(236) Security Pins - How They Work (Part 3)

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well hello again everybody welcome back and part three of security pins and this time going to look at the pinning pins lots of people have asked so the majority of the time what we see is two types of pinning pin we've got the multi locks and then individuals my knee see them in challenge locks well I've got a few bits and pieces here trying to explain how they work so we start off with these are multi lock pins so this will be the key pin and excuse me just wanna walk around the camera here isn't the easiest so we have a pinning pin as we can see so we run in a pinned and an outer pin and if we insert that in there as you can see comes out the bottom and leaves a hole in the top when you try and pick it you can pick up past the top of the outer pin basically depends on the length of these because these are all match the same as key pins would be to the bitting of the key and then above that we have the driver pin which is actually internally spring-loaded if we can see that so that will actually exert pressure on the in a key pin and the mainspring here will exert pressure on the outer pins and so these would actually sit in the lock like so and that's how it would be seated as you can see we have different variations it is a slightly different key pin that one's a spawn standard some planes the other thing we have to deal with with some of these as well and if I can get where you can see I'm going to drop getting this out is don't know if we can actually see this we can see there's a groove on the bottom of the inner pin for the driver and there is actually a groove I have tried to get this on camera before but don't know if we can see it drop that down so if we can get enough light in here let's try all the lights off then get it to focus and we can see on a small screen but there is a groove inside there so once this goes in it's effectively like a serration on both parts so they actually try to lock together just like so just to make life even more difficult for us so just trying to explain almost forgot we also have the sort of t pins we have in challenge locks which aren't spring-loaded but they are more like a very long tape in with a lter around it well show you more about those in detail in a minute so we have a new contraption which struggling to get to work but these are multi lock pins so starting this position because it's hard to get this set up into this position quite often you'll see when picking multi locks is that everybody says about picking out the pins then in the pins but quite often you will need to peek and they have been very last when you get that very deep full set what can happen is we can be in this sort obsession whereas if you're picking the Ella pin it won't actually pick the outer pin and it's not until you go to pick the outer pin again if we can get this to work that you can actually get that to all this treats a little bit there so that happens when when you get those very deep full sets multi locks that's normally the sort of position you'll be in is you will have one maybe even toe keepings driver pins sat like so and the independence might not pick them which is why you end up picking nail to pin to finish off the picking so hopefully describes that what I'm gonna have to do and back to the trusty old wooden lock so what we have here is the sets up you'll find in a multi lock so we've got the l/2 driver pin here spring above it we then have the inner pin with a spring and then we have the Altran inner key pins so once this goes in let's see if we can get this to work properly this isn't the most reliable of setups so as you can see the driver keepin inner pin will be sitting inside this inside the outer key pin so when we start trying to pick we pick the outer pins and we'll get a very small full set because this is solid all the way up on the proper one and then we're in the position where as you can see spring loaded onto the keeping you know keeping and then when we try and pick that that is when we can finally get it open as you can see this doesn't work quite so well in wood as it does in the actual lock but it gives us an idea put that back in the wrong way round so you can see how the multi locks work and why we get a small fall set to start with then when you're picking the if this drops down that's when you can get you deep full set Locker so doing the other one and then when you pick that if I'm getting up on there it actually opens the lock so if we get this out of here in a second they'll pin him pin no pinning pins as of the top would find in challenge locks if I just swap this over so effectively we've got our driver pin a outer sleeve and then we've got the elongated T pin and let's pick this one with they stand to pin in the bottom yet again these can all be serrated so we start picking and you'll notice we're pushing the spring up weeds with the in opinion and then when we get to pick it we then end up in this situation so a full set same sort of thing and we end up having to carry on going to pick the pick the inner pin on that then the other way this can work is there's a driver pin and we'll start picking and see if we can get this to actually work I might have to spin that round earth okay so we can actually get to the way they're designed to work if I can get this to play ball is something along these sort of lines in this to come down so effectively gives us another shear line if we over pick it where you can actually get so here we just see that so if you happen to over picky you can catch the top of the tee pin this will drop down and yet again it's just another interesting way to make the lock feel different and cause a small problem when picking so I hope that all made sense and it gave you a better understanding of pinning pins and how they work I'm sure somebody will be able to come up with a far better contraption than this one for the pinion pins it's getting to the limit of my capabilities with wood so anyway I hope that was useful thanks for watching and I'll see you again soon bye you
Channel: Pete Restall
Views: 15,758
Rating: 4.9438596 out of 5
Keywords: LOCK, LOCKPICK, LOCKPICKING, PADLOCK, RAKE, ROCK, SHIM, SINGLE PIN PICK, SPP, TIPS, ZIP, euro cylinder, pin tumbler, eurolock, locksport, the shed picker, Mul-T-Lock
Id: LL-UrHpnhXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2017
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