2023 Toyota Prius Review // Full Of Secrets

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okay listen the design team has done their work clearly the new Prius is beautiful here at marketing though we have a different job we're here to sprinkle the pixie dust of excitement and capture the youth how do we make the new Prius cool we've already had some great ideas hybrid reborn on the tailgate oh it's wonderful putting the P from Prius in the gas cap inspired what else do we got what else do we got come on come on uh come on uh twitch is Big at the moment yes yes my nephew uses it yep uh and he uses uh hashes oh oh hash browns hash brown no hashtag hashtags yes yes yes yes yes hashtags what are those exactly uh luggage luggage tags like a modern lady label things okay okay okay all right so what do we label how do we how do we let them discover things how do we make these Easter eggs okay uh this okay yep yep the seat belt yep you move out of the way yep #safety first oh my God written on the seats oh my God I love it more more this charger yep you take the phone out yep you look down in there #wireless charger oh my God oh my God come on more uh the glove box yes yeah yes yeah when it's closed yep nothing open it yeah no no I can't nope [Music] okay oh all right what is the ultimate Easter egg the piester resistance what do we got what do we got what do we got uh okay yes center console yep just in front yes if you don't know about it you don't know about it yep yeah i k y k yeah you open it yes hidden compartment inside the hidden compartment it says #hidden compartment [Applause] s [Music] you're watching throttle house I'm Thomas and I'm James and that's the new Prius and a lot of people are saying that it's cool now but that's confusing because it seems like the definition of cool is changing a lot of things that were once uncool are now cool [Music] yeah like Dungeons and Dragons stranger things happens and Bam now that's cool two strapping your backpack perfectly acceptable kale even though it tastes like you're eating Thorns but this time Society didn't change the Prius did for one thing the exterior gets a much needed makeover and the interior which previously had the gauge cluster in the center of the car is completely revamped under the hood there's now a two liter engine and a revised hybrid system altogether that makes horsepower jump 60 percent from 121 to 196 torque is up 20 the center of gravity is lower and it's still light at just over 3 300 pounds as tested despite being all-wheel drive but those things don't make it cool neither do hashtags cool changes cool is subjective for example at one point James thought that pwning noobs in Call of Duty was cool but now the coolest thing for him is that he just installed a smart thermostat in his home so so it's done now it's done now it learns what you it's like it's set and forget how can you Andrew have I shown you this okay in case you haven't noticed people have been making fun of the Prius for years yeah and I think a part of that is because it's just so sensible it's not daring it's not risky and the fact that it's sensible means that it shows you have your life together all right and in this world in this life having your life together is cool the borderline sexy am I right ladies so it gets that where it hasn't been sexy or cool is the way it looks but that's changed now too Toyota says that this new design is more modern more Progressive and smart it's it's basically the guy that your parents said they wanted you to be and they've achieved that by a lower roof line a lower hip line it's 22 millimeters wider all of that coupled with the bigger Wheels makes this Prius quite Sleek it no longer looks like a slug that Al Gore has donated Wheels to and that's not all they've improved Thomas are you excited to drive this I've literally wet myself with excitement yeah you have okay I'm just gonna turn that on there dry me off all right here it is the Prius oh there's a four-cylinder with uh continuously variable transmission attached to it that is seamlessly cutting in as it gets up to a speed with the EV part can't keep up you know what we've gone from 10 seconds to 7 Seconds 0-60 and oh boy can you feel it it's not that quick but it's quick enough now it was slow before it's it's less slow now I will say that if you are accelerating at a constant rate you do get an unpleasant drone from the engine here listen to this you know what it's not about sound okay it's about efficiency and efficiency is key in a Prius efficiency is cool now the most important thing you need to know about the Prius is that it is incredibly inoffensive to drive it's easy to steer the throttle is simple the power is immediate the ride is great actually visibility amazing if I was gonna nitpick I would say that it has the numbest steering of any car that I think I've ever driven but it's so light that it's not fatiguing if you were driving this around a city for hours and hours and hours you know what you're not going to get tired which is probably the goal of a car like this do I love driving it no I don't love driving it but that's not what it's about I I'm not thinking about the car when I'm driving it all I'm thinking about is how much money I'm saving on fuel so in conclusion the new Prius is great to drive it's easy and cool okay Thomas I can't believe that Prius actually also means crown it doesn't actually mean no but actually what it does mean is way more exciting that's true okay you get ready for this Prius I bet you didn't know this Prius means sexy nope it's not it's not that voluptuous nope it means previous prior to basically when they came up with the name it meant that previous to this car there wasn't really a hybrid like it had not yet been alive brilliant it's brilliant groundbreaking stuff uh well this is an exciting car now you know this is yeah so you can't it's not an exciting car it is a good car it's a great car even this is a wind chill Pearl you love your color names don't you well you know the black's called what black wow all right actually yeah so we're standing in front of the limited all-wheel drive so in Canada we only get overdrive us people you're lucky you get both yeah but this is basically fully spec so it's like 43 Grand Canadian 36 Grand US yes top trim I don't think that's too bad no it's not too but for like for the range and no so the range isn't actually that good you're only getting like 500-ish kilometers of range yeah so we were getting great miles per gallon miles per gallon uh we're getting like 51 on the highway yeah yeah but it's only a 40 liter tank which in gallons is this much it's good for the city that's the whole idea of it right but okay so the looks much improved yes right yes very wedgy that's a wedge but it's like a good looking wedge now yeah I like it it's like a fresh door stop