8.5.1 Lab - Configure DHCPv6 (Packet Tracer)

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configure dhcp v6 ok dhcp on ipv6 build this topology okay use cisco 4221 to routers and switch 2960 okay routers cisco i will use 4d 321 for r1 and r2 switches 2960 for s1 for s2 and pca pc dash a pc dash b and connect them according to the topology gigabit zero zero zero and gigabit zero zero zero between r1 and r2 gigabit zero zero one on r1 to faster terminal at five long s1 for the internet six to pc gigabit zero zero one to foster terminate five and first internet 18 to pcb okay this is the addressing table for ipv6 okay this is the network for gigabit zero zero zero on r1 okay i will use labels okay this is the network number two this is network number one one this is number three and on this side this is number one okay number one on this side but on the another side of gigabit zero zero and r2 is number two okay then another side gigabit zero zero zero r2 is number two okay and this is number one for r1 gigabit 001 and also for gigabit 001 on r2 the dynamic assignment of ipv6 global unicast addresses can be configured the following three ways stateless address auto configuration slack stateless dynamic host configuration protocol for ipv6 dhcp b6 and stateful dhcp v6 when using the slack to assign ipv6 addresses to host a dhcp b6 server is not used because a dhcp v6 server is not used when implemented is slack hosts are unable to receive additional critical network information including a domain name server dns address as well as the domain name when using a stateless dhcp v6 to assign ipv6 addresses to host a dhcp dhcpv6 server is used to assign the additional critical network information however the ipv6 address is assigned using a slack when implementing a stateful dhcp v6 a dhcpv6 server assigns all network information including the ipv6 address the determination of how host obtained a dynamic ipv6 addressing is dependent on flag settings contained within the router advertisement ra messages required resources from real lab to router cisco 4221 i'm using in this case cisco 4321 two switches 2960 2960 two pcs console cables internet cables build the network ready cable the network ready configure basic settings for each switch okay and these basic configurations were made in another labs in previous labs so i will only configure the hostname okay so that's why it's optional and configure basic settings for each router also these configurations were made in another previous labs so i will only configure the hostname configure interfaces and routing for bot routers configure the gigabit zero zero zero and gigabit zero c1 interfaces on r1 and r2 with the ipv6 addresses specified in the table above okay use the addressing table configure r1 and r2 go to r1 command line interface no okay would you like to enter initial configuration dialog no enter and enable configure terminal and hostname hostname this is r1 and go to interface with zero zero zero and configure according the addressing table the global unicast address and link local ipv6 address two zero zero one dba acad to color column one prefix 64. okay ipv6 link local fvh0 kernel column one link local and now shut down to enable the interface okay this interface with zero zero zero and gigabit zero zero one ipv6 address is one one one column column one same link local address no shutdown and don't forget that enable on basic settings enable ipv6 routing okay don't forget that so it's necessary ipv6 unicast routing very good now configure r2 commander interface would you like to enter initial configuration dialog now enter enable configure terminal hostname this is r2 interface you got 000 ipv6 address 2001 dba hcad 2 column column 2 prefix 64. okay link local ipv6 address fe hco column column 2 link local okay no shutdown and go to interface gigabit zero zero one the ipv6 hours is three column column one okay according the addressing table and link local address is ipv6 f e8 0 column column 1 link locker okay and enable the interface not shut down exit and don't forget to enable ipv6 unicast routing very good configure the forward on each router pointed to the ipv address of gigabit 000 on the other router okay for example on r1 go to r1 click and enter ipv6 route the default route okay and point to the net scope is this two okay on r2 gigabit and zero zero zero is number two so is two zero zero one dba acid 2 column column 2. okay enter and go to r2 abbv6 root column column 0 2 0 0 1 dba acad 2 colon column is 1 the next hop okay the another side 2 column column 1 okay on r2 to colloquial very good verified routing is working by pinning r2 gigabit zero zero one address from r1 okay so from r1 ping gigabit zero zero zero one on r2 go to r1 and p2001 dba acad three column column one okay and success okay very good and verify a slack address assignment from r1 you will verify that host pca receives an ipv6 address using the slack method pca will receive ipv6 address using slack okay power pci up and ensure that network interface card is configured for ipv6 automatic configuration after a few moments the result of the common ip config should show the pca has assigned itself address from the 2001 db8 one column column prefix 64 network okay this should be 2001 dba acid column 1 