$399 Shake Shack Burger Taste Test | FANCY FAST FOOD

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Can you put this on your teeth? I have dental issues. Is it gonna mess with my teeth? I literally removed my... Do you want to do it? No, yeah. Do it. Welcome to H-town. I'm Paul Wall's brother, Joel Wall. Oh, God. Ah! Alright, Nicole. First up, we're eating Shake Shake today, and we're not gonna not get shakes at the Shake Shack. Oh! This has nothing to do with the Fancy Fast Food we're doing. I'm just thirsty. It's just a freaking delight. So this is their typical, nice little smashy, Smash Burger. Martin's Potato Bun, you got the leaf lettuce that's wilty. Its so beautiful though. And then what they do is they take, it's a giant cheese filled mushroom at the center. Oh my God. You don't even know what that, what those words mean to me. It's such a paired down menu, and then they're like, "we're gonna do a giant, cheesy mushroom nugget, on a burger." I don't know, but I love them for it. Should we dig in? Yeah, yeah. Okay. Let's do it. Cheers! Oh, nevermind. Wow. Look at that color on that. Oh, man! The juices! Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Burger is cooked well. I mean, it's a nice Smash Burger. That's Shack Sauce is delicious. It's a good sauce. Do you what they do, they blend pickles into it. We've gotta do that. We gotta do that. Can I just say the mushroom burger was definitely supposed to be their veggie burger. Of course it is! I knew that! But then they were like, screw it all, and put it on top of an actual beef burger. Yeah, they want to give us the experience. That's a treat. Um, I think we should do a potato bun. Cause we, Oh, sure. I don't know if we've ever made a potato bun, and that's so like, Shake Shack. Uh huh. I think we keep the structure of the mushrooms, but then use other mushrooms. Add on truffles, is the obvious way to go. Your truffles and mushrooms Yeah, why not. obviously love each other. And then, I mean, beef. I don't think we should get too fancy, or crazy, on this one because. Yeah, cause I think their cook is good, but I don't think that beef is necessarily like, the best beef in the world. I think we should kind of mirror that. Yeah. But still be fancy. Uh, I think we got to work it out for a sec. Cause this is a heck of a product. And that, uh, that milk shake. God, that Martin's Potato Roll. Yeah. Nothing like it. Uh. Let's go make some Fancy Fast Food. I am ready! Hey, Nicole. Hey! What are you doing on October 28th at 7:00 PM. Pacific Standard Time? I got tickets to Good Mythical Evening, of course. Oh, my God. So did I! At www.goodmythicalevening.com Actually, we are doing a Good Mythical Evening Yeah. live stream. There's gonna be some fun R-rated experiences. Mhm. I'd say so! Uh huh. Things are getting a little testy with our HR director. Hey, Esther! Hey, hey! For real, live tickets goodmythicalevening.com. October 28, 7:00 PM. Everybody worked really hard on it. It's gonna be wild. I'm gonna be mostly naked, um, for better or worse. I don't know what to tell you. Uh, but check that out. But Nicole, now we're gonna make a fancy Shack Stack. Oh, my! You are gonna eat this bowl of just plain mashed potatoes. Aww. Because you. Oh, yeah. I had wisdom teeth surgery, and there's a hair in here. There's a hair in.. So I got my wisdom teeth removed, and I'm still quite swollen, and I can't eat things. I don't know if you saw me struggling with a burger, but I was struggling. You can, like, suck the juices out of the burger. I did a really good job. So I ate that like the, like the mushroom patty, like this. Yeah. And then she was like and tongued out the cheese liquid. Which was not good for my dry socket. Alright, so, we're making the Martins Potato Roll, right now. That is a classic Mhm. part of Shake Shack. That's one of the reasons that people love it. It's a really squishy bun, but it's got more chew to it. So, it's not just like a super sweet, cakey brioche. Mhm. And the key to that are your dinner, lunch and breakfast mashed potatoes. Now, she's been eating like overnight oats, and chia pudding for the last like, four days. They all make fun of the way I eat too, which isn't very nice, but whatever. They. So we're adding flour and instant yeast. And this is just a little bit of sugar, to let that instant yeast really go. Nicole, you're gonna dump in those mashed potatoes. All of these? Yay, Nicole! What's up, buddy? Do the Mashed Potato! Oh, my God. I am so dumb. Hold on. Okay, hold on. Okay. Ready? Yeah. You gotta go, like, wait, hold on. It's like, it's like. Do the Mashed Potato. Josh, look at what I'm doing. I'm doing the same. Go, go, go. