*2023* Brawlhalla UNARMED Guide! - Combos, Reads, Tips & Tricks + More!

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[Music] i i think i've been uh procrastinating on this video for long enough at this point so i think it's finally time i make um make a little unarmed guide and on like i've been saying for two weeks i'm gonna do this at this point and this is just not happened but i've decided i think i'm gonna make it like you know not a massive you know 40 minute long guide like i do sometimes i'm going to make it just you know long enough i'm going to go over the basics go over some some some tech i guess you can call it i don't know some more advanced stuff some strings cucumbers all of that stuff basically everything you need to know if you're just trying to pick up on armed like this weapon and i mean it's weird calling it a weapon but i mean it is a weapon um is underrated by a lot of people i think most like the higher you know you get the more people realize like how busted an armed is and it is very very busted for what it is so yeah without further ado let's get into it and by the way if this video helps you then leave a like and subscribe yeah cheers anyway uh i think we should go over the cucumbers first right that makes sense and there's way more true commerce than i should be on on like you'll see anyway most of them as you may know as you probably do know come from d light uh you can do that in there and all these things by the way you can do like the reverse ways also like you can see if i d light and i just jump to the right i could turn around doing that it's still true same goes with sir you can do it like that or do it like that and by the way all these things are also true um g seed so like if i gc uh grandpa by gcd light it's so true into everything that would be grounded um i mean obviously apart from like this because that is gc itself you can't yeah anyway yeah so what i've gone about going over that that uh obviously do you like ground pound and this is one that people struggle with a lot because like you have to you have to realize where you are okay so if i do this for example it's gonna miss right you have to realize as you hit the d like where you are and then judge how much you have to drift off of hitting the d light after that so for example i hit this d light now right i know for a fact that okay well maybe not like that but if i hit like this i know that if i ground pound it's not even gonna come close to hitting uh maybe when he respawns is but that's why you can you can kind of like drift over like this obviously okay that was too much i'm trying to show off but you can see i hit that d light and then i instead of you know just jumping in place and then grandpa didn't i drifted i jumped like to the right and then ground pounded and you can just kind of hold to the right and then grandpa like when you feel like you're over them if that makes sense uh you can also reverse it which i find to be a lot more consistent especially on the wall um because if you gcd light against the wall like this right um sometimes like your grandpa can mess up and it will drop especially up here and well this isn't it dropping but if you gc delight uh and catch him up here um and i kind of want to show this off actually if i turn position reset off um move a little bit more this way just just a little bit okay there we go and i'll turn them to like i don't know 140 there we go so if i gcd light here and i try and ground pound them right you can already tell what's gonna happen they're just gonna they're gonna hit the stage and it's not gonna be a kill but if i turn it around okay well this might not be a good example but if they are coming back to stage and they're like here right and you hit it here obviously like i can't really get the ball to hover here but if you do um and then you do the you do the d light like that you turn around the ground pound then it will end up off stage uh rather than you hitting them on stage and saving them like that um another thing you can do is like something like that but obviously you know that's not really going to kill us as well as a ground pound would but that's just a little little tip that you can um you can turn around those ground pounds and a lot of the time it will benefit you doing that and just for me i find it more like i don't know more consistent here and i feel like i don't drop it nearly as much as i would uh if i was just going for it normally like if i turn it around it just seems to hit but i i don't know what it is but yeah that exists um mochu combos delight recovery um do you like dares true actually for some reason i don't i don't think there's ever a use for this like in any world especially considering that you know like i just said d like ground pound exists uh g seed as well obviously so you wouldn't really go for this even off stage um by the way the most damaging combo which you probably should go for the most is the gcd light ground pond no not gcd light just normally there but yeah gc2 uh because this does the most damage of any of these options um and it kind of sets up into some reads too uh for example if they just don't dodge you can get two of them like that which is quite dumb uh you can also get into a recovery and then there's uh yeah there's a lot of strings on unarmed um i'll go over them but i think i've gone over everything out of d like apart from gcn sig um and this is your like main kill combo on uh unarmed uh it's gonna kill the quickest out of anything and you can see recovery won't kill uh i actually don't think gcn would kill at this health either okay well it doesn't so it's not a very good example but at 160 uh recovery won't kill but um uh and sig will yeah okay recovery definitely won't kill um okay i meant to do that yeah and then that will so on stage that's like the earliest co-option only by a little bit but um it used to be a lot more uh a lot of like unarmed guides and stuff now out there that's why i wanted to make this because donald's been updated a lot uh over time and that is one of them recovery used to kill at like 120 so it's it's quite mad but yeah there's uh i don't think there's much else to it um i think you know out of the live i think i've covered everything basically just everything's true i'd like to be like even another d light is true you can do d light into gcd lightness yeah it's just true all right i don't think anymore needs