23 Free Prints For Beginners (That Don't Suck)

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one of the hardest questions you're gonna ask yourself when you first start 3d printing is what should i 3d print i mean this is something i ask myself all the time and i've been printing for several years now and before you go printing something cool like a clockwork dragon or something it's good to warm up to start with prints that can kind of help you ease into bigger prints or more complicated prints so of course i made a list of things that can help you do just that hey it's me danny the 3d printing dm welcome to 3d printed tabletop a channel where we cover all things 3d printing for tabletop games the prints on this list are simple [Music] fun [Music] functional free which is always nice and most importantly they're going to give you valuable experience and if you're a seasoned printer i wouldn't count this list out just yet after a while of doing any hobby you can get kind of lazy at least in my experience going through all of these prints and this exercise was a really good thing for me to revisit the basics and at the end of the day these are fun prints i mean that okay i mean look at this look at this done there you go on to the list this is a multi-purpose container by zeus and his beard i love this model because it's relatively quick print super versatile this is a perfect gift to your players or to yourself and this is a really nice test print for tolerances and bridging when i printed this the part on the inside was pretty weak see the truth is this is still very functional and very cute again this is on the list to test your bridging and also to give you something simple to start with and to test your tolerances of course i've got to have some minis and many related things on this list start with something simple tabletop condition indicators by the luke c i always forget things like concentration i can't be the only dam that has this issue so these markers these are really easy prints if you print them one at a time but these are really on the list so you can experience full build plate printing and test your bed adhesion bed level and your live leveling to fix and tweak these things remember when i mentioned going back to the basics look at this beauty let me show you this is what happens when your bed isn't level if only we had two more we'd have an olympics logo all right let's go to actual minis there are so many that you can use to test print or to get started and if you're printing resin you probably already found some pre-supported minis that were like your starter minis right but in terms of prints that are free i would say bright minis is my favorite source of free minis that are supportless and a good starting place for people who are just getting into it and want some minis these three orcs i think they're nice balance of printability and detail for fdm printers and of course i had to print them in this work green right and then another supportless mini to test [Music] this bug bear some of you may recognize this bugbear this is from one of our kickstarters lost adventures volume one it's also supportless and free on our website this bug bear was made by andrea of artisan guild who's an incredible sculptor these prints are meant to test things like you're stringing detail on fdm printers which if you're going to print minis on fcm then this is a great place to start i think reference these were printed at 0.1 millimeter layer height on a simplified 3d profile that i'm testing pretty happy with how they turned out all things said and done all right next up is this life counter by scotamus on thingiverse i gotta say this one made the list because i wanted to use it as an event countdown the nose are bashing through the door they'll be done in four rounds and i also saw this being really good like with teenage kids at the table or the people who are obsessed with stacking dice during the game y'all know what i'm talking about but printing this trying to assemble it it really challenged me my print didn't end up very functional and i didn't have time to try and reprint this and get it functional this is just something i ran out of time in but the prints themselves are really easy and overall this is a really good project for things like tolerance and trying difficult prints that are mechanical in nature but can still be used at your table in any which way that i think will be really fun for your players and for you for the uninitiated this is a dice tower this is meant to be able to do this okay just makes roland dice funner there's a lot of dice towers and dive tower versions that you can find online that are easy to print but i had to narrow this down so i chose the following this is a fates and dice tower by kim bolt full disclosure i love all of kim's towers so much i backed their kickstarter and i asked her to come make props for us for lost adventures volume one but this is one of my favorite dice towers that's available it was a sample from her kickstarter it's on the list because it's fancy it's large honestly this works as terrain too but it's here to challenge you to not be as afraid of printing things with longer print times it's really common for people who are new to be afraid of prints that take you know longer than eight hours or so because they're afraid of a failing of losing filament things like that and that's always a risk but you gotta get past it because the payoff is worth it to print things like this it is worth it for those of you who don't want something as bulky and present to you a minimalist dice tower by a clubston 519. now as you can see this is two pieces that go together and they all store neatly in the next box i discovered this dice tower on reddit and even though this is a minimalist