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Hello everyone, I am the sweeping monk! Many people call those who want to lie flat, such as trash, which is the most respectful thing I have ever heard! But I really want to say congratulations to you! Because you are enlightened and awakened! We say there is a kind of person in the movie who is perfect! He is a natural academic master, good at sports, and has been liked by many girls since childhood! Then I was admitted to a traditional prestigious university and met my future life partner! After graduation, I became a knowledgeable professor, won numerous awards , and my children are very smart! Is it like this? But what are the realistic results? This kind of person is the saddest! There are so-called good jobs so they can barely afford a house, and then what? Carrying a mortgage for decades! When they got married, they didn't dare to disturb anyone for fear of a big banquet! Because everything the baby in the belly needs costs money! And the most disgusting thing is that when this child grows up, he will start to compete again , which is to become a middle class like you and support your parents! So even if such a perfect person becomes like this, most ordinary people who think they are ordinary choose to lie down! Since I can't get anything done no matter how hard I try, I'll just give up on my bullshit dreams and have no goals in life, and just enter a low-desire life like a Buddhist ! Your housing prices are very high, right? Then it’s okay if I don’t buy it? It's hard for you to get married, right? Then I simply don’t even have a girlfriend! Is it expensive for you to have a baby? It's not my business? Isn’t it okay if I don’t give birth? You always say life is difficult, how difficult is it to be honest? If I don’t do what I just said, wouldn’t I have money to eat, drink and have fun? And isn’t staying at home, surfing the Internet, and playing games the life that everyone dreams of? Anyway, most of us have worked hard all our lives and still can’t live this life well! After working hard all your life, you may not reach the starting point of the rich second generation! After working hard all your life, you may not be able to buy a house, pay a bride price, or marry a wife. So why not settle down in advance? I tell you! Lying down is the first step to achieve financial freedom! If a person does not accept the concept of lying flat , he can only become a slave to money for the rest of his life! But this video of mine is more about providing you with one more choice. How can you go from lying flat with nothing to lying flat with nothing missing? To put it simply, we can sacrifice something for the sake of freedom, but we can’t compromise! First of all, please allow me to wish that the brothers and sisters who like this video will not only gain freedom in time, but also freedom in wealth! This channel is dedicated to cultivating bosses, investors, and wealthy people. If you don’t want to miss this information , you can consider subscribing to my channel and turn on the little bell! First of all, since lying down is the first step to financial freedom , we must first know why we should lie down? Because more and more people realize that reading is useless! May I ask how much money have you spent on studying since childhood? Tuition fees are easy to calculate! But what about money beyond tuition? From the time you learn to walk until you are 22 years old, you have only expenses and no income! Who is the money spent on? On the salaries of principals and teachers! But this amount of money may already be the biggest expense in many people’s lives besides buying a house ! You may think that these words of mine will offend traditional schools , but at a class reunion, I invited a teacher from that year and he said that after watching my videos, he would not dare to tell current students that they would study to death and get into college. Once you get ashore, you will be a winner in life! He just said now that going to college is to realize our dreams! Because he is afraid that one day we will be beaten badly by society, which will make us feel unfair, despondent, and even directly lead to a mental collapse! For example, how much time, sweat and effort many students have put in to successfully get into a good university! But such a huge investment is far less than the money earned from a post or a video by an Internet celebrity with no education, knowledge, or skills ! So as you can see, we can’t blame the teachers because they are kind too! Realize this too! Because in this world, stock prices, oil prices, and Bitcoin prices may all fall , but our education expenses continue to increase! Today, many people send their children to study in the United States. In order to prevent these thousands of students from not receiving higher education because of money , the government will provide them with tuition loans! But this kind of loan may be the worst kind of loan among all! For example, if we borrow money to buy a house, borrow money to start a business, or borrow money to pay off a credit card, we can clear our debts by declaring bankruptcy! But today, even if a student dies, if their parents are their guarantor, the debt will be extended to the parents! In other words, when you graduate, countless students will not become rich because of this diploma , but will become even poorer because of the debts they have shouldered! This is without calculating interest. Many local student loans charge interest! This interest increases year after