Tesla Model Y Ultimate Delivery Day Checklist - Look for these HIDDEN issues 2023

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take a look at this so you see how this mirror is recessed here oh yeah you see how I can put my finger on the top edge of this door this is the angle you want to look at when you look for dings because they would show up as a wave or an impact this is what we call the fender finger where the finger meets the bumper this is just a little rotary haze there was probably something on the paint and they just hit it real quick every single one of these power trunks has this issue and sometimes you'll look at the trunk and it'll look like it's twisted a massive scratch right here 's headlights they're known for being put in Loosely and they'll rock in the socket these look pretty solid we'll come down and we'll check this fog light I've had fog lights where I've pressed them and they cave in to the entire Bumper in this episode of Tesla Series a car body and paint export will tell us everything we need to know about Tesla delivery inspection so you can do a thorough walkthrough and Report any imperfection to Tesla or reject your delivery altogether this covers a Tesla Model y but the checklist is applicable for all Tesla and even all cars in general we already own a 2018 Tesla Model 3 where we have shown our viewers hundreds of Tesla accessories and this brand new 2023 model y 7 seater is our second Tesla we took a delivery of this car from Tesla's Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania service center and drove straight to a ceramic Pro Elite dealer to get it inspected if you find this video helpful and would like to see more Tesla contents like this in the future please give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel we are here with an expert his name is Gabe Gabe Fletcher he is to help us go through the delivery inspection go through all the panel gaps and everything to make sure we are getting the right product and it's not a lemon uh is that will also help you decide when you are watching this video on what to look out for when you go out for delivery because you might not have an expert like him on your team so we are going to go ahead and show you a walk around the car and Gabe is going to tell us what to look for panel gaps scratches soil Mark things like that so that maybe you can pick up on some of those for yourself with that Gabe do you want to introduce yourself my name is Gabe Fletcher I am the owner operator of ceramic Pro Pottstown here in Pennsylvania we are a ceramic Pro Elite dealer we install ceramic Pro ceramic coatings window tint and paint protection film were probably one of the area's biggest Tesla supportive shops we support all kinds of different EVS we do Lucid rivian pole star and every other EV under the sun uh I'd say about at any given time we're usually working on anywhere between three and five Teslas in here so if we do one right there yes we'll take a look at that and we can I'll show you around that here a little later sounds good um but uh today we're gonna go through what we call our delivery day inspection so we're going to go around the car we're going to look for various things that may be a problem the goal here is number one to qualm the Tesla purchase anxiety yeah because a lot of people have it because of the quality control right so the goal is to help people to understand what's acceptable what isn't and what needs to be addressed because if you take delivery of a car and it needs to be painted that kind of defeats the whole purpose of purchasing a new card I agree right and then things don't match right documented paintwork on your bin uh for Carfax that doesn't it doesn't hold up over over time so the goal today is to just kind of give everyone a basic understanding and help them to uh bring the threshold down of wanting Perfection out of a fifty to sixty thousand dollar car yeah right because that's all these are that's what they're priced at now they're no longer 80 90 000 for the model y this is like this is going to be the everyday commuter car probably the most popular and most sold car especially now dropping below 50 Grand yup so where did you pick this up uh at Mechanicsburg okay how was your experience at the dealership it was really good had they had a little name tag on the front and uh they just I just give them my check and uh well they took my license then I was outside they told me to walk around the car and when I was ready to hit the agreement I just hit that and then the car I had access to the car and my app then I opened it I could kind of do the inside look and everything and they did tell me if I find anything neither on the car to let them know so that you know they can address it so that's another reason I'm here so you can tell me if there's anything wrong but I I mean I'm not an expert that's why I trust you your judgment here today I understood so have you purchased a car that hasn't been a Tesla before yeah how was your experience at the Tesla dealership versus other car dealerships what was the biggest thing that you noticed I think that touchless system there is no haggling there is no dealer telling me like oh you can get a better deal with this package or one everything was done online right like app did everything you could do this literally from your bed it doesn't matter you show up and then it was all touchless my name was on the car where it's like this is your car go use your app and then go take a look everything was inside I mean I already have a Tesla so I know how Teslas work but if I didn't they