2024 NCAA bowling championship: Jacksonville State vs. Arkansas State | FULL REPLAY

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we are looking forward to what should be a fantastic championship match between marinas State and Jacksonville State both teams coming out of Conference USA and when we take a look at both of these teams we'll introduce you to this style of play and it's called The Baker format right best of seven series and when you break down how this Baker format goes five Bowlers per team each each player bowls five frames so one through five and then you repeat the order in route two each game Shannon o'keef in her first season in this upstart Jacksonville State program two-time National Champion coming over from mckendry in division 2 having great success as this is a new program who has done great things already on the other side for Arkansas State this is no stranger to the stage and Justin costic he has been to this stage now the third time in four years he's taken the red wolves to the title match coming up as finalists the last couple of tries back in 2021 and most recently in 2023 and it was a hard fot battle too I mean you know and again this is the biggest stage this is what they Bowl all year for so we'll see how it's going to come out but I expect a great match starting things off for Jacksonville [Music] [Applause] [Music] State and getting it going back the other way Faith Welch for Arkansas State both leaving that 10 pin and I like the way we're doing this format where the left lane will throw the first shot the bowler on the right will throw a shot and then you know back and forth I think it speeds play a little bit but it keeps it moving along I know everybody is big into their pre-shot routine but it definitely you know it gives you hey I have to be ready I have that time while that other opponent is throwing the shot um one thing you are going to see and I I don't want to jinx anybody but both teams very good spare Shooters and especially Jack State I am sure if we looked at percentages they're probably very high on on the radar and spare percentage Isabelle Allen picked up her spare for Jacksonville State back the other way and the Miss there from stall and what did I just say I didn't want to jinx them right and but she did look as if she lost her balance there just a little bit again this pair has not been used right so she'll I I saw her look down at her shoe so I think she'll cler balance just a little bit but just very unlike them and there's the All American first teamer just announced earlier this week and that's who we featured in the open Rebecca hegerman the three-time All-American for the Gamecocks those are the breaks you need right there ball coming in very light I was going to talk a little bit about this I've seen these two teams Bowl all season long and I'm telling you you don't get here without a few breaks Arkansas State never really gave up the pocket their last few tournaments but there were a few breaks here and there the roll two and you're going to see it right here as well and I misspoke on the last bowler that there is Rebecca Hagerman who we featured in the open division one player of the year and as I said she was the fourth bowler and she's bowling in a different position so things change here right rapidly because how you traditionally do your lineups sometimes they tend to change based on how you're bowling how you're bowling condition reaction in all and the two-hander there Maggie Toma the sophomore is able to ring in the strike and as we see how the Lan transition we are going to talk a lot about the two-handers uh each team has a two-hander Danielle not right now uh not in the lineup right now for Jack state but we are going to address that she throws a very powerful ball and coming from the left side getting the fortuitous fall is Kayla Smith the [Music] senior Carly vanan vanan from the state of Michigan and happy to be back in her home state you're going to see on this pattern as they're starting they're trying to play further right wait for the lanes to transition although the lanes transition every shot they're going to try to play further right so that the transition is very minimal uh the ladies did not get very deep on this pattern uh during the matches and this is uh the reason why they started for the right and then just inch their way into the track area Crystal Elliot the new cumber coming BR inside and four straight strikes going down for the game Cox three in a row for Arkansas State Brooklyn Buchanan on the approach lay it out and leaves one standing ball coming in just a little bit light leaves the eight pin most of the ladies will change to a spare ball go straight takes the lane pattern out of play while we have the opportunity let's take a look at keys to the match in Your Eyes Hall of Famer what do we see Arkansas state they're going to get off to a good start they said they were a little slow this weekend and they're going to be quicker on making adjustments or substitutions he felt that's where they failed last year with Jack State be patient and we all have to row in the same direction and I'm sure everybody's going okay this is not this is not a boat race right but it's about everyone being on the same page and motivating you along the way good start for both teams come back with us to Thunderbolt length first year program Jacksonville state has a friend with him the name is Babe a former player actually gave it to them at the tournament at a tournament earlier this year they've taken it everywhere so it's kind of been a nice little mascot you saw the little shopping cart so it holds tight to the rosin bags and all of the extra equipment it's there for a purpose and certainly the Gamecocks along with always have Superstition things that make them feel at home and most comfortable and looking good there once more so five bagger now for the game bocks back the other way as we start back to the one spot of each lineup stole and you're you're going to see some different different lines here you're going to see Isabelle is playing a little more right to left she likes to keep the ball straight and in line with what she wants to do where I think Arkansas state is going to migrate a little bit left kind of open up the lane just a little bit earlier than Jack state will it was Miranda Patterson that got the strike party going and they're leaving the eight pin light hit coming in was that was an odd hit actually four pin the fifth year senior Faith Welch out of Savannah Tennessee All America honorable mention earlier this week and's got some work to do there coming in way light leaving the 2410 what you're going to see here right there we bowled on this not we but the team PBA players were bowling they bow the team event they said the right-hander said the right lane was tighter overall he needed to go a little bit straighter left lane hooked a little bit earlier Arkansas State likes to use their ball speed to their advantage I think she's thr just a little bit hard so you can do two things slow down that ball speed just a little bit or make that shift to the right because right now Jack State seems like they have a little bit more of a steady look to the pocket Welch looks in and is able to get two out of three Arkansas State played earlier this morning to be in this championship game championship match against Jacksonville [Music] [Applause] State Los a no doub again the Gamecock who took down 10th ranked Sam Houston in the first round Friday morning then the two- nothing Mega Match win over Arkansas State and then Baker play against the red wolves to take a sweep after that back and forth Affair Toma again the 2410 spit we're going to take a little we're going to take a look at the oil pattern we are on 43 ft with 28.75 M of oil that we're using two oils Fire and Ice Ice tends to H you know it's going to hold up in the front part of the lane just a little bit it's not going to force the ladies to migrate as quickly as we saw during the year and you're seeing that right now I believe with the two-hander Maggie's just a little bit deep we don't have that defined spot where you can throw it to a spot right now I think they need to make that shift to the right jack state is one of the best teams in the in the country to break down a pattern you need to watch what they do this pattern shouldn't break down very quickly it should be small moves until probably the third or fourth [Music] game one standing seven pin is killer Smith another look at it and I think that's the the lone South Paul bowling right now each team does have a left-hander she got a lot of play this week had a great reaction was very helpful in getting the team to this position once more great shot keeping it way in front of her getting it only out to about eight comes in just a little high into to the four pin and the Lefty picks up the spare right now closing out frames effectively as Jacksonville State Arkansas State left a few open already closing it out there but you think about just the quick start that Jack state has gotten off to something that Arkansas State wanted to do but this is a group that is built to come back this is a group that is resilient and can take the first blow they're resilient but I've watched both these teams Bowl all year long and one of the things you