Forget ChatGPT Try These 20 FREE AI Tools

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hello world welcome to Guru Tech Solutions welcome  to a game-changing video that's about to redefine   the way you conquer your academic Pursuits  dive into the world of 20 free best AI tools   for academic research where we're unlocking  a treasure Trove of digital wonders designed   to streamline your scholarly Adventure don't  let tedious tasks hinder your Learning Journey   let us guide you through these 20 free AI tools  that are poised to be your research companions   these 20 AI tools will help you read  academic papers writing literature review   besides various AI tools for paraphrasing  will be discussed followed by AI tools   for citations and references without  further delay let's dive into [Music]   first five AI tools will help you  reading and understanding academic papers   AI tool number one open your web browser and  type Hamada and click the very first link this will take you to the official page here  you will log in using your Gmail account   now I have logged in as you can see this is the  official page the same process will be repeated   as discussed for previous two AI tools again  you have to upload your PDF document which you   want to explore I am selecting my document it will  take few seconds and it will upload automatically see it says it will take only 15 seconds now the file has been uploaded click open  by clicking here you will see this interface   on the right side you can see the uploaded  article while on the left side there is   a space to ask questions pertaining to the  uploaded article this is very similar to the   first two AI which we have already discussed so I  am typing a question what this study is all about   boom you can see that this AI tool has summarized  the entire article just in a single click now let me type one more question what are the  key findings so I want to know about the   key findings of This research study see it  has brought the key findings of this study   number one talks about boys exhibition problems  solving and spatial abilities were girls displayed   better verbal skills similarly finding number two  finding number three finding number four and so on   in this way you can type your question for  extracting information using this AI tool   let me ask last question what is the  methodology which has been used in this study   let's explore this using this AI see what it  brings out boom you can see that this has brought   out information about the methodology which has  been used in this study about the sample size   and many more I found this AI tool useful for  academic purposes and hope you will find it too   AI tool number two for this you have to type  word tune red I typing the link will be provided click on the first link this will take you to  the official page of this free AI tool here we   have three options let's talk a bit about these  the first one is about uploading downloaded PDF   the second one is to paste the link of  the research article which we want to   read or summarize the third one is to paste the  entire text now I will upload my PDF document   for this I will click browse file  from here I will choose my document now you will see this AI is processing  it here you go you can see that   on the right side the article which you uploaded  you can see this the entire article here   similarly on the left side you can see the  summaries of the entire article is given   you can see the entire summary of the text  on page one similarly by scrolling down you   can see that page number two summary it means  you don't have to read the entire paper now   you can see the summaries of each  section by just scrolling down   and these summaries are in just a few  words besides there are other features   these include viewing The Source by clicking here  or you can re-summarize the text by clicking here besides there is the option to copy the text  and even you can add any text in your notes   I found this AI an amazing tool for academic  purposes including literature review and writing   summaries of lengthy articles in few clicks hope  you liked it too please don't forget to comment   and share in your circle to grow together  let's discuss AI tool number three by entering it will take you to  the official page of this first   AI tool and the interface will appear  like this you can see click get start here we have option to upload our  PDF file by clicking here a window   will appear to and ask to choose the PDF  file which you have already downloaded we'll select this you can see it's  uploading right now it will take few seconds see this has been uploaded now it can be seen  that on the left side the uploaded Arctic   will while on the right side you can see the space  to ask questions pertaining to the uploaded file using this AI is piece of cake or walk in the  park what we have to do is we just have to   type our question pertaining to this paper so  first I just want to know what this article is   all about you have to type and then you have  to press enter boom you can see this AI tool   has encapsulated this article in few lines you  can read these lines to understand it better foreign let's suppose I am typing another  question that is pertaining to sample size   so what is the sample size of the study so you can see it gives the answer  directly now you don't need to read   the entire article you only need to type  your question about the document in hand   let me type one more question which  methodology has been used in this study this AI provides detailed information  related to methodology of the research study let me type one more question what  are a few findings of this study and it will highlight a few findings so  you can see that this AI has highlighted   few of the major findings from this paper  it means you don't have to read the entire   article you just have to upload your file  and see the Magic by asking your question   this is in fascinating AI tool more importantly  it's free to use besides you can see whatever   information it extracts it also provide page  numbers as well I hope you like this AI tool   don't skip the video watch it full to be  acquainted with latest AI tools for academic   research and studies AI tool number four open your  browser and type paper Digest this AI tool digests   the academic papers it means that in single  click it provides summarization of lengthy papers   click the very first link this  will land you to the official page   here it says this will reduce you reading to  three minutes so this is the official