2024 PBA Tour Finals group 1 positioning qualifying

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today pro bowling Superstars return to CVS Sports Network including reigning Player of the Year EJ tackin as well as major Champions Bill O'Neal and Marshall Kent the 2024 PBA tour finals start right now it is time to start the 2024 PBA tour final sold out Ste City bow and Bru and Bethlehem Pennsylvania the top eight PBA Bowlers in point totals over the last two seasons have earned a spot in this event we have two groups of four Superstar Bowlers each in group one R clear the EJ tack thej star cat pH O'Neal Jacob but get us started with step latter positioning for tomorrow shows and later in show two more big stars 15 time major Champion Jason elonte Kyle troo Anthony Simonson and pacing Hanan will compete in each show each bow is guaranteed two games the top two move on to one game seating round for his group the bottom two the three and four season tomorrow's step ladder group finals that and welcome you to Bethlehem Pennsylvania this place rocking Randy I can't I can't hear a word you're saying a crowd what an atmosphere d r alongside the Hall of Fame mirand they love him we love the fact that number eight is a big number here this is the E PBA tour finals we have eight amazing Bowlers here the point total leaders over the last two years but more than that Randy is at stake this weekend absolutely Player of the Year honors at stake at this year's tour finals and what better player to start with then EJ t a your reigning player of the year the number one player on tour leading tour in just about every statistical category what a season again for this man when he gets to the World Series of bowling what does he do he wins the shark championship and then wins another major the world championship EJ tacket is the man to beat here what a start to the year for the real deal Bill O'Neal in the freezing cold of witon Kansas redot inside for his third career Major well it was subzero temperatures in Witchita but nobody was hotter than Bill O'Neal capturing another major the real deal just gets better with age Marshall Kent's first career Major made his career he told us yesterday he's had a big season the best season of his young career winning the Illinois Classic and then beating Anthony Simonson for his first major at the Tournament of Champions are you ready for five shows over two days 9 hours of live coverage here on CBS Sports Network it's like three football games we can't wait soldout crowd here in the Lehigh Valley and we're getting ready for day one it's positioning round time here on CBS Sports Network the PBA tour finals are on the [Applause] way sold out House Bethlehem Pennsylvania hting the PBA tour finals for the first time take a look Randy at today's all patterns left lane Marshall hullman the right lane Johnny P yeah we'll probably see urethane going pretty straight on that right lane players will use reactive and hook it on the longer pattern and Jacob butth well he'll have both lanes to himself as the only Southpaw so let's talk about the format again we got four Superstar Bowlers at show one the name for show two eight total top eight players last two years PBA tour Point totals this is qualifying round day the top two will Bowl for the top seed in tomorrow's group step ladder we have shows at 2 four and six Eastern on CBS Sports Network tomorrow 3:00 5:00 Eastern today and when the dust all settles we will Crown a PBA tour Champion tomorrow the 2019 USBC Masters champion eight-time titlist Jacob butra the 2024 PBA Tournament of Champions winner seven Time titlist Marshall Kent a three time major Champion with 14 PBA tour titles Bill [Music] O'Neal a five time major Champion with 23 PBA tour titles BJ tacket time to bowl on will get us going here in Bethlehem about an hour and a half from his hometown War Pennsylvania he's got lots of family and friends here he told us yesterday 20 plus will be in the house watching him what he hopes to win a PBA tour finals title for the first time the get started flat 10 for [Applause] [Applause] O'Neal first shot for EJ attack it huge season huge strike to begin his day no urethane for EJ tacket rarely do we see him use [Applause] urethane O'Neal you're athe spare ball Dave Cross Lane Randy 10 got back he's been here for some pram events exhibition but never competed in this Bowling Center until today for Bill O'Neal now it's Marshall Ken and that is urethane on the right lane as we [Applause] expected down it goes nice bump on the 10 first time for Kent competing in the PBA tour finals here's Jacob butruff a big Dallas Cowboy fan big neon Dion fan the Lefty this is high 247 for him have not seen a lot of Jacob Buri in 2024 by his own admission a very tough season struggled a lot of things on and off the lanes but feels good entering the PBA tour finals he told us yesterday back to oal favor that looks good on the right lane and you're also for O'Neal on that right [Applause] lane no nice part about this format it's two games right and even if you don't have a good two games you have life tomorrow today is all about positioning everyone competes tomorrow as well step ladder finals in each group the championship show at 6 Eastern the group winners head to-head in a race the two t oh yeah what a game what a talent this show all one handers the next show all two handers just the way it worked out with the top eight over the last two years there go Jacob wow that one came back from Philly took a hard right on the turnpike great crowd here rockus over the next two days miss the target there 36 top overall position here foren tack the double wood just the two pin for him yeah he's got to be careful with that reactive ball on that right lane he