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all right so finally i've decided to stop being extremely lazy uh and get around to to making the sconce guide um first of all though i'd like to say that you know if you do want to enjoy the guide or i mean i guess if it helps you uh leave a like i'd really appreciate that and subscribe too if you want um i upload guides quite a lot well um i try to and uh yeah content daily all that stuff so i would really appreciate it um but if you want to that is and uh yeah i mean let's just get into this so first of all two combos obviously everything is true of d light basically you have d light side light um you have d light ground in there uh which i have a guide for that by itself um so you know if you want to know how to do that then you just go over there it's on my guides playlist um dlight dash jump there is oh i mean the input i feel like i should go over the inputs right uh if any like beginners so it's a d light and then you hold down uh so you can dash because if you hold towards them and you press your dodge key you'll do a chase or try it so you need to do the d light just keep your finger on down press dash jump immediately um and then press attack at the same time you jump basically and then you've got the light that's not there um well you have you have gcd light in there we don't have to speak about that um d lie into and light is true as well with a dash um and then obviously you have okay so they did take out they used to be a lot more chew combos right uh like now into into d like used to be chopped narrow today sweet chew sorry um i can't even can't hit the bot but now it's three frames two frames something like that uh and they're into recoveries with you as well but now it's just not um so yeah the only thing that's really still true out of there like consistently is if you hit if they're jumping right and you're catching within that with momentum you can do a gcn life and that will be true but that is basically out of no no you can't get recovery you can't get there anymore um which is why i decided to even make it up there going scared in the first place right because it's just it's just not possible to get any combos really off this anymore um i think you can and it is really situational and i'm probably not going to be able to hear it because it's just like really kind of pointless you can get narrowed to gc satellite i think but it's just like it's never really worth going for you have to have like perfect yeah no it just don't bother uh but yeah narrowing to gcn light does work and then like i said you have their uh or gcd like i can't speak gcd light into chase or gener um this input too is literally just you hit a gcd light and then you chase dodge directly forward towards them and then immediately just cancel it by pressing up and attack um and then you'll get that to you as well uh you also have d-line to recovery which is your main kill option on gaunt's which you you really like if there's any combo you're gonna really learn or you're gonna need to learn it's this one and it's the exact same input as uh gcd lightner apart from you know instead of holding uh oh i can't say within that you just can't say with recovery literally the same thing so you do the gcd light chase dodge directly forwards um and just press recovery like straight away when you cancel it and you'll get recovery and that's true you can do it grounded and it's a really awkward input uh but it's the same input as the grounded chase doesn't like this right um but just once again instead of doing that you do recovery it's a really awkward input but if you do learn it it's really useful like like it's actually you don't see many goals players do it but like you used to be able to just straight up do chase switch recovery and then they nerfed that they took that out i can't even input anymore it's gone out my muscle memory fully here but um yeah now the only way really of doing it is the extremely hard input of like the grounded chase torching i guess i should go over it a little bit right um so you do delight uh then you chase touch forwards and immediately after chase touching forwards and i mean like straight away you jump it has to be within i think like ten it has to be within like a certain amount of frames of you doing the chase storage right like you have to jump straight away uh so it's chase dodge and then jump not jump and then chase dodge remember that is chase torch first and then jump um and it will put your chase watch in the air and then all you have to do then is just press attack uh because obviously you don't have to hold up in doing that you can just press attack right um and it'll do that same with recovery as you just do the d light chase torch and then jump immediately and then just press circle or whatever your recovery button is on pc i don't even know heavy attack right um and i think that's all the two combos um you can also i think on higher decks you can get um d light into enlighten you with a dash so you hit there like that and then you'll get into enlightened uh but yeah i think that's some like higher deck stuff it's also pretty specific but um yeah uh i think one more you can oh no you can't anymore i was gonna say narrator sir but once again that is gone um it used to be i think on six decks you could get that tree but yeah not not anymore so anyway now obviously we're talking about dodges or dodge