had notes everywhere that said this is how you open it this is what you do they're like if you have any questions if you need any help so amazing experience and that's the same experience I had four years ago so when I picked up my model three four years ago it was literally the same experience yeah a little bit more you know on the on the side that it felt like a traditional dealer but today it felt like a mobile dealer right like you just walked in everything was good and they had a video on the screen that you know showed how to use your Tesla which you know of course I already knew but that's is good for a new owners so I really liked it I do not like haggling with dealers in the dealerships and this was just a great experience the biggest thing for me that I notice is that anytime you want to go to a dealer and purchase a car it's a minimum of two hours that you're being there even if you've ordered the car yeah you're still looking at like an hour and a half to two hours worth of paperwork and waiting for the Department like the PDI guys to get done so that's the biggest thing that I noticed with Tesla it was five minutes today literally five minutes right like not even exaggerating it was just I was there five minutes later on now so that's great yeah all right so we're gonna get started on the inspection and we're gonna start at the front we're gonna go around the car and we're gonna go over what we found all right so let's take a look at the front and we're gonna kind of go through some of the things you've seen us do on YouTube on your cards right so the first thing we do when we stand here so we look at the Gap around the hook to make sure that there's nothing egregious like you can't fit anything here and the Gap is as big as your thumb over here this looks relatively uniform everything looks uniform all the way around what I do is I just I follow the gap from one side to the other I can see that the Gap here is slightly larger than it is on the passenger side but again this is not something to rake the dealer of the calls for this looks okay the next thing that I jump to is headlight fitment okay these headlights they're known for being put in Loosely and they'll rock in the socket these look pretty solid we'll come down and we'll check this fog light I've had fog lights where I've pressed them and they cave in to the entire bumper so you know again it all depends on who puts it together yep so and those are held down by plastic pins I have removed those and replaced them in the pasta exactly and they break very easily yep so we check this one this one looks good fog light here looks good you've got some bug Splatter from driving over here yep I start looking around the lights looking at the different uh the various gaps this looks at the fender and the bumper looks okay this right here is a great alignment point to look at this is what we call the fender finger where the finger meets the bumper and this is nice and tight there's no gaps everything looks uniform I come over here I see the same thing this is nice and tight this is what we want as a shop because this gives us a little bit of room to hide that edge without having to jam it in there with a tool when we put film on the car so you know I'm looking around I'm looking at the reflection of the light in the hood I'm looking for scratches I see uh haziness from like a rotary a rotary buffer let me see if I can find it to point it out to you here's some right here see I don't know if you can see it or not uh it's hard to see if you look at it from this angle over here okay just look right through here oh yeah yep you can see so did it come up then tilt there it is you see it yep so this is this is just a little rotary haze there was probably something on the paint and they just hit it real quick okay um I don't see I don't see any chips okay everything is looking good here so now we work our way around the car okay once we get to the fender we're gonna Crouch down and we're going to give our trim a tug so usually there is we'll find uh there's a clip missing in here and when we pull this it comes all the way away from the car this one however is where it's supposed to be yeah every week 12 all the way around looks good I push on this bottom portion of the fender liner it doesn't give that means that it's clipped where it's supposed to it does on both sides so that's good we come up here we look at the camera we see here the camera is nice and tight it's not jiggling in the socket now this is always something to to look at it's always the passenger door and the passenger fender this Gap here is always wide and if you look this way down the car look this way so come all the way over here so you'll see that the door sticks out further than the fender that is that is within spec it's on every single Tesla like that it's not perfect I've seen better right but again this is not something that you need to reject the car for okay and when you are measuring that Gap like like is there a good rule of thumb like how do you so an average person the goal is that you look down and that it looks uniform from top to bottom and that you shouldn't be able to stick your finger in it okay right this is just it's that's hard to describe um less than the width of a pencil typically a great way to go pencils even that it's really wide okay um I wish I could think of an inanimate object to tell you to bring with you to you know what that's my million dollar idea exactly so we come here and we look at where the a pillar runs uh up against the fender and this looks pretty good okay if anything maybe the