The Different Types Of TATTOO SLEEVES | Which one is the best?

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everything fully done covered what is good guys welcome back to another video my name is justin and you guys are here with justin so do you guys already have a tattoo but now you want to start adding on to it more and kind of creating and mending it into a sleeve or do you want to sleep all together but you're not sure which one to get while in today's video i'll be going over all the sleep types you know the good and the bad to each and what i believe you should get in certain circumstances and situations now if you guys are new to the channel i do want to welcome you in this channel we pretty much talk about all things that are tied to related my experience opinions on certain topics but most importantly my journey towards getting amazing tattoos and working towards an awesome body suit now i got some great news fantastic news i have booked another point my artist brandon we've been killing the lower leg but what i'm excited for this year is to complete that upper thigh he has sent me a mock-up of what it's going to look like and man i am so excited for this piece i cannot wait to show you guys so it's a great reason to go subscribe and join the community so you don't miss that tattoo or any other future content but let's get to this video guys let's go [Music] so getting a sleeve is a huge commitment and requires a lot of planning compared to your typical kind of body arc you really can't typically get for the most part a kind of impulsive tattoo and just stick it on your arm or your leg with a sleeve it requires a lot more planning a lot more thought and you know there's just many many more steps that come in then compared to you know a single impulsive tattoo you got to make sure you find what style you like you got to figure out what theme you want to go with then you got to find an artist that is right for the job and that's one of the biggest things you got to do next you got to make sure you sit down with them come up with a design so it looks cohesive it flows kind of one piece also you know figure out what kind of vibe you want that sleeve to kind of portray as well now i'm going to do a video in the near future talking about how i kind of created my sleeve the thought process that came along with it the planning that i did and how i kind of set it all up to where it came out exactly how i wanted but i want you guys to go ahead in the comments right now and let me know do you want to sleep or do you have a sleeve and what type of sleep do you have so there are many different types of styles and themes when you think about a tattoo and when you think about a sleeve now i believe as you get more and you work towards more of a full complete sleeve those styles and those themes are much more dominant and visible because you have more work done so they're more easily seen now some very popular kind of styles with sleeves are you know japanese tribal geometric old school american then you got black and green you got realism and then also even black code has become a lot more popular and then for themes you can go with very popular ones are religion things that resemble your background your heritage historic floral nature so i know what you guys are thinking justin shut up and get to the point already and i will but i just want to kind of give you a little bit of insight into style and it's a theme because there are two very big things that you must take into consideration when thinking about and planning for a sleeve now there are six sleep types that i'm going to be talking about in today's video five of them you can do on both the arm and the leg because again you can have both an arm sleeve and a leg sleeve and then the sixth one is gonna kind of be primarily for the upper arm only and then in the end i'm gonna give you my personal opinion on which one i believe is best and love the most and then it can be up for discussion with you guys on which one you believe is the best so the first one that i got for you guys is a quarter sleeve and for majority of the time it'll go from the shoulder to about midway down to your bicep these tattoos and these styles are great just because if you have a job that doesn't really like tattoos and you got to wear a t-shirt a lot of the time then this is definitely something that you would want to get because you are still able to be tattooed in a way but it won't show so say for example you see right now it'll go right up to about there and now with you know a shirt you won't see it so you get the best of both worlds you're still able to be tattooed and you know show them off if you have a tank top like i was just uh wearing and then also i believe the longevity of these tattoos will last the longest compared to anything else just because if you are you know if you're out in the sun it's a nice day you know if you're wearing a t-shirt that shirt is helping protect against those uv rays compared to if you had anything like me like i have right now a t-shirt will only cover just a bit while all the rest is still exposed to the sun which is then exposed to fading so then you got to worry about other things like sunscreen and all that it's not my favorite style and uh that's just because i like tattoos to be shown i believe you get them you want to kind of show them off a bit as well so you know having them shown is nice so this is like the least kind of visible out of all the sleeve styles that i'm going to mention and the last one is i feel like this is like an entry one that a lot of people get a lot of people will start off with say a quarter and then you can always add on to it as you go now