MAY and MIGHT - What's the difference? 5 simple steps

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when do we use might when do you use me what's the difference I'm arnelle from arnelle's everyday English and today we're going to look at me and my step by step today it's the grammatical structure possibility in the present and future past possibility with pronunciation permission and expressing wishes today there's going to be a lot of information so you need a pen and a notebook get ready to take notes let's begin the grammatical structure may and might our modal verbs you know little verse they are may and might can could should she'll will would and must but today it's only may and might we use modal verbs plus infinitive without to I might order a pizza later I might to order pizza I may need to see a dentist I may to need to see a dentist that's not correct modal verbs also do not change therefore my money you might he she it might we might they might we do not say he it mites yes I also cannot say I am my ting I am a in yesterday I might did yesterday I made positive I might borrow my dad's car negative I might not borrow my dad's car question might I borrow your car please okay that's the grammatical structure let's keep going possibility in the present and future we use maeín right plus infinitive to speak about present and future possibilities let's do lots of examples together on this line I have 0% and 100% I have brown hair this is 100% I have blonde hair this is 0% I have brown hair may and might are in the middle we use may for a stronger possibility and might for a weaker possibility my grandma's heart isn't doing very well she may need to have an operation this isn't 100% yes operation it's a strong possibility she may need to have an operation I am so bored in my job I might start looking for a new job I'm not sure here it's a week possibility I'm not sure depends Tim and Amy have been fighting a lot lately they may break up soon this this is a strong possibility oh you need a babysitter I might be able to help you it depends on my job when would you need me here it's a weaker possibility I'm not sure if I'm available so we know may is for stronger possibilities might is for weaker possibilities but many native English speakers use may and might in the same way and there's no difference in meaning I might buy a dog I made by a dog it's the same we might be moving to London we may be moving to London it's the same dr. Miller may call you later dr. Miller might call you later your keys might still be in your car your keys may still be in your car there we go grammatical structure done possibility for the present and future done let's keep going past possibility so we know we use may my plus infinitive for present and future possibility for past possibility we use may might have plus past participle it's always have it's never has what's the past participle it's a verb number three go went gone gone is my past participle play played played played is my past participle where's Jimmy he may have missed the bus where's Jimmy he might have taken the wrong bus I used may he may have missed the bus because this is a stronger possibility he's late where is he he might have taken the wrong bus is a weaker possibility a bus has a number on it it's not really easy to take the wrong bus again you can use May and right in the same way many people do it but if you want to be very specific Mike is for stronger possibility May is for the weaker possibility listen might have might have might have might have may have May of may of May of my flatmate might have used on my toilet paper my flatmate may of use on my toilet paper in spoken English it's very natural to contract might have and may have if you think the contraction looks a bit difficult think about it like this might have sounds like my of may have sounds like May of of course my of May of is not correct but it's the sound that's correct I might have left the stove on this morning can't remember don't worry David may have tried to call you last night was your phone on the police I'm sure but the criminals may have escaped to Peru all of these sentences express a past possibility you are doing an amazing job this is a lot of information but we're almost finished so let's keep going permission we use may and might to ask and give permission in a very formal and polite way may I use your pen may I sit here might I use your pen might I sit here actually using mine to ask for permission and to give permission is a bit old-fashioned but it's good to know giving permission may I use your pen of course you may may I sit here of course you may yes sweetie you may have dessert right that's permission done let's continue let's continue with expressing wishes we use may not might when we want to wish someone else well imagine your friend is getting married and you buy a card inside the card you could write a message may you both have a long happy and healthy marriage you are wishing someone else well I don't know if any of you are Star Wars fans but there's a very famous line of the movie may the force be with you this means good luck again you are wishing someone else well well we have done so much with May and Mike today the grammatical structure possibility in the present and future past possibility expressing wishes and permission if you enjoyed this lesson subscribe to me on youtube you can also find me on Facebook Instagram kora just look for arnelle's everyday English and I'll see you soon for another lesson [Music]
Channel: Arnel's Everyday English
Views: 196,709
Rating: 4.9487524 out of 5
Keywords: english grammar, english teacher, learn english, may and might, modal verbs, easy english lessons, english video, speak english, tips for learning english
Id: gQbjkYwhUt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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