.22 short vs. .22 long rifle and pellet gun.

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I have seen questions about the performance of .22 rounds.

One shooter mentioned she uses a .22 LR pistol as her primary home defense weapon so it does happen.

This video demonstrates the impact of .22 short and .22 LR rounds on various targets.

As always, fun to watch.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AUWarEagle82 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Good time to mention youtube ads...

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So make sure you support your favorite youtubers by not skipping an ad immediately when you can.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Boops115 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great video. Paul makes great content.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/vegetaman 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

Can this go up on http://full30.com since they don't hate us?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wdhohl 📅︎︎ Mar 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] all right on the raise today so please bear with gunfire you hear in the background and today we're talking about 22 short ammunition but before we even go there there's something about 22s in general I want to show them let's take a look now one of the things I hear about 22 ammunition is occasionally people will say that 22 rounds won't go through thick clothing well what I've got is our favorite target saving toys I've got four of them taped together to represent you and I got a bag full of clothing from the goodwill so let's dress up our target now here's an interesting sidenote somebody else here on the range today was shooting a 17 HMR rifle and at 100 yards he shot this quarter hit it on the first try not bad now our target is wearing a t-shirt a polo shirt a sweatshirt some kind of insulated vest thing and a fairly heavy winter coat and I'll go back seven yards and I'm going to shoot it with my Smith & Wesson Model 63 with a three inch barrel now this is a 22 long rifle and it's loaded with CCI mini mag 40 grain round nose let's see what kind of penetration we get well it looks like that story about 22s being stopped by clothing is partially true all of the bullets were stopped by the clothing on the back of the target now the point of this is if a 22 long rifle and they're estimated and you hear a lot of stories about its lack of power that turned out not to be true just imagine how much people underestimate a 22 short and I'm telling you I could go on for days about the mythical fictional limitations people put on 22m but let's get to today's focus which is 22 shorthand edition now in talking about 22 short I want to compare it to 22 long rifle and to a pellet gun in this case this gamo whisper g2 caliber 177 pellet rifle but before we do anything let me show you a close-up of what 22 short ammunition looks like now on your left is a 22 short in the middle is a 22 long rifle and both of those are compared to the quarter that's on your right now that we know what it looks like I'm gonna shoot different types of ammunition through the chronograph and see what kind of numbers we get but I'll spare you the tedious process of watching me do that well I've shot through the chronograph and crunch the numbers and here they are now if the pellets I used Crossman pellets but all the 22 ammunition was CCI and the test gun was this Henry lever app and what we see is with our standard long rifle a mean velocity of 1036 but with our target short ammo that's 800 so the 22 long-rifle quite a bit more powerful than the 22 short anymore the short has a lighter bullet but when we go down to a little bit hotter hugging stuff with our CCI mini mag with this 40 grain round those bullet we see a mean velocity of 11 67 and with our 22 short hollow-point we see a velocity of a thousand and 97 only 70s feet per second less than the long rifle ammunition but we have to remember that's a 40 grain projectile compared to a 27-point objective in the short no no comment rifle I got a mean velocity of 898 and that sounds impressive whoo see that's more than some 24 but velocities from pellet rifles can vary greatly some very high-powered high back air rifles that you might even hunt deer with but that's a really extreme stuff I'll try to make the claim that their pellet gun is as powerful as a 22 there may be some truth to that but not when you're talking about your cross feed 760 or your Daisy Red Ryder BB gun now the pellet rifle is using today the whisper g2 model which I paid one hundred and forty-seven dollars for five possible donations to the patreon account so thank you that's getting a little ways up the scale of serious pellet rifles and we do see some what appears to be serious performance out of it but we also have to take into consideration that this is an eighth grade Jack down compared to the twenty nine grain projectile here and we have to ask okay how did these numbers on the page translate into effectiveness on a real target let's see if we can put that to the test now what I've got here is cans of tomato soup and I'll go back seven yards and I'll shoot the ones on your left with our pellet rifle in its eighth grain hollow-point pellet and the ones on your right with a 22 rifle with the CCI 22 short 27 grain hollow-point let's see how the results compare now those pellets went clear through these cans of soup and that is impressive but in this particular case with this particular pellet gun comparing the two there just isn't much comparison now shooting those soup cans these 22 short hollow points seem to perform pretty well but we didn't recover the projectiles what kind of hollow point expansion are we really getting at the fairly low velocity that these 22 short hollow points are delivering well we've got a water jug setup which is really an ideal target for hollow-point expansion and I'll shoot it from 10 yards and see what happens and here's our two projectiles and you can see that the hollow point expansion is pretty good so with the rifle we got pretty good expansion now let's see how our 22 short hollow points do when fired from 10 yards through this three inch barrel revolver and out of the handgun that expansion is really good now there's an important point I want to make about the performance of 22 ammunition and I can really illustrate it with these two handguns I'll go back seven yards and I'll shoot the soda jug on your left with this one and the soda jug on your right with this one now that was quite a bit of difference in performance because this was a 22 long-rifle hollow point and this was a 9 by 19 hollow point and although you can see the 22 long-rifle is significantly less powerful than other calibers it's still not to be underestimated oh and yes this gun does fit my hand better than this one does now there's one other thing I want to show you about 22 short ammunition it's the same diameter as 22 long rifle ammunition s'right now I've just got a bunch of mixed up in the hand and in guns like this revolver you can load 22 short or 22 long-rifle in the revolver depending on what you think your needs or what the availability dam munition is at that particular point but not all guns will work that way now it mix the 22 long-rifle than the 22 shorts and this revolver just to make the point but there's a caveat that comes with doing that I'll go back 10 yards and I'll shoot the target on your left with 22 long-rifle and the target on your right with the shorts and let's see how the groups compare now I cited this handgun in with the 22 long rifle ammunition they're fairly centered and you can see with the 22 shorts the point of impact is definitely different and so when you change ammunition it can change your point of impact the degree of change will depend on your gun in your ammunition choices some rifles are labeled caliber 22 short long or long rifle right on the barrel and those are usually single shots bolt actions some pumps a lot of Auto loaders like this nylon 66 are labeled 22 long rifle only their blowback operated and a lot of 22 short ammunition does not have enough blowback to make the action cycle correctly they it didn't cycle it in fact it didn't even get the empty out of the chamber and when I go to try to chamber another one it double feeds because these shorts are too short to cycle with the way this gun is designed also because 22 short is becoming less common it can be surprisingly expensive yesterday for this box of CCI 22 short ammunition I paid 997 while at the same store a box of CCI mini mag 22 long rifle was less than eight what was the real takeaway from all of this well one as I've said before don't underestimate a 22 and don't underestimate a 22 short I found for dispatching vermin that were the size of possums or raccoons with proper projectile placement 22 short was sufficient now as far as somebody making the claim that their pellet gun is as powerful as a 22 short that claim is not entirely fictitious there are some pellet rifles that are pretty powerful but anybody saying that as either spent quite a bit of money on a pellet gun or he's never fired a 22 short and doesn't really know what he's talking about so as always don't try this at home on what you call a professional and thanks for watching the 22 short video [Music]
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 1,132,842
Rating: 4.9223146 out of 5
Id: C3fPH31Yszo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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