2024 PWBA Southern Indiana Open

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Aliva needs eight for a title bang there's the [Applause] emotion there it is boom Jordan Richard the champion [Music] again ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Clarksville Indiana at Blackiston Bowl for the 2024 pwba Southern Indiana open finals it all comes down to this Bend Bane Davis alongside Sydney brummit and Sydney five finalist and I cannot wait for them to get started yeah I'm really excited we have some veteran ownership on this telecast here today but also followed by you know young Lauren Russo who's look for her first title top five is as follows Dasha kovalova fifth seed fourth seed Aaron McCarthy third seed shanon blue housi second seat Jordan Richard and our top seat Lauren Russo now a lot of different story lines that are going on today before we get into the actual frames for me d'h kovalova can solidify herself as the queen of Louisville yeah there's no doubt about that two of dasha's previous titles and a 300 game on TV came right here just five miles from where we are we may be in Indiana but it's Southern Indiana only a couple miles from Louisville and Dasha seems to love the city Aaron McCarthy though has also won in this state yeah no doubt about it she did win in Louisville also I believe in 2018 and so between Aaron and Dasha they have good mojo going on here and they're kicking it off then afterwards we get to Shannon Bowski who I would say is in all likelihood potentially going to be Player of the Year oh there's no doubt about it if she can keep it up through the US Open next week we're going to see a player of the year out of Shannon plow which feels like it's been a long time coming number two seed Jordan Richard also up there what does she have to prove here tonight no she has nothing to prove we all know who Jordan Richard is but it seems like she has a little bit to prove to herself you know just in our conversations with her that we'll touch on during her match but trying to prove to herself that you know she can still win out here and roads lead to Lauren Russo at the top but here is our first match of the finals Dasha kovalova versus Aaron McCarthy it is single elimination they will play one game winner moves on loser goes home Sydney Dasha playing it deep on the right cracks the pocket takes 10 DK strikes off the back Dasha told us her game plan was fairly simple she was going to throw a radical conspiracy or a radical conspiracy um that was about it and she said if it doesn't work then I might lose this match so first okay I like how candid she is you know this is it's either going to work or it's not here's Aaron McCarthy one pwba major title that was the US Women's Open in 2022 as she starts off with an interesting break right there Sydney yeah it was just left off of Aaron's hand have to get it further to the right than she did there especially on the fresh and she ends up with a sixc count split that is makeable which is good for Aaron better than a big four situation which isn't going to be completely up her alley to be able to make if she's going to make this spare how exactly does she need to shoot she'll hit the right side of the three pin just like that Aaron McCarthy thanks Aaron teaching a lesson in spare shooting you can see her Arsenal she's got the motive Venom shock the Black Venom the VIP Sigma the thrill solid and the thrill Pearl she told us that she also has 22 bowling balls in total that she's been carrying around yeah she's trying to avoid drilling out here on tour um one of the very first women I've ever heard talk about that was Liz Johnson and who was the goat of all goats and she said I don't really like to drill when I'm out on tour I just want to be prepared and Aaron was feeling that way as well McCarthy another lighter reaction not able to get a strike Sydney yeah she didn't look super pleased with that shot more than likely just a little bit of nerves even though she talked about like I'm just going to go with the flow it's still a TV finals and we're still bowling for a telecast or for a win I apologize on a telecast so there's going to be some amount of I have to get my feet underneath me to throw some good shots trailing right now by three McCarthy second shot here trying to spam completes it at least she's staying clean through the first two yeah which as we talked to the women today it was uh evident that you're going to have to strike so she's probably feeling like okay more than likely I can't miss very much after this but ultimately two clean frames is better than any opens d'h kovalova her Arsenal is as follows the radical conspiracy the radical outer limits the amonite gb4 and the hammer NV tour track stealth maybe a ball that she throws but that's not her spare ball I promise but it will be shanon house hey when you're striking no spares are needed Sydney brummit that's very true there was a point where I was bowling yesterday and I said well if I need my spare ball um I probably will not be bowling tomorrow now Dasha did have one of the 300 games this week Sydney you also had one of them Aaron McCarthy had two no doubt about it shrikes were fairly easy to come by and so when you got on a good pair you wanted to take advantage of it Dasha potentially trying to be the queen of Louisville and she continues the streak of perfection it's a good start for d' especially after you know we chatted with her at the end of the block and there's been quite a few weeks out here when she's had the opportunity to make the show and unfortunately bow her way out of the number and this week doing just the opposite bowled her way into it in that final game of qualifying game number 24 McCarthy third frame searching for her first strike I like it Aaron McCarthy loves it give her a strike much better shot there for Aaron we asked her about the confidence right the mentality coming into this and she said it's a high scoring pace so you can't be too confident because this pattern just lends to some insane results like that yeah you never know what you're going to get we saw the replay of Aaron that one for the right down Lane the one previously when they are this high scoring you you never know like you could Liz skin 71 three times in our our final game of qualifying unfortunately just missed the show she buil incredible but the result might be might not be exactly what you were wanting well let's see if McCarthy can extend backto back double it up through three and four much better shots for Aaron that's for sure dashak kovalova I don't think has started in this fifth seed position for quite some time yeah she uh when she won in Louisville we believe she was the number one and number two seeds respectively for her titles that she has won you know in this area of the country Louisville's real good to Shockers right now we do know that which T State women just won their last and final Helmer cup that they'll ever be able to win just up the road at Kingpin Lanes on April 20th of this year as we see Dasha get that fourth strike staying perfect and so when uh Dasha called uh Mark Lewis coach L as we all know and love him L dog and said like what do you what do you think he said you know Louisville's good for the shocks right now and I believe it I think he's right we believe it kovalova is proving it front four has a decent lead so far I believe 23 pins up on McCarthy and I feel it's a battle against yourself right now to keep the streak alive like that release bit wi keeps it going five up five down for dasha kovalova yeah and if you're Aon McCarthy there's really no Panic at this point either just because you know that you could have a she like Aaron could very well strike out she knows it's available to her so it's not like oh I have to do something magically better watch the replay from d' ball deflects slightly but it's a it's rolling enough through the pins that she still gets all 10 now we've got this shorter asymmetrical oil pattern Sydney that they are attacking do you think that their methods are working through the front five I do I do the only reason we don't have both players with the front five is two errant shots from Aaron McCarthy both of them left off of her hand down Lane specifically otherwise I think we'd have uh 10 strikes in a row between the two of them last time McCarthy was able to hold a victory was 2022 trying to get herself on the board this year and like we mentioned two 300 games throughout those qualifying blocks very impressive yeah no doubt about it when Aaron sees the picture clearly she's a force to be reckon with well let's see can she she paint a strike on this one McCarthy making it four in a row and she is whittling away at that deficit again first two frames not her friend but she is maintaining composure and not taking too many big swings I would say yeah and of course we all know all the b tv friends know that I am biased to Dasha just cuz we were teammates first blemish for kovalova But ultimately Aaron does need Dasha to make a mistake meaning a non strike uh scoring pace is so high that any non strike feels like a mistake out here she needs that to happen a couple times in order to have a shot at winning this match well there was anything happened there off the hand or just a tough B reaction she was more around that one than she was the one