Text To Speech 😍 ASMR Cake Storytime POVs @Amara Chehade @Luke Davidson | Roblox Conversations #79

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let's just break off but why babe because I'm a guy I started this relationship so I can end it too you can't really dump me because you're just a girl Amara you chose to be a girl right no I chose to be a boy what why would you do that the guy's the one who starts and ends relationships right not all guys are like that didn't I tell you that David isn't good for you whatever you'll never understand basically I had to be a guy who's taller than my ex because it's pretty short so I choose to be tall look at Amara she was dumped by the most handsome guy in school David right he's so handsome are you sure he's the most handsome guy here yes look around is there any other guy prettier than him there will be a CEO Obama must be fun being in a mafia guys let's have lunch together you're David's ex we were only friends with you because you were there in the popular guy I'm gonna be his girlfriend soon what let the game begin [Music] let the game begin whoa this is so cool I look like a boy I'm going to pretend to be the new kid at school introduce yourself hi everyone I'm new at the school what's your name um my name is Sam whoa so handsome nice to meet you whoa look at the new kid he's so hot yes even though the most handsome guy in school is David I like Sam more hey do you know David who used to be the most handsome guy here if you steal this girl you can be more popular than him interesting okay are you the new kid yeah you said your name is Sam right Leo do you want to go out and grab a drink okay but um I don't want my boyfriend David to know okay I'll just go ask another girl no wait um I want to go on a date with you okay I'll pick you up at 8. oh so this is the guy who dared to ask my girl out on a date don't think you're more handsome than me you're brave trying to steal my girl find me in the ring tomorrow the one who wins gets to go I'm in fight me in the ring tomorrow whoever wins gets to go I'm in I have to think about how to beat David I've never competed in the ring before hey if anyone's interested I just opened the gym I've trained people to be stronger excuse me sir I want to register in your gym your muscles are already big why do you want to register yes my muscles are big but but what I'm gonna be fighting in the ring tomorrow the ring come let me teach you so what do you want me to do there is a way to win the fight first task I'm going to give you today is do 100 push-ups 100 push-ups yes hurry up my arms hurt second task separate this wood into two you want me to separate it into two correct hurry up are you okay yeah it's done good job okay the next task is I'm so tired Sam the race in the ring is about to start Dave is waiting um okay okay the match was starting three two one okay the match will start in three two one why aren't you feeling any pain because you're weak I don't feel anything come on fight me why are you just standing there you're gonna wish you didn't say that even though I was slow I still feel like I won ouch well at least this match is finally done I'm going home I will announce the winner later when everyone's gathered okay sir wait but then when your girlfriend finds out who the winner is she'll be mine what but according to the agreement but what if you don't win she'll be mine we'll see Sam do you know David's xamara Amara who's that David's ex since you enter school I haven't seen her people are starting to be suspicious um I don't know oh I see Hi Sam hey um David said earlier if he loses you'll be mine he said that everyone the match results are here the winner is Hi Sam hey uh David said earlier if he loses you'll be mine he said that everyone the match results are here the winner is Sam what there's no way you won let's rematch just accept the fact that you lost no I didn't lose I was just tired yeah right I don't care you might have won but you're not taking my girlfriend but that was the deal wasn't it hey David whether you wanna know I don't want to be with you anymore you're a fool and you're so selfish furthermore I don't need a man in my life to be happy but wait I love you oh you just got dumped maybe you should start learning how to treat girls better there's something weird about you ever since you got here you've been wanting me to break up with my girlfriend no it's not like that at all who really are you you'll soon find out Amara it was you this whole time I should have known oh my gosh this is so funny David loves to fight against the girl why are you doing this to me now everyone's bullying me I didn't do anything you were the one who suggested the fight in the ring so you did this to yourself anyways I need to go bye I hope I get the crown symbol so I can live in the palace and marry the prince huh an upside down Crown I thought there was only two symbols a crown and a leaf how did I get an upside down crown mom there's something wrong with my symbol what upside down crown that means you're the enemy of the panic what yeah cover up quickly before anyone sees it why did I get the symbol why couldn't they just give me an ordinary crown oh look you got the leaf symbol just like everyone and I see you got the crown symbol congrats thanks if I marry the prince I'll invite you see you later I swear the system has an error how can an arrogant person like Nancy get the crown symbol you really think it's good to live in the palace yeah why wouldn't it be those who got