fender needs to be rotated forward and that's indicative of the Gap being larger here than it is up here I don't think that you need to loosen this Fender to make this perfect okay so we continue on down the car here we look along the a pillar for dings I can see that there are some nice towel swipe marks in here remember the dealer got their hands on it that's okay small swipes and things like that towel marks not a reason to okay not a reason to reject your car okay so let's take a look at this look at this this may be just not closed all the way so the passenger door sticks out a little more at the top here again this is me noticing everything OCD right right the Gap is uniform okay maybe slightly larger down the bottom but in general it looks like everything seals and if you don't hear any wind when you're driving that's usually a pretty good sign okay and again you said you shouldn't be able to put your finger through it right correct okay correct right so we get down to the bottom and we look we just kind of look down the rocker panel just to make sure that they're the doors haven't been slammed and they're not wavy okay everything looks really good here nice and straight this looks good so let's come back here so this is a little larger than I'd like I've seen where this Gap here is tighter okay let's see what happens when we put a nice little this this might be worth saying something to Tesla about whether or not you get Tesla to give you what you're asking for okay has yet to you know that'll differ depending on who answers your ticket okay uh this is something I might say something about like hey my passenger rear door isn't uh flush up against the trim I'm worried about dirt getting in there you know use these kinds of verbiage what you're worried about with the car and not just that your cosmetic defect just you want to you want to State your worry for the particular issue and not just you want to make yourself out to not be nuts in the ticket because that's what Tesla people are used to right right that's what Tesla's used to is just telling people no all the time the goal is to let you use the verbiage so that they're more willing it's good so we check all of our trim through here everything is nice and tight is there anything on the wheel that we have to check just I mean I would I would always look around the very edge for a curb rashes and I don't see any okay and if you want to look behind this just give it a yank okay everything looks good it's nice and dirty from you right over here yeah I'm Gonna Leave This guy off right here so let's keep working our way around trim here around the door looks okay this looks okay as we get to the other side like you pointed out to me when we got here this quarter window trim sometimes doesn't sit perfectly flush there's double-sided body foam on the other side of here this side looks a little better than the other uh and you'll see the difference when we move over there I mean every single one of these power trunks has this issue right and sometimes you'll look at the trunk and it'll look like it's twisted One Way versus the other this has a lot to do with how the body is put together and when the trunk is put on it's put on under tension by the body can Flex especially after you connect the um the uh lift shafts here for the power feature after you connect that and you connect it to the rest of the body you get Flex in the bot in the trunk panel that that's why it appears to be crooked like that that's just Tesla design issues so um you could harass Tesla about it the truth is you also have to think long term about how much you want somebody taking apart your car right right so that's something to think about now we come around over here and we look at you start looking at our gaps around the lights this Gap is a little larger than I'd like it to be this one right here let's open this up can we adjust this these so there are Stoppers here that are adjustable and they you can move them and twist them to adjust how and where the trunk sits so this one is a little this one's out pretty far and it looks like that's all we're gonna get so if we keep looking making sure everything is where we want it to be we made a couple of the twists here let's see if anything changes thank you nice soft close so it really didn't get any better so let's come over here and you can see the big difference okay look at how much closer this is so this is something you bring up to Tesla you say hey I'm concerned that my trunk doesn't fit correctly or something along the lines of my tail light might need adjustment so let's go back over to the passenger side here so let's try and wiggle this a bit and see what moves where it's not supposed to this is nice and secure what happens if we move this Flex this nope so this is likely related to the trunk sitting too low or not being straight okay and so it looks like the trunk needs to do it needs to just scoot to the right Sun and that's also indicative here come stand over my shoulder so look here where the trunk and the a-pillar meet you'll see that the trunk is shifted to the left you see how that inner Edge doesn't line up this one right here right oh yeah so now what I just said where it it needs to shift to the right that makes a lot of sense right so this side's definitely better ultimately they need to move it so what Tesla might do here is they will loosen the hinges and they'll pull on it pull on the trunk lid to try and Scoot it and then run the bolts back in to try and lock it back down or they will remove the trunk pull on the body to make it line up better