to be said but other two combos that are pretty practical are um side light and light is true if you hit with like a bit of momentum that was horrendous but if you hit like that with some momentum issue if you hit it just you know you obviously know what near them even with a dash it's going to be true but if you do hit it like this then it's shoot every single time like really considering it's there really consistently so i recommend going for that another thing i go for a lot on unarmed is even though it's not true i think it might be true with high enough decks but i'm pretty sure it's not actually true is set into enlight nobody dodges this and i mean nobody dodges this and then you can you know dash into a d-li get ground pound it's you can get so much damage on this on this weapon it's it's actually dumb like say you hear all this right that's like they're nearly red you just yeah i don't i don't know why um less practical two combos i like uh you can dare and if you land grounded with the dare which might be half me to show off i'll see if i can hear but um if you do land grounded with the with the dare and your opponent also lands grounded with you like that um obviously didn't hit it but it is true into an analyte okay that was one frame there so that's true pretty situational pretty impractical but i mean it's there just in just in case you have to do it because out of a uh d-lite recovery uh that is a really good option at lower house um just because they get set up nicely and yeah i don't i mean maybe not this low of a health but you know like like medium i'd say like dark yellow i guess uh if i do turn them up a little bit you'll you'll see what i mean it sets up like very perfectly like that uh into there so i don't know maybe out of situations like that i guess but yeah there's not much use for that um at higher house out of like a recovery honestly a decent option on unarmed is just to go for another recovery uh because a lot of people won't see it coming and if it hits a lot of the times it will kill uh and you know if the second one doesn't kill you you can go for a third like wait why did it kill the second time not the first uh but yeah you can literally just go for like three recoveries in a row and it might work sometimes you never know why is that not hitting am i am i dumb yeah apparently um so that's the option for some reason um keep that in mind i should mention that a lot of these combos uh like that you know they're into analyte one um they're only two on six decks uh so i guess dex has a bit of a purpose in the game i don't know but yeah mirage is six base decks so like it's true on her but yeah on some legends you know the more niche ones aren't going to be true it's just yeah the the little purpose deck serves but other than that i think we should talk about follow-ups um one of the most common ones i do like to go for an unarmed is if you hit an air which you should be going for and night and now a lot like they are insane moves uh same with death but we'll we'll talk about that a lot in a bit um but yeah and like and uh and i was gonna say an air and now they're both very very good moves like the active frames they have means it can cover a lot of dodges out of moves and also like they come out instantly like you you just press the it just it comes out it comes up there's nothing you can do by it you can use it to cover up moves you can use it you know as like a landing if you're landing like that uh save someone's like weapon starving you can you know hit end lights and you hit them away from the weapon it's just so they're just really good moves but of in there um you can chase dodge towards them and go for recovery and this is basically guaranteed every time like no one's going to try and dodge this um i think against weapons like uh hammer and blasters it's pretty risky because if they dare on those weapons like it fully out prioritizes an armed as they should do of course but um yeah they do are prioritized and especially on hammer like if you go for this uh not that but if you go for this on like and you're on red health even and they dare like your stock's over so be mindful of the weapon you're playing against but a lot of the time uh this is just free damage and then off of recovery unarmed one of the best things to go for is a net it doesn't work like if you hit the recovery high or low what would you even call this low i guess i don't know but if you hit like that then it's um you know it's not going to be it's not going to string well into there uh you kind of have to hit it like high i i don't really know how to describe that but yeah if they're on like really really low health they're just not going to be high enough for you to be able to enlight um and that you know in that situation is when you do something like a dare because that will hit as opposed to this which is obviously not gonna hit um but yeah that's a good option always and it's really like low dodge window two so a lot of people won't dodge it because yeah i don't know when people play against unarmed like their mind just kind of switches off a little bit because they think like oh it's an arm yeah i'm not gonna get damaged too much but you know then they catch like you know 40 damage their forehead in a couple shouldn't just a short string and it is uh it's quite mad so it's worth going for these like low dosing strings just because like i said a lot of time people dodge them but this one in particular um you know and knight into recovery and this works on the on the wall too i mean now into recovery it's confusing or not because basically the same move just you know ones in that one's ground i mean okay i guess it's not the same you've done but anyway uh off stage if you're getting back to stage like this and you hit recovery against the wall i can't really show this off i guess i can maybe but if your opponent is here and uh you hit recovery like this it is a waiter when did i do that anyway uh if you do that then it is just you completely reverse the edge card right so like say they're on gauntlets and i just spamming d lights over there your own scythe spam key that's over the edge even unarmed doing it right like if they overextend that just a bit too far and they go over or even just end a bit too close to the edge like like this or something like that unarmed recovery is a great tool for punishing that and uh yeah with an air as well like i was