3 Brains Equal One??

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hey guys welcome back today's the day i'm going to uh build our our addition to our oil containment here i've mentioned this a lot in previous videos that i'm going to be putting fuel treatment 80 90 30 weight 50 weight oil in here but it's got to be assembled i ordered it all as a kit so it comes with a stand i got to put the legs in the stand it's got a tray drip tray this is a custom-made system that we have here but this all comes as a kit that came with a kit too but we already we wanted it higher and more storage here different situation so we are going to unbox this and start putting legs on and valves and clean i got to move this oil rack i'm not sure where i'm going to store this but i want the rack to be here separated from our engine lubes and hydraulic just so if you would uh get too many valves over here if i was to stack it also there's weight limits on how high you can go on these things [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right i got a good uh good start on it on the base i got all the uh valves put on so then you run a hose from here to the next tank to the next and so on just like the ones back there i put the 80 gallon down on the bottom just because i think we're going to go through more of this you know it's an easier working height for tipping 55 gallon drums is what we're going to get fuel treatment into here and then the 30 weights smaller lighter easier to work with above your head so i think that'll work out really nice i gotta move it over there i'm gonna i'm done for the day so i'll check in with you guys on monday when i finish this project i power wash the tanks to get some road grime on from being in a reefer van during delivery but yeah that's gonna be very nice very slick so i will see you guys monday morning hello we're back we're back we're back but everyone's so enthused that it's monday morning come on boys a little more excited so we got the tanks installed i still got to run the hoses to each but we're laying this out the way we want we pushed everything down so we can have our shelf here with our buckets and pail pumps and just storage in general so it's coming along together real nice [Music] they put it together when i wasn't around so there's easy just put a fitting in there and then a hose down to the valve that's complete i want to fill it up but the planter is in the way we'll do that when we move the planter around anyways if you want any containment system like this or basically like that bigger farmchem.com link in the description you can save five percent off using larson 22 i suggest checking it out i really like their website and all their products that they sell i'm into a much less pleasant job here so we seem to have a lot of trouble with these hubs going shot on the dv60 we've had two of them fail i've got jacked up right now and there is no play which is a good thing but since we've been having trouble i always take the hubs off every winter pump grease in visually watch the grease come out both sides maybe more so this side because there's really no place for the grease to go in the hub cap here because it's filled so i'm gonna pump some grease in there to try to salvage the bearing get some new grease in there and uh checking for play on all of them but so far looks good so i'm actually surprised with how much grease that took i'd seen probably about 200 shots actually until it came out this side but then i rotated it got new grease in the bearing now i can put this back on and do the same routine to the rest of the four three more so this is one of the i think this is the new hub that we replaced in the field and they don't come with a new with a grease zerk in them so then i use a needle greaser tip to shove in there and i don't know how effective it is but it's the best way to get grease in there and i know that you guys commented to drill and tap a plug but i'm not going to do that now that it's mounted because i don't want to put a bunch of filings inside there and that would probably be worse than anything so is what it is i guess grease it up make sure it's tight and no slop and should be good to go okay i got these all done it turns out that the inside two are the ones with the new hubs the outside are still original but they're still tight the reason that the inside fail before the outside is because when you're going down the road generally you go down the middle of the road while the crown of the road puts all the planter weight on the center two which wears the bearings out very hard on them but it's kind of unavoidable this township roads you don't want to be towards the edge of the road unless you have to be to meet somebody so the inside definitely get beat up worse and this planner actually gets roaded a lot more full like plumpful just because a lot of times i am by myself so i'll fill up before i leave the field because most of the time i can plant three quarters of the field to a fill before i need a seed tender and maybe somebody can come and fill so i always try to leave the field full which is about the worst thing that you could do to it but [Music] it improves efficiency right right he says he's nervous okay back in february we were hauling a ton of corn off the site and we noticed that the rear hopper on our 2013 tempe the hydraulic cylinders were leaking so we did take the one off you guys maybe saw that that's been rebuilt obviously you get to the elevator they don't want hydraulic oil dripping down into their pits where the corn is supposed to go in clean so we're gonna we pulled brody and i pulled the other cylinder off he's got that out on the bench and we've got the parts to rebuild that ourselves this is original with the trailer i believe so it is almost 10 years old these cylinders i wonder how many times they went back and forth before that was an issue so you guys maybe see that we put these hydraulic traps on our trailers we actually got another kit that's going to go on one of our third trailers that'll be three total we've got a kit another hydraulic kit to put on another trailer then we'll have three total overall we haven't had a ton of issues they're fairly simple to install it all kind of goes under the belly of the trailer it's got its own little hydraulic reservoir it's ran electrically through where you'd hook up in the front of the trailer uh we just tied into that but yeah like you guys have seen that's all the components and it all gets ran right here [Music] obviously in the fall when you're unloading 60 loads a day our drivers prefer if they don't have to crank the traps open it definitely just takes any fatigue out when you're working 20 hour days that helps so that's why we're gonna put it on another trailer uh when we get a chance here but for now fixing this leak let's try the handy-dandy players [Music] okay so this here rod come out of the cylinder this is what i would call the the back seal and these threads have o-rings in them which uh would be the front seal we're gonna get technical so doug he did all the purchasing or ordering got a bunch of new seals that we're going to put on uh what they said two years they made these hydraulic cylinders that are unique to the rest of the years so you can't really you either got to buy new or replace the o-rings there's not the simple fix of just threading off the parts we did and putting those back on so we're trying this who rebuilt the other one uh some hydraulic shock yeah so we're going to be the hydraulic shock but this o-ring is torn jump so are these the ones where the actual o-ring is facing towards the front of the