before we talked a little bit about just some injuries and things that Dasha has been dealing with and some of her hand stuff she's got going on from an injury standpoint don't allow her to do exactly what she wants with the bowling ball occasionally so it can cause air like that nice spare by Dasha kovalova her streak comes to a close at 5: now if I'm Aaron McCarthy what is the response I got to twist the knife here yeah you just stay within yourself because you're never as much as we want to believe we're bowling our opponent the opponent isn't the person so to say that we have to beat it's the link condition um you just have to bowl your game and hope that your pinfall is higher than the person you're bowling now of course there are situations where maybe you um take a risk your move in order to maybe have a higher score or play it safe in order to continue to at the pocket but here it's really you versus the lanes seventh frame left lane leaves the seven pin backto back instances kovalova can't strike yeah it was a good one from Dosh just unfortunate carry uh there was a conversation about the carry in the building this week and came down to we didn't think it was going to be the greatest um and it really hasn't been the women have just had a ample opportunity to hit the 1 three exactly how they want and have their ball continue through the pins the correct way but those off hits didn't always fall down the way we wanted them to single pin spare shooting is a prerequisite for Success here on the pwba Dasha kovalova one of the best as she locks and loads that's seven pin yeah a lot of the women did have I would say a hard time with spar this week we saw more Miss spares than we have uh normally throughout an event and it was realistically just because the pattern hooked more than normal for US 37 ft is one of the shorter distances that we'll see throughout the season so people battled their spare balls hooking Dasha being one of them she talked a little bit to us about that at the end of the Block in that interview Aaron McCarthy working on a four bagger trying to extend it to Five Deep on the right can't get help from the pins on that 10 it's a good shot from Aaron keeps are in the Match Lucky not to 710 there you talk about the shortness of this pattern what were some of the ways that we've seen Bowlers combat that throughout this week in Indiana yeah typically when we see something shorter we are going to see the women gear more towards urethane or bigger asymmetric bowling balls we saw it lean more towards the bigger asymmetric bowling ball piece because of the oil that we B on WE B on navigate and it is a thinner oil that moves very quickly so by the time you got comfortable with your thing you are no longer throwing it anymore so yeah the bigger ice metric pieces looked fine which we're seeing here from Dasha for sure McCarthy eighth frame has had four strikes three spares so far in game one leaves the 10 backto back instances where that singular 10 pin just doesn't want to go anywhere yeah and you see some frustration in her body language after that one it's simply because we know that every non strike is an opening for your opponent where it some some tournaments you're you flat 10 and you're like okay I can make this one you I'm going to have an opportunity to win but here you flat 10 and you're like oh this that's a missed opportunity McCarthy has made every spare since the start and that continues aon's Max now at 245 for this game Dasha can get to 267 so a 22 pin differential in their Max scores yeah absolutely but right now 11 I think right now yeah for sure for dasha and that's maybe a little bit of breathing room right yeah had two shots that weren't strikes but still leading and still opportunity to get back on track yeah she'll have to make an adjustment to ensure her ball goes through the pins the correct way oo rare from Das see her fall off a shot like that still a strike though so all 10 yeah she'll regroup here go back to her normal pre-shot routine here it is one more time looks like she increased the Rev rate Just a Touch maybe yeah it kind of happens on accident when we follow up our shots you don't really want it to happen but it does sometimes as Bob Ross would say happy accidents maybe when you get a strike off it though I'm going to start saying that kovalova ninth frame imperative to stick the landing here skates through wraps right around 10 pin again not moving yeah and for Aaron that's a s of relief really perfect front half for kovalova and this back half has just been tricky if you were in her position what would you be doing right now well start with making the making the spare and then she's going to be well aware of what she has to do in the 10th Frame in order to give herself a chance at moving on to the next match kovalova sending it down takes it home with her put that pin in the pocket now in terms of shutouts Sydney any thought on that yeah Aaron cannot shut out Dasha as we move into these final three frames between our two players Dasha can get to 247 so realistically Aaron needs at least this strike here in the ninth and a double to force Dasha to do the same McCarthy must show up here in the ninth steam coming out the lane that n pin made me a little bit nervous yeah seemed like he didn't want to budge yeah and it happens sometimes here it is one more time McCarthy just dribbles it down the right side got a little little action from the pins to help out we always need that 10th Frame for Aaron McCarthy why wraps it's a tough break for Aaron she's had now three 10 pins out of these last four frames and she's frustrated she knows that she made good shots and carry is What mattered this week now she knows it's very possible that she doesn't move on to this next match without something detrimental happened to do in the final frame 10th pin here McCarthy snatches it in the event she does not continue fifth place finish is not bad here in Southern Indiana and two 300s two 300s made it to the show I believe her best finish of 2024 yeah she said it was a Triumph just even making it to the TV finals here ends with a strike there's the action that she wanted from that 10 pin probably thinks it came a little bit too late all kovalova needs is a mark yeah I think the only way Dasha doesn't get that is a 710 shot making has been quality but we have seen 710s from quite a few players throughout the week like you mentioned cin ran into a number of them ultim was a big reason why she's not here Dasha kovalova 10th Frame slides down the right there it is give her all 10 DK moves on okay Dasa with the messenger okay check the inbox it's been received kovalova defeats McCarthy to advance oh you love to see it that's some beautiful reaction from that pin we're going to see a ball change from Dasha she's going to try it looks like a cipher cyer strikes got to be happy with the data that was downloaded there Sydney yeah the ball that she threw for the entire game is a giant asymmetric bowling ball with a solid cover the cipher is a strong cover as well it's quite slow but higher RG symmetric piece it wants to get further down the lane than the uh conspiracy will but still be round down Lane so it won't cause any sharp motion or cause her to move her feet too far to the left last shot game one Dasha kovalova officially gets through Aaron McCarthy and we'll meet Shannon pluhowski in the next round here at the 2024 pwba Southern Indiana [Applause] open I absolutely love it we're going to hear a quick word from our USBC gold partner Lane talk and be right back here at Blackiston bow got some exciting news we now have a Pro subscription for bowlers who really want to take their game to the next level the biggest thing you can tag and label each game whenever you use a ball whatever oil pattern that you're on you can now track the ball's performance and compare balls side by side it is incredibly powerful and it is going to help you analyze your game boom try Lane talk Pro free for one month upgrading the app and we'll see you on Lane talk [Music] giveaway is upon us a Storm bowling ball is up for grabs here on B TV Sydney brummit I am pumped about Distributing this free equipment yeah would you enter the giveaway if you were at home I if I was home I absolutely would in fact I'd be entering multiple times with fake email addresses to maximize my chances yeah so make sure that you guys exit out of full screen mode in order to enter this giveaway oo I mean I'm just thinking of all the things I could do with a Storm bowling ball right now bowling would be probably the only [Laughter] thing countdown has started keep your eyes peeled I will announce it again when the giveaway is live as we see some practice shots from the team cdy Brit your thoughts on kovalova defeating McCarthy it's good for dasha uh because she needed momentum on her side she felt like getting to these uh TV finals has not been easy for her and it's been essential like to even just make it here and then she'll have to be able to continue this momentum as we go into the next round well talking about momentum submit your entry now 30 seconds remain for the Storm bowling giveaway remember to Bow up a storm with all of the advancements in artificial intelligence I'm I'm thinking that the email addresses that I'm using for this giveaway can make themselves