saying you can completely turn around the situation at that point they're the ones who have to land you know stage control is completely yours you're in like full advantage state and uh like i was saying this covers a few dodges as well um if they do dodge like in for example uh it will catch that and then you can i don't know do something like that uh uh well maybe you shouldn't sd uh but it'll also catch like up and in as well um and then you know also spot dodge like it i'm not gonna see this time oh it's because i didn't hit the combo but um i think it would catch buttons probably probably does i would assume so yeah it just it catches basically everything well okay free dodge isn't basically everything but way more than unarmed should do and uh it's pretty much guaranteed to give you stage control back like that you know if the weapon is spawned and you're unarmed in the first place uh you probably are going for a weapon once you've done this right literally free weapon you have the entire stage uh at your control it's it's quite mad but what else is that what what else what else can we talk about i think i think it's time to talk about dare um there is probably an arm's best move it's completely broken uh and that's it's not even a you know exaggeration that is insane i i don't know how i'm gonna show off though because the bots don't really like to go off stage the way you would want them to um but a lot of things you can do with an arm die is just ridiculous like well you all know this one um i don't know how i'm gonna hit a dare an arm on like what am i how am i supposed to do this i i don't think i can uh i'll come back to you when i figure out yeah that i couldn't figure out a way to get the boat to stay like off stage so um we're just gonna have to start off with this uh not not that but this and then just try and hit a dare of thought or something i i don't know uh this is getting times but you'll see that like if the opponent jumps after getting hit by another which like let me just tell you right a lot of the time they will because if you're hitting it um especially like low of the stage obviously you're not going to be hitting much up here but if you are using it to and you're hitting the lower stage like you're opponent a lot of the most of the time i'd say does not have many options um so they'll just spam jump because they need to go up obviously to get back to the stage or back to the wall so they'll jump and if they do jump in anyway you can hit gcd light and i hit ground pound and at that point you already know the stock is completely over the stock is finished if you hit that like it's yeah and there as well is i already said that like how broken supers but it is unbelievably easy to hit uh it should not be as easy to hear as it is and it has so much priority it will out prioritize like 99 of off-stage moves uh maybe not cypher now i think probably like the only exception um yeah i'll prototype everything basically and then like i said you have easy follow-ups off of it too uh you can literally just like dare into dare um i i don't like how do i training room needs update i think is is very safe to say i can't even i'm just trying to hit there but you can just keep daring like even against the wall too and it doesn't drop like wide there doesn't drop against the wall i don't know so you can just you can just dare as much as you want against a wall um and it took okay okay okay okay we all know about and i'm there getting back to stage right it gives you a bit extra like you know because obviously if i'm just like you know falling this way i don't get any like boost right but um if you unarmed that you know obviously you have a lot of like momentum with it can you call it momentum uh a lot of a lot of movement you just you know i mean the move moves you uh i guess you can say and uh you can use it a lot for getting back to stage like this and then jump in and then if you just touch right if you slightly touch the wall and i mean like like that you have all of your options back completely so you can like hit your opponent against the wall like really really low like here okay maybe not that low but like barely just scrape them against the wall like that and then you know they wouldn't have touched it won't count as a touch for them but for you you have all your options back and it's a free edge guard basically at that point uh it's and i'm there's insane uh even just as a tool for getting back to stage i say your opponent's ground pounding right this is a like really really good way of just avoiding the ground pound and then you know you can go under the stage like that go around the other side and you're just completely free of the entire car situation it's insane anam thai is very versatile insane as a move insane as a is like a you know recovery tool um and then insane for touching the wall and gimps and just oh no i'm there please use it another thing i want to say as well uh just a little tip is that if you're not there against a wall like this i think i think i hit a second one yeah um if your opponent does jump then you have basically two options you can have a gcd light which at higher health will work but at lower house won't or you can juicy sidelight and you can see they don't touch a wall at all there right so it is um a very very good quick quick tool uh to just like knock your putter away after hitting them and then just start for even easier edge guard like it's there's very very easy follow-ups out there and there itself is an insane move too but yeah these gc side lights off stage like just to prevent your opponents coming back from stage in general very very good i don't really know how i feel to show off against the bot but like it kind of angles down as well it's not just like a complete horizontal move uh if you do hear it like gravity canceled it has a little bit of a downward angle it's just perfect like it's literally perfect for just stopping the edge if your has absolutely no options left uh you can just gc sidelight and um that that this is already much a good deal about it it has quite a lot of force too um but i i i'm obviously not a lot of force but like you can see it sends a decent amount and like that's at 140 but still uh see if it's at like 180 like it'll nearly i don't even think you should have that much worse at all but the fact that it does abuse it honestly but um yeah like i said you can also do that into