prefix 64 network okay because it's this network two zero zero one dba acad one corner column prefix 64. okay and should be this okay this okay and go to pca and go to desktop from packet tracer ipconfiguration and change to automatic on ib6 and you got these ipv6 address on 2001 dba acad 1 so that is very good for a fix 64. also on common prompt you can use ipconfig and ipconfig will show the ipv6 address 3001 dba acad one this is the the subnet then the network then this is the host id okay this is the host id but this is the subnet okay very nice the default gateway automatically is the [Music] link local address on gigabit zero zero one on r1 okay and also you can see here the forward f e8 0 chrome column one the link local adders of gigabit 001 on r1 where did the host id portion of the others come from okay this is the host id portion okay on pca this is the host id portion okay you can do the following ipconfig slash or space slash all and you can see this [Music] look at this host id portion okay this is the subnet portion but this is the host id portion and look at this is very similar to the mac address of the pc so the host id portion is based on the physical address based on the mac address of the pc so where did the host id portion of the others come from either the host generates an eui 64 address based on the mac address of the interface or the host generates a random 64 bits address configure and verify the http v6 server on r1 you will configure verify a stateless dhcp server on r1 the object tip is to provide pca with dns server and domain information examine the configuration of pca in more detail ipconfig space slash all ipconfig space slash all on pca ok enter space and and you don't have dns server you have the ipv6 address link locale the full gateway but you don't have dns okay okay not dns suffix or not dns domain not the nsfx not the uns domain not a specific dns server notice that there is no primary dns fix also note that the dns server others provided are site local anycast addresses and not unicast addresses as would be expected okay these are side local anycast addresses configure r1 to provide a stateless dhcp v6 for pca to write ipv6 dhcp pool on r1 name it r1-stateless as part of that pool assigned the dns server address 2001 dba acad column column 1 and the domain name is stateless.com okay configure this on r1 it's very simple go to global configuration mode with configure terminal and ipv6 dhcp pull r1 stateless okay this is the name of the pool r1 stateless okay sensitive okay set the dns server dns.server2001 dba acad colon column 254 okay should be 254 okay 201 dba 180 column column 254 this enter and set the domain domain name stateless stateless.com and very good then exit okay once you configure the pull apply on the interface configure gigabit zero zero one interface on r1 to provide the other coffee flush to the r1 lamp and specify the acp pool you just created as the dhcp resource for this interface okay on this interface connected to the local area network to the lung connected to the lung assign the pull okay and go to r1 interface with zero zero one ipv6 and network discovery and the order dash config flash okay okay this is the configuration for dhcp stateless okay stateless dhcp server and ipv6 dhcp server and the server is the pool use the same name r1 stateless enter exit okay and now save the running configuration under router and it's not necessary but do it on real up okay and rest out of pca okay you can do the following and you can change from a static to automatic gain change to a static okay very good and change to automatic you know you got ipv6 link local before gateway and dns server very nice okay on the example you have the suffix the domain the domain the ipv6 address the full gateway dns server and suffix okay ipv6 the full gateway dns another way you know use the command ipconfig space slash or enter so fix status.com link local ipv6 address very nice default gateway the link log along r1 i forget away the link local letters of gigabit zero zero one on r1 and the dns server 254 very nice test connectivity by pinning r201 interface iprs okay from pca pink gigabit zero zero one on r2 okay go to pca being two zero zero one dba hcad three column column one okay very nice success now configure a stateful dhcp server on r1 you will configure r1 to respond to the http request from the alarm on r2 create a dhcp pull on r1 for the 2001 dba ac 83 aaa ad network this will provide addresses to the lung connected to the interface with zero zero one or not two as a part of the port set the dns server to 2001 dba acid 254 and set the domain name to stayful.com okay you will not create on r2 okay the dhcp server is for this long for subnet 2001 dba ac3 for number three but you will not create on r2 you will create the the server on r1 okay and create the pool on r1 ipv6 dhcp pull this is only a name r2 dash stay full okay stateful handle and address prefix on stateful you can specify the the ipv6 addresses so the other address prefix is in this case 2001 dba acad 3 column a a a column column prefix a so you are a a range of interfaces for pcb or any pc in this network okay and go to r1 and set the dns server 2001 dba ac id column column 254 and very nice and the mine dash name is