2024 USBC Queens Stepladder Final

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the first match seasoning Champion ly boomershine taking on Felicia Wong of Alberta Canada going for a first title winner boths 19-year-old star Jillian Martin going for a second win the two seed is two-time Queen champ and Hall of Famer Kelly KCK and the top seed raing Rookie of the Year Pope gramley seeking her first ever tour title it is time to bowl in Green Bay Full House here tonight [Applause] [Music] here is the defending champ the one title last year's Tiara winning USBC Queens in Vegas can she repeat the feat as the five seat this year sit is the question it's a long ladder to climb talented Bowlers here tonight underway in title Town missed the mark Lindsay choosing to start with the urethane straight out of the way this this evening throwing a pitch black fairly common throughout the week from a lot of our women not something we see often on tour a lot of urethane going down the lane 2 4 5 7 8 a lot left up here first shot nerves Lindsay told us last night what winning the title meant to her last year incredibly significant to get her first ever Victory it was a major back on TV tonight in a quest for number two can't cover open frame early leaves the 47 absolutely she makes a ball change to a much different piece ladies and Gentlemen please welcome our number four seed from Canada Felicia W and ultimately pays the price you're not always sure what that bulling ball is going to do when it goes down the lane so that was a risk she paid full price for that ISB just outside Calgary Alberta just like said a former Witchita State shocker and the lone Lefty of the show tonight she'll have that side all to herself I'm in love with Felicia and is to State connection you know we didn't go there at the same time whatsoever but anytime you have two collegiate players that went to the same University there's always that connection just like we have lindsy bersin and Jillian Martin both on the show today but who went to Nebraska get him Lindsay takes some notes double wood here for the Lefty trying to cover the 39 does it you know the nerves are just flowing here Sid you've been in these big pressure situations before that's like worthy of a strike song no Felicia's pretty pretty much only goal she talked to us about last night was to be present in the moment seeing her smile after that close call is everything you could ask for she had the four FS she talked about fun free Fierce and Felicia just be me it's been a minute since she's been on TV under the bright lights lots of success for the Canadian national team including gold medals but not on the women's tour until now left lane who Way Off the Mark little long washes out one three 6 7 trouble it's actually not a bad shot from Felicia ball just gets too far to the right down Lane ultimately we would want to see her be straighter in order to use that part of the lane down Lane um there's quite a bit of a cliff lot to cover here Sydney and she can't do it either so matching open frames which evens things out essentially early in our first match tonight Fela no doubt Felicia quick to come over and talk to her tour team she she told us what was wrong she said that was a little long does say Felicia has charismo would be an understatement she is quite the colorful character back to y now got to be a relief to see her opponent open as well second frame right lane Boomer shine that's a lot better and crunches the one three pocket all right s let's break down our playing conditions we're at 40 ft our future for the sport oil pattern here tonight what do you think absolutely chatting with the guy who designs our oil patterns Nick hogland we want to stay as far the right as possible and when we do that we see this Cliff this dark oil kind of around 5 six on the lane when we have that that dark oil it's really the ice on the way back and it creates hold for us it creates a cliff so we want to stay to the right of that St to the right of that gives you fire oil to your right which is going to create hook and Ice oil to your left Lindsay looking for backto back Jacks high and help help on the 10 almost teters but will not fall for the five [Music] seat common in Bowling we see a over correction she misses right that first shot almost gets a break here going Brooklyn doesn't quite get enough gas on of that ttin pin going to become the first back-to-back Queens winner since katsuko Sugi Moto 1981 82 it's only been done four total times amazing it's that hard to do it's that challenging an event let's take care of the 10 pin has her Mark got around one one I didn't catch back to the four seed are Southpaw National Champion at' 07 as were you different times you talk about but ITC winner in addition to all the years on Team Canada great career yeah she's only been out here 3 years I think that's the part that great shot there from Felicia it's something we have to get over with her um she she has a lot of experience and other venues you know with Team Canada and uh with witch state but ultimately you know this is still new to her she's only been out here 3 [Music] years and quite the musician as we found out last night you probably knew this already but excellent ukulele player and what a singing voice from fate yeah if you follow her on social media you get a little taste of it sometimes you got to check it out whoever's watching now just get your phone out check Instagram it's pretty cool oh that's close here's the Southpaw thought it was close double wood again second time that's happened thank you speaking of Wich listen in [Music] here she lives in a fairy tale somewhere too far for us to find taste she's good s she's amazing great voice plays the ukulele Lefty too that's cool stuff brings the ukulele with her all the time it's a good luck charm F she plays that to relax on Match days double wood again this time about that one big side relief gold medal won recently for Team Canada in KAG Columbia games over Maria Jose Rodriguez last year in Vegas 202 176 the title match for her first title she said a dream come true she works so hard to get that point that's to find little Groove here and the seven pin is stubborn and will not [Music] fall one noticeable thing about Lindsay here is you're going to see her get the ball into the swing really quick almost has a a hinge in her push away and it creates space for her to have a power step where keep her feet highly underneath her lag time is the one of the most important things in bowling and she creates it by getting the ball in the swing that fast Cross Lane seven got enough of that qualifying here in Green Bay 31st spot qualifying last year in Vegas number 31 