page   of this AI tool what we have to do is just  copy the DOI number of our research paper   let's suppose this is the paper which I want to  summarize so I will copy the DOI number from here and then I will paste it here then click digest  and it will process now you can see this AI has   provided the summary of the article with very  few words this was the lengthy article you can   see and it has summarized this in very few  words the first section is pertaining to   what this article is actually all about here you  can see you can read what this article is about and the second section is about what  you can we learn from this article   so it highlights the findings of this provided  article so in this way you can digest any lengthy   article using this free AI tool I hope you  like this AI tool let's discuss last AI tool   for reading assistance AI tool number five again  open your Google Chrome and type explain paper   then enter and click the very first link by  clicking it will take you this official page from   its interface looks like this now  here you have to click Start for free   it will process and from here you have to  choose your Gmail account next it will log in   automatically now what you have to do is you have  to upload the downloaded file from your computer   or laptop very akin to the first discussed  AI tool let me choose my file so here it is now see it's processing the  uploaded file you can see   the PDF document has been uploading and it  can been seen on the left side of the window while on the on the right side you can see there  is a space and this talks about highlighting the   text it means that we just must highlight  the text from the article and this AI will   explain that particular phrase or word so  let me highlight one word from this article   for instance I am highlighting quantitative survey  by highlighting it will asks to click explain   by clicking explain this AI we'll  explain this particular phrase you can see a quantitative survey is  research method that use numerical data   blah blah so it means that you just have to  highlight any text from the article which you   want to explain for yourself so let's suppose  this time I am lighting rash analysis with   this particular term I am not familiar  with I just want to know more about it so here it is you can see that this AI has  explained in detail about the highlighted text   in the same way you can highlight other  such Words which you are not familiar   or which you want to learn more by  just highlighting those very text   lastly let's suppose I am highlighting  one more phrase It's about analysis of dif   this AI will explain here you go now this  stands for differential item functioning and   further you can read and you can understand  more pertaining to the highlighted text   it means this AI gives an opportunity  to understand the article in more depth   here is one more option to ask follow-up question  if you want to ask question you just have to click   here and then you have to type your question and  this AI told will explain that to you now let's   begin discussing AI tools for literature review  AI tool number six in search bar type Jenny AI   here you can see at the top  the official link of this AI the intro is given here which you can read by clicking the first link  you will land on this page   so this is the official page of  this free AI as you can see here first we will log in in order to access it for  that I will be using my existing Gmail account by just clicking you will get  a chance to choose your account   select your desired account  which you want to use for this AI once you are done with this process here is the   final official page of this  AI where we will be working firstly click create a new document and here  we will be typing our questions whatever the   literature we are looking for we will type  a question to get literature around that so in my case I am typing what  are the factors that contribute   in mathematics achievement and and I  ask this AI to find various relevant   research and ask it to write the  brief summary of those very papers you are done with typing your  question then click start writing   by clicking this AI will generate  literature around your topic boom here you go you can see that this AI has  started generating text around our question   now what you have to do is you have to  understand the process how this AI works   so AI generate text step by step you have  to read the text thoroughly and click to   accept the text or you can ask for the alternative thank you see this AI is generating text automatically  and I am accepting the text by reading it   if there isn't any connection between the lines  then I can click the alternative option which is   just next to the accept option so till now I am  just accepting whatever text it is giving here here I didn't want this line to be part of my  literature therefore I will click the alternative   so I will click alternative and see  this has given alternative text so   you just have to read the text thoroughly  and you have to accept the generated text   here you can see it has cited  different studies as well this process will be continued till  the end of our literature review   so you can see that this is generating text and  I am reading through the text and accepting it   and checking the connections between various  lines if I didn't see any connection I am using   the alternative text generation option  so using this lie is really simple you   have to follow the same process to generate the  literature or text around your topic of Interest   once you are done with this process you can see  at the end this AI has automatically generating   references you can see each reference carefully  this reference style has followed APA style   you can choose your desired style as per  requirement of your paper or thesis work   if you want to access the cited  studies you just have to click here   and this will lead you to the website  where this article has been published   so here you can see this paper has been  published at site and beside this you can   find various other studies related to the topic  so in this way you can access various articles   if you want to read more about the cited  studies in your literature review section   in a nutshell this free AI can be used to  generate literature around your topic of   Interest by following the same steps besides this  gives an opportunity to access various academic   papers related to the topic of your interest  in additions you have chance to check the text   for the relevancy of it with