reeds anything really you whatever um i think probably the best place to catch a dodge uh especially after this patch uh where you can't get neck almost anymore is is off a side light uh say a spot or something you can still get loads of damage um because you don't have to rely on any of the net combos for all this damage you can still get that um however there are certain things where like you're just gonna get less damage now uh such as like say they dodged down off the sidelight right uh used to be able to get like like loads of this but but now you can't you can get like one or two maybe um but yeah you're not gonna be able to get that third one because they have a dodge uh but it used to be that that was true so you know you could get it like right there they're gonna be able to dodge but like last patch you would have been able to hit it so like things like that are less optimal now and it's probably more worth it to just i don't know fall uh and get in there and then do you like combos um but yeah basically the main thing you want to learn on guns and like the main dodge punish is like the russian mafia which is the sport dodge you do gcd light and then you get in there and then you get ground pound or recovery it's up to you really um ground pound can result in more damage because then you can get it into recovery uh but this is only if you catch a dodge with an there if that makes sense so you see here they dodge i catch it within there that means i can get that one little extra follower pin at the end uh you'll see what i mean in a second um but yeah so it's gcd light and then you just do the um but you turn it around actually you can do it forward too but say if i did it forward here he just would have gone off the map and i wouldn't be able to get any more follow-ups so it's always worth learning how to turn around the net in this combo so that you can just get all the follow-ups you need on stage uh and then into this um you do jump ground pound which is always guaranteed there's no way they can get out of that um and this that's the most damage um and then like i said if you caught the daughter of an air you can get recovery it is escapable um but i mean it's worth going for anyway you're not going to get punished if you miss and if you hit it it's an extra like 20 damage like it is really worth it um but yeah and then i'll have that dodge back uh and like i was saying that's if you catch a dodge within there because what you can also do is for example how do i even show this off you can catch a dodger for side light right or okay better example is if i do d like that like this and they spot dodge if i catch you the sidelight you'll see i'll get this oh i missed it i missed the ground you'll see that they get their dodge back a bit earlier here so i can't get the recovery and that's because i caught the dodge with a side light and not even there so it was like one attack earlier i caught the dodge which means i get one less attack at the end right like it it makes sense i don't know how to explain it but yeah um so they have that dodge back there and you can't get any of a follow-up um you can also by the way after this now you can go for recovery i think i've said that already but you know just in case uh that might have slipped your mind or i didn't really cover it too much but yeah recovery is also an option um i think grandpa is better because it just sets up into like a better positioning basically all the time um because like they have that dodge like that and if you catch a dodge again for example you can just keep going and just get loads of damage uh whereas if you recover and they have the dodge back here then it might be a bit harder to to keep the string going it's still possible though 100 um and i think that's it for the russian mafia so i guess we just talked about dawg reads off of it um sidelight is what uh oh okay i turned the drop i was pretty confused okay so if they sidelight off you satellite and they spot dodge i found the most consistent way of catching this is not to try and catch it like this right and try and hover underneath them and catch it because it just won't work you basically just want to forceful to the ground and jump back up and there and then you'll be able to get that and then get whatever follow-up you want to get um and then the other two that are like really easy to get uh and you can get in the exact same way as that is for example if they dodge away right and you can like reset to the floor and then that's when you react uh so you'll go to the floor here as if you know you're going for a sport laundry and you'll see okay well they're not um you know sport login they're talking away so instead you'll just jump and then you'll get a follow-up like that uh that's one way to catch that dodge uh you can still get you know all the same damage it's just you know sometimes say if you like wrecked a bit too late and you have to uh you know dash jump uh to catch in there you'll have more momentum so in that case obviously a gcd light isn't going to hit you're going to be too too close to them you'll see here like i'm basically landing on top so a follow-up in this situation would be recovery is unescape uh yeah unescapable i guess inescapable uh gcn light is obviously true with that much momentum um and really it's just up to you uh with what you want to deal with that if they don't have a dodge and you hit recovery um