don't want is you don't want Jack state to get too far ahead because it's one of these things that I said all year long you can't expect teams to bowl bad you have to B back and you can't expect Jack state to bowl bad nor Arkansas State but when Jack state gets ahead they don't press on the break they just they just keep giving it the gas so they need to learn something from this again they're going to switch lanes that's going to be a different story as well so you need to pay attention what the other teams how they're playing the lanes and breaking them down [Applause] the anchors doing what the anchors need to do crystol Elliott with a strike for Jack State she's back up with Bannon just now for aate now this is something that I would do if if I were down there right now so if I were just and the game is over right so on that second shot I'd even have her throw a different bow to see what they have what the look is just to just to get an idea to play to see what you can play with and work with for the second game absolutely or bringing in somebody who might be a sub for another so you can use this for a couple of different reasons and it should be used for a couple different reasons especially in the matches out he can going back again and that was one of the things that Justin costic talked to where us about earlier was the fact that lessons learned from previous National Championship matches was the fact that hey maybe I need to make moves quicker uh and and and be confident uh and Direct in that move or change if need it when you get to this point it's you know you're talking one or two frames most three you can't give that up when you're competing against teams that are number one and two in in the country right so you have to be ahead of the curve I think Jackson Jack state does that probably they're probably the best at it I think they're ahead of the moves I think they have confidence in what they're doing and that that showed with their performance this year Arkansas State starting out a little slow they looked like they had a little bit of a better look to start so we'll see what happens it's Jack state that grabs game one in this best of seven series some familiar faces in the house some bowling royalty right absolutely we have hope gramley pwba Rookie of the Year and Jordan Richard 2023 pwb player of the year one was from Arkansas State and hope was from mckendry and by the way they throw it good and I mean real good speaking of mckendry a number of transfers six in total coming over from the division 2 program to start this program at Jacksonville State so some teammates of Hope gramley in the process along with Crystal Elliott coming over from the PowerHouse Nebraska and next year will be a total change because they lose six of the girls so it's it's going to be an interesting Changing of the Guard a little bit now we see the swap of the lane Arkansas State comes in just a little bit light I do think that again jack State playing a little bit straighter Arkansas does like to give it just a little bit of room in the front part of the lane I don't think that's there yet uh but we will see if they make the adjustment Isabelle Allen one of those transfers we mention coming over from mckendry and starts off game two with a strike and and I love her game I'm sorry I didn't you know what because we missed her last shot on on there oh see if she could slide it over I think this pattern played right into her she could stay right look left and just play her aame and she was very powerful doing it well ESPN's coverage of the NCAA women's gymnastics championships begins on Thursday April 18th at 4:30 Eastern on ESPN 2 for more information go to ncaa.com the official online home for all 90 NCAA championships both programs searching for their first ever NCAA Bowling Championship we mentioned already Arkansas State national Runners up from a season ago hoping the third time is the charm for the red wolves good shot coming in just a little light leaving that light shaker eight pin I still don't think they're far enough right they like to use their ball speed but right now the lane is telling them the ball's just not getting there Miranda Patterson one of three first team all-americans for the game Cops she's baldw well number five in the mation and scoring number three in pcpi [Music] Faith Welch looking to pick up the spare an area where you said Arkansas state will need to be on their aame in this championship match absolutely there is no give me here you cannot give either one of these teams an opening you know again we've seen why Jack state was so so successful this year I mean they just step on the gas and they keep going you cannot allow them to get a few frames ahead of you because they just never let up and Spares do fill frames and that's usually what it comes down to Patterson Patterson closes the frame there well I'll tell you this if you are Arkansas State your understanding hey we have met this team several times before Conference USA some of the top teams in all of the country they were able to win a few events this season taking down Jack State a couple of times in the process great shot by Maggie Toma our two-hander the future of women's bowling we're seeing more two-handers what power look at the stability at the line though she really in one year I'm telling you she had a little bit of upper body mov last year this year she's so much more stable at the line creating even more power this one coming in just a little bit light for Hagerman so the characteristic characteristics of the pair are showing through this right lane definitely seems to be uh tighter from front to back even when they get the ball just a little bit right to that 4 five area it's just not quite getting there a couple of things they can do Again full speed slow it up just a little bit or make that move to the right they this pattern for being 43 ft they did start way further right than I would have thought uh they would have uh but again that's why they're on TV and I am not now when you say that let's let's be mindful of the fact that uh we've said Hall of Famer we we we know from your decorated and great career that folks should listen in to what you have to say in terms of the adjustments that have to be made and and obviously coaches are right there and understand and feel and know their team and when to make moves and big moves right there in the pocket for Carly vany great shot you could see doesn't give that ball much area keeps it in front of her again you're looking at two teams in the country that have very high rev rates one is a little more speed dominant than the other but adjustments were made throughout the year' been very successful K Smith striking out you you hear that often times rate and for the audience at home that says okay I'm just tuning in what exactly is Rev how would you how would you just describe it well I always say your rev rate has to match your ball speed so everybody can have the highest rev rate they want but if your ball speed doesn't match it's not going to be very very productive and it's also about their axis rotation off their hand you know how they get it off their hand how they get around it um you know the two-handers because they don't have a thumb in the ball you know you don't have to get the thumb out of it it's already out of it are able to create such a higher rev rate um be because they don't have that in the ball and it's just it's so much cleaner I mean that's just what I tell everyone they go well I don't understand why I can't increase my rev you got to get your thumb out fast enough to be able to increase it because the longer you keep your thumb and your fingers in together the more you decrease your rev rate Brooklyn Buchanan out of the state of Washington the same as her head coach leaving the tin pin where she was terrific this morning in traditional play look at just look at them at the line I mean every single one of these Bowlers has such first of all such good fundamentals I mean they're just so strong at the line and we do look at each of the approaches you know sometimes when you talk about those fundamentals speak to the posture that you're seeing because sometimes it's not something that gets talked about enough in terms of you know how important it is to when you approach the line exactly and and U that's one thing that um Shannon said sometimes they work with their girls on with their posture at the line because if they get too far over it it makes for inconsistent inconsistent shot making pretty consistent and pretty even here through the first five frames of game two comeb back Arkansas State located in Jonesboro Arkansas the red wolves three-time NCA Bowling Championship finalist y out the School founded in 1909 better than 14,000 close to 15,000 enrolled and when we were coming on we were surprised about just the size of the university and just how it's Contin Ed to grow over the years all just not making up to the pocket she kept that bow in front of her about 9 10 again I I when you're watching and I know it's hard to do CU you're in the moment but need to watch to see where where was that ball actually exiting the pattern and then figure out how to get there the most most consistent way I think she's got the best look on the Lane right now and honestly uh Crystal Elliott moved