the next one i'm gonna be talking about is an upgrade and that is a half sleeve and this one i believe is one of the most popular amongst all the sleeve types that i'm gonna mention just because there's so much variety in terms of what you can do and the areas that you can cover for the most part you would say that a half sleeve can go from about your top of your shoulder to your elbow and in this case it's great because you know you have a little more now if you're wearing a t-shirt it can be shown and usually it covers the inner bicep as well but now you can also do a half sleeve on the lower end you can do from the elbow all the way to the wrist or you can do on the leg you can do from the top of the thigh to the knee and then from the knee all the way to the ankle so there are much more varieties in terms of sections that you can do you are able to now be a little more tattooed you're able to show it off while still you know not being fully covered so you kind of get the best of both worlds i would say also it is a benefit that you know you can hide them with a long sleeve as well if especially if it's up here no problem with hiding it now i will say that these are more subjectable to you know the elements that you know the sun is going to beat down a little more on this one compared to the quarter so you have to kind of watch a little bit more now and one final thing i want to mention with this one is it has to wrap around the whole section that you were tattooing you can't have just an outer forearm tattoo and say you have a lower half sleeve you got to have the outer and the inner and if you have the top you got to have you know the whole kind of bicep tricep area and the inner bicep done as well that's just my opinion because i know some people are out there they'll just have one section done while the inner part is still blank and still they and say they have a half sleeve when in my books it's kind of you gotta have to have the whole thing to be wrapped around and again the same thing on the lower leg as well to be considered a half sleeve so that's just my opinion i would love to know and hear what you guys think as well in the comments let me know if you agree with me or you disagree with me on kind of that half sleep rule so the next one is a three-quarter sleeve and that one pretty much goes from the top of the shoulder to about midway to the forearm and you can also go from the upper thigh all the way about to the mid calf now i wouldn't say i've ever seen somebody go the opposite way like you know the half sleeve where you had much more variety i wouldn't say i've ever seen somebody go from there and then go to like midway to the bicep and then leave this part empty i don't think i've ever seen that and then the same on kind of like the thigh area so there's not as much variety compared to the half sleeve but these are very nice too because they also now cover a lot more skin it goes almost down to you know the halfway point it almost looks like you have a full sleeve but uh you do get some kind of benefits in terms of like you know going for a job interview you have enough room where even if your kind of shirt moves a bit you still have enough space where it won't show and you don't have to really stress about somebody seeing that you have a tattoo now the things i don't like about these kind of styles is that they usually end very abruptly on the in the middle or so and they have almost like a solid line and i feel like if you ever want to add and make it a full sleeve it's really hard to do just because you can really tell it was the three-quarter and you kind of just add that next part on some circumstances depending on the artist you can get away with it but i feel like a lot of times especially with japanese style it ends solidly there and you kind of uh you can't really work around it too well unless you add it on but then you can tell so like i mentioned we had quarter we had half we had three quarter you guessed it now we have full i got two i'm working on my leg to be a full as well and pretty much it runs from the top of the shoulder all the way down to the wrist or from the top of the thigh all the way down to the ankle and i gotta say i love this style and i love this type of sleeve it just looks so complete in terms of looking at somebody and just seeing you go all the way down cutting off nicely at the end of the bend of the wrist or the ankle it just looks so complete and then also you're still able to be able to hide it in certain circumstances with a long shirt or you know a suit you may run into some circumstances where it will show a bit if you know you move and your arm goes up the shirt rides up a bit you might see a little bit of the wrist but uh for the most part you can still hide these from every everybody if you don't want them to be seen the longevity i would say is a little bit less compared to the rest just because now you know you know your arms out the window driving it's going to get beat on the sun a lot more or you know again stick your car in the engine bit you're handing the engine bay it's going to get scratched up a lot more compared to anything else so you know you got to watch it to be more cautious compared to all the other styles but i do believe this one has such a nice complete look to it and overall just looks amazing and i love seeing somebody with a full sleeve i would like to hear your opinion do you guys think the half sleeve is more popular than a full sleeve or do you think a full sleeve is more popular than a half sleeve just because i feel everybody always kind of strives for a full sleeve and that's kind of their go-to so i just listed four obviously you have the quarter you