same spot into match play from Lindsay last year if that's not her favorite number it should be now I mean she said last night to us got to be a good L charm she's hoping but she's in a hustle here against Felicia W in The Opening [Music] match Brooks on a spar we fifth frame up by two pins pretty good liked it good reason tap on the T all right good good shot here from Lindsay in comparison to the frame before much more in front of her you're going to see her get it just right of that Tracer down Lane that was the key place for our players this week It ultimately came down to in every conversation we had with the players last night was how do I be as straight as possible for as long as possible and some of the women fell into the idea of using urethane long works on a spare here that really had a hurry to make the onew pocket for the Lefty waylight 34 E to 13 60 still up way too far left down Lane her angles are just more open than what she would need need to have a a great line to that one two [Music] pocket a big conversion a close match he liked it knew it off of her hand that's not a usual spare to know right off of your hand scores in the elimination round final last night Martin 710 got to the three spot Felicia fourth Lindsay able to squeak in to try to defend her title janeson just out of the money at the six spot 584 for her it's two great weeks in a row from Jane you know winning last week in Rockford coming out having another good week here on tour no surprise come on we got a ball change here from Felicia you like this I do it's more aggressive little bit earlier she won't have to feel as perfect oh no left lane didn't like it that's why it's a light hit thises that onew pocket six up for her for a spare listening to herself self talk after that shot she knew it off of her hand just makes me think that she missed it at the bottom so the ball's not going to hook as much she's not going to see the shape that she wants we heard her say it's not as good as or not as bad as it could have been Steve and Beth have made the trip from Calgary today get here in time green B watch their daughter play live on the SBC Queens show here in Green Bay Wisconsin underway on CBS Sports Network tonight Julian thanks for joining us here I know you're excited about possibly winning another title only 19 years old going for title number two already how do you feel about this evening's match for you just going to stay calm go out there uh do my thing repeat my process and hope the pins fall my way so we'll see what happens awesome Jillian um how much time have you spent in your break here to watch what's going on on the current TV pair I've actually watched everything that's happened so far just to kind of get some insight um after this I'll probably go throw some practice shots just to get ready to come down to this pair but so far I like what I see and yeah like I said we'll see what happens see you soon on the lanes thanks Julian thank you Jor to be at Nebraska member of Junior Team USA and the adult Team USA as well 2021 pwba B TV classic champ as an amateur what a incredibly exciting young star on the tour we'll see her in action next against the winner of this one anyone's match here Sid it's an exciting one it's going to be a battle of who can get comfortable first Lindsay out of the break that looked really good ringing 10 pin Nice Shot love that shot from Lindsay the question as a bowler has to be you know would I throw that one again take the result out of play am I good with what I did for Lindsay the answer to that one has to be yes great shot just right of that Rangefinder down Lane very emotional chat last night with Lindsay about the passing of storms Bill Chrisman how close they were what Bill meant to bowling and oh boy off the mark on the 10 pin and especially to L the Boomers shine family Lindsay and [Music] Hank made it a do dedicating what she hopes is another win to Bill chrisman's memory and of course her family Utah there's no doubt passing Bill Chrisman is big for the entire bowling community no matter who you were affiliated with it impacted all of us and I know that bills on Lindsay's heart today you know as she bowls second open there Sydney that's big it is she has to find a way to just pull the seventh frame here that's how you do it trip 10 pin nice response from the Miss 10 on the right lane for Boomers I saw a note on another one of my competitor's notebooks this week we all kind of have a notebook that we walk around with and her said the only thing that matters is what happened on the last one and what am I going to do on the next one that's it you can't do anything about it it's just what happened and what am I going to do about it so for Lindsay it's how do I refocus and get back to being present ficia works on a spare hopeing that hurries up and gets the 10 pin big strike right lane for our Southpaw tonight my strike on it's by far the best shot shot that we have seen from Felicia you just can't help but smile when you're watching her compete her energy just exudes Joy she said she wanted to B heart forward and joy filled this week Max scores right now 218 for long 215 for Bine be a really tight final couple of frames here TV debut for Felicia oh yeah tricky tricky split 6 nice it appears that ficia like that one for me it was too far right off of our hand down Lane being the only one on that side of the lane she had the opportunity to set it up during practice pattern this week was symmetrical so so she could create some hook for herself a little bit of hold if she needed to to one can't get it Returns the favor as we saw Cindy at the start of the match with another open after Lindsay open out of the commercial break so things are still very interesting here in Green Bay in our first match wow no doubt that Felicia liked that one she almost looks still confused about what happened big response eighth frame right lane from ly that looked really good out of her hand and she tattoos the one three pocket all 10 back there her best shot of the match visit Lan talk.com you'll find live scoring links your favorite centers and all the latest products to help you track your scores and improve your game they just added a new feature you can now manually input your scores it's been a big want from all the professionals out on tour and so now every Bowling Center in the world essentially has Lan talk fantastic heard the self talk here Lindsay Foundation frame looks for the [Music] turkey expand the lead of 29 not quite good job yeah that Miss right there further left we saw it go over the rangefinder down Lane that Miss right there is why the women chose to use urethan when we used reactive and did that you were looking at