at this point is that true maybe not never I've never used artificial intelligence I've never either I don't know what the limitations are maybe maybe bowling could be uh one of them maybe I think it's possible especially these giveaways yeah yeah I'm bowling up a storm in my brain right now look at this Godfrey Charles 66 you have won the Storm bowling ball I know one thing for sure I don't know who's going to win this tournament but Godfree Charles will be bowling up a storm next week no doubt about it make sure you look at your email uh check the Spam and the junk folder to ensure that you have seen the email from our marketing team did you say junk folder yeah you never know you never know sometimes it ends up there cuz they may think it's spam cuz like how often do people win giveaways not very often so not very frequently I guess these days when you do win a giveaway it uh frequently is a bit of a scam yeah like when you get those calls from cruises you want a free Cruise like no I haven't but this time you really did win a free bowling ball so you should look for look out for that email just keep your eyes peeled back on the lanes here you've got pluhowski lining up the lone Lefty a southpaw specialist and she is just having herself a weak and this TV final uninterrupted side of the lane c yeah shannan doesn't have to fight uh with our right-handed friends she gets the lane all to herself she creates her own traffic talked a little bit about that when we were chatting with her pre-show and she said I'm not going to throw that many shots on the pair until I have to so for Shan it's going to be a matter of how she controls the lefts side the lane it was a shifted pattern slightly just to accommodate for the amount of left-handed friends that we had and the amount of transition the right was going to go through he wanted to the guy who creates our patterns Nick hogland he wanted to ensure that the lefties were going to feel similar to the righties as much as he could I think he did a fan fantastic job pluhowski four pwba titles overall two of them Majors two of them standard titles two of them this year the Twin Cities open and the Music City Classic in smea Tennessee which was just I mean in the rearview mirror in terms of competition CNE yeah when I was talking to her she said that she was glad we didn't have a lot of time in between you know these two stops so that way she could carry her momentum forward with her as much as possible good show of sportsmanship between kovalova and pluhowski everybody again on this tour spends so much time with each other you can't help but form good bonds and friendships and wish for everyone success yeah I liked what Felicia Wong said when she made the Queens telecast in our pre-show interviews and she said you know I want to root for other people's success cuz when one of us has abundance we all do and when Felicia said that to me I just I felt more empowered to to root for her but especially for Felicia Wong anytime Felicia Wong gives you some inspiration you feel like you can run through a brick wall oh for sure no [Laughter] doubt motive ball is up next and then a Brunswick ball to round out our giveaways very excited about that but I'm more excited about game two kovalova versus pluhowski Dasha just patiently waiting for our names to be correct on the scoreboard before we get started here in this second match of the night she's a veteran High average sixth in pwba points this year her best finish though was a runner up at the Rockford open starts off game two with a [Applause] strike coincidentally Rockford and here both High friction centers Dasha apparently no stranger to that in fact probably favors it yeah here is the first shot of Shannon pluhowski in the 2024 pwba Southern Indiana open finals Lefty leaves none give CL owski all [Applause] 10 now we mentioned kovalova sixth in pwba points who's leading the pwba in points shanana pluhowski of course she's had the season of Seasons almost didn't come to the very first stop ends up winning you know she thought she would want to be at home and take a couple weeks away but energy momentum's on her side she's playing well playing free free is a bird deep on the left give flowski 10 more four stepladder finals for her this season two wins can she make it three that becomes the question as we take one more look at that blue housei strike yeah it's a good shot from Shannon the Difference Maker in the really incredible women on tour and those who are learning and trying to make their first top 12 and step ladder finals is the women who watch their bowling ball go through the pins and for that one with Shannon it went through them perfectly and it's a key to her that she's doing the right thing kovalova right through can't get any assistance leaves one pin standing yeah Dasha did make the ball change she was throwing the conspiracy hk22 last match starts off this match with the cipher more than like lik because the back half of that match was the only thing wrong with dasha's game and what gave Aaron a chance if she would have had even one or two more strikes in the back half of that game we wouldn't have asked a question if whether or not Dasha was going to win witas state Legend kovalova covers the spare as expected I mean one of the more decorated people Das kovalova no doubt about it it's going to take a lot to mentally Shake her up as with any of the women that have made it to this top five step ladder finals yeah we all go through our ups and downs out here on tour we are living life while we're bowling these events but most of the women out here on tour we try to separate you know our personal life or what's going on around us and our bowling Dasha comes in crushes takes 10 back with her in the third frame it's crazy to sit here and think like oh good bounce back frame for dash cuz any frame that isn't a strike you're trying to build upon mhm like I don't want to miss again because my opponent could shoot 300 now pluhowski trying to F this third with all 10 and she does [Applause] in terms of Arsenal pluhowski throwing some great balls this week Sydney yeah she is she said she went between some purple hammers of course 37 ft and then couple gb5 she has one pin down that she jokingly told us that she had a Pinn down one and one that the I think she said the ring finger is drilled out on she said they're not that different but the one I used as my spare ball a lot recently so I decided to try draw like just drill a new one oh first blemish for Shannon pluhowski comes in the fourth frame what went wrong there Shannon has a couple physical game cues that every once in a while they pop up we've seen her throw so many shots in these first five events on tour five weeks on tour excuse me that they're going to pop up for her more often than anybody else really in our Mind's Eye just because we've seen throw so many more shots fills it pluhowski staying clean as she picks up her first spare of the game now tasa kovalova has the chance to come up throw a double and erase the deficit that's she's in yeah that Miss from shanp is a s of relief for dasha cuz now you know she's not going to shoot 300 like okay we have a chance here no crazy pre-show rituals for kovalova just some Earl gry tea all she needs sticking with the cipher digs in all 10 come [Applause] down that one was convincing from d'h I liked it Sydney likes it I love it here it is one more time that strike from kovalova terms of picture feels like she's got a clearer look at it yeah she knows what's going on and we know that she did because of how comfortable she was making that ball change when the picture is fuzzy you're not as sure if the ball change is going to be correct or not but when you're seeing the Lan clearly you know exactly what to go to fuzzy pictures my least favorite thing kovalova looking to make it three in a row and take back the lead four little sauce on top some Parmesan sprinkles for kovalova for all the shocks out there that's three points come on three pin lead now for kovalova here it is that Cipher is working Sydney it is yeah cuz that was a Miss to the left for dasha too she got away with that one pluhowski lines up right next to the ball return South paw striking not all 10 leaves the seven was an okay shot from Shannon just not the result that she wanted ultimately sometimes you need that assistance from the pins yeah and you're not going to get a lot of it in this building unfortunately we'll get the occasional messenger or the four pin that will come out and tap the seven for Shannon but it's not often you want you want to be able to get T down convincingly so you don't have to worry about the possible seven pin or 10 pin or them together which we don't want back and forth battle here in game two I asked Shannon Bowski what it meant to be leading the pwba in pins and she said I don't really think about it which I feel is a decently appropriate answer right focus on what's in front of you yeah and if it wasn't a goal coming into the the season it's not really something you're like okay yeah it's happening I'm just going to I'm going to live in it you know for somebody who maybe it was their goal then they'll probably pay more attention to it but Shannon didn't even know if she was gonna bow the first stop so it wasn't on her radar well you know it is on our radar