the crown symbol will be forced to marry the king who's already had 12 wives in the past and what's worse is that they can't refuse it marry the king that's crazy isn't he like in his 80s or something and if that was true why is everyone competing to get the crown symbol that's because they don't know what's actually going on in Palace how do you know you have a leaf symbol because I used to live there how did you live in the palace with that symbol believe it or not my original symbol was hurry up everyone with the leaf symbol has to get to class from now on everyone with a leave symbol has to stay in this class but this class is so full there's barely enough space for everyone I'm getting claustrophobic oh my gosh this is your new class oh ew what's that smell why is there so many people here why are you here Nancy I thought you'd already be on the way to the Palace by now none of your business those with Leaf size are only allowed to eat yogurt you're not allowed to eat anything containing meat what but why I was just about to buy a hamburger oh sorry you can't eat any meat hey you can have my bag off but just to let you know I spat on it hey Nancy don't talk to people with Leaf symbols sorry sir I was just saying hi to my old friend hey Aiden can you believe it there's more than two symbols how do you know come with me to the girls toilet are you insane I'm a guy I'm not gonna go to the girls toilet just come I want to show you my symbol hurry up I can't be seen in here here see this is my original symbol upside down Crown do you know what it means an upside down crown that means you an upside down Crown do you know what it means an upside down crown that means you're the king of priest how comes your answer is exactly like my mother's that means she wasn't lying you don't trust your own mother I mean only sometimes because usually my family gives me money and she says she's gonna hold it for me but she has his own school fees do you even know anything about symbols I used to read in my grandpa's history book he said everyone that got the upside down Crown must take the King's throne what steal the King's throne are you crazy don't make things up Aiden it's really bad and if in three days you don't take the king's crown you're going to die that's what's written in the book I'm gonna die in three days no I don't believe you I need proof where's the proof you want proof come with me tonight we're going to the Grave to the grave at night are you insane we're going to find my grandpa's history book I hid it in the grave why are we walking towards the palace anyways when we're going to your grandpa's grave my grandpa's buried at the palace buried at the palace I thought only Royals will buried at the palace um to be honest this is my symbol Adrian your symbol is a crown why didn't you tell me earlier don't speak too loud I'll tell you later but for now let's find a safe place your symbol only showed when you turn 17 right my symbol was there my whole life because my dad was King oh so you're the son of the previous King you're a Princeton yes the current King has an upside down count just like so he was the one who killed your dad yes he killed him the day he found out by symbol he killed my mom too because she refused to be his wife but how come none of this is in the news yes because things like this are common in the palace sees the throne share the wife wow all this time I thought Royals had the perfect life but wait why does this symbol even exist if the upside down Crown didn't exist the world would have been much safer and no one would fight over the throne okay I've decided to take the King's throne are you sure yes and besides I don't even want the throne like that I just don't want to die you're the one who said to have three days yes that's right okay if that's the case I'll show you the secret passage to the Palace without the god seeing you oh yeah here's a weapon for you it's poisoned why did you give me this oh so that you can I'm so tired of being single dad can I go to an old boy school and all boys school I mean yeah if that's what you really want I already chose it I'm so excited anyways I'll see you later I need to go to my new school wait before you go you must know that boys it doesn't matter I already chose it fine wait it's important I can't wait to get to school everyone's definitely gonna be surprised because I'm the only girl there and I can finally get myself a new boyfriend guys look why is there a girl wearing our school uniform for God's sake Dave it's still morning don't worry about it but really wow she's so beautiful why does the toilet smell like pee because there's no girls here so we can pee freely wait what are you for real no I'm just joking can I have your number I'm just gonna go today we're gonna learn how to cook so you can be the dream husband in the future yes cooking class this is one of my favorite classes in school but why do all guys look so pale please choose your own group one group consists of two people why you all looking at me like that please be in my group I can't cook leave her alone she's gonna pick me don't listen to them come the seat next to me is free whoa relax instead of fighting over me I can just teach y'all how to cook it's very easy why is there a girl in this class who allowed on the school throw her out now why should we throw her out she's bad at teaching us how to cook than you are just get rid of her now I hate teenage girls are you sure you want to kick me out of the school that would be a very