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a 24-hour freshwater fishing challenge starts now we are currently in Southeastern Florida and this is officially now Sunrise we have the opportunity to catch over 32 invasive fish species which do not belong here but do call home to Florida we thought about doing a fresh and salt water but the freshwater fishing in Florida is so fast we figured we'd keep it separate so if you guys want to see a 24-hour saltwater Florida child get this video up to 10 000 likes and we will make it happen but for now we're sticking fresh water and we're gonna see if we can start off on a bang we got a canal just so happens right out in our back door that is teaming with life we could catch I believe the two that we're gonna start off with is of course Largemouth and potentially everyone's favorite the snakehead 24 hour challenge we're gonna be up for 24 hours doing nothing but fishing it's not a bad problem to have it blows my mind as to how everywhere you look and turn down here in southeast Florida there is light there is water to be fished got two rods got a braid cast and run and then I got a spinning rod with some heavy leader on it [Applause] oh what was that dude that was a mystery before man you get a bite like that it's like I don't even know what it is I bet it was large enough go tell them though I think that might have just been a little measly Largemouth first bite of the day though cooking though took no time at all and I'm in a tree that's usually what happens I lose the fish and I get snagged to come back oh oh big Snakehead no big snakehead oh my God that was huge oh did you get that oh that was a giant Snakehead dude holy Third cast of the day welcome to Florida look what he did to my frog peeled the paint off and everything we got such a ferocious mouths oh my God snake snake dude snake oh my gosh it's a snake it's a snake it's a snake our first fish in the 24 hour challenge isn't even native to Florida and it is probably one of the more badass ones that being a freaking Bullseye Snakehead holy hell dude how insane is this creature this is a true Canal river monster look what he did to that frog too absolutely choked these guys are gnarly they can survive through some of the worst conditions making them such a easy Fish to find in some of the smallest and skinniest Waters around here in South Florida unlike most fish that dump their babies in bounds these guys will rear their young for quite some time until they're big enough to go on their own and survive without help wow look at those teeth though all right we got Jimmy unhooked one last look at this guy look at him in the grass don't be alarmed these fish can actually survive quite some time out of water that's what makes them expert survivalists he's probably a little bit confused is why he's been on land watch him release himself too this is pretty incredible one thing these Snakehead can do is they can actually release themselves give them a little head start here he senses the water he feels it he knows where he's at there he goes pretty incredible man they're wild fish very creepy seemingly something from the Black Lagoon I don't know they're pretty nuts our first invasive of the day and it's probably one of the more epic ones we have the opportunity of course to catch butterfly peacocks which come all the way from South America don't forget too there are clown knife fish which are rapidly spreading throughout Florida so we have possibly the opportunity to catch one of those they're much harder than peacocks much harder than Snakehead very finicky fish but if we do catch one today it would be ridiculous let's keep chunking though we've got miles of canal to go and so many different fish species to catch just in this little tiny water system another snake another snake oh he just came on down he's right there at the bank oh my God he's right there at the bank he's right there at the bank I don't think he he's right there isn't it or does he go in the water damn he might have gone in the water damn another Snakehead little guy not a big one but that was sick right that I can't tell us he's just sitting there nah he's in the water now damn that was sick little guy but it was still a snake It's So Dope a giant turtle in the water I don't know if you guys can see him big turtle in the water he's like well yeah the snakes yeah he's gone damn dude that was nuts man that was nuts could have another snake in that'd have been a wild freaking start door day [Music] that's a snake or a largemouth I can't tell I have no idea they just come off I think it just came off not still on Snakehead no way dude another snake no freaking way look how dark this one is that's a much bigger one too a little bit bigger another snake let's go baby that is so dirty dude second Snakehead of the day fish number two it's another snake head these Bulldogs naked are so much fun man they crushed the filthy frog to absolutely dump on it that thing hang on his mouth he wants it man he he does not want me to take that thing out of his mouth I look decent I can't believe I haven't got a largemouth yet I worked this whole canal with the Frog and we've just had bites from Snakehead that does say something though and a lot of these ponds where you've got clown knives peacocks and Snakehead there's generally no room for competition when it comes those Largemouth they just cannot compete but it makes for awesome invasive fishing just like these guys also too one of the reasons why you might see some of these dots on the snakehead is because it's a defense mechanism when they're younger it's a false eye so that way if a fish does tend to try to take a swipe at one of these guys they're gonna go for the tail and not