the previous text  generated if you found the text relevant to the   previous once accepted or in case you think  it isn't relevant ask for alternative text   AI tool number seven open your web browser and  type open read click the very first provided link by clicking it will lead you  to the official page of this   AI you can see the interference looks like this here we have two options the first is  we can upload our academic paper which   we want to learn or extract information  so for that we will follow this process and the second method is to type our  research paper title or our question   so I am looking around mathematics  achievement and then press enter thank you by pressing this will open  various academic papers as   you can see number of academic papers  has been opened by this free AI tool so let's Explore More I am opening the second paper by clicking you can   see that this AI has opened the  abstract of the existing paper you can read it to get  familiar with the key points the second option is paper espresso  it gives entire summary of the paper   so by clicking here you can get this summary the next option we have about questions  and answers by clicking here we can ask   various questions pertaining to This research  paper so here we have predefined questions   let me use this question as it is about  what are the highlights of this paper   here you go this AI has extract  information about this paper   here you can read these lines to be familiar  with the paper the second predefined question   is about methods of the study so let me  ask about the methods so wait for a while so here you go you can see that a quantitative  research method has been used in this research   likewise another question is about the  contribution of this paper dot so here   you can see that what this paper has  contributed in the academy in this way   you can read abouts its contribution likewise  you can type your question and the given space   in this way this AI can also be used  for Expediting your literature review   sections AI tool number eight for  literature review type consensus AI and click the very first link this will lead you to the official page  of this free AI check it's the interface click login from here you can choose your Facebook  account or Gmail account to sign in   I am using my Gmail account details and you are in now now let's explore it further you can see how you can search here  for this you can ask various questions for instance you can ask for relationship  between different concepts or different variables besides you can ask about yes or no type questions   in addition you can ask about any particular  concept which you want to understand see here a few examples are given now let's begin  asking our concerns or concepts I am asking about   does technology integration  improve students learning outcome   then click enter wait for a while to see  the results it is processing now you can see   this AI has identified numerous  articles you can see the titles here   now we will explore it further one by one the  very first article it's a systematic review and the second article is also systematic  review and this has been cite many times by clicking this will open the entire  article you can see the abstract here so this is the conclusion of the paper and this is the entire abstract you can read it from here or if you want to access the paper you can click here   similarly you can see various others academic  papers you can click and explore each one of these by clicking here you will get the summary and  here you can check the level of agreement of   these papers for instance 75 of the Articles says  yes technology improves student learning outcome   and only 12 percent says possibly but not sure   besides 12 says no technology do not improve  students learning outcomes so this is the summary   you can see and it can be used in literature  review in a nutshell this free AI can be used   to write literature review by accessing numerous  articles and getting the summaries in single click   this AI will assist in boosting your academic work  and the good thing is it's completely free to use   don't skip the video stay till last AI tool number  nine open your Google Chrome and type   click the very first link this will land  you to the official page now click login   and use your Gmail account to sign in boom I am in now here you can see you can ask  any question about the topic around which you   are looking for article or literature so the same  question I am typing does technology integration   improve student learning outcome and see what  the results are click search it will take few   seconds to process and see it has found various  articles around the topic you can explore these   one by one on the left side the articles on the  right side you can see the summaries are given   for instance this is the article and it's  the summary of the article you can read it   besides you can scroll down and you can see  other articles as Wells these are the other   articles you can explore this one by one by  clicking here you will see this and here you   can see the summary of four academic papers this  is very D fascinating as you can see this is the   result of the first for academic paper and by  scrolling down you can see the other as well   so this is summary of the first four article which  can be used in academic literature review directly [Music]   let's explore few more features by clicking here  you will get information about the participants so   where you can see different number of research  participants participated in the research besides you can click and access for more  information like it was intervention-based study   in addition you can check the  summary and all these things   so this AI can also be used for improving your  literature review section since it gives a   very brief summary of different articles and it  also gives summary of various articles together   so in a nutshell this can also be  used to improve your academic research   AI tool number 10. open your web browser and  type cyspace then you will get various links from the top click the second link you are  not supposed to click the very first link   once you click the second link this will lead  you to the official page of this free AI tool S free AI has been particularly  created for research assistance   so let me log in first and for that I  am using my existing Gmail account you   can follow the same process  let me input my information and boom you can type your own question  around which you are looking for literature so let me ask