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Then you go, uh. Uh. Okay. Do it fast, do it fast. And then you use your hands. Use your hands! Use your hands! Josh, do you not take directions? I don't know! Just do this. I'm trying. I don't wanna do that! Alright, Nicole, toss some of that Beurre de Bordier in there. Ooh, what does "sarrazin" mean? I actually don't know. This is just the fancy Normandy butter. No, it's not. It's toasted Buckwheat Butter. What does that mean? You're such a pleb. Was that good? Was that good, Trevor? That was good. Yeah, Trevor's teaching us the language of the youth. Holy crap! There's still some buckwheat in that butter? Yeah. Wait, why? I don't know, but I wanna eat it. Why does this product exist? I don't know, but I might have to irrigate my tooth after this. Holy Crap. Mmmm. That's like, bready butter. I've never had anything like that. All of it? Yeah, dump it in. We're gonna make some buttery buns here. Then we're gonna put some of this here Patron Platinum, in there. Nicole, explain to the people what makes Patron Platinum so special, because you were the one that requested this. Cause you were like, why can't we use any fancy Patron in Fancy Fast Food? I said, what would we put it in? And you're like the burger. I'm like, why? I actually don't know why, but I saw the price tag and I really liked it. Which is pretty much how I am with any fancy thing. Patron Platinum is triple distilled from the blue weber agave in Jalisco, Mexico, and then it is aged in Oak barrels. And then they hand inscribe each crystal bottle. And that's why it costs $200. All right, so, we're also gonna add a, this is potato milk. What we've done is we've milked each potato by hand. You know how kittens, they call it making biscuits, where they kind of like, do this on surfaces to push out more milk from their mothers. And that becomes a learned behavior. That's what they do to the milk. Is that what that is? Yeah. That's why when you saw me pawing and purring at potatoes the other day, I was trying to get potato. That's what it was! Now, this is the water that came off of the boiling potatoes and we're gonna add in there. Instead of adding milk to the extra starch, just gonna help it, should I dump it all in? No. Why? Why would you? Cause it just mashes all together! It makes bread! Nice and slowly. Nice and slow. Well I can't, because its gonna run down on the side of the bowl. That's fine. That's fine. Okay, let it go! What do you mean? Let it go. You just dump it all in. I have a strong feeling that's not the amount. This is really cool salt. This is Aztec Sea Salt, off the coast of Colima, Mexico. We buy a lot of fancy salts for this show, and all of them taste the same. This one's actually really good. I've never had a salt It is very good. quite like it. It has a very distinct crunch to it. Its very. It's almost like, porous. Yeah. The crystalline compound is like, really a nuance. I have no idea what I just said! You're so good at being just a like, BS-er food critic. Dude, I pretty much am. It is kinda what we do. We're gonna let this proof, and then we're gonna shape it into buns and bake it. And then we got another surprise coming on the buns? Yeah! Let's do it! My hands, grease. I'm covered in grease. Yeah! Well, okay. Do the Mashed Potato! You've heard of Buns of Steel. Well, honey, we're making Buns of Platinum, brought to you by Patron Gran Plantinum tequila. And my flexing butt muscles. So what we're doing, do you want me to cut this in half first? Um, do you think that's a great idea? We have buns by the way. Oh, yeah! The buns are done, and they're feeling spongy and fantastic. Nice and light. They look gorgeous. It's gonna be wet in the middle. I'm so excited. Nice, wet potato-y bun. I'm excited. So we've avoided working with precious metals because so many times on these like, "World's Most Expensive Burger," like we covered it in gold leaf, and knowing the actual edible metals industry, gold leaf costs like $7 for like, 50 sheets. The idea is like, we're using Patron Platinum, but the bun is also like platinum. So it's like a play on words. Yeah, it's a Platinum, platinum bun. Do I just, put it like that. Mhm. And just kind of swipe it. And then just swipe it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. And then just kind of, well. This looks. We're just gonna need a tin foil. It just looks like we didn't take the tin foil off of a burger. It's like the gum that had the edible wrappers back in the day. And I remember the kid, I was so excited, and then found out that the term edible is really loose. Cause it's more like you're just eating paper with the gum. Wait, maybe it wasn't. Hey. Did my brother trick me? Can you put this on your teeth? I have dental issues. Is it gonna mess with my teeth? I literally removed my. Do you wanna do it? No, yeah. Do it. Welcome to