bad idea and why do you say that because I are you sure you want to kick me out of the school that would be a very bad idea and why do you say that because I chose to be in an old boy school I'm sure if you kick me out you'll get in trouble you chose what do you mean by that yeah it was one of my options that's weird usually people don't get to pick well anyway I think you're lying so I'm gonna have to report you to the principal but miss I don't think that's necessary yes it is for now I'm sending you home until the principal makes a decision be quiet pack your stuff you're leaving hey Dad you're home early how was your first day I got sent home what why because apparently I'm not allowed to be on all boys school because I'm a girl well I tried telling you but you didn't listen boys schools usually don't accept girls so I don't even know how you go as an option well maybe I go as an option because they need me there I was able to help them today so maybe I'll be a good addition to the school true well what's gonna happen now the principal will make a decision whether I get to stay or switch school by tomorrow anyway I'm gonna go to my room I have to study okay good luck honey the principal wants to see you okay you wanted to see me sir yes I'm very surprised to see a girl in the school how did you get here well one of my options was to go to an all-boy school I'm really sorry but I don't think we can keep you here it wouldn't be appropriate as you're the only girl here plus all our students here have top grades I don't think any girls can beat their grades because you know boys are small wait really is that the reason you don't want to keep me here yes the only way would be to test you and see if you get good scores on the exam in order to be a student hey you have to get 100 out of 100 so do you think you can do it okay I'll do it shortly I'll prepare your exam paper don't be upset if you can't do it oh I can trust me I'm gonna prove to you that girls can be smart too we're not just here to look pretty hey can I ask you something yes did you have to do an exam before starting in the school yes and did you have to get 100 out of 100 what no I only had to get 50 out of 100. so the principal did this on purpose because he thinks I can't get a good score all right thank you I'm gonna prove him wrong I'm so ready for this exam I've been studying all night here's your exam you have one hour I'll be standing here to make sure you don't cheat oh don't worry sir I don't need to cheat this is going to be very easy for me here's your exam you have one hour I'll be standing here to make sure you don't cheat oh don't worry sir I don't need to cheat this is going to be very easy for me you have two minutes left are you sure you don't want to read all your answers I already did when do I know the result in about two hours okay can I go to class now go ahead I'll call you when the results are in hey Amara how's your exam it was okay can you imagine the principal wants me to get 100 out of 100 in order to stay in the school what that's insane it's also impossible to get 100 out of 100. No One Ever Knows the answer to everything well I was up all night studying yesterday so I hope I got all the questions right hey stop talking and focus on the lesson sorry Miss Amara the principal wants to see you about your results okay come on in I'm pretty surprised with your score I'm not gonna lie I didn't think you could do it because usually girls aren't smart what does that mean you broke the school record with the highest grade so does that mean I'm a student here now nope not yet what'd you mean that was the deal I have to test you at PE as you know boys are usually better at Sports and if you want to be a student here you can't embarrass us we often compete against other schools and what sport do you want me to play basketball considering you're high I'm not sure you can do it it's not too late to quit and switch schools no I want to do it okay practice thoughts at 5 pm today don't be late okay sir okay everyone I want you to try and score as many goals as you can why can't I get any in hey let me help you what's your name Chris and you Amara okay focus on what I'm doing since you're a beginner you have to stay not far away from the goal focus on the little box right there once you hit it just like this the ball should go straight through hey you have a try see I knew you could do it hey Chris get back to your team don't help her I have to go I'll see you later but hey don't give up you're doing good Amara come here yes sir I want you to score 20 goals without any misses if you can't do it you can't be 20 goals without missing not even once not even once okay get ready the test starts in three two one cover my mouth or cover my heart choose mouth now why Mom don't you see that big fat mole on your face it makes you look ugly okay Mom finally I could go to school again hey you why are you covering your mouth you're so weird maybe because she's ugly that's why she chose to cover her face okay guys has everyone found a date to prom yes I'm going with my boyfriend must suck to be Amara she's ugly and no one wants to go to prom with an ugly girl can you guys just stop bullying me not until you take off that mask yeah take off your mask I'm curious to see what you're hiding we promise We're Not Gonna bully you okay okay fine I'll take off my mask yeah take off your mask I'm curious to see what you're hiding we promise We're Not Gonna bully you okay okay fine I'll take off my mask foreign wow you're