21 SUPER OVERDONE TATTOOS! "Don't get these! you’ll be like everyone else"

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so I can almost guarantee you yes you that you have either seen somebody that has one of these tattoos knows somebody that has one of these times because I'm gonna go even a little bit further and say you yourself have one of these tattoos or you might have even multiple of them now I am definitely going to be calling out a lot of you guys because so many damn people have these tattoos in today's time and age and I'm gonna let you in on a little secret I'm not safe myself as I have a couple of these tattoos as well so I am in the same boat as all of you now I want to play a little game with you guys and that is to go ahead in the comment section right now and let me know your top three most overdone or popular tattoos that you can think of right now and then let's see if my list and your list kind of go together and how many I can get right on them also go ahead and like the video if I mention a tattoo that you have seen before or in the last week and then go ahead and subscribe if I mention a tattoo that you have yourself and then let me know why you got it and if you don't have it but you want it let me know why you want to get it now before I start this video video there is one thing that I want to see because I feel it needs to be set so yes the tattoos that I am going to mention today's video are super super popular and a little bit overdone but that doesn't mean they are bad by any means it means actually the complete opposite it means these tattoos are so awesome that everybody wants to get up for one reason or another and if you are somebody that has one of these tattoos go ahead and continue to rock that tattoo with pride show it off to the world and if you are somebody that wants one of these tattoos but you don't have it yet go ahead and get it and don't let anybody else discourage you from getting it so now that my little mini rant is done let's go ahead and start listing out some of the today's most popular and overdone tattoos so a number one for the super popular and overdone tattoos we got are flowers now the first one that we have is the Lily the next one we have is the Hibiscus the cherry blossoms and also the Lotus as well but there is one more that I am going to include and that is the dandelion especially the one that has that like ends fluttering off into the distance so at number two guys we got another flower but this one deserves its own spot because it is just so damn popular I mean I've probably seen this tattoo a good 10 to 15 times in the last one to two days and that is rose tattoos God this is this is everywhere and yes I have one of these myself great tattoos but super super overdone if you don't know anybody that has a rose tattoo then you live under a rock and it's time to go outside so guys at number three we got another very popular one and I have this one myself and that is the pocket watch tattoo yes this one was coming you knew it and this one is not for many reasons to commemorate time in some way you know time is money time is so valuable or also to kind of commemorate somebody that has passed away like I have in mind in terms of representing my Nuno now this tattoo is so overdone nowadays that artists and shops are now actually refusing to do this on customers and that is pretty crazy to hear and see as it is business and they're actually Turning Away business because they've just done it so much so at number four we got another tattoo that gets its own spot because it is just so popular and overdone and it is from a couple tattoos that I've already just listed and that is going to be the rose and pocket watch combo now I went and asked a lot of artists what are some of the most popular or overdone tattoos that they see or done or get requested and the rose and pocket watch combo was always on every artist's list so that is why this gets its own spot so at number five we got a very popular tattoo for males and this one is one that I myself even wanted at one time and that is the lion tattoo come on everybody knows this tattoo is seen in one way or another and I'm gonna go ahead and be a little bit more specific by going ahead and adding that crown on top of him as well this is usually gone up by Young and upcoming males that believe they are destined to be king and if you go ahead and ask any tattoo artist about their super popular or overdone tattoos the lion tattoo is gonna make this list a hundred percent of the time I can guarantee it so at number six we got the statue portraits usually of a Greek my mythology God or of the Roman mythology as well and as we can see I pretty much have a whole sleeve dedicated to this so like the rose kind of had its own subcategory that branched off from the flowers we're gonna have at number seven one that branches off from the statue portraits because they're just silver done and I think the number one god statue that is done or kind of statue portrait and that is the Poseidon statue now this one usually gets mixed up as uh Zeus a lot as well but nonetheless it is an amazing beautiful tattoo and I highly recommend if anybody wants to get into this type of theme and style definitely recommend you get that guy in there as well so the next tattoo at number eight we got the wolf tattoo and this one can be the one that's howling to the moon or the one that's angry and showing his teeth a bit more and usually it's followed by the person that God is saying they are a lone wolf at life or they love dogs and the wolf and the dog are of the same family that's the reason why they got it so at number nine guys we got the snake tattoos now these ones are done in every different type of style that you can think of American traditional Line work realism color snakes are everywhere and for good reason they just look awesome and I hope this is one tattoo that people continue to get hell I even want one myself I don't have one and I even joke that when I get that guy down there tattooed I'm gonna have a snake wrapping around the you know what sorry for making you guys picture that but yeah it's very overdone tattoo but very awesome tattoo as well so at number 10 guys we got the forest with the trees going up the wrist tattoo you I see this