year. For example, if you go to the United States to study dentistry, MBA, etc., you may still be paying off your student loans at the age of 62! At this time, you may still feel that it is worth it because becoming a dentist may be your dream! In fact, this may be just the first payment you make to the government or capitalists! During the US presidential campaign that year, Obama revealed that his annual income was US$3 million and he had to pay 20.5% tax! His opponent, Mitt Romney, has an annual income of $21 million , but the tax he has to pay is only 14%, or even less! Even later entrepreneurs such as Trump, Buffett, and Bill Gates hold more than 80% of the world's wealth , but they pay even less taxes than their secretaries! In other words, as long as you are a worker, the harder you work, the more taxes you will pay! Then what? Part of the salary must also be allocated. In name, it is to prepare for future retirement. In fact, it is used as investment principal for fund managers to support the stock market! And the most disgusting thing is that the aging problem is getting more and more serious! To put it simply, it is how tired the body and soul are from being beaten by society, but in fact, they live longer! The age of 65 today is actually equivalent to the age of 45 in the past! If medicine advances further, your child may not be called a senior until he is 90 or even 120 years old! So more and more people are enlightened and awakened. We don’t just see one side of the coin! For example, in order to allow more people to receive higher education, the other side is to use student loans to increase financial income! For example, the other side of finding a high-paying job is paying more taxes to the government! Another example is that if you live longer, you will retire later! Therefore, there are two trends spread : one is called languishing, and the other is called freedom of wealth! The premise of both is to be aware of these and hope to do one thing, which is to lie down! Why do you want to show it off? Simply put, quit the game! When we talk about experiencing life, it actually has the same concept as playing games! Our life is a game! And the 3% of the strong in this game are the ones who make the rules of the game! In today's terms, they are called rich! And the remaining 97% are the poor! The operation of this society is that 97% of the poor support 3% of the rich! For example, you work hard but in order to get closer to the rich, you have to spend several months of your salary to buy bags designed by them! The money finally returned to the hands of the rich! So some people say, I will no longer be controlled by rich people like you! So I started living a life of low desires, which is referred to as being a mess! When you, a rich man, are bored, take a girl out for a ride and have a drink! Right? I stay at home, play racing games, watch Japanese movies , and then go to some social platforms where I can meet girls, have fun, and chat! Isn't the pleasure the same? How about falling in love or getting married? Directly cut off all the costs of having children in reality! Eh! Don’t think that having a baby starts to cost you when you’re pregnant. Do you want to treat a girl to dinner? Watch a movie? How about going on a trip together? This is why people nowadays choose to behave badly! We are all adults and to be honest, as long as we are responsible for our own lives and do not affect others! But very realistically, there are only three ways to put this model into practice! First, become a monk! Let the temple support you! But you can’t do without desires and desires! Then you can only choose the second option, chew on the old! Let your parents give you living expenses every month! There is a threshold for this. If I have been in contact with the rich second generation, it is okay! For example, their father is my senior, and they would rather you stay at home than engage in investment or entrepreneurship , because this may even cost them their wealth! And if ordinary people want to eat their old age, they can! What we are facing is a shameful problem! If you don’t mind, that’s okay! Then you have to make sure your parents continue to work and don't get sick! Also make sure they have enough money for you to spend after they leave and most importantly, they are willing to leave it to you! You don’t plan to have children anyway, the whole family will be over in your generation! That’s what some people think, and it’s actually not a bad thing! We couldn’t have asked for it more! If everyone is working hard, there will be great trouble and fights will begin! So some people must have no desires or demands. This is a stable structure. You might say, if this continues, won’t society be finished? I never thought that you, the sweeping monk, would also advocate this kind of trend! Because to be honest, I quite admire Singapore! A large part of them live in low-rent housing provided by the government. They have no desires or desires and have never thought about crossing social classes or going to university! Eat when you are hungry! Even though we barely live there, even if someone turns on the faucet, you can hear that the elevator doesn’t stop at every level! But just be satisfied! Have a place to live, live a simple life, and have no worries about food and drink! It's that simple! But will this affect the entire country? It stands to reason that if their housing problems are solved and no one takes over, then house prices will continue to fall, right? It increased by 10% in 2021 and 