a big strike from Shannon clue housei back on track goes the leader just got word that Shan did make a move on the the right lane moved further left through it harder and then did so again on that left lane single pin differential between these two with kovalova having the slight lead but again we've seen the swing that's created by spares yeah anytime that somebody misses it's an opportunity for your opponent and it's not just an open it's any non-strike kovalova can she extend wide shot comes right in Cuts 10 down that's great news for dasha cuz on the left lane we saw her Miss left on the right lane we saw her Miss right in comparison of course to the shots that she's thrown previously she may have adjusted her strategy and we don't know that but the last two shots have not been in the same part of the lane and it's like I was talking to some of the women throughout qualifying and they said if I have to throw it perfect I'm not winning this week and so with Dasha here she knows I just have to throw it kind of where I want to with excellent execution and I'm going to have a good chance at getting 10 I squinted and thought that last ball was Tony Hawk just riding the halfpipe of the gutter but kovalova looking to extend even further Sydney I think it's safe to say she's locked in yeah I would say so I would say so it was an excellent shot from Dasha that one appeared to be where she intended to throw it and now she has a 24 pin lead wow here it is one more time excellent shot on the left lane about nine 10 at the arrows six down Lane not a ton of angle blue housei last time she shot on this it was a nine spare can't get any help thought for a moment that that pin was going to come all the way over it considered it she has left backto back seven pins is there anything mechanically that can be shifted or changed she'd probably want to get closer to the friction throw it even harder however the ball return could be in her way of that we talked about the advantages of being the lone Southpaw here in the finals but didn't consider maybe the cons the drawbacks of where that ball return is placed gb5 solid is what she appears to be throwing Sydney yeah and it's you like we say the quote unquote pin down one but realistically it's just drill drilled through her ring finger going to cut the differential on it a tad bit for those that aren't aware what is the uh maybe effect of a pin up or pin down yeah so the pin up bowling balls are going to the flare rings are going to want to be more separated the core is more Dynamic where the pin down ones flare rings are closer together when you want to play straighter you're going to want to throw pin down balls uh and when you want to hook them more theoretically of course you'll want to throw pin up and balls that is also completely dependent this is like the little Asis at the bottom please R the read the fine print uh that is also completely player style dependent so find your local pro shop operator make very good friends with them and they will help you know what type of layouts to put on your bulling balls kovalova has been perfect outside of that second frame working on a five bag or can she make it six oh talk about ringing the doorbell of that 10 pin but remains shut good shot I would guess knowing Dasha she made a small move there there she watched herself nine pin and then ball went through the eight pin the last time and she's pretty key on watching her ball go through the pins so she would have made a small move in order to avoid a high shot ultimately leaving her a 10 pin lot of attendance here at Blackiston bow as kovalova torches through the 10 it's heat up up here in game two it feels like Dasha has a big lead that's what it just feels like in the building but realistically it's only 23 and I say only 23 because Shan has a strike in the eighth and Strikes are readily available especially if she gets the one in the ninth which is has been the tricky Lane for her kovalova ninth frame oo interesting shot there Sid yeah that makes the match way more spicy than it was previously little Tabasco on kovalova attempt the 3 69 10 not an easy spare this week because of how much friction is down Lane and the further left you move the more treasurous it gets Dasha does traditionally hook at these looks like she will tonight as well a very pivotal spare for kovalova bid at the southern Indiana open loses the count as well makes out she wins by a pin nice spare by kovalova Shan P now has the opportunity to shut out Dasha as we head into the ninth frame for Shannon this shot here is the most important one got word that she plans on moving for their left and throwing it faster only on the right lane interesting a little increase in speed from Shannon ninth frame let's see if it works give her 10 as a player that's the shot where you let it go and you're like please do the right thing please do the right thing cuz you don't know it is a guess we can't see the oil we do trust our instincts and we trust our eyes as we watch this replay from Shannon and my eyes are seeing a great look for blowy yeah that was a good one and now she's gotten through that right lane and she has an opportunity to shut out Dasha kovalova by just one pin high tension here in Clarksville only missed once on the left lane pluhowski starts off the 10th Frame with a [Applause] stride now Sydney if you're in this moment What's going through your mind just one more Yep yeah just one more you can't think about what your opponent's going to do you can't think about okay if I get these two like I'm on in my next match it's just what do I do to throw this 11th shot how do I give myself the best opportunity to have a good result cuz we can't control what happens down Lane that's what stinks about bowling it's the only bad part about it is you can't control what happens down Lane you can only control what you do on the approach second shot in the 10th oh give her some assist aloop for PL housei that was a quick one ladies and gents one more strike and Shannon Bowski oh we get a replay will have shut out dasak Koval over there it is one more time you could see I mean that pin traveled from LA to B Brooklyn that was a good one now a strike here wins Shannon P this match any non strike gives Dasha an opportunity to either tie or win the match blow's been perfect here on the left does not continue Sydney we got a b [Applause] game will need all three strikes here in the 10th to give her an opportunity to head into a roll off with Shannon Bowski she had a five bagger in the middle of this game needs to tap back into that form in order to survive anything but a strike and it is game over but not just yet I appreciate Dasha was calm on that shot want to keep your heart rate as low as it possibly can be right now got to breathe you got to breathe remember to breathe yeah first shot of the 10th here it is one more time again great look she doesn't get that one to the friction quite as quickly and that is why it went through the pins not as great or convincingly as we would love being able to miss like that is what gives you the opportunity here to be able to tie with shaneon palowski have an opportunity had a roll off second shot in the 10th to stay alive kovalova takes all [Applause] 10 one more strike to send it into a one ball roll off Sydney it's like playing a sick game of best ball I love to see it one shot for all the Marvels high tension here for kovalova Silence from the crowd needs a strike like a fish needs water and kova is swimming we're heading to a roll off Sydney well bless I told you it was going to be a good one when a match is in a TI we have a sudden ball roll up the higher is Shannon choose the starting Lane in order after they both thr a shot should the match still be TI the players will switch lanes continuing that same isoken thank you Robin Graves as if it wasn't tense enough here at Blackiston bll it it just feels right cuz we had a roll off you know coming into the round of 12 today it was a full game between New Way Finn and Kayla Smith to make that round of 12 and now we have one one ball Shan P versus Dasha pluhowski to rate has been perfect on this left lane and that [Applause] continues seven pin gets a little love tap from the four there didn't happen a lot this week so fortunate to see that for her forces Dasha should get up and strike one more time on this left lane not even an earth earthquake can shake Shannon palowski offer game kovalova trying to destabilize here last time she threw on this left lane it was a six let's see if she can get four more than that unfortunately she cannot pluhowski defeats kovalova and moves on here at the pwba southern Indiana [Applause] open wow yeah what a finish to that match we get our our first roll off of the year in a stepladder finals josha made a move that she probably didn't need to make I'm not sure the shot that she threw on the left lane that 36910 was the best but you have to make a move and be bold in the moment you know it uh it came down to it pluhowski powered forward before we get into this next game let's hear a quick word from one of our USBC pwba gold Partners what is it about bowling that captivates us so much Mastery of the game is impossible but Perfection is just Within reach he does it success seems to lie 60 ft ahead but the real battle takes place 6 in between