gets it too far right and it won't get up the hill left leg C finishes [Applause] up now call aian Indiana Wells County near bluon home EJ tacket problem there PL gas on that one 23 titles five Majors Player of the Year caliber season again for EJ o' didn't like it at all a lot worse just the four pit yeah that could have been way worse here's K nice all right s Late back to the re you talk about r for the first six events of the Year TV for O'Neal mhm brilliant season this is a season saver type event for butu he told us yesterday he called it a roller coaster that was mostly going downhill 247 there can't find a look on the left lane for sure as we said quite a rooting contention for this guy not far from home Perfection but that's better at the playoffs we have dual patterns and all the players like the left lane better I wonder how it's going to to spin here which lane will emerge as being the most consistent easiest to strike on 82% of the vote player of the year last year went to EJ this year it's going to be tight us yesterday if he wins this it's in the bag he feels I think so don't forget him third title with a major five last year for EJ and player of the year for a second time Jacob right Lan think about this EJ has a chance to break the average season average record add that along with all of his other stats I mean even if he doesn't win this I'm not sure he gets passed by anyone rant I think it's tall order Pace all time 230 plus a and almost crossed over and ends up with the baby split 310 instead Marshall refusing to get it far enough to the right on that left lane the longer the two patters shooting early here for but yeah nice cover R Down by K takes care of the baby's qu two games for each the top two seeds will have a positioning game as well on this show the bottom two good shot across the deck messenger for the 10 for tack the T at 10 [Applause] pin so three and four will be the third and fourth seats First Step play tomorrow great shot by O'Neal nice messenger for tacket [Applause] back to K now michigander Kent perfect on the right lane still looking for his first strike on the left there we go Mar better there Jacob you to is dealing with a lot on and off the lanes with family but feels as focused as he's been in months heading into the PBA tour finals here in Bethlehem underway in PA 2024 PBA tour finals on CBS Sports Network first seven years of this event three players have won this title twice one of those EJ Tech in 2019 in Vegas Rock Hotel in casino emotional [Applause] forj knocked off jaker but in a N1 frame rollof that was his 13th career PBA tour title sponsor that year by Barb all little shaving cream Celebration EJ tacking also won in 2017 so he belmo and Troop that each won the PBA tour finals twice Simonson the other winner in 2021 back to positioning play here in Bethlehem Pennsylvania Lehi Valley Dave Randy our entire crew 10 pin for tack could not overstate how important that Player Championship was to his career again 2024 in our chat of yesterday good shot ring 10in M Nice Shot J new far one Falls bowling knows about trip and third he's in the house along with Natalie here today EJ to us yesterday he didn't practice as much in the preseason that he usually would because the babies r there yeah a lot of things change when you have a newborn right you don't get the practice as much and you can forget about playing golf and EJ and Marshall K and Randy Peterson are well it looked like he changed balls and moved in deeper but still not enough angle through the front since last year Arlington Washington Angel the WIS that was won by K TR last season outside Seattle best so in his fantastic young career TC title on akan classic which was his first singles title since 2017 Aj Johnson did Marshall 21480 in the title match tacket has been just Splendid this year 10 pin there so a record five straight shows this year back to back week 10s for EJ tacket don't see that very [Applause] often okay a this time lik the Ain did you hear that I did nobody likes the a pin yeah should I bring it up now no you don't have [Music] to some gas on that one cross Lan to the 10 pretty tight here through six and a half frames for got that just left a few feet over that's where the big ring section is I mean 20 plus O'Neal fans his family his brother's family lots of bowling [Applause] buddies Way Off the Mark 6 7 8 10 lot fair with the wash out try to some confidence good looking shot there no break whatsoever in the six just got to cut the head pin over in the 610 and H clean up the rest of that mess a lot up there for K No 61 stand open frame that hurts again everyone gets two games Bott Two Step L finals as a three4 seed in this group tomorrow top to one positioning seeding game to ter the top seed in the step ladder tomorrow that looks good oh yeah crunches that one three pocket with [Applause] Power Attack little nine pin lead through eight frames here in game one but still very close J finding a rhym after a rough start See Marshall can give one a little room on this right [Applause] leg Just sh the pit tat two is the one three [Applause] itj lost the TOC two k crossing over almost the Brooklyn strike 610 up when he was going for his third straight title two World Series of bowling wins in Suburban Detroit for EJ this year championship here's AAL nice okay that's for the [Music] [Applause] lead man when he throws a straight B like that got some juice on it that's how he hurt his bicep earlier in the season big Cowboy fan oh my goodness there was a lot left on the deck [Applause] there frame of the purse since then he's been much better open came in the seven his first G needed it [Applause] T9 squit low make percentage on that CP jaken make it happen Lane started practicing