a red circle on your scoreboard and those are never a good sign so ultimately misses a little bit left but with urethane ball motion is so smooth she comes out with just leaving a four pin four pin here that was a big non strike though even bigger four pan got that FL no problem now the mark in the ninth seat steps up next Julian Martin only 19 years old already bidding for a second title as we talked about come see to take on the winner of this she's 19 but she's been on TV a lot yeah six times appearances Collegiate appearances she's made six finals as a a non-member onour that's impressive you saw the max numbers Big Shot here Felicia oh yeah the pressure gets cranked up here because things are going to be interesting down to the 10 [Music] nearly perfect shot here from Felicia right when she needs it you she talks a lot about stepping up in the moment she said it made her feel alive you know to throw shots when you have to beat somebody to be a head-to-head opponent there's the win probability way up for Lindsay ficia didn't get the ptq at Rockford the show Green Bay was hoping did read and it would read and pick up enough steam to get to the onew pocket if didn't do [Music] it some must make here for Felicia to have any chance all right ficia come on all the time Felicia's sister here from Oregon as well great family support flying in day of that's a long that's a long trip they made it tough conversion no and we're going to leave balloon here for Boomer shine on that miss Nine just needs one pin stay in the lane stay clean behind the foul line and Lindsay's going to win this one and move on to take on Jullian Martin our three seed tonight right let's make better shots we're going to see an immediate ball change here for Lindsay she knows the situation she just has to get one pin take the time to get a look at something other than urethane got a pin got 10 punches the pocket with a strike and Lindsay boomershine our defending champion of USBC Queens we'll take on Jillian Martin from Nebraska welcome Dave and Sid with you impressions of match number one Sydney you know it was a tough one we saw both players not quite that comfortable out on the lanes but Lindsay ultimately came out on top so Kelly KCK is coming up hope ramley is coming up you're feeling in for Kelly tonight because she's going for a third Queens in her incredible Hall of Fame career how do you see those two fairing here this Seas well Kelly is going to bring the Wiz up she's going to bring the age to this telecast where Hope Has grit and fire that cannot be matched by anybody else on this show so ultimately I don't know it could be a toss up can't wait second match is coming up Lindy Boomers shine Jillian Martin all on the way from here in Green Bay Wisconsin one match complete and a lot more great bowling coming your way on CBS Sports Network tonight it's the first major of 2024 it's the pwba tour and it's USBC Queens match two is next bracket so far we saw the Boomer shine Sid struggle out of the gate couple of opens but did gain pretty good form at the end of the first match yeah there was no doubt Lindsay finally got comfortable out there we saw her using urethane be interesting to see if she STS I'm not going in this [Music] match bers shine third C Martin Head to Head six strikes for boomershine first match stay over your feet couple of opens still one by almost 40 pins of course TV finals of the Season bringing 10 pin good shot no break we get answer from Lindsay in the first frame but whether or not she's staying with urethane out of it quickly only gave her 10 frames we see her switch to uh early asymmetric bowling ball same break point down Lane just migrates her feet further left was a big topic of discussion last night yourself as a pro bowler in five on the show about coverstock urethane what was the choice going to be woo 10 pin celebrates that after a bit of a struggle in match number one with Felicia ju ladies and Gentlemen please welcome our number three seed from Stow Ohio Jillian [Applause] Martin from just outside akan Cleveland area Northeast Ohio star bowler at Nebraska 19 years old and here She is again chance for a second title already in her spectacular young career good looking shot somehow the N pin dance she wanted that one to lay off off of her hand further left than what she more than likely wanted ultimately first shot on TV for a major championship I'd take that pretty good right it's pretty good pretty good exuded a lot of com last night lost her first match out of the losers bracket climb the losers bracket lot of bowling to get to the show got her single pin spare conversion the player rolls a 300 game during tonight's telecast we receive a $10,000 bonus courtesy of goo.com visit goo.com to find local bowling centers get tips from the pros and for all the latest news and information about your favorite sport bowling age 20 for windy Back in 88 could have some history tonight wouldn't that be something left lane tap on the T down it goes better shot than the first one [Music] Jillian's going to be somebody on our show who shapes it a lot more than some of the other players closest to her might be Kelly although Kelly did tell us she wanted to play as straight as she could shaping it that much in comparison to the girls you're bowling against could play to your advantage Lindy bowling someone half a agage tonight on TV that's something right lane for the 5c comes in a little high and the four pin stands for her special shot out to son Aiden watching tonight in Utah big deal he's got a baseball game tomorrow night he does very important it actually makes me wonder if he wears the number 31 cuz if he doesn't he probably should he should AG let's call let's get in touch with the league coach somehow and get that to happen DM I'm sure we can find oh I'm sure social media no doubt anyway Aiden her biggest fan said mom when you leave I want another tiara please just just piece of cake just bring it back maybe she will no worries on the four pin here Night 10 Eastern get ready for some intense pitch play as Angel City hosts the San Diego Wave It's the nwsl here on CBS Sports Network R soccer's coming your way [Music] great Bing here tonight in Green Bay sh here is [Music] too could tonight yield her second ever title imagine that your first two titles are queens that would be something it's a really pretty trophy case no doubt Boomer shot shot I have appreciation for her frustration leaving that 10 pin it was a lot of chatter amongst the players this week it was really difficult to carry you felt like oh I had the right combination and somehow I'm shooting another 10 pin and so for Lindsay the frustration is shared by many players she talked