12 Of THE BEST JAW-DROPPING tattoos I've shared this year!!

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so at the beginning of this year I made it a top goal of mine to seek out the best and most unique tattoos that I could find online and I got to say I found a lot of incredible tattoos and I thought it would be fun now with the year coming to an end that I share with you some of the best tattoos that I have reposted from this year now I will say it was very hard to narrow it down to the list that I have today but when I went back and looked at all the tattoos that I reposted these are the ones that kind of just struck me in some way so the first tattoo I got for you guys is this tattoo done by two den and uh I got to say this is probably one of the best posid sleeves that I think I have ever come across I love how he did this all I love how it's structured I like how that water kind of splits it into two of the ocean and the sky and I like how you see something new every time you look at this sleeve there's little things in there like the fish the bubbles that kind of tried and that's subtly put in there as well and then also you got those more main objects of the whales the ship and Poseidon's face now I like what he did did with pid's face in the fact that it kind of resembles it as like kind of this rock like structure coming out of water and it has like kind of water dripping off of it to kind of really resemble that even more also I just love how he uses his Blues in this going from dark to light to even lighter of the sky and you know everything just ties in beautifully now this next tattoo is done by Tony Uno he's out of Chicago and this has to be one of the best full head tattoos that I have reposted and I think I have ever seen you know I just love how everything is put together it flows with the body part that it is in and I like when this guy puts his head down and you kind of see this face come out you again it's just put together there perfectly it has that Aztec theme to it which I love and I love how it's done in this super soft tone of black and gray so it's not too overpowering and something on the head you don't want it to be too overpowering and this isn't even though this guy's got his whole head done honestly I would 100% do something like this in this style looks amazing now the next tattoo I got for you is a full back piece done by an artist named Matt Jordan out of New Zealand and uh this is a slight cover but you would never know when you first looked at it and this is just a beautiful example of seamless blending of black and gray realism but what I love about this tattoo and why I think it's the best is it's mostly all original this guy went ahead and hired models ordered materials did a full photo shoot then took those photos edited them to kind of match his style of this more of like this Renaissance painting style that he likes to tattoo and uh you know the uniqueness in itself is amazing and then his execution his attention to detail in terms of the fabric the people's facial expressions the wood grain on the top of the ceiling everything's amazing about this tattoo I don't have anything bad to say about it I love when I see updates on this tattoo and uh this artist he won an award at one of the best tattoo conventions in the world and I could definitely see this back piece taking an award as well now I have another tattoo to show you and this is another fullback piece and it's done by Zach horo he's out of Poland and and uh you know it just doesn't get much more striking than this they use the back to its full potential one main object and I could probably notice this tattoo from 20 30 even 50 ft out it just it just draws you in especially with the glowing of the eyes the subtle glow on the kind of chin the cheekbone and then that main glow in the mouth you know this is probably in my opinion one of the top five best back tattoos from this year now this next tattoo right here is done by B Scopes or how I like to call call him Brandon and he is my artist now I'm not usually a fan of like these super gory zombie like tattoos but the amount of detail in this piece is just it's just incredible you know the detail in the skin and the mouth the eyes I like how two eyes are different one looks like it has like a cataract on it and uh I saw this tattoo for myself in person I told Brandon myself this is probably one of my favorite tattoos that he has ever done and that's a lot to say coming from me because I have a lot of his tattoos as well and uh what makes tattoo even a little bit more special is it's a little bit more unique in the fact that he used AI to kind of generate it so there's nothing like this really else out there and I mean it also was picked up by a lot of bigger tattoo Pages as well so that just says enough to how great this tattoo is too next we have this masterpiece done by sandre riffard out of France and uh this is probably one of his most famous posts that had about 6 million views and funny enough this is actually the last thing last tattoo that he posted and that I saw before I travel to France myself to get something very similar of a stained glass tattoo as well on my full chest you know I absolutely love this tattoo every time I look at it I still think this is one of my favorite stain glass tattoos that he's done and just in terms of the colors that he chose the blues contrast very well with the oranges and then you continue up on the thigh and you got this very beautiful orange kind of skull skeleton with a crown on its head you know it just gets me excited every time I look at this still to kind of think about going back to Sandry to get more work done by him and I'm going to let you know right now that I have already booked Sandry in for next year in 2024 it's going to be in April I have 5 days in a row to start my leg and that is something you definitely do not want to miss because as you can see he does amazing work and I can guarantee you we're going to do something sick and amazing ourselves and you do not want to miss that so go ahead hit that little red button that says subscribe but uh on to the next tattoo now here we have a collaboration piece done by two different artists that bring their two different styles into one leg sleeve at the top you have engraving edging wood