three before the season started he told us yesterday Marshall Kent 6 days a week two hours a day plus by himself alone in the center of Michigan who big whiff big Miss loss and count for tack Marshall thinks that made a huge difference with his career type season in 2024 O'Neal uhoh uhoh that's a five pinch so everyone's got their hand up around the B for perhaps a beverage there you go as his tradition it's a RAR Le for a pro fairly common for just won't trust it amateurs he won't trust it on that lane [Applause] all yelling swing juice local brew here in Bethlehem yeah he's got it he got the five Pit's good O'Neal relax that'd be a big Bill wouldn't it four Bill few hundred swing juices believe it or not Jacob but right now can double in the 10 and take game one and have Bill O'Neal strikes on this shot and butra Strikes Out O'Neal or excuse me butra we have a 10 pin lead going into game [Applause] two help again for the 10 P another year of [Applause] 10 another ball change for Marshall I don't know can't tell just not enough angle refuses to create more angle on that lane he's he's afraid that if he creates too much it won't get back now butru tack it opens for 203 O'Neal 216 can't behind the eightball now 178 hey Tony can we reset waiting on full rack here Cody Landing our tournament director so the numbers in through the bowlers here already it's all about the two game pinfall see where things end up there a challenge this event dual oil patterns different approach for each L reach close to here he takes the lead how about for but not happen not to be O'Neal 247 for the Lefty one Lefty in showu two hander in py hanham [Music] [Applause] dad started with an open finished with an open O'Neal 216 tack at 203 butri can't thre one game of two guaranteed for each bowler here in Bethlehem coming up next our coverage of the 2024 PBA tour finals continues four more contenders Square Off the Ultimate Clash of pins in Precision for a chance at Sunday's semi-finals and title match keep it here on CBS Sports Network Simonson Belo troop py group to two-handed Superstars one game complete Phill O'Neal 216 got the top score game two is on the way all right let's go down to the floor and talk to Bill O'Neal bill you take down game one you've got a a couple pin cushion going into game two uh back at the playoffs we had a dual pattern and it seemed like all the players like the left lane better which lane is the better of the two today I think they're pretty close scoring Pace wise for me anyway uh I just got to figure out this this right lane um you know with the urethane ball they transition a little quicker and uh obviously you can see in the 10th Frame by by the five pin I thought that do that one pretty good and then the one in the fill ball flat 10 too so uh I'm going to have to try to either slow down here or uh move a little bit to the right and we're going to sit down here in a second and figure out which one one which one of those I'm going to do what's the telling sign that tells you it's time to get out of the urethane ball uh if I make a move left here and it does it doesn't do the right thing then then that's it I don't uh usually try to you know do too many different things with it especially with you know with with this one it wants to stay a little straighter so I like to keep this one a little more in front of me and when I have to start hooking a little bit more that's when I put it away but you know we only have one game here so I'm going to I'm going to see what the scoring pace is like before I uh you know decide to make any changes all right Bill thanks best of luck game two thanks Randy family and friends bill' they're here from Langhorn PA quick drive all rooting on their guy the hometown hero Bill O'Neal from the Philly area game two is on the way O'Neal the leader after the first of two guaranteed for these four Superstar Bowlers it's the PBA tour finals on CBS Sports [Applause] Network one game complete positioning play PBA tour finals here in Bethlehem Pennsylvania sold out house rocking and cheering for Randy Peterson of course pin through the first game of two guaranteed for each of the four Bowlers in group one it's the Local Hero Bill O'Neal 216 reigning Player of the Year possibly 2024 Player of the Year EJ Teka 203 190 for Bruff and 178 for the two-time champ this year in Marshall K in his total pinfall for two games and possibly a third game for the top two welcome back Dave Randy impressions of game one bill O'Neal is our leader so far uh Bill O'Neal missed the pocket once uh very consistent didn't miss the spare no open frames um EJ tack at that big open late in the 10th Frame Marshall Ken struggled never put a double together shot 170 and just when it looked like butruff was out of it right he started with the open frame early he had a chance to actually take game one lead he opens in the 10th um nobody's really running away with this right now nobody's really showing that they have complete dominance over this dual oil pattern we'll see if that changes in game two and our chat with Bill Ander yesterday he talked about being the hometown hero Bing an hour and a half from home sometimes that's added pressure though right how do you think he's handling that so far bill on handles pressure uh as well as anybody on this tour it's pretty good at it absolutely so Jacob butruff impressive in the first game after struggling all Years first TV appearance since last year in the PBA tour finals are you surprised that he looks pretty good through one game I mean I think he looks okay but he's he needs to execute better right game two is coming up here from Bethlehem Pennsylvania BBA tour finals on CBS Sports Network sold out crowd is ready game two positioning play is next the PBA is