depending on how high health they are you're going to either want to nail or death um here i think i like lower health there is pretty much always the better play but once he you know start getting knocked back a bit further by the recovery like a higher health uh either an air or a jump now at much higher house will always just work a lot better than the dare obviously um but yeah you'll see here i did that and then you can follow up with like a like a dare or something which once again is escapable um i'm i'm kind of like going over too many things at once i'm trying to show off satellite daughters and i'm getting into like what to do off of recovery okay but if they don't have a dodge right and you hit a recovery internet and they still don't have a dodge here you have two options there to the left or there to the right and it is literally a 50 50. they can either land and not get hit if you get to the right or they can dash as you'll see the bot does here and not get hit if you dare to the left uh but say if i die to the right here he would have got here by the dead and still wouldn't have a dodge so yeah it's just kind of a 50 50. um but yeah there's that anyway back to the sidelight reads because i kind of got a bit sidetracked there uh that's one way of catching a way another way is literally just kind of following them like that if you know they're gonna dodge away then that works uh like fully just float um because the only reason you can't do that with sport dodge is because spotless lasts longer than a directional dodge uh you have enough time to catch a directional dodge like that though so you can get all your damage um and then in there's another one just like that you can just react to it uh also you can do the same way you can just float um and then get loads of damage like that um but once again say you land you go for spotlight read and see they dodge in you can just react to that and then get your damage um also follow-ups obviously i think i know i'll talk about this at the end because this is more kind of tacky but like obviously you know if you hit in there and they're off stage if they panic jump and if you if you're playing against goals right i mean i guess if you're watching this guide you're not going to struggle against gaunt's too much you're more learning about gaunts but don't jump off stage against norm against nonce oh my against gaunts straight away because if you do you're getting clotted like you'll see here the bot is obviously whatever program to just jump straight away try and recover but this is what people do like they panic when they get sent off stage from there and they just jump if this guy say the bot didn't jump i'll say it was a real person and they you know knew what they were doing and they didn't jump they can escape this very easily and then probably get a punish maybe even killing me in white health right but if you do jump yeah you're getting smacked and then say they jump again right they're getting dead uh so they jump again after that then they're getting there again and then they jump again and they get ground-pounded and the thing is is the lower you go the more you're inclined to jump because the more you're panicking and want to get back to stage but honestly sometimes you just have to go lower in order to get higher if that makes sense um yeah also that i mean like i'm kind of more talking about how to play against corns here but at the same time if you're playing guns and somebody is just jumping that's how you cover it you literally anything uh there nah ground pound all of it will just hit um if they're just jumping over and over again um say like this okay well we're not speaking right but anyway yeah just take my word for it literally do you any attack that goes downwards falling there their ground pound if your opponent is just jumpy which most likely they will be that's gonna hit a reed that you can get if they fall off of in there and i know i'm going really off track now is a weapon throw downwards i'm not too sure if the bots gonna get hit by it uh but you can take very early stocks by doing this uh like i said the the bot might not but if there are like the right damage and this is only if you hit momentum off stage oh if you hit an air off stage with momentum you can throw your weapon straight downwards right and you'll see the bot that turns away so i mean i guess that's why i didn't get hit by it but most people after they as soon as they get out and like here they are gonna be drifting towards the stage and that that goes for literally anybody like pro players will do that still um because you want to go at least a little bit towards the stage right after getting hit by a move off stage um so you're going to kind of you know drift towards the stage and then that weapon throw down which right there will smack you in your head and when it does you get put in stun and then you see that there that's gonna take you even lower and then catch maybe a recovery or anything and then your stock is over in in whatever health you've been hit by it it's um it's a very actually like consistent string it looks kind of clippy like oh i'm only going to go for that if i'm clip hunting but no no no no genuinely that will will do some damage to your opponents there's this like weapon throw and you'll see that it literally hits a white um and your options after the weapon throw are to either pick it up and uh recover