of course the head which is very vital to surviving foreign [Applause] interesting well that wasn't the most graceful release but you have to understand these fish literally breathe there and although it may look like he's stuck he's not stuck that's how they get from one pawn another a little bit of flood comes in all they need is like a half inch to an inch of water to swim from one Canal to the other one Pond to the other and that's how they thrive psycho looking things man they're so scary come on baby just one large enough to be nice oh oh oh that's her there we go oh decent one decent one is that a large oh yeah new species let's go oh my gosh on the bunker nice little fat Florida where's my bass on the lunker he took my lunker but we did get him anyway nice fish that's two down Snakehead Largemouth Bing Bong see you later we've checked off two species here let's hit the road and chase after something a little bit different maybe hit some canals and some roadside ditches for some even crazier and weirder fish species that are lurking in the marshes of Florida here we go two down about a hundred more to go we are on the Move we just finished the canal session it was pretty good we were in by the way a very Urban setting I think in order to get some more species we're gonna have to go into the Glades which is much more rural much more natural this was great the snake had loved this kind of territory but in order to find some of these weird diverse species that Florida holds I think we're gonna have to go off the beaten path we may actually come back here in the evening for some more difficult fish to catch but for right now we just need to get some numbers some diversity and the only way to do that is drive an hour West to the Everglades one quick stop though at Walmart to grab some Essentials for some of these more finicky fish and I think we should be good to go so far 24 hour challenge is starting very nicely we've made it take a two hour rip down to the Everglades pulled up on the side of the road at a spot that I didn't plan on fishing but they're letting out so much water here that there could be a lot of action going on it's a very public spot obviously gets hammered but whenever I see moving water I'm gravitated towards it so we're gonna check it out take a couple casts here if it doesn't work the nice thing is we just drive right along the road we've got water on either side of us so this is a very fishy area we're gonna try to spend at least three hours here get back in the car then head back up north to West Palm to get like a couple fish species that are going to be kind of challenging to catch but let's start with something easier and fish The Glades and the canals that are adjacent to 41. foreign South Florida and we are in the Everglades this is where we're going to be filming the second half of this Fishing Challenge there's so much we can encounter today including some alligators something just busted back there too these guys we're gonna keep our safe distance for them but there's two little alleys up there well one's not too little the one's kind of small and they're just basking themselves in the sun right along the road pretty crazy check this out but we got some current here oh hang on pause I already see like tons of fish there's a gar I'm seeing a gar oh this could be good we can knock out some serious species here I'm gonna flick my little swim bait right in the current see if I can get oh dude there's so many fish I don't know what they are something big right there look at them all I don't know oh my God tilapia hundreds of tilapia oh they're chasing it oh I got something oh he just ate it I don't know what that was but I just got ate by something oh my gosh there is literally hundreds of fish over here got him got him what did I just catch oh this is some sort of bluegill we'll have to ID these fish later afterwards I know that sounds ridiculous but there's just so much diversity in these canals that I can't think off the top of my head what some of the things we'll catch this is a species of sunfish that is probably native to Florida I'm uncertain as to what it is I'm usually pretty good at iding my panfish but this is something I'm not familiar with beautiful Guy this is number three on a little tiny gookinsoft plastic we're gonna gently release him right behind us because I don't want to Spook the rest of fish that are over here they're oh my God they're eating there's so many fish over here here we go sit on the back I'm just gonna send them right behind these we're also going to be very careful today the closer we come to the bank the closer we are the home of the alleys and the alleys they like humans okay I don't know if they've got a full-on taste for them but they definitely would like my my meat for sure I got I'm like oh I don't know what I'm trying to say let's get back in there see if we can get another fish I got something I don't know what this is oh my gosh something new not a bluegill might be a non-native oh Mayan cichlid this is one I can definitely ID that's species number four within just a couple casts a mind cichlid this is uh what the peacock bass in here actually the peacock bass were stocked in Florida to combat some of these cichlid species that are unwelcomed here in these warmer climates of Florida not too many Fishers you can just pull off from the side of the road and make a cast and put your bait in literally hundreds of fish hundreds of fish and not even know what they are too settle down so we're gonna show back in the water I'd love to do it what was that what is it oh oh yeah Mr alligators come up to say hello he's he's heard the fish and he wants to check out to see what's going on that right there is exactly one