proud to have bers to Veterans link as the official charity of the PBA tour today's pbl salute to Veterans we welcome US army e4 George Morgan who served for three years also Tom Anthony US Navy third class Raider radar man retired thanks so much for your service to donate go to BBL dorg tonight 7 Eastern the gr iron heats up CFL clash with the Elks host the rough wires watch all the action on full here at CBS Sports Network wait Canadian football already CFL action on CBS Sports Network it's going to be awesome didn't Warren Moon play in the [Applause] CFL hey I know you you were preoccupied I love War and what I heard you what I heard you say was radar now did Warren Moon play in the yes all right and won a bunch of gray cups didn't he gr Cup champion many times and as a huge Vikings fan on level one Mo t 10 P there how many of our viewers do you think are Googling Warren Moon right now the younger ones are for sure R who the hell is Warren Moon I got a Vikings number one jersey in the closet with War's name on the back spectacular I'm a big skull guy but I know why you keep why do you keep bringing up Minnesota you play for the Oilers and the Vikings here's Jacob butra big neon Dion fan as we see lifelong Cowboy fan yeah that's not Ezekiel Elliott's number that's that's Dion's number just ask him two time Super Bowl champ de s once with a count this is the lane that's giv him all the trouble right here that's better now see that's that's what's creating the turmoil for him on that left lane because now he gets it to the right spot and it doesn't get back and that's why he has trouble trying to get it to the right on that left lane this guy no trouble to ring remember the top two players after two games will bowl a head-to-head match to determine the one and two seed for tomorrow's stepladder Finals score next to the bowlers name in yellow the first game score so keep an eye on that 2 good cover Well Done by Marshall [Applause] Kent deal the real deal he's got so many family and friends here got to be cool [Applause] oh Brant season second at the Pete Weber classic third the Delaware classic second in the Roth homean doubles with Belo lost the Barrett and Simonson this guy has been fantastic too no wins last year two this year out still the right lane Randy he's been good on that right lane it's the left lane still no doubles Jacob R has a 300 game in this event Florida 2020 the last two years in suburan Seattle we've had a total of three 300 games that HED early 610 [Music] [Applause] [Music] D yes second position after game one spare double for EJ game two 610 for O'Neal but he's not happy [Applause] Illinois Classic champ this year for K his first singles title since 2017 okay left look at another ball on that lane for Marshall [Applause] got a hurry sure it' be nice to see Jacob turn it around wouldn't it I mean what an amazing 2023 he had when he was fourth on the point list and then this year was a complete disaster for Jake he said as much to us yesterday chance to salvage a season over two days in Pennsylvania and he was relieved that there' be two days of TV guaranteed for all eight great Bowlers [Applause] here point total over the last two years this guy by far shoty one there with a 10 pin I needed to throw it worse and it [Music] was 111 titles between the eight 27 Majors got a lot of titles five lock Hall of Famers how many majors 27 32 32 Majors [Applause] total 27 15 for B I was going to say over half of those points by one guy 610 this time for Butters 19 first game for him Kon is good Lane working on a double there it is [Music] turkey for K six down got the signage has been outstanding here [Applause] urethane still has a home on the right lane thus far for D O'Neal oh sweet ped that ball grunts the one three pocket t [Applause] the best in the sport on tap for nine hours of action what's better how much straight year you and I have car CBS Sports Network love it fantastic showcase for the PBA tour F frame trying for a four bager here wants to make a run there you so there got a ball in his hand that he has a little confidence in with that one shot that got back from that spot which really helps run it the next time on that left lane Marshall executes perfectly halfway home game two Marshall Kent looks pretty good here fantastic superstars on his play in Bethlehem Pennsylvania more on the way at CBS Sports Network [Applause] the on Lane Graphics you see including the oil patterns which are projected on today's Lane curtesy of clutch bowling looking awesome as always love me Clutch man you can see the oil pattern on both lanes it's beautiful pattern play again here PBA tour finals try to get a shot of that from our wonderful production crew bring it to you folks out a break O'Neal six Frame Works on a TR there it [Music] is oh okay the real deal tripping a real four [Applause] pin he appears befun what a year for tack goodness oh my goodness that was a Slaughter that was a 10 pin Slaughter in the pit double for tack Buu six frame looks for his fifth strike of this game got [Applause] [Music] it well we all wondered if the lone lefties in each group would have an advantage and here's K with four in a row six frame looks for the five bger got it trip t yes sir got the [Applause] nickel get the low man out right now he needs to keep [Applause] striking third and fourth play finishers after this game are done for the day and will be the third fourth seeds in the stepladder group finals tomorrow boys are heating [Applause] up frenzy finish here game two o right at it straighter is greater [Applause] [Music] [Applause] everyone knew based on his tremendous athletic abilities that Marshall K could have a breakout season like he has in 2024 oh my goodness and that was pulled and it