that many Anglers as crazy as me I'll be honest uh we're back in here yep yep yep yep as I was reeling it in I just saved a GoPro clip dude beautiful fish let's go ahead and play him here she comes ready get in the boat whoa air Smalley boys oh it looks like about a carbon copy of the other one yeah dude Ultra sharp gripper teeth right here let me try let me give you guys a better angle in the sunlight look at that I don't know if you guys can see that but that thing is almost cutting my finger is so sharp and sandpaper like look at this this fish is a young fish very small mouth but look how she's built look how she's built this fish is going to be an absolute football when she grows up look at the shoulders dude that is a mini tank if I've ever seen one this fish might be only a year old or less honestly we'll go and let it go face good let's get back in there all right tight to the bottom jig it oh I jig right under the Falls ride the next cast guys I'm not making this up we have found an absolute honey hole here absolute stacked whoo so I don't think we're gonna have much trouble finding the fish the question is will we be able to find the big fish this one's a little this one the young fish right here I'm not sure when she was born but that one ain't very old how are we gonna get the big ones to come out that's gonna be the question for today but for now we're just gonna keep repeating the exact same pattern under the falls jig it and we got another oh I got bit I got bit dude this is wild absolute Madness this is what I live for by the way guys find I'm on I'm on I'm on oh I'm off I'm off I'm off this is exactly what I love exploring for finding places just like this foreign yep I knew it had to be one over here at least one all right another little guy we had to change our strategy guys we're gonna find a big fish here don't you worry first up getting the boat oh all right well I almost touched him we'll count him wait a minute look how crazy this is I walked all the way from over there to right here flipping and pitching under these Falls just like this I caught like five more dinks nothing crazy but look where we are now we've made it to this open section of water this whole area could be filled with fish I'm actually gonna switch base right now we're gonna look for a bigger bite yep First cast yes sir yes sir whoa all right I saw that fish strike in the water I snagged it but that shows how aggressive these smallies are dude look at this two things about this fish let me show you hold on don't hook me up oh don't hook me please I've never been hooked past the Barb today ain't gonna be the first day I hope there we go oh he's biting my finger Ultra aggressive now look at this guys look at the stop chill stop stop stop stop dang it all right I was gonna show you guys his lip is all beat up he's digging his face into the Rocks looking for crawfish we might have to switch to a bottom bait but I'm a little afraid of getting snagged we'll stick with the junior Scout for now yep yep another one another one on the scalp oh this one's big this one's bigger this one's good dude this one's pulling hard oh he snagged again wait can I not catch a fish in their mouth or what not cool all right well it's big though he's still big he's still big still the biggest of the day all right oh uh getting the boat yep uh this is weird I don't know guys a little bit unusual snag two fish in a row I mean we do have Ultra sharp treble hooks on these baits so I'm not completely surprised but ah there we go dude look how thick this fish is another fish with a very tiny tiny mouth young fish eating like a champ wow dude that's incredible I you go buddy I'm telling you guys there's gotta be a giant football somewhere in here I don't know what babe we gotta throw maybe we gotta throw a little finesse jig with the crack and crawl trailer I'll probably throw that next but right in front of us there has to be a big fish my fish senses are tingling all over the place whoa that was real it did as I was reeling it in holy vegeto I switched baits again guys I'm looking for that Big Bite still hey hey hey hey hey okay okay okay after I saw that one Bass with that beat up lip I knew some of them had to be feeding in the Rocks this guy uh was looking for a little crawfish meal but instead he got a face full of little juicy jig plus crack and crawl Junior trailer very natural presentation When I'm Small E fishing in Clear Water like we got here there's basically three things I want to do number one like I started with Saucy swimmer on a jig head to imitate a natural Bait fish number two I want to create a reaction strike which is where this guy comes in right here the junior Scout jerking as hard as fast as you can this little three inch bait can call in the big mamas they can't say no if they see this whizzing by their face trust me and lastly the third presentation like they focus on is a natural crawfish presentation I'll fish the doob tube if there's a lot of grass if there's a lot of rock like we got here I'll fish the little juicy jig this weed guard will prevent it from getting snagged equip it with a crack and crawl Junior trailer beautiful crawfish invitation we're gonna make a few more casts here then we're actually gonna somehow make it all the way over there to that giant rock and see what's going on over there no yeah yeah yeah oh I smashed it bro I can't tell if it's big or small oh it's big it's big it's big that's the one that's the one we've been waiting for guys oh dude we needed that we need the net net net oh he's jumping no no no no no please please please please please please please get in the ball yeah I told you guys I told you big mama was in here I freaking told you guys all day long baby let's freaking go but knowledge persistence dedication oh oh wait oh no no stop no no no stop chill chill bro ah my rod no my gold reel no my fish no I got it hooked we're good uh yes sir whoa look at that fish my friends that is what you come out here to catch there she is guys the Oliver Glory beautiful fish probably I'd say this fish is just over two pounds or so give or take a couple ounces absolutely gorgeous fish gotta love it man gotta love it all right keep her healthy oh she's biting my finger check this out she's biting my finger I'm not even holding her I'm not even holding her I wasn't even holding her look how aggressive this fish is I'm still not holding her okay I'm holding her a little bit dude I'm Gonna Let You Go if you let go if you don't hey look no no figured I'm not late buddy I'm letting you go here you just gotta not bite don't be so aggressive just go don't bite stop biting my finger all right there you go there she goes she finally realized it look at this absolutely beautiful out here not a single person that I have to share this spot with it's hard it was hard as heck getting out here I'll tell you guys what 100 worth it we haven't even made it to the big rock yet you guys already know I'm Gonna Keep fishing but all in all the Adventure pays off and I'll be honest with you guys I fish a lot of new places and it doesn't always work out for example yesterday I fished MLK Park in Silver Spring caught five dinks not enough for a video so I didn't post it for you guys I have days where I get skunks but I also have days when come out I caught over 20 fish today it's only been a few hours explored tried somewhere new found this spot paid off big time that's what fishing's all about enjoy the adventure I'll catch you next time my friends peace
Channel: 1Rod1ReelFishing
Views: 290,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing, bass, fish, tips, how to, how-to, tutorial, #fishing, #bassfishing, 1rod1reelfishing, adventure, shore, bank, crazy, insane, epic, water, catch, catching, outdoors, kayak, kayaking, googansquad, googan, summer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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