about the contributing  factors of mathematics achievement once you are done with typing then press enter boom you can see that this AI has found various  research articles around our typed question here you can see as I am scrolling up and down at the top this AI has written  insights from the five top papers   it means that this part can directly be used  while writing our literature around the Tropic so actually this is the summary of top  5 papers around our topic of Interest now let me scroll down here you can  see that information pertaining to   individual article is given like insights inclusions and many more you can see that   this is the conclusion of This  research paper in very few words moreover by scrolling down you can  read the conclusion of various papers using this you can develop your own  literature review if you want to go   more deeper into individual paper just click  here by clicking the entire article will open so you can see that on the left side the entire  article is opened and on the right side there   is a space where we can type our questions or  there are various pre-existing questions which   we can use to ask about this particular  research paper so let me use this feature   so let me use the pre-existing question and I would like to know  about abstract of this paper so by clicking this AI will automatically explain  the abstract of this paper in very few lines   here you can see it similarly you can use other predefined questions  to learn more about this particular article and you can see that it also provides information  about references let's discuss last AI tool for   literature review support AI tool number 11. open  your web browser and type site AI various links   will be available but you have to click the first  link in order to access this AI tool by clicking   you will land on the official page of this AI tool  now you can see that we can ask various questions   for instance we can ask simple questions and we  can get full text of millions research articles   besides the say I can be used to write  simple blog essays and Grant proposals   moreover this AI can also be used to  explain the given paragraph and support   the paragraph with various literature  first of all let's log in this AI tool for that I will click login and  then I will use my Gmail account   let me choose my Gmail  account and put my information here you go you can see that I have logged in now in this  search bar we will be typing our question   so let's suppose I am asking to write a literature  review around technology as tool to improve   students learning outcome I just want to say  I to write literature review around this topic   once I am done with the  typing then I will click here then we have to wait for a while this will take  a few seconds once this is done the result will   be shown on the same screen now you can  see that this AI has brought this result   so let's explore this further so on the left  side the entire manuscript can be seen which   this AI has generated in single click and  on the right side reference is provided   so if this entire piece of manuscript  talks about various contributing factors   for instance technology improves  academic and social integration   besides numerous in-text citation sources can be  seen and this piece is well articulated at the end   the concluding sentence can been seen where the  summary of these articles have been given in order   to read more ago into deeper of any particular  article we just have to click the in-text citation so by clicking here you can access the full  article well see this is the article and   it's full abstract if you want to access the  full article then you have to click view full   text this will lead you to the journal  where this article has been published   so this is the journal where this article has been  published it's very well-known Journal Springer   now we will go back and we  will explore this AI further   so don't skip the video important part ahead to  discuss let's explore this particular article more   here you can see that this article has  been cited in 313 various Publications besides this has been referenced  in 37 different articles moreover reference statement can be seen as this  article has been cited 105 times numerous articles   so in a nutshell this AI is so powerful  and be used as research assistants   let's explore further and this time I am asking  this AI to let's suppose I am interested to know   more about the other contributing factors  which actually contributes positively or   negatively in students learning outcome so  I will type my concern in the given space   then we have to wait for a while and this AI will  process around our typed question so here we go   this is the manuscript this AI has brought  forth you can see this has mentioned various   contributing factors like test competence it  significantly Associates with academic performance besides in other study satisfaction with online   learning has been identified as  one of the contributing factors similarly various other articles and their  findings has been mentioned in this manuscript   this is very well written AI content by the end of   this text you will be able to find  a summary of these various articles and in case if you want to access the full article  you will follow this process as discussed earlier similarly you can copy the reference by just  clicking here having said that you can export   this reference as well in various format  so in this way you can use this AI tool   for various purposes including Auto manuscript  generation and many more now let's Embark upon   discussing four AI tools for paraphrasing AI tool  number 12. open your browser and type spinbot this will lead you this page from here you need to click the very first  link by clicking you will land on this page   this is the official page and  the interface looks like this here you can see there is  an option to paste your text so let me open my file select the text  you want to paraphrase and copy it now simply paste here you go now the text has been uploaded on spinbot one of the best feature is you can paraphrase  or rewrite ten thousand words at a time   now click the basic Spin and see the magic  boo here you go viewers on your single-click   the entire text has been paraphrased AI tool  number 13. type in your search bar quill bot this is the second most used AI for paraphrasing  click the first link and this will land you   on this official page see this the main  interface of the official page of quill bot the process is same as discussed  for the previous AI tool open your file copy the text and you just need to pass here click the paraphrase and see the magic bull here you go everything paraphrased  you can see the text it has changed now foreign besides one of the best feature is you  can replace each word by different word   since it gives this option read the  text until you get fully satisfied   if in case you didn't don't worry it  gives you multiple paraphrase text you just need to click the paraphrase again  and it will change the entire text for you   repeat the process until you get full  satisfaction on your write-up AI tool number 14.   