to us about being spicy and being Fierce on the lanes tonight be aggressive there we go not to spare things are really close early let's see how the kid [Music] responds heading to France in a few days family friends being married in France that sounds pretty good and then Team USA to Korea as well over the summer lots of exciting travel in her plans come on get in there three seed oh yeah Hammer is the one three pcket it's going to be difficult to beat that ball motion from Jillian [Music] she's going to slide around 21 14 at the arrows just eight down Lane nine down Lane beautiful line straight there to the pocket our players every single person was trying to find a way to do just that [Music] [Music] back to back Jacks wow thumps the pocket those pins had no chance whatsoever and shrapnel remains in the pit it's almost like we watched a repeat of the last shot just went through the pins a little differently turkey for Martin nine Spar is not going to do it here for Lindsay she can see the look that Julian's got he knows just that it's Strike [Music] Time down 22 right lane th just that nice shot Lindsay you can tell is sliding just a little right of jilan about three boards much further down Lane she's about 8 eight down L we saw Jillian was further left than that closer to 9 or 10 [Music] got wow ring and 10 pin another really nice shot but no break whatsoever and come on it's going to be tough to overcome against Martin oh good shot shot looking for some great pwba gear visit the official online store go pwba at shop pwba.com [Music] got great stuff on that website there is there's a nice pink T-shirt this year yeah it's got the whole t are you asking me to buy you the t-shirt do you want me what size I would all right I'd like to add it to the Wardrobe put it in the cart I'll stop Cross Lane familiar sight another 10 pin these are good shot from Lindsay it's not like she's missing the pocket no absolutely not when you're facing somebody like Jillian who has incredible strike power it just it takes more than hit the pocket and make your spare you know when it's qualifying and you just have to make your way into you know the top 12 or the top five it's it's different but here there's a sense of urgency that you have to have as a player knowing and bulling somebody who could easily shoot 250 against me double major at Nebraska see quite a few ring of 10 pins tonight forensic Sciences biological sciences maybe the medical field maybe CSI talented student athlete Nebraska let check her form out here Jillian has a beautiful game she works very hard top of that swing look how steep that is incredibly steep swing in comparison to her height you know it actually is reminiscent of person we're going to see next in Kelly KCK she balls slightly above her head C it's ball speed power leverage oh shoot watch out missed it and that changes things dramatically with a whiff 10 pin the open frame flips the script here we've seen it from both players now with those Miss 10 pins they know it right off of their hand as professionals sometimes we take it for granted like oh yeah I'm going to make this I do it all the time typically the only time we miss them is when we're unfocused we're thinking about okay okay what what should I have done differently what am I going to do on the next shot instead of just hey I got to make this 10 pin looking for the recovery strike doesn't get it though no help from the passengers spins but does not make contact with the 10 pin good shot there from Jillian ball deflect slightly through the N pin rather than going straight through that 89 causing the six pin to go right told us last night she got incredible support all week from her teammates in Nebraska with texts and DMS and social media posts the win it for them too there's a 10 pin at the break match two only nine pin separate Boomer shine and Martin great finish coming up from Green Bay on CBS Sports Network it's the 2024 USBC Queens halfway home match two Martin boomershine head-to-head the 19-year-old Julian Martin a nine pin lead Kelly KCK is next up as the two SE joins us now Kelly we missing in the booth but we're really glad you're on the lanes competing tonight it'll be fun to watch you what led to this point to make the show tonight what was really working for you this week uh this week the belief to get there I I wanted to win this year I got sick of losing I got good at losing you should be good at losing you should be great at winning and that's what made me get to this point tonight Kell what's the number one thing you want to focus on in these next 10 frames to help you win today my three keys um short free and head short First Step free swing keep my head on my Target and everything's going to be golden KK we appreciate you best of luck thank you Hall of Famer going for her third USBC Queens legendary bowler leaves the booth and hits the ls I'll always play back up to Kelly like I'm so good with that we're really glad to have we want to have you on the show too Sid I mean yeah we'll work you guys yeah maybe we'll both make it on we'll see who hangs out with you that' be awesome all right back to the matter at hand here some life for Lindsay you saw the little bounce in her appearance after the open frame from Martin before the break changes things dramatically down nine Orcs on the spare six R Big Shot big strike slightly different launch angle there for Lindsay come on Lane see she gets that one all the way 56 down Lane she was a lot closer to that range by your 8 9 10 whether she did that on purpose or it was an accident she should take note of it cuz it worked it went through the pins much better than the previous shots shot here stay over your feet as Bowers one of the most important things we can do is even on our bad shots still observe cuz we can learn so much information Boomer shine played at Nebraska Martin BS at Nebraska something right lane oh goodness 4 10 split the left lanes throughout the week did hook more does not surprise me lindsy is slightly further left however this shot down here covers that dark range finder we can't even see it the ball's over top of it that is what causes her to go high unfortunately paying full price leaving the [Music] 410 tough break Cross Lane missing the 10 open frame and the lead for Martin balloons to 21 pins on the bench here let's see if the youngster can take advantage of fellow Nebraska star Lindy boomershine her mistake College Rookie of the Year 2023 a junior to be as we talked about at Nebraska what a future what a present it already feels like Jillian's out on tour with us this is her F third finals appearance in a row in the events that she's bow impressive Jan Martin brings us this week's