so pretty how can it be that you're so beautiful beautiful what do you mean I have a mall in the middle of my face your face is so Keen what are you talking about sorry I called you ugly yesterday how did my mole disappear does this mean the power of the Mask removed there please can you borrow me that mask I have a lot of moles on my face I would borrow your mask but I only brought one with me today just give me that one okay here finally I can lose my moles because I have a beauty competition and I didn't know what to do surely you're winning that competition you said your mask and remove moles right yeah but I gave it to Sandy earlier because she has a beauty competition are you crazy that mask can only be used once if it's used again something bad will happen What I hope Sandy hasn't used the mask yet okay the next participant is Sandy thank you sir before this competition starts please remove your mask okay I'll take off my mask now before this competition starts please remove your mask okay I'll take off my mask now Sandy why do you have so many malls well this mask is supposed to remove them not make them worse I'm so embarrassed you said this mask would remove my mold why did it make you I'm so sorry I didn't know that the mouse could only be used once you didn't know you have to be responsible don't worry I still have a lot of masks at home Mom home uh what's up with your face what do you mean mom here have a look huh why why'd you have so many moles on my face did you borrow the mask to someone else yes I borrowed it to Sandy you what you weren't supposed to do that where is the mosque now I don't know I threw away in the bin well go search for it before anyone else finds it and uses it your whole face will be covered in moles I've searched everywhere but I can't find it are you searching for a mask I saw a guy take it from your backyard what guy soulmate wants to eat what does this mean mom this is the activity that your Swami wants to do at the moment but you have to give him permission first oh I get it of course I'm gonna allow it he has to eat something right of course he does honey but if he asks permission for something strange don't accept okay Mom you don't have to worry about your future son-in-law my soulmate goes to school that means he's more or less my age do you think he goes to the same school as me I can't wait to find him hi guys I'm controlling my soulmate's activities whoa cool what did he do today he asked for permission to eat and go to school what did he just ask permission for Amara uh nothing I just looked up are you sure about that didn't you ask for anything nothing came up next time tell us okay does that mean my soul Mr Criminal because he wants to kidnap someone I heard your soulmates misbehaving no Mom it's not like that anyways I refused it if he continues I won't let you have a soulmate don't be like that Mom I don't want to be single forever so prove to me that he's not a bad guy huh he wants to buy a lipstick that must mean that he has a girlfriend now that I've rejected it I'm starting to think that lipstick was for me that means he wants to meet me I have to side in my room so he doesn't think that I'm messy it's a good thing my mom's out of the house this is my only chance to meet him honey who are you waiting for Mom didn't you tell me that you were going out mom didn't you tell me you were going out do not open that door I'll go and open it myself wait this is my chance Amara there's no one here thank God he escaped on time my soulmate wants to sue I mean that's a good thing because my clothes are always torn for some reason that means he's perfect to be my future husband hey Amara why are your soulmates activities why does my soulmate always ask me to kidnap someone it's better you just leave it and don't think negative but he wants to commit a crime that's very serious oh he asked to go to an orphanage he definitely wants to do charity oh I'm so jealous of you you seem to have a nice soul mate my soulmate wants to go to a doll shop there's only one doll shop in town right because my soulmates activities were weird from earlier I'm gonna go there to meet him to see what he's really like [Music] it's 10 p.m do you think the door Shop is open I suggest you don't go there the doll shop has been quiet for a very long time what do you mean just trust me okay I'm at the door shop I think it's still open I have to open the door in the count of three two one is there anything I can help you with honey congratulations on your height wow I'm pretty tall everyone stops at 160 centimeters because after that nobody grows anymore whoa you've grown so much yes I'm already 130 centimeters I'm 140. I'm sad that we're going to stop growing I really wanted to be tall it's time to take measurements tomorrow you go first 150 centimeters congratulations I'm 160 centimeters tall happy birthday honey you've grown so thank you Mom your height is 160 centimeters just like me and your dad are you not happy yeah I'm very happy oh my gosh look what are you guys talking about you're high come with me now we have to speak with you is this your mom's phone number yeah that's right I came as quick as I can what's happening your daughter has not stopped growing how is this possible well we suspect that she is the daughter of how is this possible well we suspect that she is the daughter of someone very tall what's gonna happen now we're gonna have to send you to a school especially for tall people like you you can't study with shorter people anymore this is