21 Essential English Slang Words for 2021!

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hello everyone and welcome back to love english today we're looking at slang for 2021 now i would say that a lot of these words actually started to be used in 2020 but they're still being used now in 2021 so they're great for you to know they're very much part of tick-tock instagram memes generally internet culture so if you're into any of that you're going to love this as it's going to help you understand all of those things that so far have had you scratching your head also it's going to be useful if you're coming to the uk or the us to work or study or you're watching recent movies and tv shows these are very much all part of modern culture so knowing them is going to help you feel more of a part of that and also if you have a teenager and you have no idea what they're saying this is also going to be your guide remember guys that slang is for casual conversations and informal conversations not usually for the work environment so keep that in mind [Music] so number one is lit something is lit and this means awesome really cool amazing so for example if you go to a great party you can say that party was lit or that new film was lit any experience that you really enjoy you can say it was lit even something you consume a great video um a great sporting event that you went to uh you did a sport you said that was lit so another way to say awesome very very popular right now number two is extra extra and this is like over the top or too much so if someone was behaving in a way that was a little bit over the top a little bit exaggerated you could say oh that was a bit extra or that was so extra or i thought her outfit was a bit extra meaning over the top too much so teenagers will often say this they'll be like oh that was so extra number three is salty salty salty means to be bitter or upset about something so if you say i'm really salty about the fact that i didn't get an a for that essay i worked so hard on that feel salty about it or if somebody doesn't turn up on a date you go for a date and the other person doesn't show up you can say wow i'm salty about that meaning i'm upset i'm cross and you may still be salty about it in a month's time you might say no not speaking to him i'm still salty about when he stood me up meaning he didn't come he stood me up so to be salty number four great one this one this is to flex to flex and to flex it means to show off it doesn't mean literally to show your muscles it means to show off so we might say he was really flexing about his new car or did you see her flexing her new outfit um it's like showing off and it's it's positive and negative so i could joke and say oh i wanna i wanna flex tonight i wanna show off my new my new hairstyle or something i'm gonna be flexing for example and obviously there's a jokiness that's a part of that um but we can also use it negatively and say things like oh that was way too much flex or too much flexing and we would use it like a verb in that way so there was too much flexing or way too much flex for example so way too much showing off no flex zone no flex next one is woke you may have heard of this one it became a big thing in 2020 and it means to have a higher level of awareness so if you're woke you're very um in the know you're very knowledgeable about modern day issues so race gender environmental issues all of those kind of things you're very aware of that you're very sympathetic about that and we can describe things that we have seen as woke so for example you might say oh my goodness that documentary cowspiracy or netflix that is woke or that documentary on gender that just came out it's woke when i looked recently on the internet at the wokest tv shows you can use it as an adjective the wokest tv shows it said that dear white people and atlanta are two very woke shows at the moment now this word is so common it's used in newspapers um even on the news you might hear a reporter describe something in a jokey way as being woke number six i love this one and i definitely use it this one is slay to slay and basically it means um to do something really well or to to be awesome so for example if someone's wearing an amazing outfit or has done something really well like a presentation we might say you slayed or you slayed that job interview um or if a friend wears a great outfit i can say oh you're slaying tonight actually number seven is mood mood and this is basically when um you're feeling a certain way and you're in a certain mood and you will often see this on captions on instagram or tick tock so for example if you're having a cozy night in by the fire watching a movie you might caption that mood as in the mood is cozy night vibes for example or if a friend says to me i'm just dying for holidays um cocktails and beaches i just can't wait i could reply and say oh yeah mood if i feel that too if i want that too so it's also a way to kind of say i feel the same that's my mood too number eight is to clap back to clap back which is a bit of a strange one and this is probably one of the more recent ones and this is to respond to criticism so if somebody says something bad about you you can clap back meaning you can retort the older version of this was to snap back to snapback so for example you might see this in celebrity magazines again um saying things like taylor swift collapse back at justin bieber dig dig meaning um unpleasant remark about taylor so a dig is like an unpleasant remark about someone um so you probably will see this in the news as well sometimes that someone claps back about something in an informal setting so it's like retort respond to criticism you give me a little clap back number nine is shook to be shook and this is like surprised or shocked so it's kind of like saying shaken really um but obviously slang doesn't keep to grammar so they use the past tense version um not the past participle so if you say you're shook it's like whoa i was shocked i was surprised i was shook by um the last episode of game of thrones not necessarily in a good way um or if you hear surprising news you might be like oh my goodness i'm shook you know i'm really shocked that she's pregnant i'm shook about that number 10 is low-key low-key and low-key means toned down so discreet subtle not very over-the-top more relaxed so you might say i'm having a low-key evening in tonight i'm having a low-key get-together it's just going to be pizza and beers nothing special nothing fancy however we can also use loki in a way to say i want to be discreet about this i want to be subtle so for example i could say i loki like that show jang the virgin meaning i kind of don't want everyone to know about this um i want to be subtle about it maybe because i'm a bit embarrassed but it's like saying i don't want people to know really or i lowkey really like her it's like i don't want everyone to know please keep it a secret hello kitty for like fun next one high key is of course the opposite high key is like i want everybody to know about this or everyone knows so for example we might say she's hiki having a party so it's like everyone knows everyone's welcome or he's been high key