.22LR LETHALITY - 300 Yard Ballistics Test

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was really impressed with how quiet it was at 300 yards.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/uncountedshoe 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2013 🗫︎ replies

.22lr is definitely lethal. People choose larger calibers because they want every advantage that they can get in a life or death scenario and because it's possible that they might be shooting at longer ranges than what the .22lr can achieve, but nobody should underestimate .22lr.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/derrick81787 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2013 🗫︎ replies

Also see these videos from IraqVeteran8888 on the effectiveness/lethality of .22LR-

Testing different .22LR loads- http://youtu.be/zpIm1otEG1E

How far will a .22LR Kill? http://youtu.be/OUM1r_444CY

Why a .22 caliber firearm may be the most important purchase you make- http://youtu.be/qSBBIXdjCUM

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/FTD_Brat 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2013 🗫︎ replies

Love my 22lr. Fun and cheap to shoot. If only I could find ammo for it in my area.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kamikaze317 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2013 🗫︎ replies

IMO .22lr is a must for any SHTF scenario. First of all, there are about a billion .22 rifles out there, the ammo weighs next to nothing, and is highly effective for most small to medium game. Furthermore, a quiet report helps one to remain concealed, if so desired.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2013 🗫︎ replies

Youtube search savage mark 2. you can get it with a threaded barrel and you don't even need your protection to shoot it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheWiredWorld 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2013 🗫︎ replies
alright guys so we're out here shooting and this is the the Taylor Ruger VLE 1022 and we just did some shooting at 300 yards - got it get it all sighted in and we're going to do is we're going to be doing some lethality test so what I've got here is I've got a roast that has gone bad and so what we're going to do is we're going to be shooting this this roast at 300 yards so I'm going to run it back over to by the gun and I'm going to wrap it in four layers of denim just to simulate heavy clothing and we're going to duct-tape it all together and we're going to see how much penetration this will get I think what we're going to do is be shooting it straight through this way and so that's about like five inches of five inches of meat right there that we're going to be shooting through of you know fat and fat and roast and then we're going to be doing eight layers of denim so we want to just check and see how lethal the 22 round is it particularly these velocities the CCI philosophers at at 400 or at 300 yards so we're going to we're going to run it back down or get it all set up and we're going to shoot it and we'll show you the results all right this is our 300 yard package Oh meat turn to the side so they can see now we've got it we've got it sideways in there so we're going to run it out to 300 yards we're going to stick it up so okay guys I wanted to show you on my Motorola X - droid I wanted to show you this this ballistic stable that I worked up for the velociter so I'm guessing that the velocity has is around 2 or 1400 feet per second my ballistic coefficients kind of a guess I looked up a couple different sources but I could never find the official ballistics coefficient for the velociter itself anyone knows that roll that into the comments but it's zeroed at 100 yards and this is the ballistics table there for the velociter we've been shooting at 300 yards so I was using what we've been shooting at 300 yards so I was using 30 minutes of 30 30 MOA 30 minutes of angle and that was putting us right on the middle of the gun so we're going to go ahead and dial in another 20 MOA and we're going to shoot and we're going to take it out to 400 yards and see it how far it does but in the meantime Danny's taking our our package oh meat out there to the gun and he's going to be setting that up so we can shoot that and check out the lethality at 300 yards with the with the CCI velociter 's and 22 rifle okay okay drop the minute here left winds playing with us a little bit you guys don't know if you guys don't understand ten mile an hour wind at 300 yards we'll give you fifty five inches of drift so if we're playing with the wind a little bit that's that's part of the reason so you never left okay left edge all right let's dissect this meat this is the bag Oh meat all right so this is the back of it see anything different few full penetrations if you're on the edge or probably not full penetration but here we have one that's pretty close to the center probably this one here yeah I'll melt you know what oh well not one of these two yeah we have a fairly center of mass generation here that's full penetration and and gotta keep in mind guys this is 300 yards so let's open it up and see see what we got going on actually you know what yes protocol well I'm gonna splatter coal but you can use the trimmers doing its work today okay this is the back of the roast that we're opening up here now so let's see there's a hole right there see the exit here's here's a chunk of something oh is that chunk or bullet right there that's on the backside of it show that show