H-town. I'm Paul Wall's brother, Joel Wall. Oh, God. Ugh! That tastes like pennies. It's fancy, shut up. Uh! What do you mean, this is fancy? It's literally ripped tin foil. At least gold is like a color. You know what, fine. Let me have fun! Have fun! Let me just have fun! You know, you have fun. I'm gonna have fun when we start raining truffles and stuffing shrooms. Oh, God! This is it! This is all it does. That looks really good. Yeah, that looks really good. That looks great. It looks. Oh, my God. So good. I am sure, whenever the final burgers done, it's gonna look much better by just like, uh. Oh God, we're gonna, could you just cut the cameras? We're gonna work on this. Alright, now we've gotta get down to cooking the mushrooms. So, we got Maitake mushrooms, we got Oyster mushrooms, and we have Lion's Mane mushrooms. Lion's Mane mushrooms called Lion's Mane mushrooms because they're furry like a lion's mane. You know, you go up to the lion. They're fuzzy! So, you're just gonna start hacking those up. I am gonna start sauteing these. We got pistachio oil, which I don't think you want to like, cook with, right? Why not? Really, but like, high heat pistachio oil? Don't freak me out. I'm just gonna go veggie oil, and then saute those up, and then hit it with pistachio oil at the end. Okay, whatever you want, Boss. It makes more sense to me. You calling me boss man, it's weird. I don't know, its fun. We got some fresh thyme. We got a Portobello mushroom caps. We have three cheeses, right here. Uh, we have, uh, right here! Like I'm Paul Wall, again. Alright, so we have Sottocenere, out of Italy. All three cheeses have truffles, and then we figured mushrooms, truffles, why not? So we have Sottocenere, that's got truffles in it. We have truffle, uh, I'm gonna say it how-da, because that's the Dutch pronunciation of Gouda, man. And you know what? Start pronouncing things out there, man. I don't know what to tell you. I was like, Josh is Giada Delau.. Have you ever been? No, man. But have you ever been to the Netherlands? No, I never have. I'm a big fan of the Dutch soccer team, though. Especially when they had the triple of a Arjen Robben, Robin van Persie and Wesley Sneijder. Anyways, I'm gonna eat some of this cheese. Okay, go for it. Want to try this Moliterno? I would love to. So, we're gonna make like a mushroom paste almost halfway to a duxelle, that's what it's called? Uh, yeah! Should I throw it in? Yeah, toss it. Finger banger. And then, of course, we're gonna de-glaze it all with that Patreon Platinum, because we bought it. Tequilas and truffles. And I want to use it. Who knew! We're just gonna saute that up. Yoo-ee! Want some fancy salt? I don't know. All salts tastes the same. I said that one didn't, but you know, like. Yeah, no. I get it. And then, Mmmmmm. MMMM! Stank! We have black truffle here, right here. So a black truffle, don't wanna put too much heat on it. We're gonna get these mushrooms fully sauteed. We're gonna add the pistachio oil, the black truffle. That's gonna be a real funky combination. Awesome! And then you're gonna start hacking up that cheese. I would love to. You're gonna mix that into a paste with a little bit of, I don't know what this is. This is. That's Italian cream cheese. Its Nonno Nonni, Italian soft style cheese. It tastes like you explained what Philadelphia cream cheese is to somebody, and they like tried to do their best approximation of it. But it's imported. It's from Italy. It's also wet and leaking on me. Are we adding alcohol to something and not lighting it on fire? I mean you can light it on fire. Do you want to? Josh, look at me. No, no. Look at me in my face. Do you wanna light it on fire? A little bit. Where's the long lighter? It's over there. Is it in here? Why was there tape on it? Who's trying to tape my fire drawer shut? Okay, you can go for it. Fascists! Be careful of the, of the boom mic. No, nothings gonna happen. It's kinda getting old now. Yeah, we kinda done it enough, you know. I don't wanna do it anymore. I've done it enough. But anyways, it's lit on fire now. You guys still find it cool? Comment below if you want us to keep, cause one day something crazy is gonna happen. So, now I'm gonna take some of this black truffle. This is a black winter truffle, not as potent as the white winter truffle, but still we're getting into truffle season. So, I'm gonna grate some of this in there, it's gonna add all that flavor to that truffle cheese, really perfume that burger. Did you know that I wish I could be a perfume, like a perfumer? You have. How many jobs do you wish you could. You have doula, you have perfumer, you have sex therapist and Marine Biologists. I mean, choose one. I just had marine biologist today! Yeah. And I didn't know that about you. What