obviously this isn't gonna work at like this health uh because the weapon frog doesn't send them anywhere and they're not low enough so i mean i guess maybe if i dared there it would work um and that's the thing right is this literally killing white you throw it downwards they still don't have a dodge so they're guaranteed to get hit by it if they move towards the stage a bit and then here i can just dare and if they try and recover their recovery is gone and then all they have is like a jump in the dodge left and it's like it's not looking good right for their stock so yeah but uh like i said the other options you have are once the weapon throw hits is to pick up the weapon and then instantly ground pound um or something like pick up the weapon and instantly dare something like that you can get kind of creative but anyway yeah i went way off track there but that is honestly like such an effective uh i guess it's a read it's not really a read but like a string anyway back to the dawdrids off of sidelight um we've gone over the left spot dodging down and um and right or away other ones are down i think down dodgers are the hardest to catch uh because like you kind of have to forceful enough for them okay because you see that i didn't i fast forward too much so i caught them there too low and i can't get uh a deal i follow up because they're they're kind of too high there i could have it's it's really like you have to get the timing down for these down dodges it's really awkward but yeah you have to hear like the perfect height you'll know if you have because you'll be like high up enough and here i could gcd light just fine but like i said if you hit it too low like this is oh well i kind of there we go like this gcd light is obviously not going to hit um an option you have to like if you just don't even want to risk it is to just dare like that will always catch consistently um and then the follow ups you have off of there are well okay you have a load to follow like you have a lot of follow-ups over there but they're all jumpable um darrington there is jumpable a hundred percent of the time uh okay i'm messing up the input but there we go if the bot jumped there he would have been able to get out of it just fine um i guess i can i can show that off uh if i just sent him to to jump like this and jump reaction on there we go so say now i got from there he's jumped out of it um say i go for gcd light he jumped out of it uh what else even is the uh gc sidelight even you can jump out of that okay well i i guess not if you hit it properly um but yeah you can see that you can jump out of it um but you know basically every follow-up is jumpable the one thing you have that is consistently unjumpable and will also hit if they don't jump so it's just best to go for it all the time is uh chased recovery okay i've messed up the read no way i just said that's the most consistent read and i messed it up but yeah if you do a chase store straightforward and then recovery it will catch a jump and you're in a perfect position to follow up you see that i can just dare after recovery or if there are higher health like i said earlier um you can there and then you can just keep it going like that and yeah i know it is actually really useful um like basically any time after you hit okay this bot is actually unreadable um but any time after you hit there or most of the time on gaunt's you're always going to just want to go for a chase recovery because it just catches the most options if your opponent and like you notice your opponent just isn't jumping out of strings that much then yeah you can go for like the big follow-ups like this and you know just keep getting damaged but you know like the higher you get the more likely it is that your opponent is just going to jump out of it and then that's just going to miss and then you're going to be sad um yeah but all the down touches are caught in basically the same way uh down and in for example is you just kind of hover and catch it like that and then down right or down in the way i guess i should say uh is the exact same thing again you just catch it like that um and then the up dodges are kind of the awkward ones i guess now i should speak about uh gc side light reads so i said earlier your like biggest kill option on gaunt's is uh gcd light recovery or just grounded yet recovery wearable um but one of the best ways to kill on the weapon and i'm sure you're already aware is to sidelight into gc satellite and then recovery uh it's not even going to kill herself but yeah like you can literally just satellite sport dodge and then react to where they go if they go away you just side light forward again uh and then if they go in you just turn around the side light and then into recovery is obviously guaranteed um and then you get the kill oh well okay we don't have to speak about that at all but um yeah there's that now the thing is oh well i should say what this catches it does catch down and in as well and um away uh down in the way like this uh and it will also catch down too if you do it away uh like that but the up dodges right and this is basically the only way to catch enough dodging gaunts uh you can obviously do am i blind there we go you can like jump in there or something like that um and you make like i don't know you can get follow-ups but they're just kind of 50 50 they're never guaranteed because like from here even at lower house i