9% in 22 years! Their median rent is $2,500! Because at the end of the development of a country, the rich and the poor are separated! The rich can speculate on real estate, and the poor can enjoy themselves! Do not affect each other! Then you may feel that it is too old, or that this kind of life is unacceptable! That proves that you still have some requirements for life , so the third method is to be bitter first and then sweet, work first and then quit! Do you think it's feasible? You have to accept one thing! That is, when you choose to behave badly, you must accept that there are people around you who will not behave badly! Because you give up the opportunity to compete with them for promotion and salary increase, you automatically give it to them. As a result, they have more money than you, and have more assets and materials than you. Can you really accept this kind of independence from the world? Have you ever noticed that people who advocate shabby housing on the Internet end up buying a house themselves? Go to Google and search a lot! Did you feel betrayed? It's like when you were a child, some people always said that they didn't review. When you feel at ease and don't review , you got last in the exam, but he got first in the exam! At that time you thought he was a genius! Why does this happen? Because in a competitive environment commonly known as "involution", some people will come out and use a bad culture to brainwash others to withdraw from the competition, and then give up all the resources! So think about it, who are the people who teach you how to behave badly? There is a book called Duan Sheli. I am not saying that this book teaches people to behave badly! But many people package this concept of minimalism into a shabby culture and spread it! The final result is that the author becomes wealthy and free! And people who are brainwashed by rotten culture will become numb to the real world! Once a person loses his goals and motivation, he will find a sustenance for himself! Slowly I discovered that who I am doesn’t matter at all which brand, celebrity, or Youtuber I support is the most important thing! So who provides the traffic? It's those who want to show off. Let's go see that beautiful anchor! Go watch other people play games! In other words, flow brings capital. Capital gives rise to the gap between the rich and the poor. The gap between the rich and the poor triggers the waste , and the waste continues to provide flow for capital. So if these three methods of waste management are unacceptable, all you have to do is think about it. Way to wealth freedom! The way to achieve financial freedom is to make money by following the rules of the game! Go with the flow! That is to say, break out of the part-time job circle and start your own business! There are 2.5 billion people on Youtube. As long as 10,000 people give you 100 yuan each to buy your product or service, you will instantly get 1 million! Entrepreneurship is a science and can be replicated! All you need is a master! The tuition for our Entrepreneurship Business School will increase to US$1,000 on November 16th! Because we have an SDS system that has been proven by the market to earn 7-digit US dollars annually , which allows you to build your YouTube passive income! This may subvert some people's understanding of making money because this system can not only teach you how to get traffic, but most importantly, let you know how to make countless merchants and potential customers line up to wait for you to beg you to sell your products. Sell ​​it to him and they accept a higher price! It’s like everyone is waiting in line to buy an IPhone! I will tell you directly what you can do and how to do it, including how to choose a topic, how to create content, how to create thumbnails, etc. There are many important details. The most important thing is that it combines many of my business skills and techniques . You can learn it even if you don’t understand the Internet, don’t understand design, and have never been exposed to entrepreneurship ! If you are interested, you must enter our Entrepreneurship Business School through the first link in the video description column! Because if you join before the countdown ends, you can also get my extra tuition fee discount! In addition, I will also give away a permanent membership to the Wealth Free Product Book Club! I will update wealth freedom courses from time to time, including sales, emperor skills, etc. Our team will also interpret the essence of 100 books for you! The most important thing is that we have a powerful FB elite group in which thousands of people hug each other, exchange first-hand information about making money, and get to know each other! So if you really want to change your destiny and follow us to learn about Internet entrepreneurship , be sure to take advantage of our last offer this time! If you miss it, I guarantee you won’t miss it again! So we are also pursuing a peaceful life , but for us, there is no choice except wealth and freedom! We can't mess up, so we can only follow the rules of the game and follow the trend to make making money easy and free! And to do this, it all depends on our thoughts! Turn the thinking of the poor into the thinking of the rich! The biggest difference between wasting money and having wealth and freedom is asking and giving! Poor people like to take, and they keep asking for what they don’t give, which eventually leads to others leaving. Bosses and people who can get rich are giving personalities, and we are not afraid of