further right so she's following her lead and that's what that's why leadoff Bowlers are so important they give you the read on the lane as to what's going on and stole able to pick up the spare and so how much do you nice action there how much do you play off of that just based on how you throw how much are you watching your lead off to set the tone and and give you the story I believe every shot your leadoff ball is going to kind of punch you up and get you going gives you a read on the lane especially if you're switching right in Baker or you go to the next pair it needs to be the person that's most consistent hitting the pocket giving you a feel as to yeah that was close enough we need to make a move and gets it to flush through that's Faith Welch much better shot again playing him very straight I think that all hit the the eight Patterson great great competitor see what she's done tonight one strike and now she'll work on her third spare of the night well the 28th Annual WNBA draft is Monday night at 700 p.m. on ESPN and the AY Indiana Fever had the top pick are expected to select Caitlyn Clark LA Sparks have the second and fourth picks and then the Chicago Sky have the third pick Cameron bring cam cardoso Ria Jackson all in the mix along with Angel Reese they're all expected to go early boy coming off of a fantastic NCAA basketball championship for the women's tournament and so much excitement and Patterson with her third spare conversion of the night [Music] Toma is her coach Justin castic looking on and the two-hander delivering again so right there Maggie is definitely a little deeper she needs to be she's two-handed but what you need to watch off of this is where is her ball getting to and reading that pattern to hit the pocket yes she's going to have higher rev rate I get it but it doesn't matter one of the things everybody has to realize is you can watch other Bowlers you just didn't make need to make the moves and incorporate it into your [Music] game definitely a much closer match this game just a one pin Advantage for Jacksonville State as of now Hagerman who leaves the nation and several statistical [Applause] categories needing to pick up this [Music] four and is able to do so Conference USA bowler of the year coming out of L's Park Illinois [Music] taking a look at the max score right now Arkansas State finds themselves in the lead position Carly Van Dyan who has just been a terrific a Le and a terrific ball out of the hands of the sophomore great shot to set up I believe we're going into the 10 ninth frame or 10th Frame I got to going into the 10th Frame put the pressure on Jacksonville I'm not used to calling them Jacksonville you like Jack State you stick with Jack State it's all good there go Jacksonville State Jack State either one that ball coming in half pocket she is using urethane to try and stay as far left as possible not quite getting up the hill as I'd like to say when the teams bowled on this pair the left-handers actually had the lanes opposite the right-handers so they had the left lane a little tighter the right lane hooked more for them Smith does the job but right now Arkansas State and try to close it out here with the comparison of both anchors tonight Brooklyn Buchanan and Crystal Elliott here's Buchanan and leaves that tin pin hanging great shot looked like it was just like Maggie down around the nine board down Lane the tracers are the best cuz you can read where the ball actually gets to comes in just a little half pocket leaves the 10 pin so Crystal Elliott the anchor bowler needs three strikes in a row in order for Jacksonville State to try to pull it out in game two on the first roll she gets what she [Applause] needs I believe Crystal could have one of the best releases in cleia Bowling she's such a soft hand very rarely grabs it and the conversion there for B Canon well Elliot who want National Championship back in 2021 with the Nebraska Corn Huskers was the most outstanding player of that National Championship spins her final season as a Jacksonville State Gamecock Conference USA newcomer of the year and just a bowler who has such a bright future as she will look to go on to the pro tour good release once more but leaves it a pin short got that one out on the lane just a little bit but look oh got out just a little bit right ring 10 great shot you you cannot expect that not to hit the pocket she would have needed two pins in order to close this out for Arkansas State Buchanan secures it for game two for the red [Applause] wolves so this is going to be even up this is the the duking The Duel the head-to-head that we were expecting to see between both teams we said it wasn't going to be a 40 anything but got a feeling this could go all the way absolutely to the final game as Arkansas State Roars back takes game two 211 to 204 as the red wolves fans they're feeling it getting behind their Squad game three coming up from you return team come back and even things up at one a piece how about a wonderful year it's been for women's sports in a time right now where everything is just on the rise we mentioned briefly the women's basketball national championship highest rated basketball game in five years better than 18 million viewers world record set for Nebraska volleyball you've got Pro Hockey nwsl I mean now the shift is happening Carolyn unbelievable it's it's just craziness how how much we've surged with women's sports and the Crowds Are gravitating toward towards it so that's good for us in Bowling well the sport continues to rise I mean you think about a program like Jacksonville State who says at the beginning of last year we want to start a program hires a pro bowler coach and one of the greats in Shannon o'keef and her husband Brian and now they find themselves here in a championship you can't for any you can't ask for anything better I mean it is just I mean what they bring to the table and what a lot of these coaches that are uh coaching other programs that also compete on tour uh it's it's just unbelievable what they bring to the table with knowledge not only on the lanes but as well as off the lands helping to continue to build continues that's what Justin costic has done for aate has taken care of that spare is stole to lead it off here in game [Music] three Miranda Patterson graduate transfer coming over from mckendry one of those six great ball from [Applause] Patterson rant is one of my favorite Bowlers I think she always she's just Steady Eddy I mean always in the pocket she doesn't try to do anything funky in other words she's always is able to play her aame a lot um and that comes just from being so consistent and and having faith in her game and I think she's an absolutely great Lane re and speaking of faith faith Welch the veteran leader for aate picks up nine in her first role we'll check it out the United Football League week three double header kicks off on ABC ESPN at noon or ESPN plus rather with rough necks and the Panthers from Detroit followed by the battle Hawks and brumas from San Antonio at [Music] three we speak to the veteran leadership of fifth year senior Faith Welch think about this in the Rochester Regional five teams the national Runners up of V Ed their loss to defending Champion Vanderbilt in that Regional round pushing them out of the tournament as one of the four teams left standing ni run that a state has had as Jacksonville State getting off to a good start Hagerman second strike in a row for the Gamecock I would think both teams at this point set in down just a little bit they're seeing the difference differences in both lanes and making the adjustments just a little bit [Music] quicker yes got the nice little kick there at the end honestly when she got to the line I thought ooh she looks even deeper than she did when she was first over here so gets it way out [Music] there look at that that out to about six oh my goodness comes back and just blows the rack I so love the celebration and the intensity in the eyes of the bowlers obviously this is competition but you want it to be fun and it's fun when you can knock all the 10 pins down Smith doing her thing I wasn't sure what Brian might [Applause] do left Tander only bowler on that side coming in a little light looks like she made that move to the left great shot D who's known to throw a big strike ball with the thumb and does so Arkansas state is not afraid of the pressure right here playing them pretty direct actually more direct than Arkansas State likes play them doing the right thing and getting the reaction they needed wide world from Elliot bustles through and you know notice the approach that she has as well it's one of patience she takes her time on the approach but that's something that Shannon o'keef has talked about patience is going to be important for us and a key for tonight yes and and the the one thing I love about Crystal's Game Boy her hand is underneath it very end overend not waiting for her ball to hook a lot just read the pattern nice and smooth it she does it so naturally it's it's just great to watch we talked a little bit about Brooklyn Buchanan and again the job that she did earlier today slow start for the red wolves in the traditional match but closed strong in Baker play one3 to1 versus the three seed Youngstown State to advance to the championship match and it was because