know he's in like black red at this point but even if he wasn't yellow and he didn't bounce that much it's still like no follow-up is guaranteed here uh so you're kind of just better off going for this and the thing is is a bit of tech right and a lot of people actually don't know this like even people who play guns like uh like a decently high level um don't know that it will also catch away so if you if you're thinking you know you might dodge away you might not up it away like always just go for the jump because it's going to catch both so you do your side light and then you jump and you do another gc side light and that will catch away and it'll also catch up in a way because a lot of people you know they think they're safe if they dodge up against goons i mean it is the safest option but it's still you know pretty easily catchable if they know what you're gonna do up is obviously you just jump and do another recovery um and then up and left is you just jump sideline again and the thing is though is that even though it's the safest option if they do know you're gonna do it then think how much higher you just put yourself like you're getting hit with recovery up here as opposed to like i don't know down here maybe if um if they didn't say they just dodged in or something so it's the safest but also the riskiest at the same time kind of uh so yeah definitely you know be aware of your opponent's touching up and then just go for this it will kill very early um and yes it's not too hard to input at all uh other things that you can do for satellite if there are like dark health is just kind of hover and then go through recovery and just kind of hope they dodge in the direction you want them to that'll catch like down it'll catch sport dodge um it can also catch like the down and in dodges and stuff like that uh yeah i i don't know you can just sidelight and then try and react with recovery i i think always though it's better to like side light and then try and react with another sidelight just because it's easier you have the time to spot dodge and then look where they go and then just press in that direction and you get to kill um other reads which i think are really important uh d light uh into their reads these are very easy to hit um and will give you a lot of damage so if they dodge in do you like there and then they dodge in and this is like the key part is that you want to touch the ground chase the forward and then turn around inside light uh because if you just kind of turn it around it's not gonna hit uh so you'd have to like back up and do side light and that just won't catch as many uh options because do you like that into like the chase storage version it's going to catch in and it will also catch up and then um which i think is is quite nice to have you know like you just input a read differently and you get to catch a whole extra dodge uh basically so yeah you'll see that it catches up in him and then off of that uh you can get your whole you know string all your damage um that shouldn't have been dodgeable but okay um and yeah that's yeah it'll only catch those two dodges um the other thing is obviously if they dodge away you can you can just you know chase those towards them and then decide like um the same was like down and away all this stuff and then obviously yeah well actually no because it'll catch this too and i think you'll also catch down so i think maybe you can catch four dodges uh with the first read i showed you you can the problem with the down dodge though is that they've touched the ground so you can't really get money follow-ups uh if you do notice you've catch the down dodge or quarter down dodge i can't speak english uh just recovery because they'll have their dodge back there's no point going for any more than that because you just can't and i think that's like it for all like the basic ones um i think you could also catch bottles too okay no uh wishful thinking uh it kind of can if you delay it a bit but then if you delay it a bit you're not going to be able to catch up and in so i mean you know but yeah no by far this is like the best shoot to go for i think on like probably all of gauntlet it's just it's so it's like it catches so many dodges and then you just get so much guaranteed damage out of it um so i would recommend it and because i don't know like i've never watched the gauntlet i didn't seen anybody say to do that so hopefully that helps um and and yeah you can get a lot of damage you can see he's literally an orange of one reed disgusting uh and people think this weapon's bad now anyway the up dodges you just want to dash them there uh like that and then you can get all the damage you want um the thing is though is you don't want to like do it like this because then you know you have all the momentum you can't get gcd light uh so turning it around will like stop your momentum right so you don't miss gtd like that uh like this okay i can't import anything uh and then yeah you can still get all of that and i think that's it for do you like their reads uh up and right is literally the exact same thing you just do now and it'll catch that as well um and all the enlight reads are basically exact same as this like literally exact same so say they dodge up uh you can just do the dash on there uh like this exact same thing um and you can also get the exact same reads as well where you do the chase dodge into side light the problem