Amara she'll be studying here from now on whoa she's so tall are they also children of someone tall like me don't speak about that in class okay why hey you're so tall hello yes I am why haven't you gone your heart checked yet they didn't call me look at the ceiling it's very high isn't it whoa yes it is we can grow up to 500 centimeters that's why we need to take our special gummies you wanted to see me you're new here right yes okay here's your gummies take a gummy a day to stop your growth did you like the book yeah all students please come for a high check why do they do that listen Amore if you start to grow and get stronger they'll put you to sleep in a freezer so your height is 300 centimeters it's not too bad if you reach 500 centimeters we're gonna have to take you away so please remember to take your gummies where are they looking for something yes I lost my gummies you can just take one of mine but aren't they different I think they're all the same good morning did everyone take the gummy yes sir okay everyone we're gonna play a game of hide and seek please hide in a good place so that no one will know I'm growing again what's going on she's getting taller I'm seven meters tall what should I do now you must eat one of these zombies together okay um one is enough whoa it's working very well don't eat anymore Amara you're too short to go to school here if you don't return to your normal hat by a week you have to leave the school how do I get my height back I'm sorry but we can't help you oh look how short she is she really thought she could rule the world but in the end she became a shorty maybe I'll get taller than you I don't even want to be tall anymore I doubt you'll ever be told again sir please I don't want to leave the school you need to be at least 200 centimeters to join the school you're much shorter than that you can just give me some special gummies so I can grow taller you're crazy you should never do that why not hey you're the one who wants to be tall again right yeah that's true I've been researching and I found this new gummy thing I just didn't work much on the formula so there might be side effects wow it's working look at her she keeps getting short and short or soon she'll Disappear Completely hey I found new growth gummies but I'm scared to try it they're much more powerful than the others I'm sure they're gonna work okay [Music] thank you switch bodies with Mom or boyfriend I choose boyfriend wait but if I'm gonna be in his body does that mean he's gonna be in my body morning honey do you want to come with me to Grandma's house after school I can't today Mom I'm gonna be I didn't even finish my sentence and I've already switched bodies I wonder how long I'm gonna be in this body for anyway it's my first day I can't mess this up jake break up with Amara and be my boyfriend Lucy anshi Amara's best friend yes but I'm only friends with how to get closer to you and besides you guys aren't married nah I'm good I'm not gonna break up with Amara I love her and besides I don't want to be friends with you anymore I mean she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore turns out there's a lot of girls who have a crush on my boyfriend I'm gonna be rejecting girls all day Jay Lucy likes you so much let her I've got Amara but you can date her too what kind of friends does he have I can't believe Lucy she's fake Jake Amara's looking for you not now I'm busy you know she's dating Lucas right she's what not now I'm busy Amara's day in Lucas now he what Hey Jake I heard you looking for me whoa is that how people see me I actually look hot yeah whatever I heard your name Lucas uh I've been wanting to tell you so you like boys now no I like boys and girls why didn't you tell me this before because I was scared of your reaction you can like whoever you want but you can't date Lucas in my body um I can do whatever I want no you can't we have to switch bodies fast I'm not allowing you to date him in my body Well for now I'm gonna do it because we still haven't changed bodies yet he's so annoying how dare he date Lucas in my body without my permission Jake I bought two tickets for me and you to go to a football game leave me alone Lucy but please I've already paid all right cool whatever hey I heard you going on a date with Lucy it's not a date we're just watching a football game why are you like this Amara clearly moved on with Lucas they're already planning their wedding the what Jake what the hell do you think you're doing I'm not gonna let you get away with this I have to find a way to switch bodies again want to switch bodies call this number hello I need your help I have to switch back to my body before it's too late okay I'll send you the address now hello am I in the right place yes indeed you are so what do I have to do to switch back to my body hey you have to say this word all I have to say is switch I'm finally back in my body I hate my life Lucy what's wrong Jake just canceled that day he's in love with Lucas don't worry I'll go with you wait really yeah why not knowing people's age or knowing people's address I choose knowing people's age because often people lie about how old they are
Channel: Relaxing Story Slime
Views: 435,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: POV, pov slime storytime, TEXT To Speech Emoji Groupchat Conversations, TEXT To Speech, asmr video, asmr storytime, tik tok, Roblox storytime
Id: bYrHPMBjuZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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