design it requires some assembly ended up being a really good tolerance test that was more forgiving than the counter i think it's really good to have projects like this to be able to practice assembling because there's a lot of things that are functional and require this kind of assembly so this is a really good place to start i think you can put all sorts of stuff in here it doesn't have to just be dice or dice towers now i'm not really a drinker but we're almost halfway through the list so it's time to celebrate with our next prep cheers all right this is a barrel can holder by ours maureen d they also have a lions brew mug which i didn't quite print out just yet but still on this list for the same reason that this one is this is an easy win no thin parts it looks cool and it's you know it's fun to have for game night [Music] now this next half is all about immersion if you want to recreate the sets you see on critical role well you're gonna need more on this list but this is a great start of all the things on this list this next item is probably the most used of everything on my table since day one terese this is a free tree that we have on our website lostadventures.com and this is another example of a great print with a great payoff and it's really easy to print it's supportless too if you want a simpler version of this tree that maybe isn't so big little the baby version this is a tree for gloomhaven by robagon this little tree brings me back to my link to the past days another thing that works in pretty much any setting rocks this next thing does rock but they're actually rocks [Applause] there's a bunch of rocks online i like these because they're simple usable and i like them for the same reason i like the next set of items which is ruins these rocks and these ruins are made by a studio called makers anvil they are very easy to print the rocks everything the textures it's a little chunkier it's it reminds me of like world of warcraft and that's my vibe i just i love it there's so few people that make stuff styled like this much less that's free that this as a set just works so well like for example you could put these with these little trees and it would just look ace maker's anvil also has a patreon with a lot more stuff but this is the stuff that's available for free that's why these are on here because collectively they are a really good cohesive set that is easy to print and more forgiving than some of the stuff that's more realistic really these are perfect for beginners all right it's time to enter the dungeon if you're one of those people that bought a printer just for tiles i can tell you this video is not going to be it for you this is just for somebody who wants something fun quick to experience a little bit of the dungeon tile feel here is my recommendation if you're one of those people and you just want to give it a shot these are click lock dungeon tiles by dandruff aka marcus coth i probably pronounce your name wrong please forgive me look i'm gonna be honest with you guys i haven't glued these down so don't hate okay these are probably the cutest dungeon tiles that i've seen it helps that they printed marble it's got this like cathedral chapel type feel i know i do this stuff in games too you guys these print a lot faster than normal dungeon tiles use less material much simpler setup unfortunately marcus the guy who made these he's not as active these days so if you want like a full ecosystem this is a simpler set if you want more variety check out my video on the evolution of dental trials for a whole bunch of other options now to be honest i'm not really much of a dungeon tile kind of guy that's why you haven't seen very much of it on this channel i prefer these things called dungeon sticks it comes a little wiggly i'm a very here's a sketch in my dm book and some scribbles some monsters on it and then wing the rest kind of dm so having whole rooms prepped ahead of me just makes me feel like i'm putting the terrain before the journey so these dungeon sticks are my go-to for more organic feeling dungeons rooms caves whatever i want to use it for these are really good to test your entire bed's adhesion and to test printing a whole bunch of things at once because these are the perfect type of print that you want to print multiples of at the same time so you're not constantly having to go back and press print every time one other thing to say dungeon sticks have gone through a number of versions and they're easier to print than when i first printed them because of a lot of the issues i just mentioned they're still a very good print to test and to try and print a whole bunch of at the same time and even if you do use dungeon tiles they're they're really flexible and really versatile as drop on scatter [Music] i know i left a lot off this list but making it was still a lot of fun it was honestly also a great exercise for me i meant that when i said it at the beginning of the video i hope that there's one or more things on this list that you decide to print and give a shot and hopefully gain something from you can find a list of all the prints down in the description if you haven't already leave a comment below with your favorite beginner print that you would add to this list or multiple maybe there's a few of them that you want to add on here if you want to support the channel the best way to do so is to purchase one of our late pledges or some files through our website lostadventures.com and you can also support us on patreon as well thanks again for watching everybody happy printing and happy gaming these things rock
Channel: 3D Printed Tabletop
Views: 646,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zVZXG0fxTl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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