.22LR LETHALITY - 300 Yard Ballistics Test
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: DocTacDad
Views: 2,148,383
Rating: 4.7163725 out of 5
Keywords: lethality, ballistic, ballistics, test, .22LR, CCI, velocitor, ruger, 10/22, talo, edition, 10/22VLE, target, tactical, long, range, edc, self, defence, conceal, carry, .22, lr, home, defense
Id: xAkOzr6cDx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2011
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
was really impressed with how quiet it was at 300 yards.
.22lr is definitely lethal. People choose larger calibers because they want every advantage that they can get in a life or death scenario and because it's possible that they might be shooting at longer ranges than what the .22lr can achieve, but nobody should underestimate .22lr.
Also see these videos from IraqVeteran8888 on the effectiveness/lethality of .22LR-
Testing different .22LR loads- http://youtu.be/zpIm1otEG1E
How far will a .22LR Kill? http://youtu.be/OUM1r_444CY
Why a .22 caliber firearm may be the most important purchase you make- http://youtu.be/qSBBIXdjCUM
Love my 22lr. Fun and cheap to shoot. If only I could find ammo for it in my area.
IMO .22lr is a must for any SHTF scenario. First of all, there are about a billion .22 rifles out there, the ammo weighs next to nothing, and is highly effective for most small to medium game. Furthermore, a quiet report helps one to remain concealed, if so desired.
Youtube search savage mark 2. you can get it with a threaded barrel and you don't even need your protection to shoot it.