Bowl TV high of the week said that frame against number one seed Channon Bowski Julian left and then made the 369 knocked off shanet star Lefty who one on tour already this year to continue to move on to the contenders bracket talk about the tough start she had early loss losers bracket all the way to the number three seed I mean once she got going it was something Sydney no doubt watched her make that 36910 against Shannon it was almost as if it didn't face her she like oh yeah that's a spare I make all the time oh God ow okay good shot 48 unusual leave surprised by what happened out there no doubt all it shot here from Julian little fast gets where she wants down Lane it's to eight eight causing a light Shaker for a uncommon Leaf light in the pocket it's fa there she had out of her hand maintains the lead into the Boomer shot's eighth Frame Up Bill Chrisman could not attend the Queens last year bill got the dates wrong turns out but gave Lindsay an incredible Bowlers Journal cover expanded photo frame just something beautiful that she's got in her house now meant so much to her especially after his passing on her M tonight flat 10 this time it's as if Lindsay is in this in between Zone like she's not quite far enough left to shape it as much as Jillian is but she's not far enough right to keep it in front of her and get the carry she still has an opportunity to win this match but for two frame she has to decide do I want to hook it or do I want to play straight she has to get out of the in between Zone what should she do in your mind I would go straighter I think that would play to Lindsay's strengths she said she could throw it firmer that's an option she has in her tool bag so I would use [Music] that it again not throwing it again has the 10 pin has the Mark still down though 21 leing into the foundation frame back to back really good game Queen's Champs Super Moto all the way back to the early 80s only done as Sid talked about four times Lindsay's got a big mountain to climb to get to Kelly K the two seed and then there's hope gramy the top seed boy a rarity to win this event back to back no doubt she's going to make a a gutsy change here and switch balls see if it Pace off sure does wow tster is the rack one of the best shots of the night good one looks like she has less surface on this ball gets to the same spot down Lane as the other shot she was throwing this is how important uh equipment choices are out here on tour when every woman out here that you're bowling against is phenomenal being not matched up is it's detrimental to you ninth frame up 21 want to stay clean here maintain the lead good shot 10 pin again see a bunch of those follow the pwba on Facebook Instagram Twitter Tik Tok and bv.com keep up with the latest and the greatest of the wom Bowlers in the world with the latest video highlights and news each week to follow your favorites as always # gold Fearless to see some Fearless bowling sit tonight to take home this title it's going to be hard good spare a big spare got that a double and one in the 10th for the win anything else Lindsay has an opportunity to continue her run at a second TR in a row [Music] these are huge shots for the 19-year-old looking for the first of two pass it [Music] first one in the 10th here for Jillian she has that open hand at the bottom of her swing that almost all of us players are like dying to have I get a calls for rack here think things over a little bit you like that RCT call I don't think she's actually she is taking it yeah it looked her like she second guessed herself like do should I take it should I not and in that moment no I don't like it anytime we waffle as players it can be our brain can be going 100 miles an hour so if she was committed prior to stepping up there like yeah she probably should have taken one but if she was committed and ready to go go for it [Music] interesting the second to two to try to put Lindsay away no good shot again a ring 10 pin not over yet it's another good shot from Jillian nothing we could do about that this week is players we saw many of the top women out here on the tour post on their social medias when they got done this about patience and it's for reasons just like that rep 10 we saw from Jillian good fa okay takes care of that throw ball in the 206 score so three strikes for Lindsay to advance three for a tie 3 48 this is spicy I like it Lindsay said she wanted it spicy what is now ball change looking for the first of three not there that's it Julian Martin advances the take on our two SE Kelly kick exciting bowling tonight from Green Bay Hometown against deand Rose batty and Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome our number two seat from Union New Jersey Kelly culin also in 2010 beat Tam m in Arlington R7 was in Chicago Kelly is from Union New Jersey let's get that straight here we go TI to bowl in Green Bay great match about to unfold KK nice like the play from Kelly just further l in jilan I didn't think we'd see it but Kelly brings wisdom and heie a veteran mindset that we're not going to get from anybody else today and being further left than your opponent is smart ball Change Martin to begin her second match Kelly is 47 and Julian is 19 wow Martin Nice Shot Marth e must see action for the pitch this year's UFA Europa League finals kicks off from Dublin Ireland watch Atalanta and Byer mausen go head to-head right here on CBS Sports Network and streaming live on Paramount Plus Hardon tries to keep us get the match does just that tattoos the rack those pins had no chance [Music] whatsoever does roll a three game during tonight's telecast we receive a $110,000 bonus coures you of goo.com visit goo.com to find local Boeing centers get tips from the Bros and for all the latest news and information about your favorite sport bowling Kelly's second shot not what she wanted on the up swing heard her say a little on the up swing what she means by that she hit up on it didn't get it into the Lane as soon as she would have liked to getes it to a good spot down Lane 78 great place for her 2810 that's tough split I made it this week did you I did it was the highlight of my week see if Kell can't see it 10 stands open frame it's early the way I got it I thought I got zero off of my hand and then I hit the left side of the two pin two into the 10 10 into the eight the two pin went into the eight it's not really how you're supposed to do it sometimes you mess up and it it ends up okay happens looking for her third hatrick of TS last one in 2021 in Aly on the women's tour last major 2012 good job youth against experience here Sid wow well first win for Kelly Julian it's making all us feel old here not born yet first event win 2021 