your ears so if no matter how many times you fail you would still do anything and I mean anything just to get 1% better we know exactly how you feel all right folks producer Patrick Martinez here joining you guys for just a little bit to let you know that we do have the giveaway underway for the motive bowling ball of choice make sure you guys come out of full screen as that timer runs down you'll want to be out of full screen so you can hit that submit entry button best of luck to everybody here as we watch the pwba Southern Indiana open stepladder finals big shout out to Sydney brummit and Ben Davis also the rest of the pwba steps C so Scaro doing some stats here beside us Parker Burns doing some social media Donovan grubba writing the story that'll go live tonight on the pwba website Robin Graves obviously for running the tournament all week long along with Kathy watka and many others and big shout out to Blackiston bow for hosting 15 seconds till that submit entry button goes down make sure you guys are ready to go submit entry is live motive bowling ball up for grabs gave out a storm now we're giving out a motive we'll see if Charles can get two in a row I mean that would be quite impressive I don't know if that's ever been done making history odds are low but they aren't zero technically you always have hope and credit to Dasha kovalova for what was a very good effort all week long not going to progress forward but gets a nice check and some great reps congrats to Sharita CN the giveaway make sure you keep your eyes peeled for an email from the marketing team as Cindy mentioned earlier could be in spam folder spam junk make sure you check you never know not that our marketing team would do it on purpose but we don't want you to miss it we want you to claim your bowling ball we're going to watch as Jordan Richard takes her final few practice shots here on our TV pair we are using 17 and 18 got word from Shannon pluhowski that this is a good pair one of the better pairs in the building so we love that that we do Jordan Richard fourth top 12 appearance this season second step ladder final she placed fourth at the Twin Cities open she holds five pwba standard titles and was the 2023 player of the year she was here's a quick look at the rest of the schedule you can see the Classic Series in Nashville was last week after this week it is the Women's Open then the PBA and pwba striking Against Breast Cancer mixed doubles after that PBA PBA 50 and pwba trios take center stage and then the Tour Championship in August Sydney I bet you're going to be there I will be there yeah I'm really excited my favorite out of all those events is the Lucy doubles of course pretty pumped got a good partner ready to who's your partner with Kevin Williams oh yeah yeah the left is usually good at that event and uh really just wanted to have some fun this year while I was bowling it and so I wasn't going to bowl and actually neither was he and then we said well we both just wanted to enjoy the time it's difficult to win there are so many good teams so we just wanted to enjoy our time in Houston enjoy giving back to a Breast Cancer Foundation bowling an event that's cool and so we decided to bowl together it'll be a lot of fun so shout out Kev and this year we have have for the first time ever that trios event you were talking about where we're going to get to combine the PBA PBA 50 and the pwba all in one you will have qualifying rounds for each of the respective acronyms and then once those qualifying rounds are completed we will be seated into our trios teams so it's not like we get to decide them beforehand which I think makes it even more cool cuz you could see any combination of players between the three acronyms that will make up those teams and it is a title I'm pretty pped about that and the people at Jonesboro are always very kind they take care of the professionals when they're in town history making 2024 M TV and a lot of that action you can find here on B TV yeah I think all of it actually oh there we go our producer Patrick Martinez third individual inside broadcast team has leted us all week long as we get into I [Applause] said pluhowski first shot not a strike Sydney yeah if you're going to miss I'm glad it's the first frame in terms of making this spare walk us through it Sydney what do you got to do she wants to hit the left side of the two pin she unfortunately did not do so it's similar to making the 247 or 3610 but you just have to hit a little bit less of the two pin or three pin respectively very rare thing haven't seen much of it this week Bowski open frame to kick things off all that does is give Jordan Richard some opportunity her Arsenal Roto Grip Exel big strike for Jay Rich start there for Jordan would love to take one more look at that Arsenal if we have the ability to so again the rotogrip XL storm DNA coil and the Roto Grip Rubicon Sydney she has got some Firepower yeah she does and it was interesting I had the opportunity to bowl next to her for all 12 games of qualifying yesterday and seemed like she shuffled between balls quite a bit in our first round of qualifying didn't see the picture quite as well if she would have preferred and then came back guns blazing second round wide for Jay Rich but seems like the picture is in 8k as clear as can be now pluhowski trying to make up some lost ground already trailing by 21 pins yeah it's a tough start when the scoring pace is as high you know your opponent more than likely isn't going to miss more than three or four times per game wow eight pin not moving kowa you can see just glaring it down yeah tough break especially considering she had so much carry trouble on that right lane in our first match we going to watch this ball go straight through the nine pin that's why the eight pin ends up standing frozen like the ice age is the eight pin but pluhowski thaws it out fills the second [Applause] frame this is one of those moments where Shannon where she has to try her best not to get ahead of herself not try and make it strike for the next eight frames because anytime we do that it feels like the pins know and they just don't fall down they can log it yeah they do oh she's trying harder let's not move mhm first time on this Lane this game it was that split let's see if pluhowski can have some different fortunes as she gets back to her striking ways both those shots were [Music] high one leaving an eight pin the other one fortunate not to do so we talked about the titles that Jordan Richard has but this would be the first win of 2024 for her if she were to continue up and defeat Lauren Russo it all starts here third frame down on the right swims into the [Applause] pocket yeah Jordan keeps putting herself in a position to play well and win titles out here on tour again this season realistically she did the same thing last year ended up coming out as our Player of the Year anytime you win three titles in a season Like Richard did in 2023 can count it as a good year left lane for Richard has been immaculate so far that continues an interesting way for the six pin to fall six pin said hey even if that 10 pin was there I would have taken it out yeah nice two no as Richard now up by 41 pluhowski searching for her second strike of game three cannot find the seven pin no she goes High second frame on that lane eight pins you have to move move you can't if you're if you're playing at this high of a level and you're someone who is as incredible as Shannon palowski is you know I have to make a move I have to do something different especially with the scoring Pace have to give my myself an opportunity to strike she does that and then wraps the seven pin and it's definitely a frustrating thing to have only one strike in four frames but it's made even worse when you've got Jordan Richard who is just knocking down all 10 pins every single time Bowski Snipes the seven [Applause] pin now last time she was on this Lane it was a strike so there is a level of confidence maybe that she has gone back to it there is it wasn't a convincing strike unfortunately ball did go through the nine pin similar to what she had on the right lane more than likely we Al also make a move on this left one let's see if she can find 10 more she [Applause] does some Advanced Lane talk statistics on Jordan Richard 67.5% strike rate quite high and whenever she does strike 70% of the time nearly she follows it up with another big strike yeah we weren't short on those this week no doubt about that again high scoring pattern all week long here at Blackiston as Richard covers the front five she's making it look easy she is and she has Miss room she got the one further right quicker than she has her other shots and when you did that this week you were worried it was going to overhook scared it felt you know the favorite word and bowling when that happens is it felt a little Cliff you I get it in front of me I T in I get it right early it goes high and so when you got it right early or you got it in front of you and it still shuck you felt like Queen of the lanes for a second Richard trying to extend the lead even more Smooth Criminal takes 10 It Feels Like Jordan Richard is throwing it as good as you possibly can Cy yeah and she chatted about that in our our pre-tv interviews as you watch that six pin slap out the 10 she said I feel like