of her 217 in traditional play along with the Freshman Mala Chavez who help to lift the red wolves in that [Applause] charge conversion there for Brooklyn bu Canon and right now it's an 11 Pin Advantage for Jack State welcome back to the 2024 NCAA Bowling Championship from Allen Park Michigan the Hall of Famer Carolyn Doran Ballard Tiffany green here with you both teams seeking their first ever Bowling Championship the inaugural season for the Gamecock Jacksonville State located in Jacksonville Alabama founded in 1883 close to 10,000 students with the university Isabelle Allen originally from England an integrated Studies major kicks action back from the break with that wonderful roll I think she's only left nine on her first shot I think she struck right or she had n spare right and stra yeah oh she had an open oh the 248 cuz every time I look at her she's [Applause] striking stall the second team allamerican an honorable mention last year and when we to talked with Coach kasic obviously feeling very confident in this group all who returned from last year he talked about just the way this fifthy year senior has shined in TV moments in the past two national championship appearances I think the key to Arkansas State success was after the few events where they did not perform the way they wanted to they kind of settled back we talked about how he got the affirmations together for the girls they read them once a day you know it's not like beating into your head but reading them once a day just to know hey we belong we have a common goal things like that I think pulling them together and and reaffirming that hey yeah okay things didn't go that great this the last couple tournaments but as a whole things have been fantastic and we're going to be bowling strong teams so we've got to get it together and they have you think about just what Arkansas state has done I mean throughout their schedule in the season they're being tested all the way through stepen F Austin a very good program vanderbild Jacksonville State we mentioned among many others along the way so I'm going to make a prediction okay I like to make predictions it's okay if they're wrong you know it's just a guess I think whoever conquers this right lane is going to excel that's just me because the shot making on the right lane if you're just that little you know little bit with the ball speed it shoots right through the spot leaves the bucket if you get a little bit too far right it just barely hits the headpin it's a it's more about the shot making and just being patient on that right lane the left lane seems to be a little more forgiving so I think this right lane is going to be the one that's going to be the winner so needing a little bit more of the Finesse and at four pin spare from Welch would you say it as such in terms of just that small tweak of I think kind of finding that perfect place right I I think they're close to the pocket so now it's more about just the ball speed or is it the wrong ball I mean you're three or four games in there I mean you know I mean we got to see do we like the motion do we not cuz really at this point when you're in a championship match like this your adrenaline is pumping so you don't want to have to be perfect um you want to be able to kind of do your thing relax just a little bit so it it could be a ball change as well thany Tomas trying to answer it back because Jacksonville State has been near perfect in this game all but one have been strikes and we can see this Maggie gets this one way right she's been keeping it out to about the five six board this one gets out to uh two and just never reads it and we saw that this weekend you know once you got the ball way right it never recovered it was straighter angles to start migrate into that 9 10 11 12 um and ball speed was crucial some teams opted for surface some opted for ball speed Toma takes care of [Applause] business and this is what Kayla Smith has done tonight pair of strikes a trio of spares has an opport opportunity with that seven pin hanging to pick up her fourth of the night another great shot just wraps around that seven pin still using urethane controls the pocket very well Carly Van Dian who has just been so steady for this group five strikes tonight for a state coming from the fingertips of Carly [Music] vanan Smith who was Rock Solid and earn tournament MVP last weekend or a couple weekends ago in Conference USA Tournament now puts her team in great position here with Jacksonville State in control they've taken care of this match and it's done but it's because it's again that consistency you think about that row or that string of seven strikes during this game help make that difference [Music] [Music] OT use that one high playing a little bit further left on this Lane compared to the right lane but just bounces off the end of that pattern using a ball that gets down the lane just a little bit further you can and play that one [Applause] beautifully when I was talking to Brian O'Keefe about uh some equipment it was different than Arkansas when because then I of course went over and talked to Justin so just Justin First Arkansas State opted to use stronger bowls with some surface to try to play that pattern a little bit further right jack State went the opposite direction they went with weaker balls maybe just scuffed the surface a little bit with a 1500 um so again two different ways of looking at the lane based on how your Bowlers feel how are your Bowlers throwing it where do they feel most comfortable um so again that's that's a good that's a good tip for everybody watching it it just because you read a number on a pattern and you read the number doesn't necessarily mean what you think is going to work will work you got to fix it in you just going to fix everything so that it matches your [Applause] G sleeper spare is what's left for you can and try to pick up another look at it here [Applause] good finish for Jacksonville State they came back roaring in that one [Music] to do leaves one remaining and that brings us to the close of our third game 244 207 Advantage Jacksonville State that seven bager in the midst of this one help the game c take a 2-1 Advantage here in the championship match Jack State grooving right now A 2-1 lead over Arkansas state after three games as we take a look at the ntca first team All America list and when you look at the number of Gamecocks there three in total they represented well in that along with Paige Peters out of vanderbent how about Lawrence toasy out of North Carolina ENT a program that is great always Jay Cody from Youngstown State we saw here earlier Sam Houston representative as well right and and Lauren they'll be on their way to the itc's next week Paige Peters anchored down baby for our coach of the year here to the left John Williamson keeping score for us so anchor down we plan on uh coming back kind enough to to help us out here thrown into the fire might we add John Williamson the head coach coming to take score and doing a masterful job very very obvious he doesn't want to be he can score he wants to be coaching down there so I'm just kind of throwing that out [Music] there Qui up change there from o'keef as patteron starts off game four she has been put into the leadoff position uh throughout the year that is a ball change that ball just takes off uh might be time now to start to move just a little bit left off that spot on the right lane it seems like it's opening up just a little bit I still predict that one as maybe the lane uh to be the winning Lane but you never know as they break down and transition anything can happen if you're just tuning in both of these programs seeking their first ever Bowling Championship 16 NCAA appearances for Arkansas State first time ever as it's the first season for Jacksonville State both teams convert in the opening frame and now we see Faith Welch stepping up for aate already earned her psychology degree currently working on her Doctorate of Occupational Therapy another great shot coming in light on that left lane left lane obviously has just a little bit more hook to it I think that might be a ball change for her as well comes in just like that that is another we've seen that T tonight that light four pin power bar it [Applause] through still playing very direct around that 5 six area going right to left not trying to get around it a lot couple of the girls are way underneath it just a little more end overend control down that back end until they get a feel what they truly need to do on this right lane coach takes care of the four [Applause] pin adjustments that you've seen throughout from Arkansas State anything that they have done or that will they will need to do pay attention to who has the best luck where are they getting it to on the lane and then incorporate that for each girl everyone is going to play them a little bit differently right but you can still use that break point as your guide Maggie obviously two-handed going to be a little further left but you know now 89 is where she got it to Bal made it to the pocket so use that as your guide and then incorporate that into your game how each lady will get to that spot might be a ball change it might be speed I think speed was very important this week I think the harder you threw it the more it went through through the spot on the