does I was talking about, like, dolphins and how they sometimes like to have relationships with humans. No, you were talking about sharks! You go it all wrong. I was talking about sharks, and how they like to eat humans. And I said, we should microchip them. And then he's like that's up. No, she didn't say that we shouldn't microchip them. She said "Why haven't we micro-chipped them all?" And I was like, "they can't just find all of them." She's like, "they should! If I was a Marine Biologist and I wanted to be one, I would have micro-chipped all the sharks." Like you would have found all the sharks. Should I just toss these in? Yeah, go for it. This is gonna kind of gently warm the cream cheese, and then we're gonna stuff those mushroom caps with them. Yes, sir. Can I eat the residual cheese? Of course, you can. Can I cook these for lunch? Of course, you can. Nice. So, now we're just gonna take this, we're gonna fill it. We're doing both sides, just like Shake Shack does. Mhm. I'm just gonna scoop the schleam, as Trevor would say. Yeah, maybe it's not a great rule if Trevor says it, you know. Why? Because of the hat that says "Bigfoot tried to eat his ." So, what? Maybe he did. You don't know that. Jeremy, did Bigfoot try to eat your ass? I prefer not to comment. Well, that means the CIA got to him. One day, we'll talk about this. Uh-oh. What, are we gonna talk about the CIA one day? No, we're gonna talk about conspiracy theories one day, but today might not be that day. Yeah, I got a lot. It's all about Richard Gear Monsanto. Together, not separate. Sandwich! Hey! Now we, gonna go ahead and bread this, and fry this, and then put it on top of the hamburger. Me and Nicole are fighting No, we're not. because she doesn't want me to pour this bowl of raw eggs into the deep fryer. Because I care about your face. Trevor and I really wanna do it. Okay. I don't care about my face! I don't need you to care about my face. So what we're gonna do. The cameras are rolling. Can we be friends? Sure. Oh my God, Nicole, what are you doing? I'm just taking a bunch of American Kraft singles, which is legit one of my favorite snacks in the whole. Yeah, she eats them cold. Also Martha Stewart also does this, and if it's good enough for her, it's good enough for me. Wait. So I'm just gonna take a bunch of these, thwap them in, and then I'm gonna add a touch of gelatin and a bunch of truffle. Oh, my God! Yummers! Its, she's crazy. She knows. She likes it! She went to prison. I have the frozen mushroom puck, that's filled with all that truffle cheese and all that. Awesome, awesome. We're putting it into flour. It's the fanciest flour that you could ever get at a, like a Vaughn's or something, or let's mention a previous sponsor of, Ralph's. Do you have pockets? Somewhere. But, it's like hard to reach, and you gotta really dig awkwardly. Can't just, oh god. Thank you! Okay. And then we're going to the egg wash. And then these were brioche breadcrumbs. It's fancy because we took brioche bread from Whole Foods, Yeah. the ones that I always walk by and I'm like, ah, is tonight the night I get the Brioche. I'm like, no. You know that. Of course, I know the feeling. And then we're just gonna, when we dehydrated them, it was just to say, put them in the freaking oven. Yeah. And I'm gonna go ahead and double dredge this, just to give us some extra protection. Although double wrapping for extra protection, isn't like, a thing. No, not in like practice. But I think for frying these, I think double wrapping. Double, uh. Double Dipping? Well, uh, don't do that. That's how you get a UTI. So, I'm gonna drop the mushroom patty in there. And then, just for fun. Just for fun! Don't do it! Nicole! Don't do it! This is where I put my foot down. It's either that or I deep fry my fingers with the bread crumbs. Dude, I don't care. Alright, so, this is looking golden brown and good. This looks like it. Josh, that looks nice! This is already the size of a whole hammer. This was gonna be the one time where we're like, we're gonna make an appropriately sized hamburger because, you know, we did the Whopper and we were sick of it. We were like, this is too big. It's ostentatious. It's grandiose. It's tacky. And I hate you. And we were gonna do a normal sized burger. And then now one component of the burger is the size of a burger. Good job, Nicole. Do you think my mouth can unhinge that big? No, your mouth can. You can't eat anything but chia pudding right now. I literally can't. I'm gonna dump some of this. Just a little bit, just a little bit. I just want to see what happens. You're a menace to society! I just want to see what happens. And then now we're gonna strain it. Look at that, it's pretty sweet! I'm glad we did that. I bet you didn't expect to see