stayed there what a break for Marshall Ki and that's a six bagger buter has been trying to return to that 2019 form for a while now watch it to the channel and all the way back for right that was wild he got it wide and over hooked and went brookin strikes Fast and Furious here for backer potentially thr Neal yes don't look now but we have 16 in a row thrown by these players holy smokes how about 17 for T no it's the 10 pan another weak 10 on that right lane TR for the fourer No No Way Out of the seven not fall the dreaded S1 split well the good news for Jacob three of the four S1 have been converted on television have been by left-handers 2021 US Open Reno Anthony ner Ginger assassin last time it was done how about it Jacob seven on 10 STS that hurts for the pin total after two games [Applause] Marshall K perfect Marshall Ken after 178 start can shoot 290 wow that's a turn around and that's a solid nine wow n pin stands good shot J incredulous at that result [Applause] nice come [Music] on five bager O'Neal yeah and he can shoot 267 wow these Bowlers are sizzling here in game two pin with some gas there for Tet frustrated Always ultra competitive wants to Wing everything he does turkey broken up by the 710 split for butruff in the eighth Foundation frame that's [Applause] Mar this guy is incredible an absolute machine 237 Max for tacket butri 244 Max eight in a row for Kent tack at right lane shot no break ringing 10 [Applause] pin O'Neal looks for six in a row not this time the big four stands instead which do bowling fans know was been done once on TV ever Walter Reay Williams Jr 2005 outside Atlanta a frustrated tacket annihilates the 10 pin headed down Lane level talk to some Bowlers in a moment how about to Bild the big four just two takes the 47 leads the 610 that hurts C and butra both head nice strike streaks going until disaster splits that one a strike yeah why would freaking strike worse when I freaking through the whole freaking time over here and of course S one that strikes got to be kidding me DJ displayed for now butruff to the [Applause] 10 no help on the seven messenger swung by for liie but did not tap it centilating bowling for this guy after a tough first game of 178 the low score that seems like a distant memory now starts his 10 bringing tank P was a great shot and the strike stre comes to an end for K what a run strikes in a row put in a great spot little tap on the seven just enough Randy Lane level now [Applause] crazy this is like all over Marshall count with the lowest first game the highest second game 220 for buff top finish Marshall Ken is the new leader after a million second game 178 ran in game one but wow rushes it in game two for 269 447 overall two game pinfall we saw the numbers [Applause] PBA tour finals roll on group two positioning around next on CBS Sports Network the other four brilliant Bowlers part of the eight here in Bethlehem Pennsylvania and Randy's got the interview with some Bowlers all right with me Bill and Marshall Bill I'll start with you things really heated up in game two uh unfortunately the big four there late what changes do you make going up against Marshall for that one game match yeah I just got to keep doing what I'm doing on the right lane and keep the ball in front of me and then on the on the left lane um just keep moving left and keep my my speed softt I actually didn't mind that big four so it just tells me I got to keep going for the left all right Bill great uh best of luck in that next upcoming match Marshall worst game game one best game game two you're the leader one game to go to be the top seat in the step ladder finals what changed I guess I just got a flare for the dramatic something like that I just started throwing good shots and uh fortunately enough for me a lot of them carried and uh you know I feel L comfortable with my ball reaction right now so might make a move on the right lane your things start to go a little long but we'll just uh play it out and see what happens it looked like you made a bunch of moves and changes on the left lane what did you find uh I just finally committed to a ball that I thought was going to work and just executed as simple as that all right Marshall good luck thanks Kent O'Neal head to-head one game to determine who the top seat will be in group one the stepladder finals for that group tomorrow at the PBA tour f what a finish game two here in Bethlehem Pennsylvania in the end two pin difference between Kent and O'Neal 447 445 tacking and butr round it out with 429 and 410 total pinfall Randy two games that was incredible to watch the end between the top two all right rant let's take a look at our go bowling trivia question for today how many of the eight competitors P tour finals or eight great Bowers are currently Hall of Fame eligible in the performance category answer is coming up back in a moment [Music] back here in the Lehigh Valley Bethlehem Pennsylvania AB World Finals rolling on on CBS Sports Network day one so the Gold bowling trivia question how many of the eight competitors this year's PBA tour finals Hall of Fame eligible in the performance category and the answer is Randy five O'Neal Simo tacket and Kyle troo pretty strong pretty strong list there pretty strong second game Rand that was impressive the watch Marshall Kent just went berserk took care of everything so he and Bill O'Neal the top two seeds have the one game now to determine who the top seat will be for the group one step ladder final tomorrow that was fun to watch yeah I mean talk about a turnaround for Marshall Kent there in game too huh I mean the guy slams an eight bagger late um and takes over the lead by two over O'Neal but he finally found something on thatl Play here's seventh frame and yeah he found