semi that gets all the yeah grabbing yeah it would be so that's why the front trap is facing back and not getting ate up as bad very true so tempty no that's the way it has to be so that the traps can open because there's such thing as rear axles that are in the ways so on the uh end of the rod is this tapered metal piece that has kind of the brass colored seal on there underneath that is an o-ring to put this new seal on you obviously have to stretch it some to get it over the the metal bushing i was told once you do that take a hose clamp wrap this brass colored seal with plastic or something so you don't scar it and tighten that hose clamp on there so that you can press it again back to the size it's supposed to be and it worked perfectly so something to know if you're ever working on a tempe hydraulic trap cylinder or anything else that might take this great idea okay we're back here got the cylinder uh brodie put it back together with new o-rings something we were talking about earlier you guys are maybe familiar with this but on a hopper trailer the front topper the gate will slide to the rear so that's why these hydraulic cylinders are doing a lot better than on the rear on the rear hopper where the gate slides forward and it's catching all that rocks and dust and dirt from the semi wheels it's catching it right on the front where that first seal is versus the back of the hydraulic uh cylinder is obviously sealed up it's one piece it's metal so these two are the issue the problem childs but i think we got them fixed let's put it back on i don't know if you guys can see but the bearings right here bearings that the uh hopper trap slides on come off when you're pulling the cylinder off it's the same bolt so since we took these all off spun the bearings three out of four of them were junk the fourth one didn't sound the greatest so we are going to replace all the bearings hey brody what i was somewhat smarter this time and i hooked up the hydraulic hoses before i tighten everything down that's a smart decision i did have to crack the 190 loose to get our plastic cap off otherwise so we have the hard part left yeah i gotta get these bearings one more bearing on tighten up all four mounting bolts and then we put the actual nut on the end of the rod and this project's done except for bleeding the system i suppose me so right now we are running it to get the air out of the system now how did we do that do we have to crack the line to get the air out or does it go up to the reservoir uh normally you gotta crack it that's what i was thinking too we're gonna have a mess though yeah already it'll be fine we'll sweep it up we gotta do this gotta do it gotta have it tip top shape when it comes time to haul corn so just keep rubbing it why do we struggle so hard guys what's this we business why is it bent unbelievable well you know how you learn that you learn how to do something really good after you go through it all the wrong ways so brody's got it the trap open now which really makes it easily accessible to get to that bolt that we were using a crow's foot crow's foot not the right size and one inch and it's 15. you guys know what these are you put them on a socket and get in there at a weird angle incorrect size well we're ready to go for the next time we have to do this i think those are pinned in over there which would really be nice yeah but this is the older style okay believe the system [Music] i think we'll do that a couple more times but i can hear the bubbles coming up into the reservoir i showed you guys earlier so this is gonna work just fine and if we're doing it incorrect there we are let us know okay systems been bled there are no leaks for now right brody for all of your [Music] tempty hopper bottom questions and concerns please voice them to brody because i was guessing my way through this but i think we're good for now this trailer otherwise we went through this trailer i think it is ready yeah okay on to the next all right i pulled the planter head we're going to test out this new thing this is supposed to be a 30 weight and 50 a 30 weight a 30 gallon drum and 55 gallon drum flipper tipper thing so you uh well i've never used it so we'll see how it works but drive your forklift up to it it goes on your forks you tighten it down so don't fall off pull up to your 55 gallon drum or 30 gallon drum put chain around it strap it nice and tight then you can tip this over and it's a lot less effort and a lot safer so we'll see how this works so i would say it's definitely designed better for a 55 gallon drum but it does work um should maybe read the book we already had it somewhere uh basically what i did is i actually spun this thing so it was open part not open came lifted this loop over the top of it so that it would actually sit lower it's quite complex unit here but this will work good now i'm going to screw my hose into here for going into the tank and then i can do this [Music] and tip it out [Music] oh [Music] so that works quite well now from the ground it's got plenty of chain here i can uh adjust this how i want 80 90 weight is going to take a heck of a long time to gravity flow into there she's going though [Music] [Music] okay last and final one this is fuel treatment this is what we when we get tanky lords of fuel we measure it up into gallon jugs to the right proportion to blend in with the load we're gonna have that in a container also for easier filling because actually the fuel treatment eats the pumps up so it'd be better to have gravity flow it stinks really bad though terrible and it's really runny like look at that go flow's really nice so we're bringing the quad track number two back into the shop but we got walked by it the other day in the shed ended up that the some hydraulic hose crimp is starting to leak on it more than a start it's pretty bad so we're gonna get it in here pull that hydraulic hose out and uh replace it so right here is the fitting that is leaking something horrible it's a parker hose there if you think your crimping skills is good enough just to cut the end off yeah why not [Music] now that we got the right disc yeah yeah we found out that we were using the crimp was not the right thickness so we weren't crimping our hoses all the way which by the way we should go back over the land roller then and re-crimp those hoses so that the whoosh problem doesn't occur yeah we'll get on that right after spring so they cut the old end off and we're gonna put a new one on i have a fitting upstairs and the hose maker this is the nice part about owning a portable hose maker is you can not have to take the hose completely out of the tractor and hopefully this fixes it case is on the hunt for the big one and a quarter inch line same issue uh but we do not build inch and a quarter lines and there's some really really fancy ends it probably will be an ordered part i'm assuming looks expensive too yeah it does that looks good boys she looks good doing an excellent job thank you that looks good boys yeah it looks excellent it looks a heck of a lot better than they used to well they didn't look like they were crimped all the way before which would make perfect sense all right so this hose here is the one that needs to be replaced next i got to go to town and get that but uh i think that'll be for another video this looks kind of buried but anyways guys thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed it and we will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 234,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m9q2FkpL6lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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