of the reasons I have to say a safe distance from the bank because once these Gators start hearing us release fish they're gonna check us out matter of fact Here Comes one right now he's just hiding right below the uh the mangroves and uh he's waiting for waiting for waiting to be fed probably if I had to guess that are in here we go instantly threw in there and got bit might be a new species might be one we already have I think it's one of those bluegill yeah it's the same species of William we just caught aggressive little guys send them right back oh there's the alligator I didn't even see him he's just sitting there just a little guy this chilling oh nice facing us what's up front um what's up homie they might be full oh Oscar right there God oh I just had an Oscar just had an Oscar that'd be such a sick catch to catch an Oscar I don't think I've actually ever I've caught maybe a couple but not many I've got very few of those guys super interesting fish very aggressive in nature oh that's something decent or something decent or cichlid I think no Oscar new species new species let's go baby is that an Oscar what is this it's not a cichlid oh yeah that's an Oscar let's go man these guys are super aggressive and I believe they they got into these Waters through you know pet stores and people buying them and not knowing what to do with them right before hurricane so they just dump them into natural ecosystems like the everglide just in this Hall we've caught three different species of freshwater fish an Oscar dude they're really interesting they look very similar to like a cichlid but I don't believe they're in the same family they're equally as aggressive and they're fun to catch them and they fight really hard they don't get too too big but they're so much fun to catch wow unreal dude unfreaking real gonna get him unhooked and send him on his way she goes get down the little Oscar so dope man dude what is this I think that's a Jaguar no no no no this is a this is a native fish I'm pretty sure maybe not I don't know new species I don't know what it is once we get in the car and I look at uh this little PDF I downloaded before going on this Mission I'll be able to tell you what some of these guys are that is something new though very dark very different looking fish too equally as cool though like just when you think you've got everything that you could out of here as far as species goes something weird like this pops up look how dark his face too he's got some nasty teeth on them this is so much fun man this is why we came to Florida for the diversity and just for the sheer fact that there's water and endless fishing opportunities everywhere look how his mouth extends too he's trying to bite you dude I don't give you a little nibble he's hungry just locks down that guy crushed I watched him like fully eat it that might be a jaguar another one of those weird cichlids this one's a little bit lighter yeah I think you're right Kim I think that is a Jaguar can you flip them yeah no not gonna happen he's got teeth bruh I would say this is a wild success all we had to do was park on the side of the road take five steps into a Mecca of wildlife Gators fish non-natives natives absolutely money and all we had to do was throw like a little tiny gookin and fish all plastic and we'd in Island absolutely not of them the cool thing is is the road runs right along the canal so we're just gonna keep on driving down until we find some more water the only downside of this is there's only specific spots and openings where you can kind of make some cast it's very overgrown but it's one of the reasons why they're such good fishing here is because these fish have a lot of places to hide and they're not getting messed with these guys in the open though definitely get me messed with by us today let's keep trucking though it's crazy how each drain has got different species held up in it sometimes it's bass sometimes it's cichlid other times it's just straight up gar trying to slow things down right now we're about to head on out here because we don't run out of daylight and try some different stuff back at West Palm but I wanted to really get finesse I doubt too many people do this and probably for good reason but I'm throwing a really tiny plastic soft plastic googan swim bait panfish swim bait in the shallows and I'm trying to get one of these weird bass we keep seeing I think it's a Choctaw bass which I've never caught before so this would be a double hit oh wow they're right there just stay crouched maybe they won't see us going to try to remain low-key they're everywhere too there's Largemouth mixed in but there's also these weird Choctaw bass for whatever reason the Largemouth in here are extremely timid like oh okay something just hit me I think all we have here oh my God oh my God what is this what is this that's a regular Largemouth damn first large about today it took this long just to get a largemouth in the spot we're looking for something about this size but it is not a species of bass I've ever caught before there's not too many but I'm seeing them here and there they just don't look like lnb's they look like some weird species there's some big bass in here too we saw a couple there you know three and four Pounders which is incredible to think of an ecosystem like this where the water's skinny and it's tight Corners look what we're using if you're going to pick some of these out check the link down below please see a smaller version of the Saucy swimmer but in panfish form and I'm just drop shotting that it's clear water so a drop shot really does make sense you know it's it's a little stained but for the most part it's clean and the fish are extra spooky over here oh they just eat it too