lane it went either too long to the right or it dead just had no hole to the left when it you rolled it more and the ball speed was May medium ball speed read it just perfect and again didn't have to move in quickly it was actually a slow transition and Toma picks up the spare Hagerman number one in overall scoring average and Baker scoring as well number one player composit performance index at 95% one of the top strike percentage rates as well but also solid on the Speare conversion [Applause] tip Carly vanan grew up just three hours Northwest of Detroit and I'm telling you since stepping foot on home soil she's look sharp Carly using a ball that gets down the lane little bit cleaner but she's got a little surface on it just enough to get that light hit and I got to tell you I think the light hits are better right now than the great ball through the pocket for Kayla Smith the South Paul who's had a fantastic postseason Run for the game coms she's one of the reasons they're here and they you know both coaches mentioned you know when they put her in when they saw that there was a shot on the left where she could be consistent she took out urethane got right on top of it and she executed her shots she is a key why they are here right now bu Canan who is helped to Anchor This Crew for a state the last couple of years and we're seeing why she's so strong you can you can see right here Arkansas state is starting to make that move migrate a little bit further in on this left lane again it will be interesting to see what they do on the right lane because we have seen Jack State go high go Brooklyn so this right lane now is transitioning trying to absolutely catch up to that left lane Elliot out of Palm Bay Florida they call her the mayor well known by me [Music] around well quick time to tell you that the NBA regular season wraps up tomorrow with all 30 teams playing ESPN has two with playoff seating implications Jaylen Brunson and the Knicks host dear D rozan and the Bulls followed by LeBron and the Lakers taking on Zion and the New Orleans Pelicans coverage tips with NBA Countdown at 1230 [Music] Eastern I love how the alley Falls silent and they're coached on that to make sure that the players can Zone in focus in and after five frames here in the fourth will step aside quickly back here at the 2024 NCAA Bowling Championship it's anybody's game right now it's Jacksonville State who has a 2 to1 lead currently over Arkansas state in the top seed sitting in the lead position here in game four Miranda Patterson The Graduate transfer we mentioned coming over from mckendry received a couple of all America honors in previous Seasons with the Bearcats helping them to win a pair of national titles in Four Seasons and now she's trying to make history here here with Jacksonville State in their inaugural season well coming out strong back from the break it's aate about Emma [Music] stole now papon made the move off her first shot moved a little bit deeper so now we're going to see them migrating in right here still getting it out to that 56 but giving it a little bit more right to left great shot leaves the ring 10 and again moved her to the lead off position she's now going to tell her teammates exactly what she did like the shot yes not what I did what was the move and now they can feed off that as they get up to make their shot we'll see what they take away as she's going to pass the information over to a teammates now that she's picked up the [Applause] [Music] spare this aate team number two over overall in RPI ouch Le the sleeper Spar 87 and 27 overall for Arkansas State this season she didn't quite get around that one she hasn't she hasn't really been trying to overhook it but she seemed like she M hit that one just a little bit got it in leaves the [Applause] 28 Allan's going to have some work to do just a bad shot doesn't look like she got out that one very clean paid the full penalty she'll go for the three Welch is able to pick up super spare you see the different ball being used the spare ball for Welch and now here with Jack State tatted on the ball we'll see what Allen comes back with he was able to get four out of five nice little kick that was a great shot at it yeah almost made the Greek church and right here you'll see just going over going behind the four pin taking out that seven pin just leaves it short when you look at Toma and and and just the way that she approaches you have said before that the two-handed bowler is going to take over and help to change the game for the women's side why do you say that just because you're seeing more of them and the the ones you are seeing are so much more prepared than they were for the few that tried to start doing it a few years ago um they're way ahead of and again the men are doing it so you know it was successful more of them did it so I think now the women who start earlier especially overseas it's very popular and it's just catching on more and more over here and they just can create so much more power and when it hits the pins it's just amazing so I think you're going to see more of it one of the things we need to do though is we need to know how to coach them and coaching men and women are two totally diff different animals we talked about that earlier so I hope as we move forward in the sport of bowling we become better at that from Van Dinan all the way through and a fist pump from her head coach Justin CTIC beautiful ball I think she is one of the best setup Bowlers there is in College Bowling she just has been Rock Solid all year six consecutive strikes in a row Pro Rock Solid back the other way is Kayla Smith Kayla kicking back that seven pin and when you kick the seven pin back like that straight back you're doing the right thing you were hoping for that strike if you were aate to try to put the pressure on Jack State this is why she is Anchor Rock Solid at the line is always right past that Tracer look at this oh she's just so smooth out of it I love it I think she's got a great game there's nobody on TV that doesn't have a good game I mean that was kind of a ridiculous they're all very good how many all Americans and All Region and All Conference honors have we mentioned here tonight among them Crystal Elliott and the ones that aren't an allamerican yet will be will be needing a strike or spare to win it for Jacksonville State [Applause] [Music] correction there it's Jacksonville State who just cements off the further this game for thank you for your patience at home my math sometimes we talked about math we're pretty bad I'm not the best right here gets this bow in just a little bit leavs to 49 but quick stat to our statistician over there um it is now 22 all the games have been won on the left lane see that right lane that's a killer Tiffany you're learning more tonight here than you want to [Music] [Music] now one thing with Crystal shot the first one perfect High flush right second one didn't look terrible Greek Church to me she's a shot maker so to me I would have I would try a different ball B on the shot or make a move matters not for their spare conversion because Arkansas state is going to take this game and you said hey look make the change in the ball did you I don't believe so but you may have moved on a lane tell you in a minute she moved on the lane she didn't shoot for the spare so she made a move learned something off of that so she can make the move once she gets back to the right Lan a heavyweight fight happening in Allen Park Michigan as Arkansas State evens up the match at two all a national championship is on the line folks and both of these teams are working hard to Hoist the trophy shows Sean walkner on your left and his second final how about the Elder Statesman Rick Barbara standing in the middle his 19th final and then Steven Padilla on the right in his eighth final and folks if you're just tuning in you're tuning in to a fantastic championship match the finals here between Arkansas State and Jacksonville State these two teams trading blows back and forth it was Arkansas State who who took game four the switching of the lanes and starting it off here is Isabelle Allen out of Tamworth England and Allen hits nine on her first so another switch back to Allen and then Patterson out as a great star for Emma sto in aate here in game five Emma sto I remember watching her Bowl I might look where she's still young one of our storm youth Championship Bowlers and I saw her then and I went oh my God she's good and and she's even better now but we have a lot of Bowlers out here that have old a lot of Youth events throughout the years including Junior Gold um it's nice to see a member of England's national team is Isabelle Allen okay so let's set up the scenario here because just coach John here to my left just loves talking about the finals so both teams have won on the left lane if Arkansas State wins on the right lane and then goes to the next game and wins on the left game it's over if they don't Jacksonville don't forget has choice in the last game and you got to believe because they've all been rolling the ball so well on the left side they're going to try to pick that left lane I I would think right now the left lane would definitely be their choice so it'll be interesting to see what happens this match and where we go from there F Welch he's bowled well overall