the wall and then you know juicy do you light into the wall dare into the wall and then gcd like um ground pound or something like that that also works but uh yeah keep in mind you can just always get these like gc follow-ups off of a um over there and even you can just get like a full on ground pound if they jump like in you can just get a grandpa uh i mean i can't show off anything on the spot but yeah you're not saw what i'm trying to say it's yeah the just unarmed is very very insane you really really need to abuse it if you don't already just trust me um i don't think there's much more to speak about um i think i've gone over like you know a lot of like tips i wanted to talk about um i think just follow-ups in general pretty you know you just string stuff together i know i'm just a string weapon right as weird as that sounds uh but you just keep going and like you know all of that stuff is stuff i already just showed you um for example i think i did like narrative recovery you know narrative to chase those recovery at some point that uh it's just you just put stuff together yeah there's an ah chase towards recovery and then you can like jump in another now like i already showed you um maybe after that you know you can like jump sir uh just a lot of chase dodges as well i think you know if you chase switch forward like that you can hit there um what else is that like this and then if you oh wait i i forgot i forgot but yeah if you just watch up diagonal like that after hitting a recovery in there uh like this that's right well yeah a recovery like that into a jump now if you i've obviously like run out of jumps because you're using a lot in strings like this then you can chase those up diagonal towards them and then sure or something like that and then that'll hit then you can maybe like exhausted recovery even after that you can just keep going on this weapon it just it just lets you do that it's uh very very very good at just stringing your opponent it shouldn't be as good as it is but um yeah another thing actually i didn't speak well is um like little jump routes so a lot of the time you'll be hearing headlights on like i already said like that's a move you'll be hearing a lot uh and then it's a 50 50 afternoon like you can either you know dash towards the sidelight and you can dash towards daylight and then do that sound like that or if your opponent jumps like obviously this won't hit if i try and sidelight um okay well maybe maybe it will just maybe but if i do like it will and then if he's on anything higher than that then it also uh sidelight won't catch so what you can do is instead you can do this and then you can dash jump in there and that'll catch like a dodge up which a lot of people do it'll catch a jump uh by the way but trust me a lot of people dodge up on arm days is very dumb uh but yeah you can dash them there or you can uh what i like to do is usually i like to set because sad follows up like quite well into like a recovery and then in there and maybe like exhausted recovery you can just you get a lot more of that i feel like rather than that because uh it's starting to recovery i just feel like it's more guaranteed like this because yeah i don't know i just it just is i i don't know i might be dumb but it just feels better for me uh you can also if they don't jump the second time which i can't show because um obviously training room bots i can't get to jump once and unfold the next time but you can get like a gc site uh gcd lights right into like a ground pound or a recovery like i said you can get a lot in this weapon and you have to string stuff together make use of that off stage get gimps it's just it's it's um it's underrated i think uh in low heels so if you are lower elo right when you don't have a weapon okay especially against a weapon like blasters which is perfect because uh standard house blasters do not stress at all right don't try and hunt for the weapon like you're like your entire stock depends on it just play the game normally and if the weapon does come to you like that and you pick up the weapon like that if they're on top of it or you get like you know something like this and then you have full stage control go grab a weapon sure but otherwise just play normally you know some weapons like guitars you kind of need to go for the weapon because guitars will shred you or not um other weapons maybe maybe maybe corns i think do a decent job but you know if a gauntlet player misses a side light you can just nah really really easy punish so the only good example top of my mind has a very very good time into unarmed is uh what's it called guitars but weapons like brass is lose to unarmed unironically like i'm not saying that you know as a joke like oh you know taking the first like it's not hyperbole genuinely the blasters loses to unharmed um don't stress if you are not just make use of your weapon kit and then let the weapon come naturally going towards a weapon and dodging towards a weapon and you're trying to like grab it is it makes your movement your dolces everything so predictable and so easy to punish and like don't fall for that just play the game normally like i said if it comes to you it comes to you if not then keep playing unarmed it's insane but uh i think that's basically it i don't have much more to speak about about the weapon uh like i said just a short guide some tips and combos and strings all that stuff but if you did enjoy uh let me know and i might do uh like a more in-depth one maybe after you procrastinate that on a for another like i'd say yeah or two but if you do want to see it let me know and um yeah i hope you've enjoyed if you did leave a like subscribe and yeah i'll see you in the next one have a greasy day and peace [Music] you
Channel: Lahkan
Views: 38,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla, brawlhalla unarmed combos, brawlhalla unarmed guide, unarmed guide brawlhalla, unarmed combos brawlhalla, brawlhalla unarmed, unarmed brawlhalla, unarmed combos brawlhalla 0 to death, brawlhalla tips, brawlhalla guide, guide, combos, brawlhalla combos, brawlhalla tips and tricks, brawlhalla best combos, brawlhalla mordex, brawlhalla scythe, scythe brawlhalla, brawlhalla guide for beginners, unarmed combos, unarmed guide, unarmed, lahkan, brawlhalla tier list, 2021, combo
Id: zxdrKUd0YYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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