cutting style that kind of is just lines that when put together in certain ways can make up people objects and buildings and then at the bottom you have white on blacko now I got to say this is probably one of my favorite lace leaves that I have reposted I love the kind of contrast of these two different styles clashing but coming together very well and the theme that they chose is very cool as well with like this Egyptian style theme with these slaves building this pyramid and then some of them falling off into like this dark abyss again this is such a great example of bringing two different styles together and how they can actually work together so well now this next tattoo is amazing for a lot of reasons it's done by an artist named urco art that works out of the Czech Republic and I love this tattoo for so many reasons one as you can see it's just done amazing the details are there but two I have looked at a lot of tattoos this year and I've yet to see another tattoo done just like this you know there's so much to this the details in the condensation on the outside of the bottle the champagne popping out at you and then those boka balls in the background to give it that extra depth and even if you go ahead and zoom in on that cork you can see that the top of the glass bottle is still connected to it and it you know it really resembles the real thing and my favorite part about this tattoo though is the fact that what you're looking at is a healed version of it it's a beautiful heal it's it's an amazing piece and probably one of the best heal tattoos that I have reposted from this year next we have this full biomechanical chess pie done by an artist named hangy I think I'm pronouncing that correctly I just like to call him new Assassin he's out of China and a lot of this artist's work is usually freehanded and in my opinion he is one of the best biomechanical tattoo artists in the world especially for large scale tattoos like this now he rarely uses color in a lot of his pieces but when he does it works and this tattoo is a perfect example of that with the red kind of resembling heart and I also like how we just made this contraption resemble the heart in a lot of ways with like the pumps and arteries kind of going off in different directions and you can really just tell he put a lot of thought into the design and he gets a good understanding of the body part that he is going to kind of be recreating and resembling now this next tattoo done by danasha out of Israel is definitely one of the best tattoos that I have reposted from this year and it's not for what you think even though yes what you see is amazing it's for what you don't see or what the tattoo covers up now I've always always been the person that says tattoos can be more than just ink on your body it can truly change somebody's life for the better and this is a perfect example of that this person had a lot of scars on their body it looks like Burns I don't really know what happened but I can almost guarantee you this person hated what they saw in the mirror and this tattoo kind of now covers everything brings a whole new life to the person brings a whole new outlook and I can almost guarantee you the tattoo changed this person's life for the better and that in itself makes a great reason for being one of the best tattoos of this year now here I have one of the best portrait tattoos that I have reposted from this year it's done by an artist named fernandoo Tampa that works out of Brazil and uh this guy is just a master in color portraits and if you really take the time to look at this tattoo you will see and appreciate so much like if you zoom in you'll see all the Fabrics in that toque that he's wearing the Shine off of his skin the wrinkles on his face and those pimples on his face just look like you can go and kind of touch it and and then also the depth of this tattoo as well like you know the face is the main centerpiece to it so it's really in focus and then just slightly off of his neck and his body it's kind of out of focus a little bit more muddy so everything kind of just draws your eye into the face and then the chst of colors in the background it's just simply an amazing tattoo and I also like when you watch the video it looks like his eyes are following you whenever it kind of moves side to side now the last tattoo I got offer you is this one done by sanre riffard and uh you know what I guess you could say I really like his work uh I love everything about this tattoo I think it's his second most popular tattoo that he has posted I think it's personally his best tattoo yet but I could be a little bit biased I love skulls I love aliens I love space I love color tattoos and uh that's it all in this one piece so that's me being a little bit biis but uh you know the colors that he chose in terms of the sky go very well with the kind of orange Rock of that and it's honestly it just gets me very excited for my next session with Sandry because uh I do draw inspiration from these types of pieces and I kind of put that into my ideas for the design going forward now what was the best tattoo from today's video I want you guys to go ahead in the comments section and let me know I love reading your comments hearing what you have to say so do that for me but also if you want to go ahead and check out some of the craziest most odd tattoos that I have reposted from this year then go ahead and check out this video because some of those tattoos I guarantee you've never seen before and they are going to leave you either shocked or with your jaw job hope you guys enjoyed the video have a happy New Year all the best and like always Justin I'll see you in the next video
Channel: JustINKD
Views: 33,610
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Keywords: justinked, just inked, just inkd, justinkd, justinked tattoos, tatoos, tattoo collector, tattoo sleeves, arm sleeve, leg sleeve, black and grey realism, bscopezz, justinkd aftercare, aftercare of a new tattoo, saniderm, tattoo artist, justinkd tattoo tour, justinkd leg sleeve, justinkd back piece, BEST TATTOOS, tattoo ideas for men, tattoo ideas for women, tattoo ideas, sandry riffard, colour tattoos, color tattoo
Id: DLwy-ftS9SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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