I'm bowling good but my results just aren't matching what I feel like I'm bowling like pluhowski seven pin attached at the hip Shannon you can see striking 66% of the time doubling 67% of the time similar to Jordan right but just that small small percentage can cause a difference in your overall score and when the scoring PA is this High doubling was essential last time on that lane she left the seven pin previous shot on this left lane it was a strike we'll see if history just continues to repeat for shanana pluhowski she's maybe trying to get a little bit more shine on that ball CD he yeah she's trying to make sure she gets all the oil off of it so that way it reads the same every time Bowski trying to mount a comeback and gets 10 and they are blazing through this third game c yeah anytime you're bowling around chanp you know know you're going to be bowling quickly and then you add Jordan to that mix we're going to have a match that feels like it's done in 2 minutes tops we asked Richard what a win here would mean in Indiana and she said well it would mean I don't suck anymore which I think is fair right very you know for her and her mentality it probably is fair as we watch this sh from Jordan great one I mean who said she sucks I want to ask that person some questions only her literally only her because she said that and there were like four 4ish players surrounding her and we all just laughed at her told her she was silly cuz we all know that she's still Jordan Richard and she's still bowling good there's no doubt about it well she might be silly but she's also 71 pins up on Shannon pluhowski as we come to the back half of game three and feels like she's just been gaining confidence all all week long said that the oil pattern was a bit frustrating in the first block but since then she has just dialed it in further and further and that stalls out here without a strike yeah it wasn't a good shot left off of her hand Richard for the first time here in the pwba southern Indiana open finals having to spare just ate off the head pin and went right through yeah anytime you got it left of the break point that you wanted to you risk one or two things might go high but if your feet were too far left you could also 210 so for Jordan she's close enough to the friction that it goes High Lees a makeable which is kind converts with 610 229 still on the board for pluhowski as she aims to get a strike but canot felt like the pin reaction was on her side there yeah it can feel that way but the carry in this building like I've said isn't the greatest and I know that sounds wild because of how high the scoring Pace was but the women didn't need quote unquote like help or Good carry for the pins to fall their way the oil pattern and just how good the women are at staying in one zone we break it down in a quality way allowed the ball to continue to go through the pins nearly perfectly we weren't relying on those off hits in order to knock down 10 if pluhowski throws anything that is not a strike from this point forward she will be eliminated but game still goes on it does now those watching at home it is it is a very uh slim chance yeah all Jordan Richard needs is a single pin in the next two frames which not I mean I don't want to jinx anything but that feels impossible that Jordan Richard won't be able to do that yeah I think she could um do just about anything and she'll get at least one needs one gets 10 [Applause] and Jordan Richard mathematically defeats Shannon pluhowski here in Indiana what a great performance from her this game I mean absolutely dominant on the lanes yeah and Jordan and Shannon Good Friends longtime members of Team USA together Jordan I Believe was in Shannon's wedding quite close so anytime you bowl your friend it's like I want to win but also like I hope you bowl great it's that Bittersweet nature of pro [Applause] bowling third place not bad for shanana pluhowski not bad she's going to continue on as our leader for Player of the Year headed into the US Women's Open which as she points out every time we have an interview guys please remember that majors are worth double points you never know what's going to happen yeah and so she she always reminds us of that which to me all that's screaming is she's in the moment she doesn't really care that not that she doesn't care that she's leading player of the year but she just wants to bowl well next week yeah that's all she wants to do and do that over and over and over again until we're probably going to hand her the player of the year trophy for championships week what can the fans expect next week at the US Open um I would expect them to be really hard uh they're going to be low scoring if I had to guess US Open is known for that we're bowling at Woodland Bowl in Indianapolis which is I believe the first time the women's tour has been there since the relaunch at least and I'm excited cuz I'm close to home so I'm pretty pumped about that I love it pluhowski rounding out her 10th Frame here little bit of a deep dive she was the member of the 2004 and 2005 NCAA Bowling Championship winner at Nebraska she sure was she then went on to coach them for a couple of Seasons go Corn Huskers joking with friends in the crowd and herself that yeah this one's probably going to strike that's how it always goes Phil ball always strikes always got a good good sense of humor Bowski last shot of the Southern Indiana open is a strike thir third place goes to Blue housei but we are about to be treated to a true Championship showdown between Lauren Russo and Jordan Richard but before we can get to that final match let's hear from kegle [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the 2024 pwba Southern Indiana open it all comes down to Jordan Richard and Lauren Russo in the finals but our last giveaway is currently live it is a Brunswick bowling ball 50 seconds left get your submission in Sy what is your favorite bowling ball my favorite bowling ball right now that's a hard one to answer my two most thrown bowling balls on tour so far this year are the Black Widow 3.0 and the cipher so one of those two what makes those your favor they strike they strike that's literally it um but I'm actually falling in love with the gb4 hybrid uh it's a still current line piece from the brands of Brunswick but a little bit older one drilled it before coming out to the Nashville Classic series used it to get into uh to be 13th almost make the top 12 in the second event and then um made the top 24 and then here is the ball I shot my 300 with so that one's quickly becoming a fave so the teammates of mine know the 90 ball is super good if you don't know what that means you'll have to join the team but 90 Ball's super good well before you join the team make sure you subit your entry for this giveaway last one of the tournament let's see who gets it 3 two one it goes to Tyler love that we just get the first name yeah good work Tyler Tyler just drop your like last initial in the chat way to go Tyler I just I just calculated that's what wtg stands for way to go way to go yeah yeah I didn't know what the acronym was in a couple weeks we will be reaching out to you Tyler in a couple months Tyler you're going to get an email and then in several years you'll get your bowling ball I'm just Josh and Tyler it'll come sooner than you think welcome back inside the booth Bender Bane Davis alongside Sydney brummit and we have arrived at the finals match we're here we're here it feels like it's been a long time coming Lauren Russo has been incredible throughout all of qualifying watching her today it saw seems like we saw a different side of her she was to me it seemed more confident in what she was doing very sure of herself and talking to her before the show it seemed like she was ready to win a title this week and that is the key point for Russo this would be her first pwba title ever second stepl appearance this year maybe second time the charm yeah absolutely and really it's her third one overall she made uh the Grand Rapids Classic series final last season as well so there is a learning perspective that comes with making these TV finals they feel like they go really quickly and for Lauren she has to just like when you come out on tour and you learn to make Cuts Lauren's learning how to win so she's going to gather all those experiences she's had from her first two television finals and bring it today I love it it's Russo versus Richard in the finals for the Southern Indiana open and when you look at Jordan Rich 's last game in the semi-finals there's really not much to alter or change a 265 with the front seven covered is about I mean as good as you can throw it yeah and the two shots that we saw from her that did not strike were not good shots so that means that whenever she executes how she wants to which for Jordan Richard is more often than not she has an opportunity to stri Bow give these ladies hug Round of Applause Championship mat the PBA Southern Indiana [Applause] open Lauren is going to get us started in our championship match on the left lane number one seed head bowling coach at mville Unity University head women's bowling coach excuse me kicks it off with a strike not only the head coach but also backto back coach of the year oh mhm division two division three coach of the year high level had five years on Team