as we talked about 3 years ago Kelly trying to get back in a Winner Circle again quite a contrast good shot no luck on the tan pan no help with a scout ball change for Jillian was to avoid what just happened fall before was reading just a tad bit too soon defle to the right going through the N pin causing a flat T goes to a Zen Soul she told us last night has a a longer pin on it it's going to make the ball transition at a later part in the lane hopefully giving her a better opportunity to carry that 10 pin good [Applause] spare and our chat with joinan last night said she referred to Kelly coach Kelly the whole time the whole time USA Coach all of Famer Kelly kulick back in the lanes tonight going for another title her incredible career left lane jilan Nice Shot ambo the pocket [Music] Jillian now sliding right around 23 only moved a couple boards to the left from our first match that we saw her in now will Kelly respond like I really like that one I agree with Cal I also like that one one hit in the 210 [Music] SP it's a good shot here from Kelly further right then we see Jillian Jillian's going to be further left at the break point she's going to be more over top of that dark Tracer down Lane which is on the 10 board the only thing that comes to my mind with Kelly In This Moment is the left Lane's hooked more I like too almost all week throughout the entire B the left lane hooked more it was weird if you got to a pair where the right lane hooked more come on SO a possible adjustment with her feet or her eyes on that right lane to have more shallow angles come on avoid leaving the 210 again come on we there the open Hall of Fame inductee in 2019 you name it she's done it legendary career enormous shot here to bounce back from the open delivers sit down I liked what I heard jillan and just say to I believe her coach or at least her support system sitting behind her she said I just want to you know sit down through this shot a little bit better what she means by that is I just want to say I want to keep my feet underneath me she wants to create a better leverage Point sometimes that does help us get the 10 out more often than not coach William Clark M Lori is here as well right lane another big shot the youngster got it lead balloons again here Sydney she thought that her dad wasn't going to make it here today she was talking about oh he's got to go do something and I looked he is in the building today [Music] is great to see J Jason CL Street here as well executive director Deputy executive director USBC on hand in Green Bay lead is 45 for Martin for the turkey in a 55 p p it's come on one one you got this slight double dribble into the lane there for jelly M ball hooks sooner than she wants it to leaving only a four pin is a fortunate leave strucking for the first five frames in this match it's SP right has the four pin has the mark in the six and has a big lead head tohe with the Hall of Famer k k up by 44 pins Midway Point match three getting ready for the six for Kelly KCK down by 44 pins two open frames in the second and fourth have spelled trouble for the Hall of Famer they' run Sydney brummond congrats Sydney on your Weber International men's Team Championship this year in Louisville we had on CBS Sports Network thank you assistant coach for Weber awesome they're an awesome group of dudes I'm really proud of them ball change here for Kelly absolutely must strike time out of the break got it to 34 needs it doesn't quite have the energy to get through [Music] that good job much better [Music] shape she went from an asymmetric ball to a symmetric ball symetric Bing balls are going to continue more down Lane [Music] as four pin has her Mark Kelly has focused herself mentally and physically to get back to shows like this in Green Bay one thing she's done rock climbing took it up a couple months ago she tells us it helps with her mental and physical Focus her grip especially her bowling right hand good case in point there she did seven runs today here in green bed helped Focus herself mentally and physically got a weekl long membership at a local crem wall here in Wisconsin pretty cool stuff oh that four pin I was hoping for the trip four I love a good trip four it's my favorite hit in bowling and Kelly threw a good enough shot that you would think it was possible at least on one of those two lanes what do you think about wall climbing here do that a little bit so you know Kelly was convincing she was convincing I might see if I can if she's going to do it in Nashville I might see if I can join her for a run she had to teach me a lot about it last night I wasn't too sure it was interesting to learn about it right some of them are 30 ft High some are 40t high and you time yourself of course you have a safety harest there as we saw I've always loved the movie free solo it's a documentary following a guy who who climbs without the safety hor and yeah Kelly Peak my interest in her interview last night talking to us about it all right seventh here for Martin big lead now just trying to Coast home stay clean is the key that's how you start back what a shot one of her best tonights in another look of Jillian here from the side power set is incredible stays right underneath her her head is right overneath over top of that step giving her the ability to keep her head over her Target key thing we like in bowling is for our head to Be [Music] steady I think about Chris Prather you know talked a lot about him on the PBA tour how steady his head is throughout the entire swing you can keep your dry on your target you have better ability to repeat shots a 55 H Advantage you better believe it smokes the one through pocket and the lead expands to 55 Kelly kulick is in big trouble here late top seat PO gramley is next The Waiting winner of this one trying for his title immense success for Hope collegially at McKenry for the [Music] [Music] o' our players have 25 seconds from the time that the ball comes back in the ball return until they have to throw their shot keeps us here in a timely manner we also have that rule technically throughout the week as well um doesn't often get called but occasionally it does every once in a while hope is next top seed the queen show couple years back in suburban Chicago that was as a fifth seed now she's number one looking for Tiara tonight Pi sh Bowl Martin for the title Kelly pin that count tonight bringing 10 pin how's it going no breaks for the legend there's no doubt this isn't the last time we're going to see Kelly this season you know I actually I texted Jason Thomas guy here who who helps us know who's going to commentate the shows and I said I think I I need to be ready you know at the Queens you could tell