some life and that trip n pin there obviously a great break for Marshall here's a ninth frame and another great shot made up ball changes and enough adjustments on that left lane to find something and he finally got comfortable these are the b tv highlights on the first two games six frame Bill O'Neal trying to stay neck and neck with Kent and it was close as he got to the night frame and made things very interesting in the end two pin difference Randy between the top two tack it and Jacob butruff third and fourth after two games so they are the third and fourth seeds in the stepladder group one finals tomorrow on CBS Sports Network as our coverage rules on the PBA tour finals so this going to be fun to watch yeah O'Neal K head tohe head what do you think yeah you know the thing I think of is that O'Neal lost the lead in The 10th Frame because the big four and then you heard him talking about the urethane on the right lane Marshall made mention of the urethane on the right lane and I think that's going to be the key is can they stay in it and if they can can they strike and hit the pocket with the urethane balls on the right lane on the left lane Marshall figured things out he did and Bill Bill got the left lane as well can't wait to watch it going to be fun coming up here in CBS Sports Network much more on the way as well next Sunday 10 Eastern can't miss the actor on the pitch new club's Bay FC Utah Royals face off for the first time ever it catch the nwsl here on CBS Sports Network O'Neal K one game to determine the top seed group one step ladder finals tomorrow at the PBA tour finals CBS Sports recognizes pride month now is the champ to reflect Empower unite and celebrate the strength and resilience of the LBGTQ plus community so that house Bethlehem Pennsylvania Kent O'Neal Commish Tom Clark there in the background ready to watch these two go head to-head for the top seed in tomorrow's group one stepladder finals one G winner is number one tomorrow gets us started who the big four again second time we seen it yeah second time back to back on that left lane the big four only made one side on the PBA tour television and that's by the great Walter Ray Williams Jr and it Remains the only time Cross Georgia and they talk about the 710 being tough clearly big fors tough one big numbers for the Real Deal game two is incredible right at it that's the start you want when your opponent opens begin the match feel pretty good out of the gate have a 12pin lead and his second [Applause] shot where is the help on the seven pin where is it Randy oh that was pretty good unlucky nice shot by Bill on that left lane and throws enough action over at the seven just nothing over there doing any kind of work for him damn that was good pretty good got a seven pin he liked that first shot back one bagger game two can who have a low score after game one oh intent pit he flipped the script in game two one classic we talked about one is Major second the cheetah Championship third Indiana classic lost the troop tied for fifth PBA playoffs lost to yesper Fenson 10 pin there top 10 US Open top 20 World Championship so really brilliant season for K better shot you didn't top it all in that second game that's for sure now lives in Clarkson Michigan about an hour from Detroit much better the winner of this game gets the number one seed for group A's stepladder finals tomorrow and that's important for a couple of reasons one you get choice of starting Lane and and two you only need to win one match to advance O'Neal have the choice in this match great start great shot on the right lane because he's the fourth overall seed of the eight here Kent in the fifth position H SE gets the choice in this seeding match for group one looks like he's just piping that urethane on the right lane now just kind of right in front of him like he said in the interview and he's just going to pipe it right to the one [Music] three left legane for bill this two pin could have been much worse for him what the hell did I big for did you hear that comment CU how the hell did I big four on that on this Lane here it's like wait that's not hooking from there he's still wonder about it damn 14 titles his third career Major cane this year in wi itau to begin the season more practice time a better diet workout guy but he's backed off with his muscle building to become a better bowler W just a two pin there it's been a great combination having a practice six days a week all Lanes up in Michigan yeah Andrew Anderson really hooked him up when uh Marshall came into town and got him sit up there at Holly pretty cool has his own key to the place that works out pretty well can practice a couple hours to day as we talked about all by himself he likes the center to himself for practice he told us yesterday better spare shooter except the Tournament of Champions right where he missed nine single pin conversions but it worked out pretty well sharpen those up this week in [Applause] Bethlehem bre sh left [Applause] [Music] lane good one here Dave on that left lane you can see the old pattern the ball getting just right of that light shaded area by 12 pins works on a spare fit frame didn't like it 10 yeah just a little right of where he wanted it as he told us flight problems getting into witchar sever winter storms and subzero temperatures his equipment didn't make it with him so he got in late practice late with other people bowling balls until his gear showed up at the airport and he won the tournament yeah I remember that week I think the high was one while we were there oh and I love wit it's a great City but man was a cold brutally cold I think the Chiefs had a game uh right around that same time where everybody froze left leg good shot little tap on the 10 but no