these bass are so finicky oh just I just got throttled different bass or a largemouth that's a largemouth damn big alligator and Largemouth and and BMWs [Music] oh my gosh dude they're going crazy over here is this it this is it what is this this is not a large mount this is not a largemouth is it is it Largemouth it's a largemouth no no no no no look at his lateral line Looks So Different uh drop a comma this is for largemouth doesn't know I'm just so excited to catch one of these weird bass that I'm not sure it looks a little different but it probably is Largemouth you're right on that micro game that micro gang right now there's tons of bass there's alligators one thing we've noticed that if we find a spot in the canal where there are gators the fish around adjacent to the Gators are much more comfortable I don't know what that is you guys know why drop a comment s is that him I got him I got him I got him this is not a largemouth this is not a largemouth bass oh my gosh we did it we did it we did it boys that's not a largemouth it's not is it I don't think it's a larger I think it's a Choctaw bass I could be completely wrong it does not look anything like a largemouth to me oh my God maybe it is a largemouth drop a comment you guys let me know for now we're not gonna count it just looks so different um I might be tripping if I thought that was good idea all right I'm gonna try a little secret tip for gar one way to catch these guys without a hook is actually to use some sort of form of cloth or yarn we want the Publix today and grab like a mop head and we're going to use this hopefully to tangle up a gar their teeth are like really I don't know their teeth are very coarse and when they get their mouths wrapped around some fabric they just can't like let go like it won't allow them to let go so I'm going to take my popper and on the tail end of the hook I'm going to wrap it in some of this fiber that we got at Publix this may or may not work but it's a good shot at getting these guys to stay pinned that's one of the hardest things about gar is having them stay on the hook so we're gonna try this spot real quick for a car we didn't catch a couple bass I thought they were the the Choctaw bass or whatever bass that I keep thinking I'm seeing but I think they're just some colored up Largemouth as dumb as this looks this might actually get us another species for today foreign let's go baby we got a gar oh my gosh I cannot believe we did it I cannot believe we just did that oh my gosh there we have it we got ourselves a freaking Glizzy gar I think this is a Florida spotted I'm not really sure these fish are nuts so they got crazy teeth and we've actually caught these guys before on other 24-hour challenges when we've been in Texas this I believe is something completely different though I know the hold I have is a bit aggressive but they are Hardy fish they've actually got armor for scales and teeth like alligators oh speaking of Here Comes Ally the gator come to check out see if we want to donate our meal such a cool fish we finally got him he's gone sorry it's so freaking Hard to Handle well we didn't get a good Glimpse at it but we'll pop a picture somewhere like right here of agar that I'm holding I believe that was a different species I don't think I've ever caught that species of gar before really unique look at Mr alley he's checking us out he's wondering what all the Ruckus is go back in your hole buddy I got nothing for you whatever man we'll see you later we're going back up north Gator bikes for dinner Gator bites for dinner in your honor buddy in your honor all right let's let's head back on the road and keep fishing [Music] Hello friends new spot new Ducks who this we've got a little Canal sad to say this we're out of The Glades now we're fishing some more urban stuff as you can see we got Townhomes Mansions all throughout this little Canal I've never finished before it's kind of a nasty storm rolling in right now hopefully we can make most of we got about an hour and a half to catch that peacock peacock we're like just a Jason Miami this should not be that hard but like I said man I usually make things that are super easy very difficult ice cream and Ducks ice cream ducks and hopefully peacocks that's insane ah something is me up right now I think I just got stung God damn it son of a that hurts we both get stung on the feet today I've got stuck in a while I forgot how much that hurts oh yeah on the fleshy part oh oh peacock peacock peacock right there I shouldn't follow me up peacock right there he just followed me up peacock I'm gonna have to switch to a jig there's one got him he's in the grass no no no get out of the grass still haven't oh not what we wanted damn it oh well we're seeing peacocks but of course I get bit by none other than the not so elusive my cycle dang dude I thought that was him he wasn't fighting like a p i was like I'm not so sure well we'll take him one that we've already gotten the list though thanks bud what's this Oh No Way new species baby this right here is a copper nose bluegill they're native to Texas are native to Florida I'm still in that Texas mood such an interesting fish an unexpected catch here at this next stop freaking Beluga they're super dark and they've got these really awesome vertical lines they get their name because they've got a little copper spot right above their eyeballs cool nice little bycatch while peacock bass fishing and best part is Beefy let's go [Music] that might be a piece or a largemouth what is that that's her let's go dude we got it we got the pee oh my gosh not a very big one but it still counts it's one of my favorite fish to catch in Florida at least as far as fresh water goes a little tiny peacock just