right yeah just something about how krie was at the first two stops her Aura was different her competitiveness was back I knew that something was going right with Kel just wasn't sure what was different she talked about her mindset was different last night she was visualizing it seeing the potential of winning again this season so it's not the last time we're going to see her you said to us last night it feels like I'm alive again every cell in my body is woken up and she wants to win so badly won't happen here against very talented third seed Nebraska Junior to be Jillian Martin fine [Music] on way less Target [Music] there this match is mathematically over so Martin is going to advance to take on Hope gramley two young pwba tour Superstars about to go head to-head let's see who wins The Tiara and takes on a title absolutely we have Pope gramley coming up next against young Superstar Jillian Martin there's no doubt it's going to be a battle for who's going to take this Tiara time to bowl in Green Bay one match to termin a champion ladies and Gentlemen please welcome our number one seed from Aubrey Texas hope gramley former Collegiate Superstar for the o'keef at mckendry and now a major factor on the women's our first shot of the night stop pipes it Hammer's the [Music] pocket you know she told us last night she thought the first shot was going to Flat 10 that was about as opposite of flat 10 as it was her prediction wasn't it not exactly all right different ball here Martin begins another match hoping for a title three seed four pin come on her and I are equally surprised at how much that one pushed through the middle part of the lane we do have ice oil hanging out in that middle section of the lane TS to stretch out as you bow more on the pattern giving you more hold Jillian took full advantage of that National 10 pin coaches association rookie of the year last year first team of American last season and this year talk about an incredible future for her B TV delivers live multi channel coverage of the pwba tour pba50 Team USA USBC Collegiate and youth tournaments Collegiate and youth tournaments plus much more great bowling content visit Bowl tv.com to subscribe today bowling lives here do you like your commentating on Bowl TV I do it's a good time awesome job thank you I like hanging out with a meal in the booth it's great helps me learn a lot not on the show I want to at least be learning something from the women who did make it we're glad you're here tonight Martin glad to see that strike perfect shot left lane she did throw that ball um off the air a little bit during the end of that last match quicker piece going to give her more angle down Lane as she moves further left and we're going to see hope here do the exact opposite and stay as far right as possible and throw it very hard coming a lot worse almost the bucket hope lucky here something coming out of the back to knock down the two and five five pin a much more simpler spare conversion than that of a bucket 245 don't see this often with [Music] Pros chooses to use your spare ball visit Lan talk.com to find live scoring links to your favorite centers and all the latest products to help you track your scores and improve your game we also earlier tonight amazing that website and app can be cool data right it is yeah as a player you can log on save all your games to your profile you can look up all your stats that you want track different bowling centers bowling balls fabulous hope to us last night dream to be the number one seed dream to be on Team USA she's done that the next dream winning tonight seven pin here sliding very far to the right around 11 further right than Jillian is Jillian is all the way over there hope much closer to the gutter no fear of throwing it in though cuz she is going more right to left than she is throwing at the gutter seven pin NCA Champion 20122 Baker bowling with McKenry and then the ITC championship last year before the took off for Jacksonville State we saw them at the itc's in Louisville this year amazing careers we talked about for Jillian and hope told us last night had she one more year of Eligibility she would have gone to Jacksonville State in Alabama for sure with the O because they were the reason she went to mckendry in the first place and lots of texts and DMS and social media post from the o'keefes rooting her on tonight come on see four goes down late for Martin I was leaning back in my chair watching this one much more shape than we've seen anybody use throughout all of match play but Jillian told us last night that she played pretty much every Board of the lane throughout qualifying in match play so when we asked her like hey what's your game plan going to be she said I don't know I really don't and she's showing that here today we've seen three ball changes from her so far and playing quite a different part of the lane than she was in her very first [Music] match wow 60 beat to success for Martin last the one three pocket Saturday night 8 Eastern don't miss the return of the WNBA on CBS Sports Network rookie star Angel Reese and the Chicago sky battle Alyssa Thomas and the Connecticut Sun tip off here on the 24-hour Home mod CBS Sports more great poops coming your [Music] way so many people watching the WNBA now they cait Clark's playing with Indiana and your home state what a story gramley had a really hurry and missed the pocket 128 hope play basketball growing up she's 6 feet tall was a very good volleyball player at mckendry played there for 3 years the shot here for Hope is just further up the lane we would rather see her ball closer to this space she would need to shut her anle down in order for that to happen saw her talk to her ball reps a little bit and just said you know I think the last two were fast but I'd really like to see her move her eyes further to the left or her feet to the right to shut down those [Music] angles three bar three got it we mentioned Shan O former head coach at mckendry for H ramway Facebook post today this a amazing kiddo number one SE nice picture it's always good to feel like you have unwavering support from your people we have a ball change here for hope she's going from a pitch black to a 78 IQ tour my apologies IQ urethane I should say there we are big shot there's that [Music] thing I saw a Stephanie zala Vlog recently where they they were talking to Hope about her strike song I I think it used to be something else I like the new one I like it me too strike breakdown numbers left right lane Martin has been busy tonight looks for the four bagger here and a 34 pin lead High though down line the [Music] 3610 that was the risk you ran as a player this week Jillian now sliding left of 255 just