open your web browser and type chatgpt  it has drastically changed everything   it's chat GPT yes you can use  chat gtt as your paraphrasing tool   I have various videos on chat GPT you  can watch them by clicking the link above   you just need to open it and you have to  ask chat GPT for paraphrasing your text it says yes it can certainly  paraphrase the provided text again you just need to copy the text and past here and see the magic boo   here you go your paraphrase text is ready in this  way you can use chat GPT as your paraphrasing tool first of all open your web browser and type  cyspace then you will get various links from the top click the second link you are not  supposed to click the very first link once you   click the second link this will lead you to the  official page of this free AI tool foreign this   free AI has been particularly created for research  assistance so let me log in first and for that I   am using my existing Gmail account you can follow  the same process let me input my information and boom now I have login into this  free AI so this AI gives an opportunity   to paraphrase various provided text  free of cost in just a single click what you need to do is you have to copy the text   you want to paraphrase and you have  to press the given paraphrasing key let's suppose this is the text which I have  generated using chatgpt I am just copying this and I am pasting our here once you are done  with the pasting then click the paraphrasing key   just wait for a while it will automatically  paraphrase the entire provided text   so here you you can see this free AI has  paraphrased the provided text in single click   in this way this free AI can be accessed and  used for paraphrase next for free AI tools   will help you for citations and referencing in any  style AI toll number 17. in search bar type mybib   right after typing press enter this will lead you  to various links but you have to click the very   first link by clicking the first link this will  take you to the official page of this latest AI   the interface is looking like this  as I am scrolling down you can see it   now we will explore the various features of this  latex AI tool I would urge to don't skip the video   If you will skip you might miss the essential tips  and tricks which I am going to share in this video   as we know that there are various Styles which  can be used for referencing an in-text citation   by clicking here you can choose your referencing  Style you can choose your style of referencing   like there are various options from APA 6 APA  7 or Chicago and many more but in my case I am   using APA 7 therefore I will choose this once  you selected then click save to proceed further   let's proceed further now we will add  citations to do so click a citation by clicking this window will  appear you can see various options   using this latest AI you can reference numerous  sources like website article videos and many more   see here various other sources can also be cited   for this time I am choosing article General since  I am creating a reference list of an articles   once you selected your Source here we have three  options to create a reference automatically now   we will discuss them one by one the very first  option gives an opportunity for auto referencing   to do so you just have to copy the title of  your research article or the DOI number of the   article which you want to create a reference  the second option is about creating reference   manually it means that you just have to  fill the required information one by one   these include author's name year of publication  article Journal name page number and many more   and the last option gives an opportunity to drag  the downloaded PDF of the research article it   means that you just have to drag and drop here by  doing so it will create referencing automatically   before we proceed further I would  urge you to don't skip the video   because in this video I have shared  a very useful short trick as well   watch till the end you will enjoy it it's my  guarantee suppose this is the article which   we want to include in our reference list  so I will copy the title of the article and I will paste here then I will click search by doing so  it will search and find the article   after finding the article you  will check and confirm the title once you are sure click and  this will create auto reference   it means that it will include all relevant  information which are required in referencing   for instance author's name year of publication and  many more you don't have to put them all manually   this AI reduces your research load after  this click save and now you can see this   reference has been added here in this  way you can create your reference list   now click download reference by  clicking you will get this interface   it gives you an opportunity to save your reference  list in various format or you can just copy and   paste from here the other format include Word  document you can also save this in Google Drive   key and similarly various other formats are given  but for right now I am downloading it is a Word   document so I will click here by clicking  you will see it will automatically download so here you go your reference list is ready but  don't skip the video now I will share the trick   with you using this trick you can do all these  steps in single click by just adding the extension   so stay tuned don't skip the video please you are  not done yet now again open your Google Chrome   type my bib extension by typing so you will  get a link to download the Chrome extension   you can see that more than more than 10  million users are using this extension   this will make your life easier so don't skip  the video we will discuss further processes ahead   click add to Chrome by clicking it will start  downloading and this extension will automatically   add it to your Google Chrome now we will learn how  to use this extension to generate Auto references   and citations in much better and