2023 Tesla Model Y Delivery!

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this is the third delivery video this is the third Tesla delivery video that I've made on this channel in about a year which is just absolutely insane I convinced to both of my parents to buy Tesla Model wise and this is my mom's Tesla that we're currently picking up right now well we already picked it up this is just I'm just doing a voiceover so unfortunately the closest delivery Center to us is in Phoenix Arizona so we had to drive there it's about a two hour drive which honestly isn't really too long because we've done it so many times but anyways as you guys can see my mom is just not she's playing it off like she's not excited but I can tell that she's super excited are you nervous scared are you excited nope you're not excited so right when we entered in the Tesla delivery Center I saw a white on white model why and I was like okay that one is it because I just I don't know my brain was just saying that is it there it is that one right there are you sure you sure yeah because it's white on white that's a model why why don't we know look at that that's a cool wrap X park right there God about to hit a 120 000 cars so for me because I just want to know I checked the VIN of the car and it turns out that that was her Tesla Model Y and I was correct yeah that's it that's it so then we went and signed and got all checked in it's kind of weird because there's no people like checking in there was a person checking in after us but literally we were the only ones like getting delivery for our Tesla which is kind of weird because usually it's pretty packed in there there was like literally no people and we're the only one picking up so only took like five or ten minutes to get all the paperwork done and everything like that and then we went and took a look at the car just make sure there's no panel gaps or any issues with the car because Tesla is known for having issues with brand new car deliveries I mean small panel gaps that's not really an issue or anything like that but like if there was any significant panel gaps or any damage or anything like that just wanted to make sure before we took delivery which honestly I do recommend for everyone to do when they're taking delivery just because if you take delivery and there's an issue I mean they probably will take care of it but it's just better because you can get it done before you actually take delivery so yeah if you're taking delivery on any Tesla just make sure to take a quick look at it before you actually you know confirm the delivery and then I was also super excited because this is the updated model y that has the Matrix headlights which is pretty cool because the only reason I like this is because when you do the Tesla like show it literally projects the word Tesla when it's doing the Tesla show which I think is super super cool I also told my mom that she got the updated doors which in my personal opinion look better than the old style doors and that brings me to today's video sponsor Hills if you guys have never heard our Hills they're a company that customizes your interior of your Tesla Model 3 or Tesla Model y I actually personally tested these out on my Tesla Model 3 before they even reached out for this video and I can already tell you guys that the quality is just top notch on these accessories so basically they have different collections I can get like a wood collection or carbon fiber collection in this case we're going to be going over the wood collection and this color is called the black ash my favorite things about these accessories is that one it takes literally a few minutes to install these it's super super easy and two they're made out of super premium materials like this wood collection is actually made out of real wood and the carbon fiber collection is made out of real carbon fiber so when you're buying these products you know you're getting what you're paying for and you're getting a super high quality product another thing that I want to point out is if you have the old style interior they have accessories that fit the old interior in the brand new 2022-2023 interior so no matter what Tesla Model 3 or Tesla Model y you have you can get these accessories in your car so yeah if you guys are interested in these Hills products I'll leave them down the description below I honestly recommend them and like I said guys I was using their products before they even sponsor me so that even tells you how much I actually like their products but like I said if you guys are interested I'll leave a link down description below I really do recommend them especially if you want to change things up you want to refresh things Hills is the best place to go so after we took a look at it and made sure everything was good my mom was actually doing a trade-in so honestly I've never done a trade-in with Tesla before and it's super super easy all you have to do is literally sign some paperwork and then just keep the car there I thought it was a win-win situation where she didn't have to sell it or anything like that just literally drop it off hand them the keys and then take the brand new Tesla Model y so say goodbye to the 2014 Honda Civic and hello to the brand new Tesla Model y so after that we actually did accept delivery on the app so yeah that's just a really really cool moment where you accept delivering a brand new car and you're just brand new Tesla just pops up on the app and you can actually see it and it's just a really really cool experience so I have to give it to Tesla for literally having the best new car buying experience it's just so easy from ordering it it's just like you're ordering something from Amazon and then a few weeks later if you're lucky you're taking delivery and you just press OK on the app and you're just ready to go so yeah I really want to get props to Tesla because it's been so smooth so easy to take delivery like I said guys I've done this three times even four times because I took delivery with my friend and and yeah it just everything every single time it was super super smooth and easy so yeah and then we went to the car and I showed her pretty much how everything worked she kind of already knew because she drove mine a few times the new model y kidding well let's get in and you can help me okay yeah right all right take off the Boom you're lucky I didn't mind it come like that really so how many miles this thing got four miles [Music] what's that was that on the inside yeah that's on the inside oh I just like rubber that's not acceptable so first thing we'll set up your key cards even though they're probably already set up actually oh yeah they're already set up never mind but you can put one in your wallet if you or we'll set up your phone key so take one out there we go got the key cards how cool unacceptable all right and then take out your phone and then put the key right here there you go and then success and finish there you go should we set up the other one no we're just setting up your phone key so this key is now on my phone yeah well it's it's its own key now so these are the two key cards and then you got your your phone has a key all right and then we also want to put this at um we want to put this at percentage um and then we'll next we'll create your driver profile Kim then we'll adjust the mirrors so up down left and right with this and you can also adjust your seat that's not another one it's the same wheel one or the other when you change it here left or right yeah this might I might have to change this you can always change it that good in case we hit save and then you have your your profile in there and then I can show you what easy entry is in a bit so yeah after I showed her how everything worked we were off and she was super super nervous it's kind of funny how nervous she was but it's totally understandable because this is literally a huge upgrade from a previous car so I can understand how excited she was I was a six DOTA as well when I picked mine up so I can totally understand her excitement yeah not really the visibility what do you mean what's going on around here uh it needs to calibrate first but yeah once we get there I'll be calibrated ready Lauren yes okay go now are you excited because she's nervous yeah yeah so when you're taking trees obviously you just take a little bit wider just before you get the room protector things you're right right they're just going away with it oh wait I think you're supposed to go I think you're supposed to go left it'll so it says turn okay so I just couldn't stop them give it a little gas but yeah guys that's pretty much it that is the delivery of the Tesla Model y white on white we actually drive all the way back to Flagstaff my mom wanted to supercharge a little bit but honestly we probably didn't have to but it was just a safe thing to do and of course it was raining um but yeah it was a super super smooth delivery pretty much like every other Tesla delivery that I've been to so you guys that's pretty much it let me know if you guys are getting ready for your delivery or your plane to order a Tesla
Channel: Jared Ramirez
Views: 41,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _H33rBwZW2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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