strugg the last couple of matches but insert it back into the lineup for Justin cast there that's what they want to see out of Faith Welch because they know that's where the fifth year senior can do you can see right there with that shot everyone now has migrated just a little bit further left trying to because there was hold on this pattern once you made that move you had a little hold to the left you had a little bump to the right once that area opened up and Arkansas state right now is trying to play that leads standing another great shot by Jack State and Rebecca coming in just a light just a little light leaving that stubborn eight pin great ball you saw that nice little Lake break action there from to there boom it's just unbelievable Maggie has come such a long way look at that her foot gets out in front of her just a little little bit which is perfect for her and then she just gets through it tons of Leverage so much more than last year you know freshman you're raw you know you're learning wow wow the difference the year makes right and again I think you're going to see that at a Danielle from Jack state next year the players who has such a promising future senior Kayla Smith talked about the importance of her in this run to the National Championship playing really tight there on the outside skirting the line and getting the strike I knew she was going to move left and get on top of it but wow watch this shot she gets that one left almost I mean that hit the one board urethane nice and even off the break point High flush that's why she's in the lineup right [Applause] there one left standing in the tin pin for Carly vanan who has just been so consistent and Silent tonight laid down just a little bit deeper still getting it out to that 910 board comes in just half pocket leaving the 10 how big of an adjustment is it for these players to kind of adapt to you know you're used to a double elimination type of scenario here this is win or go home this this this is it what what what type of mental adjustments do you have to make when you play on television well you know it's more of a Do or Die situation you know that we can't give away frames we're know we know we're bowling a great team um so I do think it you're right I think it is a little more of the mental prep I also think they need to come out just a little more prepared and that means with the physical game as well be sure of your you know of your feel of your adjustments where are you're playing and be confident with that because you can't give up any frames especially when you only have so many games so many frames in other formats throughout the year you do it's double elimination or you know you have a traditional and then the five game total or vice versa so there's a lot of other options in which you can win and take it to a tie bre Shannon o'keef has talked about just the notion of these players executing to help build the energy and kind of start a bonfire if you will for Success on the lanes Canon count it fired up afterwards this right lane right now is playing to Arkansas's Advantage as they're hitting it at this time they like to move left as well as Jack state but they seem to make the move quicker which is something Justin talked about because it did cost them match last year it did without a doubt and they were prepared for this taking care of business and picking up the spare but Arkansas state is roaring here in game five with Carolyn Doran Balor back here with you for the 2024 NCAA bowling championships and thus far has it lived up to the billing obviously everyone is in the stands waiting to see who will take the lead here after game five Caroline this is exactly what we look for absolutely I think this is a great championship match because you know that both teams are going to make make the uh moves on the Lan right there's a lot of communication going on right there there's a lot of strategy happening right now and again chatting back here I mean think about this so let's say Arkansas State wins on this Lane right but if Jack State wins and they still have Choice it's not as if Arkansas didn't Bowl well on the right lane so what do you do I mean there's a lot of good scenarios there are and you know what I'm sitting in the booth and I hope it goes down the 10th Frame and I hope they have to make the decision cuz I'm comfortable back here let's buckle up Folks at home we hope you're doing the same get your popcorn BN ready kick back a little bit further in that Reiner all right now things are starting to heat up coming back from break and it's getting good getting good here folks I liked moving Miranda up in that lineup she's a great leadoff bowler and again when your anchor bowler is a striker your leadoff bowler backs that up with the double perfect right in there okay it's strike versus strike right now three consecutive for Arkansas State Who as a 29 pin advantage Rebecca Hagerman leaves a little work for herself F just a little left leaving the 3610 [Music] another just rolling downhill right now and picking up steam are the Red Wolves they know that they need to stay on the gas pedal because they're bowling one of the best teams in the nation if the obviously ranked number one you're just not ranked number one for the heck of it so they have to take full advantage of this Lane that has been the trouble Lane for both teams and right now they're doing so these two teams have been 1 and two nationally for most of the season coming out of Conference USA it was Jack State who won the inaugural Conference tournament and an important spare there from hman the national board of the [Music] year just Justin cosk has seen his team and what it's taken to get to this point remember they had a 3-1 advantage against Vanderbilt last year before falling to the commodor and so trying to get that lead and close things out is what is of great importance this year as Kayla Smith we've talked about just what she's meant to this Gamecock team coming up with a big strike you never count any of the teams out especially in that that match last year again 3-1 you can't count anybody out the lanes change your set in you know you make a good adjustment you make a bad adjustment everything adds up and that's why we're in this position again that's when you have to rely on that team chemistry to tell you what's going on as well as feeding it back to the coach and not afraid of this moment I mean really both of these teams have Championship level experiences have won a national championship like a Crystal Elliott did so back at Nebraska number of others for McKenry on that Jacksonville State team so they know what it's like to be in these moments but Arkansas State can say the same crystal spare percentage just a little higher you think about how Arkansas state has won now backto back games GES and the idea that this group is poised to try to bring home their first ever title they just seem to feel like a a little little extra confidence that's been added to the red wolves I think they made the move quicker on this right lane which they love to do I also liked honestly what Shannon said in her interview and I'm going to kind of use it for the other team is you rise to your training not necessarily the occasion they all know how to bowl they all know how to bowl they all know what they're supposed to do and it's those moments you know you're not just talking about that one moment in that that that pressure situation it's I got to go back to what I know and what I can do and just do it and that's what Arenas state is done here I think this is a big win MH I I'm not saying that I don't think Jack State can get lined up on the right Lan that is not what I'm saying at all because I have seen them do amazing things this year uh but I do think it gives Arkansas State even more confidence and the notion of that belief has been so critical for the red wolves in the second half of the Season something that Justin costic talked about was a great point of emphasis for his team to try to close out you referenced earlier the affirmations and that was the message going into this weekend hey let's let's remind our ourselves of what we're capable of and what we can do affirm ourselves coming into the match and [Applause] take a 50 pin advantage and win for Arkansas State in game five to take a 32 lead in this championship match against Jack just one game away from a title Champs Vanderbilt winning it a couple of times mckendry also a two-time champ as well and this is what happened in between the games during the break Faith Welch getting worked on with the trainer and working out that upper right arm in between and that's something that they've kind of kept an eye on she may be nursing a little something we were told beforehand and now this could be the deciding D for Arkansas State as Emma stall gets the party going first her fourth consecutive strike fourth consecutive strike knows where to play on both lanes starts the team out to start great start back the other way with Isabelle Allen getting it to roll down hits light but rolls out the bucket we'll see if Arkansas State can answer fourth championship appearance for the program third time making it to the finals in the last four years oo tough 710 and that pin wi kick it over so the 710 split and Bowlers nightmare great shot just comes in a