luck there Chiefs Dolphins playoff game and it was freezing cold Kanas City dangerous temperatures actually dangerous yeah yeah below one there's got to be a point in time where you just like nah I'm going to stay home and watch this right I love the NF if it was my favorite team I probably wouldn't have done it I'll be honest with you too cold Cross Lane got it halfway home the top seed match here in Bethlehem it's tight it's O'Neal it's can't Head to Head who will be the top C tomorrow in group one we'll find out PBA tour finals roll on here on CBS sportset work subscribe to the PBA YouTube channel for classic telecast tournament highlights and exclusive content including live streams of the PBA LBC national championships go to youtube.com/ PBA to subscribe to the biggest bowling Channel on YouTube special thanks and hello to Lee and Christ ant owners of Steel City and Bru great to see them fantastic bowling folks in the Lehigh Valley and the Commissioners here Tom cluck as well give tour commissioner always great to see TC on board you know what I like most about this Center what Lee and his his people have done it feels like an old school bowling cyle it just feels like a bowling center I love this place is awesome back to M hand oh all right and with that it's all even all tied up my friend R bat here for the top seed for tomorrow's group one step ladder final the winner of each step ladder final tomorrow group one and group two will play in a race to two championship match three shows tomorrow CBS Sports Network 2 four and six Eastern and when it's all done five shows nine hours we will Crown a PBA tour champion [Applause] first step toward that today as you hear the fans want to TKE they're going to get it that was really good great execution there by Marshall Kent to put it right back on Bill O'Neal what a finish here top seed match K up 10 with his turkey seven O'Neal works on spare pipes it Direct [Applause] Hit O'Neal the higher seed has chosen to finish on the left lane he'll have one more shot on that right lane in the night that's it again again strike ties it there are the max numbers potentially for [Music] [Applause] each for a you got me that you got to be kidding come on yeah look just a pinch in and watch the shed area down Lane right [Music] there the four got the mark but he wanted a strike Marshall into his eighth up 10 chance here for the four bagger 20 pin lead he's in the driver's seat for sure wi [Applause] probability row you better believe it big shot for Ken just right strike brought to you by bear just bear the mindful choice for high quality protein with no antibiotics ever just right just fair just inside a second arrow and he liked it as soon as it left his hand and for good reason big strike 20 to the foundation FR five bagger 30 pin lead left lane oh yeah trip to [Applause] pin he is on fire [Applause] KN for O'Neal but he's in a huge hole [Applause] now J up on number [Applause] 10 yeah watch the six pin second from the right just barely catching up to the 10 but unfortunately I think it's a little too late Max score for O'Neal 218 Marshall Kent can shoot 248 [Applause] yesterday so excited to have that big season we on TV a lot the first six shows not the Finish he wanted 21 split that's going to be Kent take the top seat here right what a comeback what do he shoot game one 170 something 180 178 178 for k g all right Bill O'Neal will be the two and now K steps up the chance to make this official 178 269 great scrip in game two [Applause] incredible fans excited K's excited Marshall Kent is your top seat [Applause] 178 game seems like it is the memory to be a competition here today inham man oh man as he locked [Applause] in into it why not one more an eight packer in game two would like to do the same thing to finish the positioning game how about a marshall oh yeah wow incredible balling 269 248 the satisfying moment of the match sponsored by Snickers nothing satisfies like a Snickers Marshall Kent RP was awesome in the last two games boy did that turn around quick [Music] blow the doors off O'Neal 248 186 in the top seed game so group one top seed that man right there having a career of season Marshall K back here Bethlehem Pennsylvania step ladder for tomorrow group one Marshall Kent was fantastic in the last two games tacket but trip will start as the three and four seats O'Neal take to the winner of match one and Marshall Kent waits to the top of the step ladder one match to win group one hopefully make the championship show which is also tomorrow at 6 Eastern on CBS Sports Network Randy's daed by Marshall Camp all right Dave thanks and Marshall what a turnaround from game one but it's kind of like what you've done with your life over the last year and a half youve made some big changes and things have really turned around for you you're having a career year here in 2024 can you share with us some of the changes you've made to get you to this point yeah just uh being healthier overall uh the move to Michigan definitely helped out a lot you know uh candra has been a big motivator of mine and uh just kind of putting the time in staying healthy you know staying out of bad habits and here we are kind of funny how that works huh right yeah I wouldn't know cuz I have a lot of bad habits but uh Marshall how important is it for you to be the number one seat going into your group in the stepladder finals tomorrow well it's huge because the the last match is a race of two so even if I don't get off to hot start I still have the game two and to roll off and uh you know hopefully B well enough where doesn't come down of that but it's nice going into it knowing I can have a little bit of a cushion and kind of like you saw today game one was a bit rough but I finally