a giant jug of Carlo Rossi on the camera. Where's the tequila? What? Okay, tequila is not. We'll explain why. Okay, you, you say what you're gonna do, then I'm gonna say what I'm gonna do. I'mma make the sauce! Shack Sauce. So, Shack Sauce, it's one of the better. That's smoking. Ooh. So Shack Sauce is one of the better fast food sauces. Remove it from the heat then. Nah, it's fine. It's doing fine. Its doing its thing. So, Shack Sauce, the best fast food sauces. It's like any special sauce, except rumor has it, they take whole fermented pickles and they blend that in, and that's what gives you that fun umami punch. So, we're taking, what are these? Caraway pickles? Um, they are called "The Real Dill" Caraway Garlic Dills. Should I start cooking this hamburger? Go for it, man. What kind of beef is that? It looks very unique. Smell, smell. Okay. Dry aged. Oh, that's what it is! Yeah! The funk! So, it's a mixture of dry aged trimmings and Wagyu beef from Gwen, which is in Hollywood. It is Curtis Stone, friend of the show. Friend of the podcast! One of the guests on our podcast! We love Curtis stone. Come back! I'm wearing the shirt! Can you see it? Curtis! Curtis, come back! But no, it's a really fantastic butcher shop. And so we're gonna smash this. And so what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna take this here patty, I'm gonna put it on that. Nicole, my hands are, this is gonna put this on fire, Josh! Take the salt! Salt it! Josh, it exploded! That's very dangerous. The oil exploded. One day, something crazy is gonna happen. Pan lit on fire. I ain't ever seen that happen before. A first in the Mythical Kitchen? No way! What! This is Yuzu mayo. Looks like curd. Debbie's mayonnaise mixed with fresh Yuzu juice. Well, I shouldn't use that pan. I don't think you should. No, my god! That one's wet! Uh, its gross! It's sticky! It's dirty! I think you should just let it chill for a second. Why don't you just help me make the sauce? Why don't you just give some nice commentary as I make the sauce. What's this, Josh? Mereken chili pepper from Chile. The country is named after a pepper. Or the pepper are named after a man, mustard, mayonnaise. This is a blender. That's the color of a sauce that I like. Yeah. Nice and pink. Jelly? Yeah, but I think you need a little bit of salt and pepper, but give it a taste anyway. Well, let's see where we're at. I was not inviting you. I was not inviting you! I thought that's precisely what you were doing. I think it needs a little bit of salt and it's danky dank. Wow, it is so bright Yeah. and delicious, and you. Oh, my God, what a sauce! Dang! The mustard going in there. Delicious. Let's put a little bit. Smoked chili, wow! This is a delight. Gorgeous! I've never used this before. That is gorgeous. Mmm! Big kernels. That's great! Well, now we just gotta figure this whole fire situation out. Yeah, you. Alright, so, I'm gonna take all that Aztec salt. Wow! You wanna crack me some pepper? Sure. Get some pepper on there, and we're trying to really do a smash burger and we're gonna do it up. And brought to you by Carlo Rossi, giant jugs of wine. That's not fair! Cheapest, giant jugs of wine that you can buy. It's smoking again. It's smoking again. Should I even oil it? No, no, no! No oil. Just go dry? Yeah, live your life! This is a very fatty guy. And screw it! Save us, Carlo Rossi! Save us! Wow, you're strong. You know what? The Carlo Rossi is conc. It's concave. So now he's got to go in and kind of even it out. There we go! That's nice. Why is it smoking so much today? Look, what a good little Smash Burger we made! We're gonna salt up the other side. Get a little pepper. Nicole, start building the burger! Okay, which one is which? Uh, which one is which! Ones covered in foil, the others covered in foil. Okay, no problem. Uh, is there like, a specific order I should go in or just like, we'll go for it? You can sauce the bottom. I can sauce the bottom? I don't know if they sauce the bottom. I don't believe they did, but I don't care. I like it. It's a good sauce. It's a really nice sauce. This is awesome. Yeah, this is gonna be dank. And it's, ah, it's gonna be way too big to eat. That's a big old meatball. Alright, let's flip this burger. Wow. Wow. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. Do it baby! Yeah! Look at that! That is a heck of Smash Burger. Wow! So much crust on that. Look at us! That crust is next level. You want to pop some cheese on there? Yeah, for sure. So cheese and then truffles? No, no, no. Truffles, then cheese. Oh, God, I forgot. I forgot. I forgot. I forgot. Yeah. Yeah. The truffle is just gonna melt into the beef fat. Wow! Oh, my God. Oh, my God, it's so juicy! A little King of the Hill reference. Alright. Holy cannoli! