2023 Tesla Model Y Long Range Delivery Day! Come Along For The Ride!

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okay today is a super exciting day my wife and I are both here to pick up our brand new 2023 Tesla Model y long range as you can see we are here at the Tesla lot we've got about 10 minutes until we actually pick up our car so let's go do the paperwork get back in January January 20th and today is March 31st which we're actually picking our car up it took a while we had a bunch of changes all the way from a week later to look out in June which was pretty crazy but luckily ended up today which is good for us because that means we're still in bounds for the tax credit so all in all we ended up going with our own loan our own insurance because it was a lot cheaper better interest rates we didn't trade our car in here we ended up trading our car in at carvana or selling it to carvana because they gave us a far better deal than what Tesla did and Tesla self admits that they're not a car dealership they're not buying cars so if you trade in you're probably not going to get a very good deal but we got the keys we went through the whole process it was super simple everybody was super friendly so let's get into the 2023 Tesla model y a I love the exterior of the Tesla especially the model y with the white it just looks so modern and so clean but this I think is the real magic to me at least this is what I love the most the the minimalism that meets high-tech I love it but the real magic happens here this screen is amazing but it is without a doubt a fingerprint magnet so that's why we ended up buying a tempered glass matte screen protector from Tesla Roddy uh it just arrived yesterday so before we leave we're gonna take the film off and we're gonna get that put on [Music] that install was super easy I mean Tesla Roddy makes it foolproof to put that on it already looks better it cut down on the glare it's going to get rid of the fingerprints and it is um nine H or 9M something tempered glass I don't know what that means but apparently it's it's good I guess so I love this interior I I can't get over it I love how Sleek the black is I love the white these seats that are slightly hydrophobic according to Elon I think they're gonna be super nice there's a couple little pieces of dirt on there and it was so easy to just wipe it off and it just it brightens up the inside of this car a lot of times in a dark interior I feel like it's it's just dark it's dim I'm in a dungeon especially in the Volkswagen we have the whole interior is just jet black everywhere and this just lightens everything up it it feels a lot nicer and the other thing that's really crazy is for being a smaller vehicle this back seat is big like I've got a ton of room back here my seat is adjusted to where I normally sit which is pretty far back pretty low and I've got plenty of leg room I'm six one like I've got leg room here I can extend my legs out just a little I can move to the center because there is no stupid hump right there that you would have in a normal vehicle it's pretty comfortable I'm I'm impressed I've got a lot of Headroom here I could sit up more straight so I've got maybe three inches between my head and the glass sitting straight up and again I'm six one so if you're taller than that you might have to slouch a little but man it's just it's actually kind it's it's kind of comfortable like I never I never have that we have third row seating in ours with the captain's chairs and the Volkswagen and it's they're not they are not comfortable at all but it's pretty nice I I know I'm getting a lot of positives and I know there's going to be some negatives I guess the one negative I would have before we leave is it's only charged to 46 percent I think you would think getting a car this expensive that they could go ahead and charge it to that 80 90 percent that would be kind of nice but you know what are you gonna do [Music] Okay so we've finished up the entire buying process super simple we just dropped off the Volkswagen at carvana it took literally five minutes to sell them our car for like eight thousand dollars more than what Tesla was willing to give but the one thing I love the most about Tesla is just how quiet it is I love not having the engine sound there's not a lot of Road sound either it's it's very dampened and it's a very smooth ride I I really enjoy that the Volkswagen was not very smooth at all but the one reason you need a smooth ride especially here in Colorado is because the roads are garbage I mean potholes the size of minivans but sometimes you do find a road that is smooth and you know what we've got to do we've got to launch the car so Megan turn the camera around I'm gonna pull out here ready and that's 60. that's insane so crazy I mean just seconds I love it I love it I'm gonna waste so much battery in this car no idea overall I am super excited to finally have our car after like three months of waiting my wife Megan is super excited we can't wait to really get in and personalize everything and just make it ours so if you like this video and if you like anything that I'm wearing I do have a main Channel this is a second Channel this is like a vlog Channel modestly minimal all men's fashion men's lifestyle learn to dress better learn to look better learn to feel more confident in what you're wearing and how you look go follow that channel but definitely subscribe here if you like this stuff there's gonna be a lot of Tesla content road trips here in Colorado seeing how the Tesla does cool new stuff I've got a friend coming out all the way from Virginia who's gonna be hanging out we're going to do some really cool things I'll link his page down below it's it's gonna be a cool cool page lots of Vlog behind the scenes stuff and they're very well may be a Class A RV pulling this car in just a few months so make sure to stick around [Music]
Channel: Living, Modestly Minimal
Views: 11,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla model y, model y, tesla, 2023 tesla model y, tesla model y review, new tesla model y, tesla vlog, tesla model y long range, tesla delivery, tesla delivery day, 2023 model y, 2023 tesla, delivery day, come along, come along with me, vlog, vlog day, vlog day in my life, electric vehicles, electric cars 2023, electric car
Id: mGlWAWmuX_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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