pick some actually this is Caleb's doing we picked some random spot off the side of the road peas in here diesel little guys too we had a couple big ones come up in chases but of course a little when I land but of course when I land has to be an itty bitty baby pee such an awesome fish oh that feels so good dude it can be difficult fish sometimes to catch an artificial of course when they're spawning they're very vulnerable like Largemouth are but when they're not in the spawn mode and they're in this really clean pressured Urban Waters they can be a little bit of a challenge so it feels really good to take that one off the list I think I'll have to do a tally maybe we'll do it in post editing I think we're getting close to ton species so far looking really good we got two species out of this little ditch but we're not done yet it's a little over 10 hours into our 24 hour Florida fishing challenge stop Papa Publix tables put me on a pub sub right now I've never had a pub sub drop a comment if you've ever had one uh he swears by them he loves them he actually made it a point to find a spot right across from a Publix there's not in my opinion too many fish we can chase as far as freshwater goes here in Florida at night you're still gonna make it happen maybe we find some carp spots there's also tons of like little weird stuff lurking in these canals and maybe they'll come to life one thing is for sure and that is that even though I'm not super familiar with fishing at night here in Florida I do know for a fact that nature Comes Alive we're driving another two hours back from Miami to West Palm and see if we can get into some trouble get that 10th species because that would be a huge accomplishment for this challenge [Music] that was one right there Boop how are the vibes Vibes not looking so good we just walked the canal with some bread and corn and some small lures nothing to show for it pipes are off seen lots of Snakehead though I don't know if a snaker wants to eat my corn move my ass nicely I don't know man we're still gonna have to keep grinding struck out on the canal and the pond nothing through lures through corn and I don't have cornbreads that they could be throwing right now we don't have shiners so that's what I'm throwing and we got nothing to show up for it [Music] good morning we fished a good chunk of the night got our losses went in grab the change of clothes took a little bit of a nap is it the final hour of our 24 hour challenge man did not go good we had a cold front roll and it seems like every time we we film one of these challenges it goes good up until the point it doesn't and when it doesn't go good it's like right now like at night it gets cold it gets rainy we didn't get rain but it didn't get cold it's 50 something degrees for South Florida it's pretty chilly we're posted up on the last spot today we're gonna see if we can catch one of these guys right here calm knifefish they're native to Thailand and Indochina in tropical regions and somehow they got here to Florida yeah dude Florida's a Melting Pot for Crazy Fish and we're gonna see if we can catch one of these guys are pretty difficult to catch on artificial but I'm gonna try wishes luck let's end on the bang no way oh nice one dude oh nice one careful those dollars don't lose them oh dude that's a good one nice dude it's a good one I'm like she got over there oh he's got a little crazy back nice bowfin dude hell yeah let's go oh see that things are about to end it's 7 A.M we're not giving up we're just peppering this point watching these fish come up and and grab air I've got a couple little tiny tops but nothing nothing solid solid enough to really connect we're gonna keep fishing though I'm dedicated at this point I'm committed to making this happen What A vibe Adam I was not ready for that dude it's now 8 40. we've actually gone over the 24 hour mark That's how hard we've been going I couldn't seal the deal I choked on the clowns had maybe a couple little tops and we tried to make something on nothing switch our gears over to Snakehead and I lost the only bite that I had so regardless we went hard definitely not for lack of effort and we caught some really good fish I believe Caleb was doing a recount on the species he thinks that we have 10 I thought we had nine we'll have to go and review the footage but let's just say we got close to time if not right at 10. there was pretty overwhelming when we got to the canal spot earlier yesterday wow everything's kind of a blow right now but yesterday we got close to 10. this video hopefully is a perfect example as to why this state is such an awesome Fisher yes there's some species that don't belong here but they're fun to catch and you can take advantage of them like Cloud knife like Snakehead like peacocks and these crazy cichlids that lurk all throughout the ponds and canals that are litter throughout Florida thanks so much for tuning in and watching this video like I said 10 000 likes and we will do a saltwater version of this 24-hour Florida saltwater version which in my opinion is probably going to be way more hectic than this video but I just want to say I appreciate all y'all for watching this episode be sure to give it a like subscribe and drop a comment let us know where we should film our next 24 hour challenge we're peace is not signing up we're gonna get some sleep catch some z's and get ready for our next fishing Mission as always folks keep fishing never foreign [Music]
Channel: Jon B.
Views: 384,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, survial, camping, outdoors, cooking, fish, bass, lures, travel, traveling
Id: oQnU9C-PqVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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