or they'll insert shims into the mounting points of the trunk lid to try and make it fit better it's just kind of dependent upon which Tesla division you get and what they do this I think maybe you mentioned in a support ticket not a reason to reject the car because again it's a fifty thousand dollar car right and we also have to be realistic with our expectations and that's the biggest thing with this have you are this getting better over time that you have seen no I've gotten sequential VIN numbers so I've been to the dealership where there are sequential VIN numbers where I'm looking at both cars one car will be like somebody put it together blind and the other one somebody put it together under a microscope identical VIN numbers sequential vins and then it'll it'll look like that it's same Factory everything at a free month wow it doesn't matter so that's uh listen Tesla's made a lot of technological advances right they've invested a lot in the tech and the infrastructure there's only so much time in the day and there's only so much you can put into tooling before you start having to rework things from the ground up I don't necessarily know that a trunk panel being out of alignment this way indicates that this is a bad auto manufacturing I think that it indicates that Tesla's only been at it for a decade and everyone else has had a chance to do it for six two totally different levels of of input it doesn't matter who Elon hires those are two different levels of knowing what you're doing right so Let's uh we'll come back and we'll stop playing politics okay so I also like to open the trunk lid and I like to look through here to make sure that uh there aren't any popped Clips this always flexes here and this feels normal there's nothing underneath that's loose I always look at this inner Edge to make sure that it's relatively straight and it is on both sides okay so let's take a look here this is also indicative that it may end up being that the light needs to be loosened and scooted so let's take a close look here so take notice of how big this is right and then come over here and look at this there's almost no lip here so again it's probably the late it may end up being the light is just needs to be repositioned in the socket yeah yeah you just you don't know until it gets taken apart okay so we come around the bottom we tug on this kind of give it a push we found where these clips that hold it to the actual bumper here will not be secure so this is nice and secure marker lights where it's supposed to be this doesn't move we use this opportunity to look at this Trim in here okay I don't see anything scratched or nothing broken I don't so when I when I look in here this is me going the extra mile right here okay so come stand over my shoulder and you can see body welds right so I'm making sure I'm looking and I'm making sure the welds are complete and they're not broken I think that's also happened before where things like this have just been wide open and cracked right yours look fine okay that's usually in in states where it's crazy crazy cold okay so we're going to come around to the driver's side let's check our trim Everything feels good here we look at this Gap through here it's uniform right so this is also an area of contention okay meaning for those who are getting paint protection film right because you want paint protection film and you want to hide every Edge right and people will say oh I can still see gloss or if they're getting a color change I can still see the edge here you're right because there's nowhere to stick the film here you can't put it anywhere without pulling this apart and loosening it uh so that's that's just a sidebar something to notice now as soon as you came in pointed this out to me where you were worried about this being out of spec when we compare it to the other side this is definitely a little further out so there's typically body foam in here and that's how this is held on yeah and it looks like this needs a piece to hold it further in yeah so you can do that yourself or you can harass Tesla for it and I think Tess already told you that it was within spec and I think that that's what they're going to tell you again so we look at our Gap at the door now let's look at this because there's a big difference between the store and the other side okay so come on over here you'll see that the door is sits inside of the trim right so I can actually stop my finger right this is how it's supposed to look right it's nice and solid at the bottom right this is this is how it should be okay okay now let's go back to the other side I'll look at it from over here oh yeah look at how big this is yeah to a point where my finger comes off as I run it down the panel you can't miss it right so this needs to be further in okay okay so maybe open a ticket and say hey my passenger rear door needs to be adjusted okay again panel Gap issues like that not a reason to reject the car Okay so something to bring up to them later not a reason to reject the card okay what would be I guess big so if I looked at that and it was completely where like I could fit my hand in from the bottom or I found the door at the bottom had been looked like it opened into something okay right and it was bent underneath if I found deep scratches things that I know aren't going to polish out so if it's white and my finger gets caught in it that's a pretty deep scratch and that's only going to get fixed with paint you'd now like let's take for example let's say the scratch is like here right right you gonna see that unless you're looking up from above is