USA from 2020 to 2024 one gold medal which was at the 2022 PanAm championships we won that together oh that was super fun yeah Richard first shot is a strike continuing the pace from last game Jordan sticking with the same piece of equipment that she used last game appears to be a DNA coil cleaner asymmetric piece from the SPI Brands if it ain't broke don't fix it and when you're chucking a 265 you probably just want to try and replicate Richard left lane swings all the way out nearly gets the 10 pin but it stands it does and just like any other match players is unhappy when they leave a single pin because they know that at any given time their opponent could had five or six in a row a reversal of Fortunes for Jordan Richard but again like we've talked about earlier in this finals better to happen right at the beginning of the game rather than say the ninth frame yeah no doubt about it Russo getting ready for her approach this is her fourth top 12 appearance do you remember the first title that you won hopefully I'll remember it next week there you go there we go best answer possible I'll take a women's Us open as my first title in Indiana yeah nice shot there from Russo would you say a touch High a touch high but Lauren is unique in how forward her hand is as she releases the ball so although it is high her ball is most definitely in a roll as it goes through the pins so she won't have as much unfortunate carry as some of the other players will that are more around it terms of Arsenal she's got the hammer extreme Envy The Hammer Black Widow 3.0 the hammer Obsession tour and the hammer Obsession tour shiny yeah when we were talking to her pre pre- TV show she was like I'm going to throw my quote unquote big ball and then if that one hooks too early I'm going to go to the other one that's shiny kind of similar to Dasha in that way a crazy average this week 240 and she said the reason for that was just I stayed Within Myself which I think is a pretty mature answer yeah she didn't even know she had averaged 240 until we got done so she said I was impressed that I didn't watch the scores and just played the lanes she did drill a strong grip to her OB Obsession excuse me that was in Block two said that she ran into some carry issues yeah anytime a piece of equipment you were throwing was too early you were going to struggle with the ball going through the pins the correct way we are in a high friction Center and the oil that we're using navigate is quite thin so front will hook early that's for sure Richard keeping it perfect on that right lane so far a very tight finals here at Southern Indiana yeah Jordan taking a little bit more time than usual in between these shots here Richard sends it down deep out on the right side comes in and catches 10 yeah I was leaning back in my chair when we watched that one just cuz I thought it could go high there was a possibility of that for Jordan got it to the friction very far to the right you see that get right a five for sure when you did that you thought it could go high yeah it seemed like Richard wasn't as pumped about that shot and how it looked on a return yeah she knows that there was a risk there but she didn't pay full price so we love that well hey what is a reward without risk Russo trying to stay perfect and she does front four for Lauren Russo here's some stats for Lauren Russo first in strikes first in the strike on strike and again after mentioned highest average so far I love that her strike and strike on strike stats are the same that's awesome she is the definite of consistent this week once again those stats sponsored by lto can't do it without him as Russo aims to crush the front [Applause] five not to jinx her but it feels like Lauren Russo here hasn't had a 300 I don't want to mention it cuz I don't want to be a about Cloud but has not shot 300 I'm glad I'm glad you don't want to mention it and then you mention it you know listen I feel like I have to it's like our job to talk about the bowling but it would feel fitting for Lauren to win this title and shoot 300 probably the best way to win a title No Doubt Richard Nice Shot comes in gets 10 both the last two shots for Jordan are High flush last one Tri to four pin that one Tri to n has to make a move whether that be with a versatility skill or with her feet she could just throw it faster if she really wanted to not move out of that zone however with traffic from her and Lauren it is possible for her to move a tad bit further to the left only Trails by 10 20 excuse me so still quite Within Reach no doubt about it sixth frame for Richard loves it I think she loved the result but uh the shot sh shot was a it was sketch it was further left than what she would have wanted off of her hand the last shot we saw from her on that lane got right a five that one about seven or eight fortunate for a good result back half of our finals matchup starting with Russo gets see guys I was a gray cloud like you think it might rain but it doesn't it's fine Patrick Martinez is the only sure fire sign that there will be some uh some downpour look at this shot by Lauren Russo great reactions from the pins and one step closer to a 300 halfway home Lauren sticking with her pre-shot routine here key in moments like this to create some familiarity for the brain to be confident going into this shot here in the seventh frame only way to achieve consistency and that's all Lauren Russo has been up until this point where now she has to make a spare and if you're Jordan Richard you're thinking finally opening thank goodness that's what you're thinking I have a chance $20,000 on the line here nice shot by Russo covers the spare stays clean here's that shot one more time further right than most of Lauren shots have been she's been straighter through the front part of the lane than Jordan has causes the ball to overreact almost go Brooklyn the Le if Richard can get up here and throw a double she will steal the lead for the first time this match Big seventh frame four Richard wow Authority yeah that one was with conviction she knew that one was good off of her hand much closer to the line of Play She intended some shots you just know here it is one more time Jordan Richard straight that's the way you want to write it up folks especially when your opponent goes up there and shoots a n spare no doubt big eighth frame for the 2023 pwba player of the year has five standard titles wants another one and is now in the lead for [Applause] it that was big for Richard yeah this title match is giving exactly what we've had the entire week high scoring both players with Incredible looks it's going to come down to who can throw the best shots for these last three frames high anxiety here in Southern Indiana Blackiston Bowl now Russo eighth frame has not missed on this Lane we'll see if it continues and it [Applause] does it's a key shot for Lauren cuz how she responds to the off cander shot in the left lane was going to Define how the rest of this match went for her ultimately six pin takes care of the 10 headed into our ninth frame razor thin margin of error as Russo readies herself for the ninth frame the entirety of the pwba Southern Indiana open comes down to just a few more shots Russo gets 10 back on track for Lauren Russo that shot similar for Lauren in a location standpoint but firmer than the one previously strike strike out Jordan Richard if she Strikes Out can shut Lauren rousa out by a single pin and would find her first title of 2024 but it starts with this ninth frame wraps that 10 Sydney yeah you can hear Jordan's frustration on that one it stinks right that one slightly further left than it was previously and that's going to cause the ball not to slow down quite as early and you run the risk of wrapping that 10 pin very inopportune frame to miss we talked about the importance of obviously striking in all of them but the ninth frame especially pivotal spare as Jordan Richard gets it I feel like it's only fitting that our Championship matchup has an incredibly High average yes considering strikes were easy to come by this week feels right that it's at center stage in this ttal match not going to be the case next week at the US Open hopefully not we'll see Richard starting off the 10th Frame what a way to shake off that last nine spare by throwing a strike seems like Jordan Richard has really just been battling herself a lot in this finals matchup yeah and it seemed like it when we were chatting with her pre-match too she has to prove herself wrong at this point prove the rest of us right that she's still here still playing at a high level just frustrated she hasn't caught a win quite yet in 2024 second shot of the 10th Frame here Jordan Richard just collapses all [Applause] 10 one more shot for Jordan Richard in the 2024 Southern Indiana open 10 is important here for Jordan from a count standpoint as we watch the replay lots of love on the 10 from the six if Richard is able to strike out the 10th Frame it forces Russo to get a strike and the first shot of her 10th Frame can't Jordan Richard do it yes she can 259 for the 2023 pwba player of the year nine a loser strike in six pins and Lauren Russo will have her first title ever anything excuse me a nine and she will be defeated has been perfect on this right lane continues to be the case Lauren Russo is nearly a pwba title