with this though is that enlight always leave your opponent on the ground so they have their dodge back every time even if they dodge up which you would think you know not but for some reason they do you see that they have the dodge back i don't really know why i don't think they should but what can you do you just have to create a bmg every night really but um yeah there's that and i honestly i think there's not too much else i think the only difference now um is that you have to read up there which once again is literally the exact same reads as enlightened there um where for example if you hit a nail now because obviously um narrated there is uh is dodgeable so you say you get this you just do the same reads as if you hear that um because you know you can't get all the follow-up sheets to be able to get true um but yeah now instead you just gotta read and it's really not that hard like i said it's the same reads basically so for example if they dot in you literally just do the string and then turn around and do side light into there into gcd light you keep going it's honestly really straightforward like i said it's the same as the dairies and the night reads i i can't even say it enough because it literally is you just you just do the same stuff literally the weapon i can't lie to you is very easy i think the hardest thing about gaunts is how like mechanically hard it is um because like some of the inputs are really tricky i think probably it has the trickiest input in the game i think is safe to say maybe greysword i don't know but yeah um all the reads are pretty straightforward and i think honestly that's about it some other stuff on goans is like um you can do this there which will cover a lot of the wall and is very hard to react to as opposed to say you just do this i literally messed it up i don't know like that is very easy to react to you plus um you have to i didn't talk about that actually never in your life is there off stage on guns uh unless you are 100 certain or hit like i mean 100 they don't have any options they don't have a dodge they're just going to walk into it because if you dare and you miss look how far you fall you're in all of the active frames plus the end lag is um really how to just kill yourself at white health it's it's yeah not not the best of options but yeah doing it like this means you touch the wall and it stops you from falling down uh literally the whole map if you miss the wall like you just saw you do still fall um very far but you know as long as you get the input down as i haven't then you will touch the wall uh and if they are on the wall and it hits then obviously it doesn't really matter whether you touch it or not because it's going to hit them and you're not going to fall but yeah like it will cover like a large large portion of any wall on any map this is shipwrecked so obviously it's going to cover a lot of the wall but like yeah it can cover i think pretty much all of small brawls wool which is quite mad uh if you do it properly that is uh because you can see that imagine you know it's a small brawl the wall would end about here um so you know it would it would just hit the wall and stop like right at the bottom like that um so yeah that's kind of like a nice thing to go for sets up pretty nicely too um into like i don't know like a like a nerd or something and then they're basically dead at that point uh obviously ground pounds strong used ground pound uh how you can just steer it is ridiculous uh make use of that while it's still in the game uh because i feel like one day it's got a goal right surely now you can drift but um yeah other things i don't really like i i can't really think of too much i was always like sad when you come back to stage obviously uh this is like very beginner stuff uh i've just died no i didn't um but like yeah you can stall for like a really long time off the wall because you have sir um and you can still just make it back because it mushy it's kind of the same as cannon said lancer just not as ridiculous um and also if you're staring back to the wall too uh you might hit them and then that's such a good turnaround i think like staring into the wall uh like as an attack uh staring your enemy into the walls what i mean is is uh not used enough a lot of the time i know i didn't use it enough when i was like less experienced uh but yeah yeah it'll never drop which is like a big thing and um if it hits the situation is completely reversed no they come down trying ground pounder you sell them into the wall and then one ground pound after that and they're dead um honestly though i think that's it make use of weapon throws i will say too uh because yeah weapon frozen gaunts like seeing as it is such like a close range weapon it can be hard to get in sometimes but like weapon throw pick up and light uh for example is just so so useful you have no idea um and it's also a true combo uh keep in mind uh you can also for example like weapon throw there like this uh and that's true too um and yeah i would like i can't stress enough though how like how helpful weapons are on this weapon because without them like i i don't know it can be really hard to get in sometimes especially against weapons like bow yeah weapon froze are you your savior and then there's some like off stage stuff i guess i could go over like for example if the bot it okay i don't even know i'm gonna show it off uh let's say you hit d