have the half you have the three quarter and you have the full what else is there this is my next one and i call it the full full sleeve and it pretty much runs from the top of the shoulder all the way down to your knuckles or from the top of the thigh all the way down to your toes and this one i called the full full because you are covering almost everything fully done covered and i love this one i love how it looks you know you can uh this one kind of can be considered both good and bad just because you know now you have a visible tattoo where you're no longer able to hide it in those circumstances compared to all the rest where you can wear a long sleeve also the longevity is decreased a lot your hands will wear out a lot more than any other area on your body so you know you got to watch out for that but i do love this style so much and especially when i see somebody on the street that just has you know from the top all the way down to their handguns i just i i say wow every time and i kind of just strive for that as you guys know i want to get my hands done as well to kind of complete that look now i know the name is kind of silly full full sleeve let me know in the comments if you have a better name for this one but that's the kind of one i went with so the last one that i got for you guys is called haiki or haikai i think i don't know how to really pronounce it but it originates from the japanese culture and this one pretty much covers the pectoral chest muscle all the half of it and it can run all the way down to the wrist it can go halfway it can go all the way up to your your elbow so you know there are a bunch of different things you can do with this one but the main thing is that it covers the chest and blends into the sleeve and i didn't know this one myself i didn't know this one had a name or was considered a sleeve until i looked it up and did some research myself and this one i gotta say is awesome just because with this one you really do get to show off how much tattoos you have because when you have the chest done you know that's a big location it's a prime location and to have it blend in to the rest of the arm you just look super and heavily tatted while still being able to hide it when you want to be so if you want to wear a shirt a long sleeve or suit you got that going for you and you don't have to worry about it showing and you know being perceived that somebody with tattoos don't like the hand on like the fulfo one i mentioned so this one is really good the longevity depends on where you get it and where it ends but i would say for the most part this one lasts really well too just because the chest will survive a lot longer compared to like other places of the body i've seen it done in different styles as well with tribal with realism but we're still going to keep it to the japanese origins and it's going to still keep the name of haiki or haikai so now i'm sure you're wondering what is my personal favorite and you're probably looking at me saying yeah he loves uh he loves full sleeve and you know i do love it i love how it looks it just looks so full it looks complete it looks good like you know a nice cohesive sleeve looks awesome but i'm gonna change it up and i'm gonna say that my favorite is the full full sleeve i absolutely love it i love seeing somebody on the street and when they have the whole thing done it goes right down to their knuckle or to their fingers it just looks so complete to me and that is something that i'm striving obviously as you guys know take that as well and finish off my hand so you know i just love how it looks you know you do run into situations where you're no longer able to hide tattoos and you are kind of gonna be judged a bit more by society and so you gotta gotta kind of outweigh the pros and the cons on this one but for the most part for me this is my personal favorite i would love to hear what your personal favorite is amongst all the six that i listed just because you know everybody has their own opinion and this channel is all about listening to you guys and hearing what you guys have to say so i know this one is up for discussion but let me know again do you agree with me or disagree in terms of you know it being considered a sleeve does it have to wrap around or can it just be the outer or inner arm done i know there are some people out there and i've met some people that say they have a full sleeve where they just have the outer done but the whole inner is empty do you consider that a full sleeve or is that only a half sleeve but also go ahead and like the video make sure that you're subscribed so that you can participate in my weekly giveaway because all you got to do for that is like the video subscribe send me a screenshot to my instagram it'll be linked in the description and then every day on monday at 7 30 i do a live giveaway for a sheet of saniderm i'm increasing the size it'll be 10 by 20 soon but i just want to say thank you guys so much for you know giving me your time like always and until next time justin out later guys
Channel: JustINKD
Views: 387,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tattoo sleeve tips, tattoo artist, tattoo, tattoo sleeves, realistic tattoo, realism tattoo, realism tattoo sleeve, tattoo journey, tattoo sleeve, religious tattoo sleeve, religious tattoos, tattoo collection, tattoo collector, hyper realism, inked, justinkd, just inked, justinked, tattoo placement, tattoo advice, visible tattoos, pros and cons, tattoo pros and cons, 3/4 sleeve tattoo, full sleeve tattoo, quarter sleeve tattoo, hikae sleeve, half sleeve
Id: bsojMcGo0Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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