easier way let's  suppose I am searching for an article on a Google   for instance my interest is pertaining to  mathematics and faith I want to search for   a newspaper article and let's suppose  that newspaper down news of Pakistan   and here is the complete article you read  it and the font relevant to your study   and now you want a cite or you want  to add this in your reference list for this you can use this extension now what you   have to do is you just have to click  the extension at the right top corner by clicking here you will get in an opportunity  to choose the format you want to reference this   source so I am using APA 7 I will change my  reference style from here once you changed it   will automatically generate the reference for you  see the first one is the reference which you can   copy from here besides the second one is in-text  Citation which you can also be copied from here   but we will not copy from here however we will  click save to project by clicking this will   automatically save in the official page which we  have used at very beginning of this video see it   has been added here you can also see the first  reference 9 here which we used at the beginning   of this video now let's explore further don't skip  the video stay tuned till last AI tool number 18.   type site fast in Google Chrome and click  the very first link this will land you to   the official page of this AI tool you can see that  various formats for referencing has been available   APA 6 APA 7 or Chicago besides various sources  can be cited these include websites books Journal   articles and many more we have two methods vary  first methods to fill manually all the information   and in the second method it will do automatically  you just have to click the auto and then you have   to put title of the article here let's suppose  this is the article I will copy the article title   and I will paste it here and then click search  after searching it will find the relevant article   I will click and this will automatically  add all information in the relevant sections   author's name your publication article  title and many more now I will click   save citation and here it is from here you  can download the reference in Word document   here it is downloading so using this AI you can  create auto references in single-click which is   a difficult task when it comes to doing it  manually or other ways use this Ai and make   your life easier AI tool number 19 the second  last AI tool for research support citation click the first provided link this will land you  to this official site and the interference looks   like this here you can see there are multiple  sources which you can cite using this AI these   include article journals books videos blogs and  many more you can cite using this platform um let's suppose for this time I am referencing an  article you can choose yours as per your need   here we have two options whether we want to  create reference manually or automatically let's   first explore manual referencing this requires  the following information author name year of   publication article title Journal name volume  Number issue number page number and DOI number   this information can be extract from any article  which we discussed at the beginning of this video   the second method is auto referencing for  this you just need to put the article title   or DOI number here and see the magic  for this let me copy a DOI number from   this paper and we will see how it  creates reference in single click copy and past click search bar boo and it has found our article  which we want to reference   just click and all the information  would be added you don't need to   put the information manually it does  automatically for you check one by one click the site source this  will create automatically   create reference and in text  citation you can see it here this is for in-text citation both for  parenthetical and narrative citation now you just need to copy this reference  and add in your reference list and you are   done in few seconds the last AI tool  to discuss AI tool number 20. first   of all open your web browser and type  cyspace then you will get various links from the top click the second link you are  not supposed to click the very first link once   you click the second link this will lead you to  the official page of this free AI tool although   this AI tool has various features but we will  explore its citation feature for that click here it's about APA Citation now  you can use this free AI to   generate automatic references and in-text citation so there are various options to cite like you can   generate reference of various web pages  Journal articles books and many more in my case suppose I am creating  a reference of a journal article   so first you have to search your article by its  title or DOI number I am typing an article tittle and then I will click the article it will  automatically add the entire information relates   to article for instance Journal name volume  Number issue number page number and many more now you just have to click generate and it  will automatically generate APA style reference   now you can download this reference as well  as you can copy and paste in your document besides you can use the  syntax citation in your paper   did these 20 incredible free AI tools for academic  research leave you as amazed as they left us   we'd love to hear your thoughts  in the comments section below   share your favorite tool your aha moment or  any questions you might have we're here to help   if you found these tools as mind-blowing as we  did don't keep it a secret sharing is caring and   your friends and fellow Scholars could definitely  benefit from this academic gold mine don't forget   to subscribe Guru Tech solutions for more such AI  related videos see you in next video bye [Music]
Channel: Gurru Tech Solutions
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Keywords: academic research, 20 Free AI tools every researcher must know, literature review in research, ai tools for students, undetectable ai, ai detection tool, research rabbit, ai tools for research, jenni ai, ai tools for research paper, ai for research, literature review ai, ai for literature review, ai research tools, research ai tools, ai literature review, ai for research paper writing, literature review ai tool, ai tool for research, Forget ChatGPT Try These 20 FREE AI Tools
Id: J8IgheDlKus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 59sec (3239 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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