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That boy ain't right. That's another banger from the show King of the Hill. You watch a lot of King of the Hill? I really do enjoy King of the Hill. I just know one part that goes, "that's my purse! I don't know you!" Okay. I'm gonna put the burger down. Okay. Go for it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Indeed. Mock- ing. Yeah. Yeah. Bird! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is that how it goes? Mocking bird! Holy! What the he- come on. What have we done? We should've, man. How did they do it? Cause they did the same thing that we did. Josh, just let it go. Ah! We were gonna make it a normal size burger. Nothing about us or this show is normal. Yeah, we are eating tinfoil today, and you've heard of tin foil hats. We got a review on the podcast the other day that just went, "man, Josh was on some real tinfoil hat stuff." And I had no idea what he was talking about, but he's right. We did it! Yeah! God, what the heck! It looks so good! What do you mean it looks so good? Josh, what is wrong with you? It's so nice. It looks like! It looks like what? No, it looks like one of the Mad Max, Fury Road dudes vomited all over this before he went to Valhalla or whatever. Let's compare that to the original burger that we eated earlier. Yeah, pretty much the same. Pretty much the same. Every time. Look at it! They can't even get normal sized tomatoes! Look how small it is! Look at both. Oh, wow. Yeah, you know, they were using like, the smaller mushroomies, I guess. Well, let's give it a retaste. This just, here. I'll have another one. You eat that one. You eat that one! I don't want! Fine, fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Okay. Thank you, so much. This is probably what I was gonna look like. You okay? Its really good. I want to dip it in our sauce. What happened? Just pretend. I'm pretending. You're pretending. There's something in there. I saw that. Wow, Nicole. Now we get to eat this, but wait before. You've heard of Smash Burger. Oh, my God! I did it! This is a nicest thing you have ever done. How much better does that make it look? Oh, my God, Josh. Thank you so much! Oh, my God, open it back up. Open it back up! I wanna get the cheese back on. Open what up? The burger! Splay it! Splay it! Like that? Yeah, there you go. Okay, good. Look at that. Now it's gonna be great! You want to cut this in half? Me? Yeah, yeah. Do it! Oh, this is the first time we've done like a true smash burger on Fancy Fast Food. It's pretty exciting. That's pretty exciting. Look at that! Holy crap! That's kind of. That's much prettier! Cheers. It's just oozing gray. Mmmm! That's kind of really good. Holy crap. Oh, I hate that I'm covered in shiny. Josh, this is what fancy people do. This is a massive explosion of cheese, and truffle, and meat flavor. This actually really works. Uh huh. This actually works a lot better than the Shake Shack. It's delicious. As silly and puffy as the mushroom looked when we put it on initially, once you just splash it down, and sploot it all out, it just, I mean, it really works together in the burger. There is a massive explosion of that earthiness. It is absolutely delicious. This is like, low key one of the better burgers I've ever eaten. Mm-hmm. Right? You? Yeah! And you know what I like? It's not hiding behind the truffle. It's using the truffle. which I really appreciate. But Josh, I have to ask you a real question. Yeah? How much did this whole thing cost? Well, Nicole, what if I told you for the low cost of $399.97 this burger could be yours. No way! The fact that it's not like, super big and like crazy, but it still costs that much, is actually nuts. Yeah. We put like a, there's like a whole truffle. There's no more of that truffle left. It's inside here. I don't know where it went. Whatever we paid for that in store, that's just in here now. And it's a fricking delay, on flavor. Honestly, I'm coming more around to truffles these days. Me too. Oh, there's the tomato. Uh, buy an apron, so we can keep affording to feed ourselves truffles. Listen to our podcasts, so Josh and I have an hour to just speak our minds. Subscribe to our Only Fans, so we can train travel to be. Trevor. We do not have an Only Fans. Subscribe to our Patreon. Well, it's a nudey Patreon, so we can train Trevor on how to be a truffle pig. We'll put him on a leash and he'll go find truffles. It's not a sex thing. Ow! Nicole is infirm. Hey! Cook up your own feast while wearing the Mythical Kitchen apron. Available now at www.mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 683,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: hE2HQjZ2nm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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