little light you thought you were going to get the push there on the 10 pin leaving the 710 she'll go for one Randa p and we'll see if the BX can make the adjustment As Nice slide there at the end so starting off with back toback strikes here in game six coming in just a little high trips the 49 two great frames on that right lane getting the brakes to go for the Tim pin well coming your way the series finale between West Coast Rivals is up tomorrow on Sunday Night Baseball as the Padre's head to LA to meet the Dodgers at 700 p.m. on ESPN ESP ESPN Deportes and ESPN radio coverage begins at 6: with baseball tonight Sunday night countdown All Eyes here on thunderbow Lanes as the crowd intently watches and looks on as Maddie tber first strike for the red wolves here in frame three this is definitely her Lane she is going to set up the next bowler they need to put them together because Jack state is going nowhere you been five and five on strik so and how about half a dozen strikes in this match for the national Player of the Year Rebecca hegerman they are not going away yet no way no how this is what Jack state does they they rise to the occasion you need to put pressure on them as well as Arkansas state which you could see through some of their battles going 3-1 I mean just two two gritty teams out there and you wanted to see how the teams were going to respond for Arkansas State they find themselves in a favorable position because they played this left lane well but here when you look at trying to pick up this spare for AR State you're hoping to do so because Jacksonville State is rolling right now absolutely and you can't you can't count anybody out it doesn't matter but that right lane did it seemed to give everybody a little bit of of trouble both teams now have adapted I'm sure Arkansas we saw earlier during the break both teams were having meetings I'm sure they were discussing strategy they were lined up on this left lane just a couple of bad shots they pay full penalty on the 710 and the 24 uh 2410 they just they need to Rally because obviously Jack State front four the anchor Bowlers are up for both programs in this best of seven series Baker format Brook Buchanan pocket well and good response there from the graduate student [Music] always wondered while huddling up what are they talking about talking about a lot of things sometimes there's no talking sometimes it's just a huddle sometimes I know they just look at their feet but right now I would say you know it's a little of that motivation maybe one of their affirmations that they were talking about five big frames to go it is not over until the 10th Frame [Music] barely heard that ball put down the whole place was silent as well coming in just a little light made the adjustment on this Lane has moved deeper getting it out to the right probably got that one a little further f r than she wanted to I think she tried to move everything in also she's been nice and soft with it up the back of it on the left lane I think she just tried to get around it a little bit that was a good shot just maybe not get it just as far right down the lane she'll be fine Crystal Elliott who leads the nation in single spare percentage at better than 96% set and true to form is able to pick it up converts and Jacksonville State trying to answer here in game six they up big let's take a [Music] [Applause] break game momentum if you're a jack State fan trying to work their way back into this and push it to uh game seven here in this 2024 National bowling Champion chck nice kick there at the end stall is fired up along with her teammates after [Music] that double to start this second half Isabelle Allen the senior who's played the lanes well this week but goes more like a straight ball and gets the nice little roll over at the end she likes to go right to left kind of get on the side of that one a little bit didn't get out of it as clean as she normally does but she got a break leaves the two pin Alan who will get her degree in integrated studies this fall this spring [Music] rather we'll have some Deadwood there we have to have removed Jacksonville does use their strike shot or their strike ball I should say to shoot some of their spares like a two pin the bucket so again that's something just to learn what ever you're comfortable with I personally choose a spare ball over it throw straight at [Music] it it'ss Bowers preference and they've had success in coming in on that left side for Faith Welch and you can see her reaction after she throws it definitely not happy with that shot just o Miss left got on got over the top of it just a little bit you know at this point especially for Arkansas not saying that Jack doesn't feel some nerves but you know they're on the lane where they can win it so it it's probably a little bit of a different feel obviously fing okay 10 more frames and we we've got this um so you have to remember nerves might be trying just a little bit harder you got to go back to what got you there take the deep breaths know that you're you have practiced and you know what to do you need to just let your body take over 44 pin Advantage for Jacksonville State Miranda Patterson on the roll good shot she'll have to work with the 10 pin looks like she moved a couple left on that shot another perfect shot for her ring 10 [Applause] nice work by Welch on the [Applause] spare we said coming in this Jacksonville State team looks very much like the 2022 mckendry National Championship team six players transferred over with Coach Shannon o Keef and her husband Brian to begin a new at Jacksonville State program an announced that they would have bowling at the beginning of January 2023 they hired o'keef in May of that year and now an opportunity to bring home potentially the first national championship for the University since 1992 Toma was absolutely outstanding right there fourth consecutive strike for Toma can't wait for when Maggie Toma anchors this team such a bright future for both of these squads a lot of work to do terms of replacement because how do you replace a player like Rebecca Hagerman the national player of the year she's working on her Masters and integrated studies so a number of players who will transition and exit out of this program the max score you see there for Jacksonville State 257 214 for Arkansas State can't talk enough about Carly vany and and just the job that she has done tonight and now she says I'll raise you what you going to do Kayla Smith saw Smith go to her knees after that one she wanted it still throwing great shots has hit the pocket I think she's hit the pocket every shot if I'm not mistaken I don't even remember the first game but in the last two games I know she has right here just gets it a little inside leaves the flat seven still a good shot and opting for that spare ball like you mentioned little Pat there for good luck from the teammates got got to put some good Juju on that we got the whole thing going there she turned around knew it immediately when it left her hands Bo I tell you the amount of time practice it takes to be able to execute shots like that we take it for granted sometimes when you're watching but there are hours upon hours put in to try to perfect their craft and improve their skill yes the game has definitely become much more athletic um most of these universities I'm not going to say all of them uh but most of them have trainers so they have workouts during the week besides their study behind besides study hall besides tutors besid besides eating sleeping and actually going to class it is a full day at at school even though college is like the best time of your life um it it's still it's it's a long long days long weeks Jacksonville State just puts an exclamation point on this game [Applause] six eight strikes tonight for the anchor bowler for the game Cox Crystal Elliott she definitely made the move she's a little bit deeper back to being up the back of it just a little bit to smooth out that reaction and right here great spare and honestly you know what it's a big spare you know why cuz she can move change balls do whatever she needs to do because I'm going to assume that Jack state will choose to stay on this right lane you see the intensity and the focus there from Crystal Elliott and it produces result like [Applause] [Music] that she will be getting ready to go out on the pwv tour after she graduates the adjustment made adjustment made definitely moved deeper perfect that's in both of these teams wheelhouse Arkansas State usually gets a little deeper quicker but they have kept up the transition I I am shocked they just shot 190 cuz that lane was very good for them but it'll be interesting and it went seven right can't wait to see what's going to happen for game seven it's a great championship match here three in a row turkey for Crystal Elliot and the extra ump needed for Jack state to come back in this one three a piece here from Allen Park Michigan hey the national champion is going to be crowd after for the next 10 frames you want to come back with us to see who it is chionship trophy Arkansas State and Jacksonville State we head to game seven of this champion ship match Arkansas state is had some tries before they've come up short each time but they hope this time around will fall in their favor meanwhile first year first time for