slightly balls get into the same spot down Lane But ultimately middle part of the lane is flat and in this Bowling Center also the topography can get a little different from Lane to Lane lots of conversations with t reps throughout the week about maybe stay away from the middle part of the lane if you can can be a treacherous place [Music] first show of the young season for each third event of the year six FR wow what a shot what a strike four frames remaining Sid can't wait for the finish here tonight absolutely we're going to see hope gramley Jillian Martin here going to battle for the queen title 21 pin lead for Jillian [Music] Martin but first she's got to get through the top seed hope gramley Martin's first ever appearance at a queens has yielded extraordinary effort and she is halfway home to a tiara how about [Music] that big shot out of the break to cut it to 11 got it now we've got a match first time we've seen the red ball go down the lane for Hope heard her running around this bowling center for the last two days saying red ball good so it's no surprise to me that she made the change to that probably feels like she can keep it more in front of her where the other one the other thing she had to shape more win stats for the turkey to cut it to one every shop from here on in a big shot late trip for pin that was huge one pin match had an opportunity yesterday to connect with the head coach of Team USA Brian O'Keefe you I heard a a quote from him a while ago talking about Hope saying she has one of the best ball rols in the world and he said yeah Tight Ball roll with above average RPMs and low tilt it's a good combination for the women's tour gives hope and Advantage out here great insight for from the former Collegiate coach current coach of Team USA to expand 3 to 11 how about the answer for Jillian Martin right back at you and the double for an 11 Pin [Music] break great shot for Jillian was not expecting to see a player get that far left on the show tonight wow strike numbers 5 years Junior Team USA second year on the senior team this season looks for another one has another one pipes it up 21 have some Miss plus bowling just heard her say we have some miss that was further right than we more than likely want it to be and still Shar that's always a good sign these two young Stars throwing hay makers now Ry wants the four bager cut it back to 11 it's been a little have it one two damn it Miss the [Music] target angles were much more shut down on the other three strikes that we've seen from her since this ball change meaning her shots are more in front of her going more right to left towards the head pin that one too much up the lane and urethane Ball's not going to hook that much for her it's not going to get [Music] back feels like a must strike situation here for hope no doubt that was a big non strike for her in the E so eight spare see what Martin's up to looking for the four bager in her foundation for you needs lless badl again it right off the mark 2 for1 it's off collapse shot wasn't too bad there's a definite cliff on this pattern of six have to be right of it if you're going to choose to play that straight and use a urethane ball she just isn't far enough right to be able to do that or she would have to exit out of urethane and shape it a little bit more which she can do to the best of the ability out here nice cover the watch out that's a big shot but now Martin steps up here chance for [Music] history the match presented by bpaa nice job on the cover here Sid it's exactly how you'd want to draw it up hitting the left side of the head pin it's flying straight into the tent doesn't even hit the sidewalk it's beautiful Jillian takes a r gives herself an extra second to just understand what's going on in this moment up by 37 what a shot what a baller she's only 19 Jillian Martin closes in on a win needs five pins for the tiara [Music] Jillian Martin is about to become the youngest ever to win FTR history in Green Bay there it is only 19 years old Jillian Martin wins the 2024 USBC Queens she makes history she wins The Tiara and takes $60,000 what a night for Julian [Music] Martin [Applause] yeah we will hear from Jillian in a moment with Sydney BR a junior to be at Nebraska also USBC Queen Champion the youngest in the history of this incredible event Jillian Martin a winner in Green Bay more coming up from Wisconsin PRI are here Ash Robin on and last year's Champion Sid go ahead we are back in Green Bay Jillian Martin you are our champion today congratulations and here with us is Melissa McDaniel the president of USBC to present you with your trophy Julian on behalf of USBC all of our million members our staff and our board of directors congratulations on your first major in your history making performance tonight as the youngest person to win congratulations on your Queen's Championship thank [Applause] you and next here our proprietor of aaban bowling center on behalf of him and his brother Ryan here to present the check Julian on behalf of all of us at the isaban on ban alley our wonderful staff our volunteers and most importantly my wife and my sister-in-law congratulations on your victory [Applause] tonight and last but not least at the Queens it is absolute tradition for our past Queen to pass on her Tiara to our new Champion Lindsay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Jillian an incredible win what was the number one thing that you were focusing about during that match honestly just making one good shot at a time it's been a crazy week um fell off a table accidentally broke it that's my bad then we lost the first match but no matter what happened I just kept getting back up and I kept fighting so just really grateful for the people around me stormm bowling turbo Magnum bowling products I appreciate you all for making it possible as well as USBC and the pwba for running an amazing tournament so grateful to be [Applause] here you are now the youngest to ever win the USBC TNS how does that feel I guess we're just going to keep setting youngest records so it feels amazing um but yeah I'm just definitely proud of my mentality this whole week so if anything that's even more important to me
Channel: eMASK Studio
Views: 74,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mask Studio, MaskStudio, kasmani2007@gmail.com, eMASK, Mask, eMASK Studio, usbc, queen, step, ladder, stepladder, step ladder, pwba, lindsay, bomershine, felicia, wong, jillian, martin, kelly, kulick, hope, gramly, ten, pin, bowling, 2024, strike, spare
Id: DlmzBtSukQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 39sec (5139 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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