that a reason for you to reject the car if you think your OCD is that bad reject the car if not maybe you live with it because you're probably waiting another four to six weeks for another one so we'll open this so we look down the edge of the door to make sure that it's not wavy and it hasn't been slammed against anything I look in the door frame the jamb and make sure there's no Nicks or scratches because the detail guys will get in at the dealership you'll be carrying a bottle or they'll have their cell phone on their hip and they'll go like this and scratch up against the door jamb right I don't see anything looks good come to the front door this Gap looks okay about where I want it to be we just keep looking over door edges we look into the jam I don't see any chips I don't see any feet marks on the door Yeah because sometimes what guys will do is they'll get in and they'll reach across and then the foot comes up again stuff here that's usually if you see things like that that's usually pretty good indication that uh the dealership doesn't have great staff it's nothing you can really do about it as a consumer right right so everything looks so I'm I'm seeing on the exterior here I don't see anything that is a major okay major problem okay but so let's come up here where the door meets the fender okay take a look at this so you see how this mirror is recessed here oh yeah you see how I can put my finger on the top edge of the store come around to the other side this is correct yes the other side is not okay so what what we do when we pull these when we do full body we pop these mirrors on oh okay so in your case we're probably gonna be able to handle this for you uh if for whatever reason we put it back together and it still looks like this yes open a ticket okay maybe open a ticket beforehand okay right this is usually just a matter of tweaking okay the mirror and then you know re-securing it okay um but you can see here this is a a problem why this is a problem is because when we put film here and if the tension isn't easy even on the top of this what will happen is you'll get uneven seam wear and then one Edge will start to roll back versus the versus another part of the top right so that can be that could potentially be an issue later down the line so we keep coming forward we test our driver side camera come down and we tug on this entertaining where it should be I look down the car and it looks everything looks straight I'm looking for dings in the door nothing so come down and look over my shoulder here so this is the angle you want to look at when you look for dings because they would show up as a wave or an impact everything looks where it's supposed to be okay so this kind of completes the exterior okay so let's go over what we found we found the driver's side mirror probably needs adjustment we found that the passenger rear door likely needs adjustment we found that it's either the trunk or the passenger side tail light needs adjustment we haven't found any dings we haven't found any scratches if you haven't found any indication of Foul Play everything looks pretty standard here so we're going to start checking out the interior the first thing I like to do is function check all the switches everything rolls smooth we go back up everything looks good we come in here and we start just we start tugging on trim we push on things so you've got you have a massive scratch right here so ticket for Tesla for this they will just replace this entire piece of trip I like to look at the seat we look for pop stitches it's hard to see because there's not a perfect lighting out here but I'm looking all up and down the seat I'm looking for stitches that are popped out and broken I don't see any we tug on this this is nice and nice and tight there's not a ton of play we grab the whole console and give it a nice nice tug there's no noises now from here we toggle on the screen a bit we look at the screen for dead pixels everything looks smooth when I move it nice refresh rate going on right we check check functions trunk yep front closed so we come in here and we check the center console we check the soft close make sure it's not hitchy it locks uh this is my favorite feature can you I feel my OCD oh yes perfect so we check and make sure that this doesn't hitch sometimes they will that you'll go to pull it down and it'll get caught and then it'll fling forward pull these down you see here you got film here I'm taking the liberty [Laughter] so now what I do is I look up at the glass so when the car comes in there is protective plastic all over this interior and you've seen me in other videos where I've pointed out little bits of plastic that are left behind this looks like they got all of it which is great awesome there's no fraying here this is a this feels like a different material so what this is definitely a different material than this so this is usually a greasy kind of rubber it's definitely a rubber but it's it's got a some kind of a coating on it yeah true true I have taken this apart many times yeah that's the first thing I did when I touched this I noticed that so again the goal here is to just we're scanning yeah we're looking for things that jumped out at it that jump out at us no weird steering wheel issues looking at the see stitching you set right looking at the seat stitching sorry if I go quiet I'm just uh you know just gotta you gotta look and kind of scan and go over everything and uh I don't I don't see anything else that jumps out at me here so we're going to move to the back seat check the carpet we keep looking for stitches this