got my feet under me and started throwing some good shots and got everything turned around so you never know all right man thanks look forward to seeing some more action from you tomorrow absolutely thank you you got it hey Randy Marshall thanks so much 28.5 or the last two games the average for Marshall Kent 231.50 [Music] [Applause] the PBA on CVS Sports network is presented by go bowling for friends and family fun log on to gobowling.com to find a center near [Applause] [Music] you point step ladder set for tomorrow and a Marshall Kent is the top seat you roll wait the step ladder as it climbs up tack at butu the first match O'Neal the winner of match number one then Marshall Ken against the winner of match number two that's how group one shook out today here in Bethlehem at the top of the hour we'll have the group two PBA tour finals positioning for today with Simonson belmo troop and pachy three of the four have won this event multiple times and they're joined Now by rain yeah you're right Dave they know how to win this event and uh three of the best players on T the winningest player in major championship history but I'm going to start with k you've won this twice how much of that experience can you lean on going into today uh I would say a little bit Randy you know I I feel like when I get to The Late Late events uh the later events later in the year where I bow well throughout the year it gives me a lot of confidence coming in uh the crowd seems pretty electric here as well so pretty excited to take the lanes and you know that first strike here crowd roar I think it's going to be a good time all right Kyle thanks best of luck Jason another winner of this event you've watched the bowling today what game plan have you come up with to help you get that number one seed moving into tomorrow yeah I think the most obvious thing is it doesn't really matter what uh what position you start in there's potential there for a lot of strikes to catch up um the way the transition seems to happen as well is you can lose it find it it lose it again find it again so it's one of those things where you just kind of got to dig in deep take what you can get and then hopefully you find it with a bit of time up your sleeve you can catch the the other guys ahead of you all right man thanks good luck Simo take us through what it's like for you when you're strategizing on not only what ball to throw but how to play the lanes uh you know just we try to use our practice session as best as possible um try some things out uh and you just got to make an educated guess an educated guess sometimes it's going to work out in your favor sometimes it's not uh so just kind of got to live and die with it and uh be willing to change game plans at any moment is the backup ball in play today uh I don't think I'll be using the backup ball today I'll uh I'll leave Pia over there by himself and uh hopefully we can keep up all right man good [Applause] luck I'll just step back in here R hey so the first show all one-handers second show you just interviewed three of the spectacular two-handers were about to see and Marshall Kent of course wins the group one top seed right your impressions of his day I mean the first game was okay over 178 and then he just rolled in the last two how'd he do it I think he said it best he got his speed Underneath Him and once he had that happen he was able to execute he had a really good idea what the lanes were giving him but he wasn't executing very well early on once he got his legs underneath him he was fine and he showed it really confident in the last two games remarkable for Marshall Kent so he's got to relax now as he said he's got the advantage of playing with the race the two in the championship right to try to win group one so we talked about group two coming up top of the hour you just talked to three of these Fantastic Future Hall of Famers we're got another star set to cast on the way yeah no thumbs in play coming up I mean all two-handers all powerhouses uh and you know when you talk troop Bill Monty and Simonson uh it's they're three of the biggest names on our tour but py henryan is the only South ball and if he has a look and he gets hot don't underestimate py Jacob butruff the lone Lefty in show one with all the one-handers and packia so love here in Bethlehem I thought it was interesting talking to the bowlers yesterday they felt relaxed because they knew they had two days of bowling on TV right right but it got intense in the last couple games there with our Superstar Bowlers on the lane yeah because it's so important to grab that number one seed knowing that you have two game match right and and that's really big you we all know how hard it is to win in a one game match you you get two games that's a big Advantage fantastic bowling so far here in Bethlehem Pennsylvania the 2024 PBA tour finals top of the hour group two there's belmo 15 time major Champion Jason Belmonte bunch of future Hall of Famers are on the air in show two it's on the way on CBS Sports Network fantastic Rowling Marshall Kent in the third game for positioning he is the top seed as runs away from Bill O'Neal fantastic effort for Marshall we'll see him again tomorrow now for Randy PE and the entire crew it's dve Ryan saying so long for now from Bethlehem Pennsylvania we're back after the break to bring you more of PBA action as we continue the PBA tour finals it's been a presentation of CBS Sports Network the 24-hour Home of CBS Sports
Channel: Bowling Bowler
Views: 24,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5iynwxVnUGY
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Length: 83min 16sec (4996 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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