light over the edge right you know if you do that on the ground then you know it it's it's you you can't really go for in there obviously i mean you can do ground in there but off the stage if you hit d-light and you just chase sludge forward uh because obviously you go off the stage here uh it's it's true into that so you can also do like delight dash jump there off the wall too uh i kind of want to show it off but like the bot isn't going to move properly i already know oh there we go so yeah the lights over the edge are really useful it's kind of the same as on scythe but like you just want to delight over the edge uh you can't spam it as much as life because it's not as big of a disjoint hitbox like the hair box doesn't reach as far but yeah say you hit you can go for um and there uh if you do it properly anyway not like me um i'm sure you can see uh what i mean like that right um also if you do mess it up and you hear enlight okay if you mess it up and hit an end light if you do chase dorchester after that it'll catch if they fall and a lot of people just don't expect you to go for it at all uh you can also just nail it and it'll catch the jump too uh but yeah chase torch there after hitting an end like this is uh i i don't know it just hits for some reason like people will just fall into it obviously the bot jumped because that's just how bots work um but yeah okay i fully forgot to mention that at like later health uh d light dash from ground pawn becomes a string a two frame string i think i have into the set to yeah 80 at the moment so if you do hit a d light off the edge um then you can just dash jump ground pound say if they don't have a dodge and that is pretty much their stock finished um i don't know what the what's doing i just went backwards so i don't oh oh wait yep training room i'll never in my life record a guide and not complain about training mode because i really don't know what okay well there we go uh but yeah two frames and it will just kill um if they're low enough uh but yeah no that's the string it also works um let me just bring him back on stage actually it works off a gc as well um i want to move him over so i can show you a lot properly um i say like here's good probably okay so if you do a side light now gcd light you don't want to just jump and and do ground pound because that's jumpable or fast forward like you can escape that very easily what you want to do is chase dodge up uh and towards them like that uh so you don't jump you chase touch up and forwards and then you do the ground pump it's it's actually like a pretty tricky input but it's a really good alternative because a lot of the time they're not going to have a dodge if you're doing this string they don't have a dodge pretty much right so for example you've just hit i don't know um say they've spot dodged and you hear like a sidelight you catch the sport torch and now they're dead because that is inescapable they don't have a dodge uh and that was at 80 damage too right so yeah it's a very very good thing to learn like i said it's a bit tricky but it's very worth it like a very worth it i didn't even try to talk now that's just my my my mordech's my friend remote it's working on his own i guess um and i think that's it i also forgot one more thing that i'm going to add in now and then we'll go to the outro all right one thing i actually forgot to mention was the side of cider even into gc satellite covers a lot of dodges um it will cover in if i can find it there we go like that uh and it also kills uh which yeah it's actually a really good option it'll come down and then uh like that it'll cover just down if i can find it um down covers that it covers sport uh there dodge go and it also for some reason right at the top it catches an up dodge i messed up the input so severely it's not even funny but yeah it will cover an object if i'm not brain dead and i think that's it right okay but in down and in down sport dodge and up which is quite mad uh and like i said it also kills so yeah i just want to throw that in there at the end um in case you know you didn't know which i mean i i'm guessing you didn't because it's pretty trivial but um yeah i'm gonna end it there and i think finally that's what i have to speak about i'm sorry for the guide being extremely long and this is just my way of doing things i don't know i find it easier and it's also just a video you can just keep coming back to you know yeah uh i just like to be impactive information i can't be just writing the script if i'm honest with you it's just unnatural and and yeah i hope it has helped though if it has like i said leave a like um and subscribe i'd really appreciate it and uh i'll see a lot tomorrow have a great see your days and peace [Music] you
Channel: Lahkan
Views: 77,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla, brawlhalla gauntlet combos, brawlhalla gauntlet guide, brawlhalla gauntlets, gauntlets brawlhalla, gauntlet combos brawlhalla, gauntlet guide brawlhalla, ultimate gauntlet guide brawlhalla, brawlhalla gauntlet dlight nair, brawlhalla gauntlet dlight nair controller, brawlhalla gauntlets guide, brawlhalla gauntlets combos, brawlhalla gauntlets dlight nair, brawlhalla combos, brawlhalla codes, brawlhalla tier list, brawlhalla guide, combos, gauntlets, guide, dlight nair
Id: yzDkgWuRup8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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