all the time still today and I don't know why but I feel like a lot of people went as a teenager because they love nature they went on Pinterest looked it up and that was the first tattoo that they saw and they're like yep I want that slap some trees that go all around the wrist on me and we're good to go I ideally saw a guy at the gym today have this tattoo and a couple other guys throughout the week at the gym as well with the same tattoo so the next tattoo that we got are dove tattoos now these are beautiful birds to get and I think they look best in the black and gray style now a lot of people usually get dubs to kind of commemorate somebody that has passed away or you usually kind of get it to kind of fit a theme of either religious nature it usually goes well with flowers as well too the reason why I got mine and got this popular guy was because I just wanted a filler for my religious theme and that's pretty much it so the next tattoo that we got is the cross and or Rosary tattoo now this is actually my first tattoo that I ever got now this is the popular tattoo amongst Christians for obvious reasons and what better way to go ahead and show your faith than getting a good old Cross or Rosary stamped on you for the rest of your life to be able to say I can carry it with me wherever I go that was literally the quote that I used when I got mine so the next tattoo that we got are butterfly tattoos God my girlfriend is gonna kill me for saying this because she literally just got a butterfly tattoo not too long ago every girl and her grandma has a butterfly tattoo today time in age whether it's a small butterfly medium-sized butterfly or one that's incorporated into like a bigger piece they are just everywhere and I believe that butterflies have now taken like the number one spot for females in terms of like the number one most popular tattoo to get the next tattoo is this skull tattoo now won't lie to you guys when I first saw these tattoos before I had one for myself I thought they were overrated overplayed overdone that is until I actually got one on myself and I realized how awesome they actually were I [ __ ] love skull tattoos now and I definitely recommend everybody else out there that is thinking about getting one to get it so many different ways to do it super popular super overdone but super awesome as well so definitely get one if you were thinking about it so another very popular and overdone tattoo and I think it's kind of wearing off a bit but it still seen so much and still gotten a lot of expression beginners is the tribal tattoos now you're thinking of probably of this one of like the 2000s tribal and that is still done a lot and still seen a lot but I'm also going to include the Polynesian style as well because that is another very popular style that many seem to get now this next tattoo I'm not trying to hate but I am definitely going to be calling out a lot of females with it and it is you guessed it the infinity sign how does this not make the list this is done in so many different ways they are always seen and we're number one I believe at one point for the the females to get now I think the butterfly has been not out but this is still a very popular tattoo amongst females especially to get so another tattoo that we got and my girlfriend's gonna hate me for this one as well because I'm calling her Rel and that is a heart tattoo now whether it is a small heart somewhere on the arm usually these people are the ones that follow it by saying they are a lover and they wear their heart on their sleeve yeah I'm definitely gonna get in a lot of [ __ ] for that after she watches this video next tattoo and I've lost count to what number we are at but it is the owl tattoo now this one is a super popular animal that a lot of people like to get and it is super visible and noticeable as they have the big eyes and usually these eyes are colored in with some type of color like Amber green blue any type of color like that the next tattoo we got is the birds of a feather tattoo and this is the tattoo where you have a feather of a bird and then it has the end skiing actually like bird Silhouettes flying off like that of like kind of like the dandelion that I mentioned in the beginning man there's so much to say on this tattoo that I'm gonna kind of just leave it at that and move on to the next so next we got religious Proverbs or quotes and this is another one like the rosary or cross tattoo where you want to kind of commemorate your faith in some ways so you want to go ahead and get some wording that you feel resembles you in some way or your beliefs you literally went online looked up religious quotes you read a couple you said that's the one I want and that's the one you got now I want you guys to do me another favor and that is go ahead in the comments section now and let me know of all the tattoos that I mentioned today which is the most popular and overdone tattoo also go ahead and give the video a big thumbs up it'll show me you like these types of videos I have a lot of tattoos that didn't make this video so it'll show me you want a part two and I will go ahead and make that for you fine to go ahead and subscribe join the community because I have my foot tattoo coming very very soon within this month I also got my ass the back of the head tattoos coming very soon too so you don't want to miss those finally I want you to go ahead and check out this video right here it's up to 13 types of tattoos that I do not like and maybe you have a tattoo that I listen not video thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you soon Justin oh later guys
Channel: JustINKD
Views: 571,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justinked, just inked, just inkd, justinkd, justinked tattoos, tatoos, tattoo collector, tattoo sleeves, arm sleeve, black and grey realism, justinkd aftercare, tattoo artist, justinkd tattoo tour, justinkd leg sleeve, popular tattoos 2022, popular tattoos, popular tattoos for men, overdone tattoos, overrated tattoos, lion tattoos, butterfly tattoo, infinity tattoo, rose and pocket watch tattoo, wolf tattoo, tattoos to not, tattoos to not get, tattoos to avoid, rose tattoo
Id: NocFtRL8v0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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