holder beautiful shot c yeah it's the way you want to throw it when you're getting ready to win your first title and you can see the joy as she realizes a career-long dream no doubt about that not just her but her husband Matt Russo in the back just Overjoyed for Lauren her second step ladder appearance of the year and a win for Lauren Russo finally awba champion the 2024 pwba Southern Indiana open goes to Lauren Russo what a moment sydny yeah it's incredible right we had a match between two roommates and Lauren and Jordan their third roommate BR kot stands back and watches them as Lauren Embraces Matt Russo with her first win here I know Debbie is screaming at home no doubt about that $220,000 attached to that Victory as well as the top of a whiskey barrel man J Rich tried to give herself the best Fighting Chance possible a 259 A Very incredible score unfortunately not going to be enough yeah it's it's the game you want to bowl for a title rate if somebody said hey I'm you're going to shoot 259 would you take that your answer is going to be yes it's going to be yes but ultimately Lawrence 267 just enough to squeak by our reigning pwba Player of the Year in Jordan Richard as we head out to Robin Graves all right guys owner Frederick's for our Trophy presentation hey congratulations of LMBO and our staff and all the bowlers that came out congratulations thank you thank you having thought we could try it again all right Russo yes at the beginning of the Season you made a goal and you said that you wanted one of those banners up there and today you did it in resounding fashion how does it feel to be a champion um I don't know I feel like I've worked really hard to get here and they have amazing people behind me every step of the way um I lost my grandpa the first week and I was hoping for an answer from him and I think this is it oh sorry well your grandfather has definitely been watching you this year great great start to the season where do you feel like you are mentally physically with your game um truthfully the best I've ever felt um you know coaching collegiately it's heavy um coaching collegiately my time spent in the bowling center is more so back there versus up here so um a little slower start to the season than I anticipated however um once everything started going and in the move it has turned out to be good anybody you would like to thank yes um hammer EFX turbo Dexter um bpaa USBC all the staff here you guys have been incredible um my husband he's been with me every step of the way um can't think of enough I have wonderful roommates friends that support me in everything that I do and um I think it's bittersweet that Jojo and I could share this moment together the 2024 pwba Southern Indiana open Champion Miss Lauren Russo amazing work by Russo we also have a special presentation for our runner up Miss Jordan Richard she will receive a customized Louisville Slugger J J Rich get in the bat honestly a pretty solid runner up gift I would say conratulations that oh yeah we have our official okay ladies and gentlemen thank you all for coming out this week we hope that you continue to follow the pwba tour on B TV it's been an amazing amazing time first time here in blackistan thank you all safe travels and have a good night love it Blackiston Bowl played host to the 2024 pwba Southern Indiana open here in Clarksville all came down to those last few shots Bender Bane Davis here with Sydney brummit and Sydney that was tense it was and it it lived up to the hype for this week you know we had high scores and Jordan and Lauren gave us a high-scoring match in our in our title Arena Lauren taking a few last pictures with her trophy before we get her in the booth for an interview I think she should have to bring that in here with her she should have to hold that for sure yeah I don't know where we would uh where we'd be able to maneuver it but if we can get the trophy in we will do our best it sounds like bringing it I love this here we go heck yeah okay here's the cool [Laughter] thing Lauren hear me talk from time time I'm not here we have her inside the booth the 2024 Southern Indiana open Champion Lauren Russo how does that sound to you uh incredible um truthfully I don't really remember what happened on that last shot but um it worked out and I'm proud of myself for sticking with it um I didn't think that I was going to shoot 260 but also I was so in the moment that I was like well I know Jordan's not going to stop so that means I have to step on the gas pedal even harder I love that mentality and that 260 all week long this scoring pattern has been quite High walk me through what you were experiencing on the lanes um I feel that it's suited to my game um and playing right and just throwing it hard um has been kind of a theme that we've seen this uh tour season so being able to do it um obviously I made the show last week uh playing pretty similar part of the the lane um about about 7t shorter 8 ft shorter um but it's just incredible to you know be here I again like Robin said I made a goal to get myself one of those banners and um I did it absolutely you said you used to be scared to Bull intimidated by the high scoring Pace but you came out here dominated and looked like a champion all week long yes I feel like I have worked really hard on my mental game to get in the champion mind set and um just because I'm in the winter circle now doesn't mean that it doesn't stop and we still have the US Open next week um and then our last Classic Series so of course and you know there's tons of young women watching today who get to bowl their friends all the time so what is it like bowling Jordan for the title um we're friends behind the lanes and uh very big competitors on the lanes um to share this moment with Jordan um I feel like we talk about these moments all the time um and it's here and I she cried just as much as I did um because she also won you know she has been a huge support in what I'm doing um so my wins and losses are her wins and losses as well yeah it's incredible and now we're going into the US Open you have all this positive momentum on your side how do you think you'll spend these couple of off days hopefully celebrating this win but also getting ready to turn around and Bowl what most people argue is the hardest event of the Season yes I'm going home to my cats so that's what I'm doing um just heal my body you know uh got some chiropractor appointments massage appointments so just really kind of tune up the body before the most um crucial Tournament of the Season absolutely and we' just like to say congratulations on your first win thank you so much I love it Lauren thank you so much thank you hi Mom hi Dad I love you guys we did [Laughter] it what an amazing week we've had here at Blackiston bull Clarksville Indiana the 2024 pwba Souther Indiana open came down to just a few pins sort of what we expected you know in the high scoring pattern that we saw with this thinner asymmetrical oil pattern and Sydney I don't think we could have asked for a more entertaining or better step lighter final no we couldn't have right we had uh a tie where we got to see the first roll out season which was awesome ultimately coming out with Shannon palowski as the winner of that particular match and then you know we got to see the Hall of Famer in shanp future Hall of Famer and Jordan Richard of course and then who feels like she's been knocking on the door for quite a while Lauren Russo finally win her first title that title The Whiskey uh barrel and the $20,000 what a sweet treat before the US Open no doubt about it all the momentum is in Lauren Russo's court and we'll see what she does with it but I'm really excited for her in this moment and I hope she takes the time to celebrate this win like she deserves to I love it any last words CNY just just grateful for bowling glad you guys are here that's about it everyone watches women's sports I love it Lauren Russo finally a pwba champion before we get out of here we'd like to take a quick thank you to the USBC and their board as well as the bpaa and their board all of our gold Partners kegle I am bowling lane talk storm products and go bowling the Bowl TV community that tuned in all week long and especially for the step ladder finals the competitors themselves all of the people that came out on these lanes and did their absolute best and specifically Lauren Russo for coming out on top Robin Graves Kathy wodka Donovan Parker and Cecil on the player Services truck couldn't have done it without them as well as our b tv crew Leia Caleb Curtis Patrick Martinez our producer for Sydney brummit I've been B the Bane Davis and remember on bll TV bing lives here
Channel: Professional Women's Bowling Association
Views: 29,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pwba tour, pwba, professional women's bowling tour, women's pro bowling, 2023 pwba tour, usbc, united states bowling congress, gobowling, bowling, pro bowling, female bowling, learn to bowl, bowltv, women's bowling, daria pajak, shannon o'keefe, danielle mcewan, bryanna cote, pro bowling tips, female bowling tips, girls bowling, professional women's bowling
Id: b0TZsYASdaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 44sec (6524 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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