about the fact that he's studying a lot at the moment so he's being very loud about this very obvious about it it's no secret next one is to ghost someone to ghost someone i'm sure lots of you know this one people tend to ghost people and then they get ghosted it's very much part of the in the way of the internet really and it came about really with dating apps like tinder and things like that so for example if you stop hearing from somebody they stop replying to your messages they might unfollow you from accounts and where they might block you even from an account they ghost you but it's not necessarily for people who are dating it can also be that you stop liking someone you want to cut them out of your life and you also do this virtually so you might be like after she was so horrible to me at my birthday party i ghosted her and it's like i cut her out cut her out i ghosted her but of course you can use it in dating situations as well like for example if you're on a dating app but then somebody stops replying to your messages you can say that they ghosted you have you been ghosted by someone or have you ghosted someone tell me about that in the comments below ghosted on us where you been next one is to throw shade and to throw shade is like to criticize someone to try to make them look bad so i think the the older version of this phrase is like to put someone in a bad light so for example if somebody is saying things that make you look bad they're trying to put you in a bad light they're trying to throw shade at you so for example your mum might throw shade at you at dinner if she's trying to say that you're not studying hard enough and what's happening with your grades so she could say things like um oh you know you haven't been doing enough work lately and where are your grades we haven't seen what you've got recently we don't see you studying much and then after you could say oh my mum was throwing shade at me about my studying for example throw them some shade the next one is ship ship and this is just short for relationship so you might say um the beckhams are my favorite ship they actually are or you can also use this as a verb so you could say those two are shipping or oh they should be shipping meaning they should be going out or i've heard teenagers saying something like um i want to ship them meaning i want to get them together or want to get them into a relationship next one i love this one definitely use it this one is hangry now when you're hungry you do start to feel a little angry you start to feel a little cranky and your blood sugars dip and we can say in this situation that you're hungry because you're hungry and you're getting angry so you're hangry not a good state to be in nobody is nice when they're hangry make sure you have a mars bar or something a little hangry claire the next one is stan stan basically this originated with the eminem song stan which was all about um a crazy fan who wanted to be like eminem and he was obsessed with him um so basically it now means to be a huge fan of if you say i'm a stan of game of thrones or i'm a big stan of that for example so it means a huge fan of she's a big stan of barcelona or she's a stan of barcelona football team what are you guys a stan of tell me about that in the comments below number 16 on fleek on fleek and this means on point so the previous phrase was really on point but on fleek means uh perfectly well done or perfect so we might say his playing tonight in the football team was on fleek or her outfit was on fleek or her performance in the presentation was on fleek it means perfectly well done this is on fleek as the internet says next one is snatched i would say this is a synonym of lit again this is another way to say awesome really cool you can say this particularly about outfits so you might say hmm that outfit is snatched meaning it's awesome or that party was snatched again very similar to lit next one is sus i was surprised that this one is still around because it's been around a long time i've been using it certainly since i was a teenager it's just the short form of suspicious so if you say hmm that was a bit sus you're saying i don't trust that that's suspicious very very common i think this one actually as a teacher i've had many times when i thought the behavior of my students was a little bit sus for example i had one student who didn't attend any of the lectures except for one but at the end of the course he gave me an assignment which was in a hundred percent absolutely perfect level assignment now i did find that a little bit sus number 19 jomo i'm sure you've all heard of fomo which is fear of missing out so when you want to go to everything that everyone else is going to every party every event because you have a fomo you don't want to miss out on anything that's going on so you don't want to miss it the new version of this is jomo and this is so layla layla is a person that loves um cozy nights in watching netflix snuggling up with her cats and her hubby and she has the jomo joy of missing out so she wouldn't be bothered about going to con loud concerts or rock gigs or anything like that she would say oh i have jomo for example joy of missing out so i'm happy i'm missing out next one is spill the tea and this is like uh spill the beans so it's like spill the tea about this you know gossip tell me what's going on tell me what secrets you know and you can also say that you have tea on someone which is like you have gossip about them or you have some secret knowledge about them for example so we might say come on spill the tea i want to know what you found out when you talk to her ex for example spill the tea about that or do you have some tea on her any of those would work spill the tea sweeter and finally the last one is g-o-a-t which is greatest of all time which is usually represented on the internet by the goat emoji this originated with muhammad ali who was often referred to as the greatest and his wife turned this into the greatest of all time so if we think something was awesome and for me it's the greatest we can say oh that for me is go 180 you can say that your favorite sports stars or celebrities are geoat so a lot of people would say that michael jordan is g-o-a-t or um footballers like messi ronaldo all of those might be described as g-o-a-t okay everybody i hope you found this useful please try to use these in the comments below tell me what are you a stan of what is g-o-a-t for you and have you ever ghosted someone tell me about that in the comments below i look forward to reading them guys see you soon bye-bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 20,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, learn English, love English, English, English with Leila, English with Sabrah, British English, english slang for 2021, learn english slang, british slang, american slang, slay meaning, english slang words with meaning, low-key meaning, high-key meaning, on fleek meaning, slang words, slang, snatched meaning, salty meaning, stan meaning, flex meaning, woke meaning, goat meaning, new slang
Id: cWG2FkowkVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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