Jacksonville State they elect to remain on the right lane and we start off with strikes on both sides interesting stat they've made three times going to the seventh game during the season they're both 1-1 I don't know what do you think coin toss it's all even right now well you said it would come down to the right lane I did and the idea that Jacksonville State is staying on the right lane feels like or they feel like they figured something out and Y feeling good there will this one kick it over yes almost leaves the 710 again gets rid of the seven a roll into the 10 that is a break right there huge break for Faith Welch and the red wolves in the reaction award hoping wishing in yes [Music] Patterson in the two spot the roll from Miranda you talked about how well she's hit the pocket here tonight I love that setup one and two with her and and uh changing uh yes changing the lineup sometimes you just have to do that to give a feel change the chemistry up a little bit um but Miranda and Izzy can go back and forth as they call her izy so sorry I haven't called her that all night but I like when they switch one and two it just gives a little bit of a different vibe you get a different read on the lane um again not one is better than the other but Izzy likes the read right to left Miranda likes the read a little more left to right perfect [Music] combination he picks up the spare and you saw just in in the foreground of that last shot there's the championship trophy sitting right there so I mean you have a clear view of what you are battling for that's [Applause] it gets this ball way left to Target you could see her reaction almost dead on that one p gets a break loaves a [Music] 3610 great shot by Rebecca Stone nine great shot as you can see everyone on both lanes now has migrated little left of the track still getting it out to that 8 n and leaving that one in an open frame for Maggie Toma you hope if you're a red wolves fan that doesn't come back to bite them Slide by the 3610 just taking off the 610 [Music] closing that one up there's Hagerman now van Dian Carly Van Dian out of New Era Michigan release and in there taking that light hit 10th strike tonight wow B Rock Solid sets the team back up it's never over you just got to get bounc what they say a 5-sec rule right 5c Ru you can think about it all you want for 5 seconds quick opportunity to let you know that ESPN's coverage of the NCAA women's gymnastics championship begins on Thursday April 18th at 4:30 Eastern on ESPN 2 for more information go to ncaa.com the online home for all 90 NCAA [Music] championships Kayla Smith who has really worked on her game put in the time over the winter break and just has that desire to be great and wants to move on to the tour after her college career is done big reason for their run you mentioned earlier Carolyn and nice get there um one of the great things I liked that Shannon said about her too was when she committed to changing her game and knowing she needed to make things different um she came in for extra practices now she's like the last to leave practice and so is Danielle the two-hander she's learning how to I mean it's it's pretty cool to sing him both teams have that both every team has it actually Buchanan again these really tough splits and Spares for Arkansas state to have to pick up and it's interesting too because Arkansas State usually likes to use their speed to their advantage and right now that looked a little soft looked in and a little soft um I don't know if they're afraid that it's going to shoot through it but right now I know again nerves are setting in but you got to do what you do best and they they have good ball speed they need to use that to their advantage especially as the lanes are breaking down well understanding that you know you only have so many frames to bowl remaining how much does that get in your head as a player well you're probably telling yourself I only get two shots I better not screw that up but you have to go back to your mental training and again both of these teams love to play in they follow transition we saw that Arkansas State got the lead on them you know to to close out this match you can never count Jack State out [Applause] ever so Jacksonville stay with the advantage here halfway through game seven come back top two seeds duking it out for a National Championship it's 33 right now halfway through the frames and Emma stole the lead off she has been Rock Solid yes Emma stall has been absolutely Rock Solid love her game and again great person to watch yes we talk about refere yes we talk about axis rotation we talk about all these great things but traditional to the line just gets it off her hand repeats excellent as well as is he so much like we started the first half the leadoff Bowlers with strikes and now Faith Welch stepping up remember we we saw her get some attention from the trainer for that right arm P to strike back in the second and gets nine here great shot after that 710 she got the break kicking out the 710 again leaving a flat 10 [Music] [Applause] in the pocket and that just felt like one great continuous motion you saw take that deep breath through in Rhythm and got the strike and another one basic traditional game unbelievable how solid both teams are the athleticism has increased over the years it's unbelievable the training that these ladies go through to be able to compete at the highest level and they are certainly putting on a fabulous show here tonight fantastic student athletes Rebecca Hagerman embodies that so well numerous recognitions as a scholar athlete NCAA Elite 90 award two times over mag Toma Rey's herself stands in [Music] and the approach the shot yes much better [Applause] shot check out the sophomore from the San Antonio ER area just go to work right there [Applause] [Music] man got it you know great bowling IQ that's what Shan o'keef said of her first team allam confident and embodies what this program is all about and what they want it to be 100% also B the bowling balls don't have to always be High flush and I try to tell people this all the time you throw a good you repeat you hit the pocket give yourself the best chance to strike and they're proving it right here here great answer back from Carly Van Dinan vanan the second team All-American showing great Moxy here for the red wolves all right that's going to do it Jacksonville State all they got to do is stay clean they needed that one big time and who delivered for them was Kayla Smith team leader we talked about her great run here in the postseason after those first few frames Arkansas definitely made the adjustments pins just didn't you know fall their way it happens uh again they will be in this championship match again I'm sure we will see both of these teams here I can go out on a limb and say that the debut season for Shannon O'Keefe and the Jacksonville State Gamecocks and what an amazing year it is Anna workl right there in Danielle Henderson showing just the emotion that's part of the future of the program waral just a junior a freshman and Danielle Henderson so they'll have some young pieces coming back the enatic raise of the hands from Crystal Elliot and all Justin kic can do is look on a another Valiant effort from this Arkansas State group you talked about how they have met in a number of these scenarios already this season but here on the biggest stage it's the top seated team in the tournament number one overall in the nation in Jacksonville State who's going to take home the hardware and you see in a warle getting ready to throw one another one of those transfers who came over with the yke from [Music] mckendry with the substitution why not they say she's the fire of the team and Anna warle Sparks major Flames she is and let me tell you Anna is one of my favorite players and I said to her when I watched her Bowl Junior bowl a year ago I said to her I can't believe how good you're throwing it right now so proud of her hard work and so the final ball will be thrown by Kayla Karu kabz let me get her name right kova rubius here we go Kayla kova rubius reading too fast Junior out of Mexico City Mexico [Applause] the incredible story and journey in with the Hoist of the 2024 NCAA bowling championship trophy Jacksonville State claims it in their inaugural season congratulations to the [Applause] Gamecocks first championship shiing program history since 1992 a valiant effort put up by Arkansas State they come up short in this one as Jacksonville State celebrates huddles up fresh off of that National Championship win
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Views: 108,794
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Keywords: ncaa, ncaa sports, college sports, bowling, nc bowling, ncaa bowling, 2024 ncaa bowling championship, ncaa bowling championship, college bowling championship, college bowling, bowling championship, bowling championship 2024, ncaa bowling championship 2024, jax state, arkansas state, jacksonville state, jacksonville state bowling, bowling full replay, full replay, bowling highlights, jsu bowling, bowling 2024, jacksonville state vs arkansas state bowling, championship, NCAA
Id: 8O3TlVw3cFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 45sec (7125 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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