stateful.com enter exit and obviously uh assign the hcp v6 pool you just created to interface gigabit zero zero zero on r1 assign the pool to this interface to gigabit zero zero zero because is on the side of the local area network okay on this side gigabit zero zero zero so r2 can ask on this interface you gonna be zero zero zero so go to r1 interface you go with zero zero zero ipv6 dhcp server r2 dash stateful okay so you assign it the dhcp pool on this interface very nice x and configure and verify the http 6 relay on r2 you will configure and verify the http v6 rely on r2 allowing pcb to receive an ipv6 address okay but first power on pcb and x i mean the slack address that it generates okay go to pcb and to obtain to get the slack configuration go to desktop and exchange to automatic okay on real pc on pc on lab laboratory the automatic is by default on packet tracer you need to change from static to automatic and you got the slack configuration obviously in a slug you don't have the dns but you have the ipv6 and the full gateway that also you can ipconfig space slash or also you can verify here ipv6 address okay ipv6 address default gateway not dns no suffix or domain very good okay no suffix and example ipv6 address yes default gateway yes dns servers are anycast not global unicast okay notice in the output that prefix used is 201 dba 83 okay is uh belongs to this network number three number three okay go to pcb now you can see 201 dba acd3 this is very important okay number three very good and now configure r2 as the dhcp relay agent for the on gigabit zero one okay okay so if the server is configured on r1 and it's not configured on r2 r2 should uh request the the configurations from r1 so r2 should be the relay dhcp so configure r2 as the relay configure the ipv6 dhcp relay command r2 interface gigabit zero zero one how you connect to r1 so r1 is the server how you connect to r1 using gigabit zero zero zero and the request from pcb will be received on gigabit zero zero one on r2 okay very nice and specifying the destination address of the gigabit zero zero interface on r1 and also configure the managed config flash command okay in order to configure this go to r2 enter enable configure terminal global configuration mode and interview with zero zero okay configure this interface you got gigabit zero zero one okay you will get the request of pcb on your v001 and ipv6 knight for discovery manager config config.flag okay enter and now the relay ipv6 dhcp relay the destination destination and who is the server r1 how you connect r1 using the gigabit 000 address on r1 you are on r2 and you need to connect the ip address of gigabit zero zero zero on r1 and what is the ip address of gigabit zero zero r1 is one number one okay so is 2001 dba acad 2 column column 1 okay 2 column column 1 and what is my local interface on r2 my local interface is gigabit zero zero zero my local interface zero series enter okay bucket raiser does not support the relay configuration okay apb6 dhcp question mark and you don't have the option for relay okay but anyway uh you can configure the the pull configured the estate full pool configured on r1 you can configure on r2 okay and configure this on r2 go to r2 and exit ipv6 dhcp 4 r2 state 4 enter the others prefix 2001 dba acd acd3 column aaa column column prefix 80 okay this is the range of available ib addresses on the dhcp state full server and dns server dns server 2001 dba hcad column 254 the domain name domain name is stateful dot com enter exit and go to grab 001 and configure this configure assign the dhcp pool and assign the flag but on gigabit zero zero one okay so because giov-0c1 is connected to the local area network okay uh interventional v01 first assign the flag ipv6 network discovery manager config flash okay this is enter this is the configuration for a stateful managed config flag and assign the pool this pool previously created r2 dash style phone ipv6 dhcp server r2 state full enter okay and exit and go to pcb now you got automatically the ipv6 default gateway dns but obviously repeat the command ipconfig space slash all you got the suffix stifle.com the address and look at is in the range 20101 dba ac d3 very good three because he's in subnet three and aaa because was specified on the pull aaa very nice and the default gateway is the default gateway is the ipv6 link local address of gigabit zero zero one on r2 dns server very good very very good okay in the example the domain ipv6 3 column 3 aaa okay on dns and the full gateway test connectivity by pinning r1 sugab001 interface apis okay and from pcb pink gigabit zero zero one address on r1 okay it's one column column one from pcb p two zero zero one dba aced one column column one success and also you can ping from pcb to pca what is the ip address of pca copy the ip address of pca is this i will copy with this very long okay and go to pcb pink space and paste and success very nice my friends thank you very much you
Channel: Christian Augusto Romero Goyzueta
Views: 4,996
Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Keywords: switching, routing, wireless, essentials, srwe, ipv6, dhcpv6, slaac, stateless, statefull
Id: cCZ-pSdlnhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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