is odd this looks like a an adhesive stain this should come off so why don't you come close here I don't know if you can see this it looks like little dots everywhere this is overspray of some sort from kind of a probably the silicone dressing this should lift off when we scrub it so we're gonna check the latch again yeah I'm gonna open the back here everything locks the way we want it we're going to check the release of the the third row here it's good weird noises that's good you got your front plate you got your charger adapter second row right it's so violent how that releases all right the trunk well here good going around the whole car I don't see any major issues here okay um so we're keeping it I'd say you need to keep it okay and uh just outside of the minor things like that scratch on the front uh trim on the dash and the exterior issues we found I think you're you're good to go to keep this okay all right so we just did a complete walkthrough with Gabe here and he pointed out everything you need to look out for when you were doing the delivery for a Tesla but also be realistic that's the moral of this story here is it is a 50 000 car or in a model three it's probably under forty thousand dollar car and just be realistic about what to expect there are certain things that Tesla might fix certain things Tesla might not fix it is always worth to ask right it doesn't hurt to ask Tesla might just say nope that is within a spec this is something that we can fix so it's always worth to ask but also be realistic that's what we are hearing today right realistic is always the best case scenario because as we all know you order a car and then all you do is devour content about your car until Tesla shows up with it yeah right so you you are infected by all of the the people that are upset and have who have unrealistic expectations for a Vehicle Manufacturer that's only been doing it for a decade comparing that to vehicle manufacturing we've been doing it for six decades right right so there's that's a very large large gap so take and just approach it from is this going to bother me every day is am I going to see this every time I get in the car and can I see it from 10 feet if you can say no to majority of those things probably not worth you breaking a sweat over but it never hurts to ask right and I do this for people all the time I'll get messages and emails from people from all over the country Say Hey I just picked up my Tesla this is what I found should I pursue this or what am I looking at and I give people a realistic answer all the time because at the end of the day I know what Tesla is probably going to harass are going to take and what they're going to say no sorry we can't help you with that and uh I think again approaching it from a realistic standpoint is ultimately going to be the best thing for you because then yeah you don't have to you don't have to sweat over every single detail yeah and also some minor imperfections as you said even in the panel gaps you you point that out and even if Tesla says they will fix it that means they're taking apart your car unnecessarily right like so that's that's that's the big Point too weigh the risks in that if there's somebody taking apart the car risks for damage increase right and ultimately whatever issue you're dealing with on the car as long as it doesn't need to be painted you're probably doing okay yeah yeah because if if you can live with it and the color is original and it doesn't change because it's been color matched and painted after the fact that's the best case scenario thank you for that and we will do a follow-up video with Gabe here talking about the difference protection packages what is ceramic coating what is pain protection firm what is the vinyl wrap so there's a lot of this products that are coming in so we are going to sit down with the Gabe in a future video and talk about all of those maybe do some demo of you know ppf protecting the car versus we'll take some rocks and just jam it across the side not in my car but maybe on a table uh but you know we'll we'll try some of that and then see how well the ppf handles so a lot a lot of those videos are coming so if you are interested on any of this product please stay tuned for all of those videos in the near future thank you again Gabe for today we really appreciate it I'm sure the viewers who are watching this video who will have that text test lab delivery anxiety hopefully you're feeling a little better about this yeah we appreciate you sticking around for this video thank you very much for watching and as I said stay tuned for all of these we're gonna get ppf for this car and we're going to be back uh within the next two weeks or so showing you the results and what we found and then have another discussion with Gabe here thank you guys subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done so so that you don't miss videos like this in the future we appreciate your support bye
Channel: Shiva Sapkota
Views: 39,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Model Y, Tesla delivery, Model Y checklist, Tesla delivery tips, Model Y delivery, Tesla Model Y guide, Tesla inspection, Model Y tips, Tesla delivery experience, Model Y review, new tesla model y, 2023 tesla model y, tesla model y review, Tesla delivery day, Tesla pickup, Tesla handover, New Tesla owner, Tesla walkthrough, First day with Tesla, Tesla ownership, Electric vehicle delivery, tesla model 3, tesla review, tesla model y 2023
Id: g3xjf7NBIVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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