suffering losses! The thinking mode of the rich is to get what they deserve, and rely on their own abilities to get it. What we pursue is for everyone to make money together, which is a win-win game! So we will help others and be grateful to those who helped us but what about the poor? He likes to take advantage, is passive and playful, and cannot remember others helping him. He only remembers what others owe him! My own experience is that my company has hired several post-00s employees in the past. I wish them well and spent countless thoughts and time on them! Then they will think that it is natural that you give them money, and it doesn't matter to them. You should do this and that, right? Let's fire them together! And for the employees I recruit later, I will see if they understand how grateful they are! Because this is the best standard to confirm whether he will be rich in the future and whether he is a talent! And when the employees are all rich, I am naturally not far behind! So you see if you are a poor person. We don’t mean that you are a poor person if you don’t have money! no! When Li Ka-shing had no money, he was also a rich man! It's just a matter of time! So why would a person want to ruin it ? Because the goal of those people going to work is to eliminate the company and the boss! Let you become poorer, it is best to be as happy as them! And who will become rich? I just want everyone to be well. If I can eat meat, you can eat meat too! At least I can have some soup! The rich know how to cooperate with each other and understand that if you help him, he should help you. The rich continue to educate the people around him to become rich. Everyone works together to make money and enjoy freedom. The rich are accustomed to fighting in groups and joining the rich. Group cooperation is a habit of giving and a habit of gratitude. We are the ones who lift others up! And the poor are trampled upon by others! This is the first point! second! We don’t learn chemistry and physics, we only learn knowledge that helps us gain wealth and freedom! The minds of the rich are different from the minds of the poor. The information they like to be exposed to and are willing to accept is also different. Some actively reject information, and some actively absorb it. The poor do not like to use new tools . For example, when e-commerce comes, Youtube comes, When artificial intelligence comes, poor people don’t want to wait until everyone uses it, everyone makes money, and then they have freedom of wealth! Only the poor suddenly realize it and then mess it up! What is our advanced business and advanced concept? We learn from the rich who fight and buy a gun. Everyone is afraid of him. The poor are exercising their muscles. He thinks that everyone is afraid of him . We make money to buy better equipment! The poor make money in order to buy worse, older equipment or even no equipment at all. They work hard and then say it is very hard and cannot compete, and then they fail! Even if rich people have no money, they spend money everywhere to train their soft power because the brain is the most profitable asset, and nothing can be invested in as much as investing in your own brain! Rich people like to learn and spend time, energy and money on learning. Our learning is to save ourselves , start our own company, be independent, build a team to make money, and make ourselves richer, so we usually join a community. Let the tutors train us to follow various rich people to continuously learn advanced marketing knowledge, traffic knowledge, monetization knowledge and cooperation knowledge . Because we all know that information and knowledge are the most valuable, others are not valuable, and poor people think that learning is useless. Use, training culture, soft power are of no use! It’s better to work hard! They think it is practical to make money with physical strength, so they are stubborn and conservative, unwilling to learn, and do not want to pay for learning, thinking that everything should be free. Why are poor people unwilling to learn? Don’t want to do your own project? Because they are afraid of losing, losing money, losing tuition fees, and losing their initial investment, poor people cannot persevere. Why? Because persistence is a kind of consumption. Even if they study, it is still for working. How much money can they earn by working? Whether a person is in ruins or has wealth and freedom depends on whether he can persist in investing or starting a business! Persistence to learn the thinking mode of advanced people, even if you lose money, you must continue to work together. Today, if you cooperate with a poor person , he cannot understand that you are already rich, why do you still want to do business with me? Do you want to make money from me? Are you a liar? It’s like most people can’t understand why Lei Jun of Xiaomi invested US$100 million in new projects? Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy one hundred million by yourself? This is the difference between languishing and having freedom of wealth! Now we have entered the Internet era , and inflation will only get worse. If you only have one way of income , or even say that you are still a part-time worker, making money for others, then who will be poor if you are not poor, and who will go bankrupt if your company does not bankrupt? When we talk about the Internet, we don’t mean to change industries or re-adapt to a technology , but to move your interests, strengths, or products to the Internet! You think it is difficult to make money on the Internet, but on the contrary it is easier than learning to cook or drive! When smartphones first came out, everyone found it difficult. Why? Because they don't want to touch it. Nowadays, everyone uses a smartphone, right? I tell you! We humans are already living on the Internet , and more and more people will make money online in the future! If you don't dominate the territory and monopolize the market, then in the future, those who are the first to start a business and dig for gold will become rich from nothing, but this person is definitely not you! If you stand where you are, you will only be eliminated! Many people don't believe it, thinking that they will be very stable if they join a big company. But how many big companies are laying off employees now? Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla have all laid off employees! then what should we do? I tell you! The most stable and profitable asset in the future is your self-media brand! Plenty of kids as young as 10 who don’t know how to make money can do it! Why my disciples and I can earn seven figures a year is because we have a 24-hour, automatic money-making business online. We work hard in the early stage, and the lazier we get in the later stage, the more money we make! If you want to connect with me now, there is a system that allows you to follow and learn to make money online, come here! Today I have the latest online earning training camp in 2023 worth 300 US dollars, but if you become associated with me , as long as you subscribe to me for free and like this video, this training camp does not require 300, 200, 100 US dollars or even 10 It doesn’t cost you any money, I will teach you my business secrets for free ! real! There are not many places left, everyone! Hurry and sign up for free, follow the second link in the video description column! Third, we can give up face for freedom! Note that you are only giving up face, not self-respect! What kind of person needs face? People who have no connotation, no culture, and are afraid of being laughed at need more face! Because as soon as you spoke, he felt that you had hurt him, and he even said you were pretending! Then he quit because he couldn't stand it anymore, saying it was a lot of pressure! Jack Ma said that men’s minds are enlarged by grievances! This sentence is for all rich people! Because the poor have no feelings for these things, why would they think they should be wronged? If I don’t like it, I’ll leave! Why do you want to teach me a lesson? Why do you want to PUA me? Why are you brainwashing me? So people like this, go and mess around as soon as possible and don't come to work! Because you have to choose the path that suits you best, which is to take advantage of the old age and get government subsidies! But those who can truly gain wealth and freedom, retire early and lie down will be bitter first and then sweet! But the difference is that they will choose a good boss and a good master and then learn humbly without any shame and provide value! Whether a person will be rich and whether he will do a good job depends on whether he wants to save face! People with less experience need more face. People with more experience have seen the storms and waves, and they don’t like to be angry. They don’t like those illusory things. You see, King Goujian of Yue still eats feces. What kind of face is there? Finally became the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, which simply means freedom of wealth! People don't actually need face. Others give you face. In fact, it is a kind of self-protection. Face is a weapon to treat the poor and the poor. The rich all know that their own freedom and time are the most important! You give me face, but I'm still a poor person, so that means nothing. So if I want to get rid of the endless cycle of working, lying down is the only option! But lying flat is not the only option! And financial freedom! And showing off is not real freedom or real ease, it is just an excuse to escape! On the contrary, financial freedom is not as difficult as you think because it all depends on your thoughts! Okay, if you have any questions, please leave me a message! As long as you can find one or two sentences in what I said today that are useful and can help you live a better life, I will be satisfied~ Then, I will continue to share about the following every Thursday at 8:30 If you don’t want to miss the free information to become a rich person, entrepreneur, investor and achieve financial freedom , I still call on you to subscribe to my channel and turn on the little bell! Then share the video selflessly! I sincerely wish the brothers and sisters who liked this video to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible! Okay, see you next week, Bye!
Channel: 90後創業家掃地僧
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Keywords: 掃地僧, 躺平, 財富自由, 賺錢, 什麼是躺平, 躺平是什麼, 擺爛, 為什麼越來越多年輕人躺平, 為什麼要躺平, 如何躺平, 怎麼躺平, 躺平方法, 什麼是財富自由, 躺平財富自由, 躺平的人有什麼下場, 2023躺平, 如何賺錢, 如何不工作, 不工作, 辭職, 不工作也有錢, 一無所有的躺平, 一無所缺的躺平, 時間自由, 年輕人薪水低, 年輕人買不起房, 年輕人娶不起老婆, 年輕人沒錢生小孩, 出生率低, 少子化原因, 年輕人不消費不結婚不買房不生小孩, 年輕人躺平, 不結婚, 不買房, 不生小孩, 不消費, 低慾望消費, 斷捨離, 什麼是擺爛, 如何擺爛, 收入越高稅費越高, 讀書沒用, 畢業背學貸, 學貸是最差的負債, 讀書學不會賺錢, 考上大學又如何, 擺爛對社會的影響, 躺平對經濟的影響, 富人思維, 窮人思維, 如何成為富人, 富人為什麼躺平, 窮人為什麼擺爛, 財富自由方法, 新加坡躺平, 躺平可行嗎, 年輕人有多艱難, 躺平是財富自由的第一步, 躺平主义, 财务自由, 提前退休, 财务规划, 財務規劃, 躺平注意思想覺醒, 財務自由, 90後創業家掃地僧, 投資, 理財, 房地产, 投资理财, 财富自由, 投资, 财富, 买房, 創業, 赚钱, 投資理財, 賺錢方法, 被動收入, 金融理財, 金錢, 富人投資, 富人佈局
Id: lwiaNnudrjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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