that bolt again okay look how deform that thing is that's at 300 yards okay look at that piece of lead there that doesn't look like the shape of a bullet does it looks like a expanded hollow point 300 yards okay and how far do you think this meat here turn it over so they can get a good look at it we're looking at probably four inches of pretty compacted meat don't you say yeah so about four inches of roast and that was sitting on the outside of the meat there look at that a couple chunks a couple moon channels there right there right there and then you can see where it's penetrated a bit further there which sides the backside of meet again so this is the back side of the meet so you can see that it hadn't quite opened up as much here or here well I don't know but you can see there's some definite let me see if I get out of shadow here make sure I'm out of the shadow there's definitely some expansion there you can see that that wound channel is pretty good-sized it's definitely a kill shot okay so that's the back side right the back side and this is partially frozen in the center it was still partially frozen there it's it's pliable but it's that's all wound look at that guy's that's women coming out of there from that expanded all point there that's the one channel now is that towards the front of the back of it just towards the front that's towards the front so there's your entrance right there and this is the front part of the meet here how sharp is that tonight or is that tremor it's very short oh yeah that parter is that artery that's artery there's some bullet trucks yep right there and you can see see when he works the meat apart a little bit you can see how much further expanded it is it's they've shrunk back down stick your finger in that Danny like you can almost get your entire finger right through there without having to push it or force it through so the meat has been has been torn and expanded almost get your finger in it there's some load for a lead fragment yep so any other bullet capture that you sides that one no full penetration sawdust okay so we're talking full penetration through four inches of meat and eight layers of denim but actually not eight layers of denim 16 layers of denim because the front it was we doubled it up we taped it closed in the back so at 300 yards we shot a CCI velociter 300 300 yards penetrated 16 layers of denim 4 inches of meat that were part that was partially frozen in the center on a roast this isn't chicken or anything like this is this is red cow that's pretty good what would you say about the lethality of that I wouldn't want to get hit by it no doubt so people that think that the 22 is not capable it's not a capable around is doesn't know really what they're talking about do they now you got to consider that if we hit a rib or something like that we could get the election or we can get quite a bit less penetration if penetration at all you also could carry some bone fragment into a vital organ also yep yep so I mean is that a lethal shot through a leg muscle no no but if you hit an artery center-mass body cavity you know if you if you like ever do that you're not gonna like that no no I mean we're talking to show that fragment again here look at this guys this is this is a this went through did we find underneath the denim on the backside so that went through four layers of denim eight layers of are no four layers in the front four four four inches of meat and then lodged underneath the denim on the backside yes yeah so only if only four layers of denim but look at look at the expansion of that if that went into your lung you're not having a good day at all at all so that's pretty that's pretty conclusive I would say that a 22 long rifle at 300 yards is more than lethal especially with that kind of an expansion are we talking I mean if we laid out some more meat I bet you would get maybe six inches six seven inches of penetration meat maybe they could get more than that very possible yeah we could might wait to get maybe even up to eight eight or nine inches even ten inches right we don't have an equipment failure so we did have an equipment failure day on target so this is what we're going to get we had a scope failure so we don't get a shoot anymore at it but the other the other thing to consider is if we were to shoot like solid lead nose or something like that into something that's not going to expand and expel its energy as fast we're going to get a much deeper penetration so with solids copper solids or something like that we could have shot a foot foot in to meet at that range you know yep so alright guys well anyway let's get some let's get some discussion rolling into the comments and let's see what you guys think about this this lethality test at 300 yards like I said before I had read a I had read a guy's blog while back that had done this with a frozen turkey and it the exact same thing went through 16 layers of denim or eight layers of denim and and penetrated the entire bird so this is a reproduction of that test on video and now we're going to go barbecue yeah alright guys we'll talk to you guys later see ya
Channel: DocTacDad
Views: 2,148,383
Rating: 4.7163725 out of 5
Keywords: lethality, ballistic, ballistics, test, .22LR, CCI, velocitor, ruger, 10/22, talo, edition, 10/22VLE, target, tactical, long, range, edc, self, defence, conceal, carry, .22, lr, home, defense
Id: xAkOzr6cDx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2011
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