not one that's been used for 20 years I I'm more interested in given the fact that there is a now a Corolla hybrid all-wheel drive right what is better about this on the inside because that's where the extra expenses yeah and when speaking of the design as we get in you realize that the reason it's so low and Sleek is because there's not a lot of Headroom hitting the slopes okay okay we this is a very familiar interior because Thomas and I didn't go on the traditional launch of this car no we kind of accidentally did an entire tour of Southern California yeah so we've had a lot of time yep a lot of seat times seats which are good very comfortable seats very very good very good and the interior is we had to get used to some things yep but I think we did um and it's obviously more up market so because this is the limited we have Auto up and down Windows wow well you denied that on the Xbox I know yeah heated and ventilated seats which work quite nice and they're also like hashtag physical buttons which is nice right they don't you don't have to like go into a stupid menu or do anything yeah right and then we've got the upgraded eight-speaker JBL sound system which we're constantly disappointed by yeah it's a shame it's just not good enough for being the upgraded one correct right yeah uh this is nicely designed here yeah it's got this hashtag blue light bar here which does some fun things whenever someone pulls away from you at a traffic light it does a little flash yeah know some dashes light up saying current funds moving it's literally going like listen we know you're not supposed to but we know you're probably going to look at your phone in a stoplight yeah so just get going idiot yeah you've had some fun with that gauge cluster because it's it's a bit weird it's a bit far away and there's way too much like hashtag information in it all at the same time and it's above the steering wheel yeah which I mean it's not new to this but like I just still I still don't like this concept like there's a great spot here that you can put I think I think it's previous gen looking on a brand new car yeah like this looks great and new it's not the best UI but like it's look on Apple carplay totally fine yeah this isn't far off BMW one thing they have decided to do that we've found a bit strange is the volume button is here yes and I don't know whether that's because they haven't switched it for the left-hand drive cars but fortunately you have a ton of physical buttons on the steering wheel and this is a volume control here yeah speaking of physical buttons we did test all the lane keep assists and all that stuff it's like yeah pretty good it was good it's pretty good yeah yeah it was good uh the wireless charger we've tested our phones get real hot oh yeah it doesn't charge them at all but it gets them really hot so it does it does charge them it just it just prioritizes thermal energy over kinetic um yeah no the the same kind of gear selectors before yeah that's the hive which you knocked into neutral for me while we were on the highway well only because you were complaining that this was stabbing you on the side because it was it's a little bit sharp right there and that's where my knee rests I wasn't a huge fan of that uh rear seats the well because we've got this sloped roof there is a very it looks really cool by the way yeah so one thing we've learned on this trip um was that when a when the rake of the windscreen is as aggressive as it is it has to have a certain amount of glass and we discovered this on the new Ford GT which you may not have seen the video for yet maybe we didn't do it and so they did a slit of just glass further down and the Prius has the same thing it's just so it meets regulations of how much angular has to be from your eyes to the ground because it's deeply raked yeah we have the double sunroof with the bar which is not great no but the rear seats are very comfortable plenty of leg room not much Headroom not much head and I don't want to say that this is an Uber because that's that's not fair to this car because I would happily daily it own this car yeah but it does have Uber Vibes yeah and they've made some weird decisions the rear door handles aren't physical handles on the door so first of all they're electric so when you just pull it open you expect to just be able to do it in one film motion but there's actually a slight delay because it does like and then it opens yeah and let's say you were drunk and you needed to get back in the back of your Uber yeah it's 2 am it wouldn't be so intuitive as to how to get in the back of your no you're expecting it to be the door handle to be in a certain place and it's it's just not but I mean otherwise this is a very inoffensive car right it's like it's hashtag comfortable there's there's like there's nothing about it that's just annoying right like there's a few things that I would like to be changed but other than that totally inoffensive experience to drive and to live with yeah and we we said it was a baby we said the crown was a grown-up version of a Prius yeah and that feels more true now yeah there's some things here that don't match the crown level like this bit here the bit of trim here looks like I've been cut out with scissors and yeah but for the most part at the price point no complaints conclusion #conclusion getting excited about a new Prius is like getting excited about a good mortgage rate it's something that eventually comfortably becomes back of mind and the new Prius is great if you want to go quicker and longer there's a plug-in hybrid coming in the form of a Prius Prime but even this normal Prius finally looks good enough and goes quick enough the interior is intuitive and comfortable and the ride is great but is it cool well for us it's definitely cooler and maybe that's as good as a Prius can ever get and you know what that's fine if the older Prius was a good enough f-shack for Dirty Mike and the boys let's just say I wouldn't leave this one abandoned under an overpass anytime soon thanks for watching right okay um can you just come and stop you're awesome me for a bit okay okay yeah okay I know I can't do it
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 1,545,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toyota prius, 2023 toyota prius review, 2023 toyota prius mpg, prius mileage, toyota prius hybrid, toyota hybrid, toyota prius prime, prius range test, prius reliability, toyota prius pov, 2022 toyota prius, 2021 toyota prius, 2020 toyota prius, prius throttle house, prius safety, prius child seats, prius mods, prius interior space, prius vs corolla hybrid, prius vs camry hybrid, prius vs tesla model 3, prius vs rav 4 hybrid, prius vs civic, prius vs honda insight
Id: rl-QKRvZm-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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