If Only It Wasn’t JUNK!!

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good morning guys it's gonna be a busy day come on brody let's go i got i got the guys a whole bag of spare nozzle bodies because they've been busting them off left and right seems like when you hit highline poles and random obstacles when the breakaway goes back it tends to snap off one or two at a time so it's an above average year normally it's three per sprayer and they've gone through three first graders [Music] [Music] making weird sounds again let's just hope that thing can hang in there today eric are you ready for a thousand acre day yeah i'm swapping the bigger nozzles i've seen that going to blues just kind of send it biggest ones i got i just wasn't born to spray at 12. let's just hope your tractor can give you 12. i don't need those i put a couple more in there that's good because that's 16 i might if you're turning up the speed i can only imagine how these will just fly off the destruction eric and randy are going to be spraying corn last two days been extremely windy unable to spray due to wind and also heat today's got to be a big day got to be a big day we need to knock out i've got at least 800 acres lined up for brody and i'm sure eric and randy have that much if not more corn to do so be a busy day i figured i need 12 000 gallons roughly maybe more just for the one sprayer so we're going to be going to town to get water i'll pretty much guarantee you that you must be in a hurry or something you didn't even tie your brunts it was an early morning how many nozzle bodies you think you need for the day to get you through is this enough well we did air tape i only could fit two in his box so you better not break more than that off [Music] so this is one of eric's fields once again fair amount of uh volunteer corn growing so we up the cloth it in 4.5 ounces an acre instead of three just try to get some more coverage three is the bare minimum that you want to spray to get a good kill on the volunteer corn we turned it up to get a really good kill we were at five on the last field but we're good i told him to blow the boom because it's been sitting for a while and that chemicals like the leech out of the boom so clean that boom out so we don't get the eagle wing i'm sure eric would really appreciate the eagle wing of dead beans for 200 yards not so much anyways we're heading up north probably 20 miles 25 miles away from this field next load so mixed in pretty tight so he will almost be empty when we leave here for road travel which is good mixing up the next batch form though at least it ain't so hot today or it shouldn't be it's hope [Applause] i'm back at the uh farm i got loaded up with water again to get the groundwater tank filling and then i remembered i had one of these so obviously there's a ton of water in here but there's no good way of getting good clean hand washing water out so i have this laying upstairs and i get these from farm cam and i love them on the planters and stuff but i'm going to mount this somewhere and i don't know where to but i'm thinking on the inside of the door so we have access here and something to whack our heads on and it should be just fine when closing here i think it'll work [Music] i need more hands every time try to be cool drop it every time done now i can wash my hands if need be i won't promise anything straight here because i just everything's kind of crooked you know the doors the frame it's good this is the first this is the first you might even take a picture with you sure i follow you on instagram and everything i just drove by i was like that's awesome that's never happened he's super cool dude he's uh they farm down the road he works for a farmer he's over here from south africa so that was pretty cool he see'd me out the window and i just stopped the tractor right there all right sprayed one trailer empty of chemical and water run back just got back from that it's more in list one really go through a lot of that stuff fill that twice to everything else anyways he has done about 450 acres so far today which is moving along pretty good for the road travel especially but we got equally that much left to do come on brody pick it up i'm thinking about switching nozzles i talked to the agronomist nozzles were running is what we've always ran but i have some bigger set on there he's running kind of high tip pressure which tip pressure is what the nozzle is spraying the higher the tip pressure the more fine mist well it gets to be 15 mile per hour gusts at times here it's average of probably 10 mile per hour but thinking i should maybe upsize his nozzles try to get down on some drifting i haven't been along any neighbors but obviously you don't want your spray table away you want that to go on contact you guys notice what i just noticed you must have backed into something a little bit which isn't uncommon when you back up to the grass road ditches well honestly i don't know what happened but there's a nozzle body and they can twist sideways if they twist sideways they turn off so as he came by here it's always good to i always watch or all the spray tender guys watch make sure that it's got a beautiful pattern because sometimes it's hard to tell unless you get the perfect sun from the cab if every one of those little nozzles is spraying so i just radioed them and said hey buddy hey buddy your nozzle's twisted so he's fixing it so i don't know i ran spray tender very little in my life until this year but i don't know how big of a trailer they need to make to make this more convenient but i need more room i need more inductors two is not enough i need putting four different chemicals in plus some in through the sprayer inductor so i need four inductors not two really a slow process lots of mixing when you're under pressure makes me sweat so the goal as a spray tender obviously is to be here be prepared so when the sprayer shows up i just hook up and start blasting water and chemical into them as he puts the ams in through the sprayer because sitting still obviously can't get nothing done so the quicker guy can do it better off one will be especially since a lot of the days of spraying are limited at this time of the year due to wind heat direction you know you can't spray along a neighbor's field or even one of our own with the wrong wind direction if it's corn or beans or edibles or beets you could really have a not so pretty conversation with your neighbor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the so far this has been working out pretty good i mix a batch that's roughly close to getting them empty because you don't want to unshort obviously and then i open the top up on this tote and i drain it in same product but get everything out of there start off fresh never run short works pretty good i think randy can get these on his trailer a lot easier so since everything's open and i'm going to have it be full of everything i'm going to swap that out just put a new one in there let randy deal with training that sounds good to me yeah you're good do they make any different types of trailers i don't know but i think we need to update to a different better something some hello there need more storage longer wider bigger longer well massiver i don't know how randy ever kept up with two of us i just thought this was the cat's meow when we bought it oh my pen there's your pen contaminated throw it up here oh that was more contamination that's worse than my gloves coming back with a full one man yeah we'll let randy deal with that remember that approach we put in this ditch here look at how nice this works out no more three corner backing up in there yeah that was a nice little investment put about 120 feet of pipe in there close the ditch up looks good oh what a day what a day what a good day we beat way better than i thought we were going to do they're still out it's about 8 30. they'll be shutting down shortly but uh did a thousand and four acres or will be healed when he finishes a thousand and four acres of soybeans and i guessing eric probably did 1100 of corn so 2100 acre day that's got to be our record i would say ordained close to it which is good because we were pretty behind because of the weather forecast oh but tomorrow we'll be spraying again until about noon and then we'll see what we get into after that because it's gonna get really hot again 95 that should be fun anyways guys i appreciate you watching and uh hope you enjoyed it we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 242,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O_9VPcQKSn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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